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POLL : What did you think of The Walking Dead - Home?

18 Feb 2013

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  1. The episode was great! The last five minutes just make me stay like 'O.O SHIT! '

  2. It was great! I love that Daryl stood up to Merle. Hopefully he rejoins the group.

    And I looked away for a second and thought for sure that it was Carol that got shot. So happy it wasn't her!

    Beth is really attached to Judith and it's freaking me out a little, tbh.

    And holy shit at the end! I can't wait for next week.

  3. As soon as Axel asked to learn how to use a gun, I was so sure he was going to turn on the group. Guess not.

  4. Aw, and I was just starting to like Axel. Loved Daryl telling Merle he deserved to be handcuffed because he's stupid. Where is Tyreese these days? Hope he comes back soon, and then the whole prison group, including Michonne and Merle, can attack Woodbury. If Andrea tries to leave for the prison, she'll be killed for sure.

  5. Great ep! Loved the Merle/Darryl bits and that Darryl stood up to him and forced him to let the latino family go (and was also correct about the creek's name lol).... Poor Axel, I was just beginning to like him and was wondering if they'd set up a possible competition between he and Darryl for Carol, but alas he suffered a similar fate as his comic book character's... I'm wondering how tyreese and company are going to fit back in now...

  6. Extremely solid episode! We got to see Daryl/Merle adventures and Daryl really realize the difference between Merle and the people who he should call family. Glad he stood up to him, and I think Merle needed it. If Merle didn't actually care about his brother he wouldn't have followed him back to the prison, so I think Daryl being Merle's brother and the fact that there's nowhere good to go, Merle will at least try to behave.

    The Governor definitely made a statement at the end there! I'm figuring Tyreese will show up there and hopefully be able to see the wickedness of the Governor *cough*unlike Andrea*cough*. And I'm guessing giving Rick something to focus on (the big f***ing threat that is the Governor) will offer him some sanity.

    And zombie kill of the episode goes to Daryl with crushing the zombie's head with the car door! Funniest moment goes to the family backing up and running over the zombie's head.

  7. The show is starting to lose me. I can't get past the fact that the characters are becoming brainless. The Governor pretty much gives the town to Andrea in the first scene, then he's questioning her loyalty even though she's still with him after seeing all the shit he's done. Andrea is obviously brainless this entire season so far.

    Where did the group get all those machine guns? Did I miss something? And how much ammo do they have? Isn't this the end of the world, shouldn't they conserve everything they have?
    Why does EVERY single one of them have an amazing shot against the walkers (one shot, one headshot) and then take 5 mins as a group to take out a living man standing in one place in a tower?

  8. Awesome episode, but I was bummed by Axel getting it. Should've been Beth.

  9. I think they got the weapons by raiding the armory at the prison..and I think that conserving your ammo is the least of your concerns when you have people shooting at you and walkers roaming around..

    and the second thing is probably beacuse walkers don't shoot back at you so it's a lot easier to focus..

  10. Overall, the two action sequences at the end and in the middle on the bridge were enough to outweigh this episode's flaws. I HATE delusional Rick. This is the third time Lori has been on the show post-death, which probably means it was a mistake to kill her character. There's enough good stuff going on right now that the show doesn't need Rick to go off the rails, save that for after the prison. Also, why make Tyrese and his group leave the prison. They need more characters. That said, using the delivery trunk as the Trojan Horse was really creative. Can't wait to see where the show goes from here.

  11. And I was just starting to like Axel...

  12. It was incredible. The last part of the episode had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Completely crazy, I had no idea what was going to happen the whole time. A+


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