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Arrow - Season 2 - Colton Haynes Promoted to Series Regular

13 Mar 2013

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The "Arrow" family is growing fast! Zap2it has confirmed that Colton Haynes, who guest stars as juvenile delinquent Roy Harper on The CW's hit series, has been promoted to series regular for Season 2.

Source: Zap2it


  1. I don't mind. He's pretty.

  2. I had a feeling this was coming. I can't say that I'm thrilled about this.

  3. Awesome news. fantastic

  4. uhh don't love him or hate him

  5. i don´t think we need him at this point.. sidekicks are kinda lame.

  6. Eh, I haven't seen enough of him to care either way.

  7. Good! I loved his character on Teen Wolf (Jackson) and his character on Arrow, Roy Harper, is Green Arrow's sidekick in the DC Comics.

  8. Downvote me into oblivion, but I think he can't act to save his life. He'll be definitely the weakest link next season. I'm glad the show is good and I love enough characters to not be worried about this.

  9. Don't know what to think about this, but thinking that his character will be more about Oliver's sister's development rather than becoming a sidekick (at least for now)... heck with all the people that know the Hood's identity, there's plenty of candidates to become the sidekick before Roy... lol

  10. My negative reaction to this move isn't due to his acting but due to the fact that the guy has only one broadcast appearance on Arrow under his belt and his presence assures that it will be even more difficult for Diggle to get in on the action, which seems to be a tricky task to begin with.

    This guy will just end up taking screen time away from well-liked characters to play an unnecessary character that viewers haven't even gotten to know yet.

  11. though we haven't seen a lot of him still excited about this!!! ill miss him on teen wolf but at least he'll still be on my tv screen!!

  12. roy harper is very important in the comic book, so it's kind of normal if he's there!!!!

  13. SmallvilleSupernaturalCastle13 March 2013 at 22:32

    i think i know where this series is going with the case of Speedy--and I called it! when this happens u guys remember my name i called it. With roy becoming a regular sometime in the next few years one day after a long romance between Thea and Roy, Thea is killed, It affects Oliver of course in a big way and affects Roy. Somewhere down the line before or after Roy becomes Oliver's partner and names himself Speedy in memory of Thea (as thats her nickname). Unfortunately, their is no Thea in the comics so if she died it wouldnt be in the way of Oliver's destiny or they could pull a Smallville on Thea like they did with Chloe and incorportate her in, but i dont think it'd b as good.

  14. Oh well, now he's definitely not going back to Teen Wolf...

  15. Lilith Hellfire14 March 2013 at 01:40

    OK, so, another piece is on the board towards going towards more of a classic GA but not sure that I am happy about how fast this is all happening. Should I be worried about Diggle?

  16. Hmmm. I don't think I'm really digging a sidekick already.

  17. Great points that I also agree with, but I still have a problem with his acting skills.

  18. Alright, fair enough. :)


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