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USD POLL : What would you like to see in the second part of the season 3 of Hawaii Five-0 ?

17 Feb 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Fanmisa who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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You can vote for 3 Options .


  1. As he's not a "main" character , in the sens that he's not involved in any main plot throught the season, I didn't put him because it would be too long
    But you can add it in other -
    Sorry for that

  2. Steve/ Danny, always

  3. More Steve/Danno and please less Doris. More Team yes, action and fun great - but we definitely don't need more Doris!

  4. More Steve/Catherine. We need some action with these two.

    And I like more action in general. We had great scenes, but almost no hand to hand. The characters should be more directly involved in the action, not just car chases or something like that. I love 'personal' action.

    I like Steve/Danny scenes, but I hate it when it's forced just to have more of it. It should fit the script. There shouldn't be a cargument just for the cargument. Know what I mean? So, please not more of what we already have.

  5. The show needs the return of full Means & Immunity! That's what made it great in the first place.... oh, and a few rooftop and shark cage moments would be good, too.

  6. Ohh yeah sorry, didn't think about it ! But as she's a regular, we're not going to have fewer scenes with her, but other kind of scenes so ...


  8. I thought of one more.... Answers.

    Answers to the Champ Box, because we were just left hanging on many of it's contents and if they were even relevant to Shelbourn in the first place.

    Answers about McMommy and the film she had hidden under the floorboards, either give us answers or send her back to Japan. Doris is irritating and just needs to go away.

    Answers about Adam, some think he is really a bad guy and the new head of the Yakuza, while some of us are hoping he is now a good guy and possibly protecting Kono or being blackmailed.

    We need answers to the existing storylines, not more storylines that drag out waaaaaay too long.

  9. Harsh. You may not like the show but there's no reason to want it cancelled....

  10. Thanks Andy for posting my USDPoll !

    I'm gonna have a few "vote down" for what I'm gonna say, but as far as I read your comments, I can't agree with the majority of you lol

    IMO, we should have more ship scenes, but keeping it in the context and the plot of the ep and of the show (McRoll, KonAdam, McDanno ...) Pesonal stories always bring something new to the character, to who they are, how they react in front of situations ... Deals and problems help them to built they personality and it's for me the main point of a show, the evolution, the change throughout the episodes and the seasons

    As for Cath, I really need more of her, in every kind of scene, from McRoll romantic scene, to fight scenes. Michelle is a great actress and Cath a great add to the show. She brings a total new kind of action, out of McRoll People who don't like Cath are for the most people who don't agree to McRoll
    ship because they love McDanno and I can't say they're wrong, everyone has its own opinion and fav characters
    But if we look to Cath as the NAVY intell she is and not as Steve's girlfriend, she's awesome
    And IMO, I ship both, don't think it's incompatible

    For Doris, the last ep was a loss of time. Not because of Doris, I found Christine Lahti awesome, but more because of the PI. It didn't help or add anything to the plot, and to the main storyline about her
    We didn't have any answer, and it was more for fun than for anything else
    So, I want more Doris, and more of Doris/Steve/WoFat scenes, but NOT to « full the episode »
    but to give us real answers, real moments that make the main plot move on

    For the others, I would like to have an ep where we see Kono going through her personal problems, with Adam and Michael
    And maybe more fight scenes for her too
    But I'll add that I would love to have an episode focused on the girls, kind of Cath and Kono fighting, in the same scene, and showing the guys they're better than them, it would be awesome

    Would love to see Grace again with Danny, it was the cuttest scenes of the season, miss it a little:)

    For Chin, I hope he will move on after Malia's death ! The doctor seemed be a really kind person, maybe it will help Chin going through this and start a new relation

    To end this big comment, more action, fightings, helicopters, bombings, car chases ... I'm in love with these scenes :p

  11. Definitely more Steve/Danno scenes! No better pairing or chemistry on tv !

  12. Definitely more Kono! Don't like how she was pushed to the background for other newer characters.
    Also more of the CORE FOUR!

  13. More action, more Steve/Danny and more Steve/Catherine ;)

  14. there wasn't a "fewer Catherine scenes" option so I opted for "more Catherine in the Enterprise".
    I've always loved the Danny/Steve friendship much more than either one of them in a relationship

  15. More Steve/Danno, more Core4, more action, more funny moments, more Ohana moments with the four plus Max, Fong and Kamekona.
    That's all, the rest is unnecessary

  16. More McKono, less catherine

  17. I would like to see a resolution between Steve and his Mother, Doris,[ she needs to come clean] AND what exactly/actually, did happen in the room at the safe house between Doris and Wofat !
    Is she or isn't she? Is he or isn't he ?

  18. More McDanno and Ohana scenes, the team facing troubles together, Kono/Noshimuri
    brothers storyline, real answers for the Shelburne storyline.

  19. I picked a ep about the ladies :)
    Love this show.

  20. I'd like to be able to pick more than 3 options.

    More funny scenes
    More Steve/Danny scenes
    More Kono
    More Kono/Chin scenes
    More Grace/Danny scenes
    More Max
    More Max/Sabrina scenes
    Catherine as she was until now (a thousand times this!)

  21. More Chin and More Chin on his motorcycle!

  22. As always, McDanno and Ohana scenes are the more welcome! Action and fun would be great, having some answers about the Noshimuri, Wo Fat and Shelbourne storylines would be awesome. Less Doris, and even no more Catherine, would be haven!

  23. Voted More Steve/Danno scenes, More Kono/Chin scenes as it looks like their time is sacrificed in order to give Cath and Mom McG more screentime and that's so wrong..they are core 4, core 4 always should be #1, not Cath, not Mom McG. And I voted More Danno/Grace scenes. There should have been an option of Cath gone for good, I would have voted that. I hope by Season 4 she'll be written out..but at the least we will not see her role increased. I don't want to see more of Cath..less is better..not at all even more better.

  24. would love to see MORE Steve/Danny Scenes, More Grace/Danny scenes. To bad there was no other option for Catherine. SOrry but I really do not like her, do not see any chemistry between her and steve like there is between Steve and Danny. So. Less Catherine ( very very less)

  25. More Cath and Steve, for sure. Chemistry!


    Steve and his mother. He should confront her about her lies at some point, no?

  26. I want to see more of what this show was meant to be in the first place, a police drama with action, some character story lines with all the gaps finally filled in. Love Steve and Cath together because a steady girl for him fits the profile and we don't need to start all over again. I love Steve and Danny as BF's and brothers not lovers, that doesn't fit Steve or Danny's profile. I could use less or no mom McG, would like to see more of Kono and Adam but fear there is trouble brewing for them. I would like to see the police drama go back to using the main 4 H50 task force more. One reason I think they've toned that down is because Grace has very little martial arts training and doesn't do her own stunts. But I would like to see them pick up the pace on that one. Lots more Chin and for Gabby to come back because I really think Danny needs his girl friend, he seems frustrated. LOL It's great for guys to hang out with their friends but their comes a point when they need to be with their woman. lol Mark (WoFat) coming back would be nice but again since he is involved with other things as is Daniel Henny (Michael) as well as Ian (Adam) it is hard to get them on a consistent basis. Always love the comedy they throw in and love anything with Max and love to see him have a nice girlfriend. And I always love seeing more of Kamakono. I don't want this show turned into something that it isn't and never should be.

  27. +1 !!! agree !! loooooooooool

    can't understand how people don't like Cath or McRoll !

    not telling to replace McDanno by McRoll, I love both, and Steve needs Cath as he needs Danny soooo ^^

  28. Agree !!! I'm glad to see some people liking Cath loooool
    Yep, I really think he needs to confront her as Danno told him
    I find it a little too long but I really don't think we'll have any answer before season 4 , I'm pretty sure this story will come out on the season final :)
    But yeah, I really want answers :))

  29. More McDanno and Wo Fat! The main romance of the series is obviously betwen Steve and Danny, and the main plot revolves around Wo Fat. I'd also like more Chin, Kono, Charlie, Adam, Grace, Matt, & MaryAnn. Please let Catherine go the way of Jenna and Lori, and then get a recurring female who is NOT a love interest. That's basically everything! XD

  30. More McDanno and Wo Fat! The main romance of the series is obviously betwen Steve and Danny, and the main plot revolves around Wo Fat. I'd also like more Chin, Kono, Charlie, Adam, Grace, Matt, & MaryAnn. Please let Catherine go the way of Jenna and Lori, and then get a recurring female who is NOT a love interest. That's basically everything! XDi

  31. More action,less funny scenes,its a police drama not comedy. Kono's character is useless,she should either be given more to work with or written out of the show.and as for mom,well.After two long years of not knowing, dear ole mom is alive and well,but we already knew that before the season began. I would rather not see anymore of mom but that ties in with Wo Fat,and since Wo Fat will be around till the end i gather so will mom....Wrap up Wo Fat's storyline including mom and whoever kills off mom can be the 'new' villain.Shake things up and move the story along,its time for a change...

  32. I think we have had more Kono this season, but still not enough, also need chin more. Love Catherine and Steve, Love Danny and Steve. I don't mind Doris, I would like the storyline to move faster so we can get more answers. Also, I've always loved the Wofat storyline, but I think they are doing it just right by leaving and coming back with it.

  33. Would love to see James Caan come back. He was great! I would also like less of Catherine. It's nice just to see the 4 without anyone else helping them along the way. No more additions for the 5-0 tea. Just Steve, Danno, Kono, Chin, and Max. Everyone lows Max:) thanks for letting the fans have a voice! Love Five-O. Aloha! ❤

  34. If u dnt lik it dnt watch it. This is for fans not people like you. U dnt hav to comment your negativity if you don't like it. Thanks.

  35. More McDanno, more Ohana. Steve and Danny are awesome, no matter how you look at them. The team has such great chemistry, we need to see them working together more often. Get back to the action and camaraderie of season 1. Would love to get answers to the Champ Box and the Doris/Wo Fat connection. That said, would like the answers quick and then get rid of the character. The story line is dragging on way too long.

    I wish there was an option for no Cath. After 3/4 of a season, I still have no interest in the character. Still sex, favors and Mary Sue - not a believable character to me. She was better served as recurring. No romantic chemistry with Steve, the two are boring. I see them as old friends but nothing more. Also, with so much Cath, Chin and Kono have been pushed to the back burner once again. Would love to see more of them and get some back story and family history for both of the team before we get so much of the new character.

    More Core 4, more McDanno Bromance, more action and humore and finally, bring back Wo Fat to shake things up.

  36. More Kono (because you can never have enough), more Steve/Catherine, and an episode focused on the girls. But honestly, as long as the show's still on, I'll be watching and loving it. :)

  37. More Kono and Core Four!!! Less Doris and Catherine. And also LESS STUNTCASTING!

  38. More action ... Wo Fat more ... That Doris tell everything, omit stop, and no more secrets :((

  39. I'm loving this season but I definitely think it is leading to someone getting shot. I think it will most likely be Steve bc he, though he has always been a little risky, is just taking it too far lately. Way too many risks. I would say it really started in last seasons finale.

  40. More McGarrett without T-Shirt ;)

  41. No mention of Kamekona on those options?

  42. True, I didn't put it , that's right ! It should be an option lol

    I totally agree, but the most I think about this, the most a see that before season 4, we won''t have any answers, and evrything will come out in the final season ep and I guess we will have answers in the first ep of season 4

    But I really agree that's it's way too long
    Even for Kono, if Michael killed somebody with Kono's gun, I really think they already should have found the body, and the bullet and so Kono should already have been involved in this ... but I trust all the team, I 'm sure they will make it great :p

  43. More McGarrett and Catherine!

  44. rachel needs to come back

  45. rachel needs to come back

  46. More Steve and Danny. More Chin. Generally more character stuff.

    Please no more Doris or Catherine.

    And an end to the Wo Fat/Shelbourne/Noshimuri arc. Time to move on.

  47. Totally Agred!!!!!!!


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