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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Remember the Titans?

28 Feb 2013

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  1. Very cool episode, actually. I'm a big fan of them tackling Greek mythology, and Prometheus in a modern day setting was awesome... and he was much more human than the other gods we've met, though I suppose that's in part due to the fact that he couldn't remember who he was. Artemis and Zeus on the other hand? Not so friendly. And Sam antagonizing her was priceless haha... as was Dean's face the whole time.

    Totally random thought, but I also love that they didn't put Zeus in a toga. I mean, I know it's the general image, but he's popping into the 21st century.

    And words can't describe how glad I am that Sam at least addressed that he might not come out of these trials completely unscathed... I'm hoping it's a step in the right direction of him letting Dean know what's going on with him. Though I loved Dean's speech at the end that let us all know that he knows more than Sam's letting on... there's a big brother's intuition for you.

  2. I'm just dead from feels, don't mind me. Oh God, that end scene. Ow. I loved it so much!

    And wow, Zeus was horrible. Kinda glad he was killed there because damn.

    Great episode!

  3. A+ from me!!!The end just broke my heart...Of course Dean knows...He knows Sam is hurting.Sam almost admitted it himself.His prayers to Cas...DAMN I cried all over the keybord. :'( "Keep looking out for my little brother..." Awwwwww...:'( And they boys are adorable.So supportive towards Haylie and Oliver.I just love them.I generally liked the episode!!!I'm always hooked when it comes to Greek Mythology.Poor Prometheus though...I wish he had survived.He sacrificed himself for his son.He reminded me of John Winchester...BTW I laughed out loud when Dean made that proud talk about the Men of Letters :P Well let's see what comes up next!!!I hate this mini hiatus...:( I WANT THE REST OF THE EPISODES NOOOOOOOW

  4. That was good! Much more to love than hate. And Loflin made me actually care about these one-offs.

    That last prayer by Dean, to Cas for Sammy - JA can make me cry on cue now.

    And thank you, Steve Boyum! Nice angles there, bud.

    Nice to hear some references to older events, and the return of Dean + the kid trope.

    Make-up crew, please stop. Embrace the freckle and the mole.
    More standard MO of side-lining the boys for anything important.

  5. This one didn't work for me. Greek gods on SPN didn't fit. There seemed to be gaps, like how Sam even thought of Prometheus, or why they cared so much about a cursed god. Dean was too serious. I don't like cranky, old-man Dean who won't crack a smile. Not sure what I felt about the last few minutes, with Dean praying to Cas. Good to see him caring and aware of the seriousness, but praying to Cas like someone would pray to God felt off.

    Funny, but I was thinking during the episode that if they wanted to give Jared and Jensen more time off they would be better off focusing some episodes on Crowley or Meg's past year. And who do I see in the promos for the next episode?

  6. One gripe: it didn't take long to blow the secrecy of the Men of Letters bunker to hell, did it?

  7. Loved it! Definitely a favorite episode.

    The writers did a great job with the Greek mythology and I'm relieved cause I love Greek mythology. I didn't know much about Prometheus in Greek mythology but now he's a favorite. I looked up the myth on wikipedia.

    Moving on, so sad Prometheus died. I really loved his character. And poor Oliver met his father only to lose him in what? A day or two? :(

    I'm used to seeing Zeus being a better god in several movies I've seen, but in myth, he actually did a lot of bad, as on the show. Soooo deserved to die.

    Ah, that ending. :( Glad Dean knows despite Sam trying to hide it that Sam is hurting.

    I can't wait for them to realize Naomi's controlling Castiel. I can't wait to see her die. Grrr.

  8. I actually think Dean "praying" to Cas felt right, or as right as you can get with religion in their universe. Dean has made it pretty clear that he doesn't have faith in God, especially since they're not sure if he's even around. I saw it as Dean confiding in a friend, and in someone who might be able to do more for Sam than he could at this time. I also saw it as concern for his friend who he hadn't heard from in a while. He's trying to keep the lines of connection open.

    I will give you the gaps in the story, though. Sam seemed to come up with Prometheus out of thin air, and they haven't exactly shown much love for gods in the past... though I think it was the innocent kid that made them care this time around.

  9. Dean did cracked a smile or two in the episode if I remember correctly. At least he had one in the bunker when he talked about the Man of Letters

    If would'nt seem right for Dean to pray God, God let the angels start their little war and the appocalypse, God let Sam rotten in Hell after Swan Song...etc and God never really did anything to help them, while Cass fought at their side and bleeded for them a lot of time

  10. The kid I understand, but I thought they committed to taking on Zeus - without an idea how they would do that - before they met the mom and the kid.

  11. Exactly. Plus, the only way to reach/call Cas is by praying when he's not around.

  12. The episode was slow to me, but then the ending happened. When Dean sat down to pray to Cas, I started crying omg. Loved the perfect ending. I can't wait for the next one. Finally we see Cas again!!! I want a Dean/Cas hug.

  13. Yeah, I was concerned about that.

  14. Love stories about the Gods and lot of funny lines in it. Much better than last week and even seeing Cas in the previews made me happy.

  15. Liked the unanswered prayer at the end. Dean caught on awfully fast about Sam's physical condition.

    Are there any mysteries that remain mysterious for more than an episode or two?

    Oh yeah. The shadowy figure.

  16. It's not the reaching out to Cas part I have a problem with. It's more that it sounded too much like a prayer, and Dean and Cas are too familiar for that.

  17. Exactly. Now Crowley has more targets available to find it. If it even gets that far.

  18. I usually agree on Greek gods feeling way off in the universe SPN built. But I think I dreaded it to such a degree that I was ok with this one lol.

    I love Dean praying to Cas because he was praying for Sammy. And the way Jensen played it, it felt like old times, with the flavor of Dean calling John, or something.
    If they need time off next year, I could really enjoy alot of Crowley standing off vs Cas vs Meg, rather than some suggestions people had of making Cas human, it's just too boring.

  19. ^^;; I thought about that too.....on the good side, Prometheus is dead. But if bad guys found about that woman and the boys, they won't be safe...neither won't the Winchester and all that knowledge

  20. Jensen has been able to make me cry, if he just gets one small tear, so join the club. ;)

  21. Prometheus created humans from clay in Greek mythology. He's like God in Christian religion in that way.

    On the show, like in myth, he let us have fire, so if any god would be good on Supernatural it would be him. And since he's spent a while living with no memory of who he was I am not surprised by how human he was.

  22. I liked it so much. And Zeus was so bad. I hated him so much!!!! Well... I almost hate all pagans in SPN. They bring me Gabriel's thoughts....

  23. This wasn't pagan though.

  24. I'm starting to think we'll never get to find out what/who it was.

  25. Awesome episode!!!
    The trauma of the past episode went away!. Was afraid of having to mark the episode today as awful which fortunately did not happen!

  26. Sam was a a good student in school and he spent much time in college.There is no surprise here that he knows stuff about Greek Mythology and culture.Greek philosophy is found everywhere and there is no way someone won't stumble upon at some point.

  27. I'm not disputing that he's intelligent, and after they knew more about what they were dealing with I have no doubt he would have come to that conclusion - it just felt a little forced to me at the point it was revealed in the episode... like the writers ran out of time and had to just stick it in there.

  28. Anyone else think Zeus looked like the Most Interesting Man in the World? Stay thirsty, Sam and Dean.

  29. It's not that Sam had heard of Prometheus. It's that he had a guy who kept coming back from the dead - and no other clues from what I could tell - and seemed to know it was Prometheus.

  30. Process of elimination. Not a monster.No witch stuff. He fit the myth too. At least that's how I figure it would be discovered.

  31. Actually it would be considered pagan. Unless Greek religion of ancient times has suddenly got several hundred million followers recently.

  32. If is not jewish, it's pagan... so Zeus is a pagan god!!!!

  33. My definition of pagan was separated from Roman and Greek gods. I don't know the exact definition of pagan.

  34. I am sorry but dean"s cry me a river act AGAIN please I heard it all before It was sad but I got to thinking OH it season 5 all over again sorry I liked it and all but I heard before. I do not now why but it did not get to me anymore coming from him oh wait now I know it was the way dean treated sam like crap the 1st few eps OH you did not look for me or benny is a better brother then you are maybe thats it. sorry I just feel that way and its the writers mess up again I am sorry all you guys like it but what everything that happen this season I am not feeling it.

  35. Haylie and Artemis ... RETURN TO THE SHOW PLEASE.

  36. I guessed it was Prometheus based on the episode's description in the press release back when that first came out (and I did it without reading the title of the episode first). I would hope that Sam is able to figure it out based on all the additional evidence that was in the episode and not the press release.

  37. Well that's not too big of a concern. Even if Crowley learns where it's at, he can't get in without the key, which the Winchesters presumably keep on them whenever they leave.

  38. But wouldn't he snatch somebody they know or are close to in order to get it?

  39. The brothers would still have to hand over the key, and he'd have to find Haley or Oliver in order to learn about the HQ, so Crowley isn't going to just grab anyone that the brothers are close to before learning about the place.

  40. Sam: "Go ahead. Kill us."
    Dean: O_O
    That whole scene had me laughing so hard.

  41. As soon as I saw the dead man with a bird eating his guts I thought "Prometheus". Now, I did hear that this was going to be a god oriented episode, but that is all I saw. dying every day = Prometheus.

  42. I'd give this episode okay.

    Compared to last week it was an improvement but then even Sam and Dean cutting their toenails would have been.


    The writers have this bad habit of pulling in all these guest stars that we are supposed to feel for and participate in their hurt, but I just couln't care less about what happens to them.

    Then there's no suspense when it comes to these 'gods' for we know they are going to be defeated anyway, so no big.

    There was an awful lot of exposition too as there were so many guest stars, each of whom had to give us their little sob story!


    When Dean said that he would take them somewhere safe, I so hoped it wouldn't be the Bunker but of course it was. I had hoped that it would remain their little secret


    Dean was upset about Prometheous dying every day, Has he forgotten Mystery Spot when he did the same for six months? He could at least have said that he knew how it felt or Sam coud have commented on how terrible it was to watch someone you love dying over and over.

    When these things happen to Sam and Dean I care, when it happens to the guest star of the weeek, I don't.


    At least for the moment the boys seemed okay with each other and I'm glad Dean has sensed that Sam isn't telling him everything so whatever happens to Sam, Dean will be prepared for the worst.


    I was so disappointed that Dean prayed to Castiel, It was so humiliating for him after all the betrayals, lying and bad things Castiel has done to them. Why should he care about Sam anyway. He has never liked him.

    Then was Dean expecting him to appear in the bunker?
    I thought this was Sam and Dean's secret place? Is it not protected against all supernatural beings?

    I would think that meant angels too.

  43. I'm starting to think it was actually Don and that the reveal was overlooked because of poor writing and other things going on?
    I would like it to have been one of the CIAngels keeping tabs on Sam or just anyone other than Don.

  44. I dont think Sam gets to read the press releases, if he did it would probably make his job somewhat easier every week.

  45. I agree.

    The first half of the season the writers did everything they could to make the brothers hate each other and now we're supposed to forget all that and believe that it never happened, without the boys ever talking about it

    It just feels false.
    It's like the writers flipped a coin.

    The first half of the season brother-hate; the second half brother-love, with no bridge to link the two halves, just a deep unexplored chasm in the middle.

  46. Since both Dean and Sam have forgiven Castiel for his past errors, I don't think it was humiliating. I saw it as Dean turning to one of closest friends in his hour of need. Since they don't know what is going with Cas, and for that matter Cas isn't really aware of what is happening to him. Cas likes Sam. I guess you won't be happy that Cas is going to be a regular in season 9.

  47. Great heart ached for my boys! Sam is scared..............and so is Dean.........that last scene with Dean praying for his baby brother brought me to tears. This is why I LOVE this they love one another. I know we have another season but please for heavens sake can we have them in one piece mentally and physically and brotherly for one whole season. Can each week be a hunt and not a major HURT! I know Castiel will be a regular ....he is a great funny straight man to the boys....can we have some scary fun.....can we have some Ghostfacers can we have some more vampires and things that go bump in the night.....can we have some more Bonham and Jones....can we have some more Page and Plant monikers. Can the boys be silly loving smart hunters. Can there be more shows like Dean screaming as the cat jumps out of the locker!!! More great one liners that all the SPN fans in my office use throughout the day...thank you Jared and Jensen and CW. Enough said I think you get my point.

  48. Both Sam and Dean have 'forgiven' Castiel far too easily.

    He did nothing to deserve their forgiveness. Everything that Castiel does is treated as if it were trivial and he is never punished for his mistakes.

    He has never liked Sam from the moment he called him an abomination onwards. I don't understand how any one can say he does.

    He doesn't like Dean either for that matter as he has continually betrayed him too.

    I certainly haven't forgiven him for all he's done to the brothers and I am extremely unhappy that he will be in Season Nine because for me he is not in the least mportant any more to the show.

  49. I have it a GREAT. Much improved over last week. Not a lot of action, but sometimes this show doesn't need all that to put together a solid hour of television. The J's looked much more comfortable with the dialogue in this ep than last week. And Jared seemed like he was feeling much better. The looks on Dean's face when Sam was going on to God chick about Promethesus, was fall of the chair funny to me. Much better humor (and more subtle) in this ep. And this was yet another hour that focused on family in general...obviously a them through the series, but even more so the second half of this season. And I too appreciated the ending with Dean begging an MIA Cas to look after his little brother. All around, a solid and great show.

    Next week, looks like the whole gang is back in town! Ha!

  50. I agree with every thing, except I don't care if I never see Ghostfacers again..boring. lol

  51. definition of pagan

  52. And why Sam did not look for Dean and help Kevin..other than ran, hit dog, met girl.

  53. Black In Black Trickster '9528 February 2013 at 13:29

    Awesome episode.
    I like the Prometheus buddy, too bad at the end. Writers did a excellent job of the Greek Mythology.
    I'm glad Sam expressing himself a tad. When he talked to Prometheus, he made it sound so simple lol. Dean was nice when he noticed something about him but tried to ease him.
    I really enjoyed this episode.

  54. Thank you Jeremy Carver for Greek Mythology! We re so proud here in Greece!!!

  55. Heck with Baby outside the door, they may as well have a flashing neon arrow above the bunker.

  56. And he can attack the boys to get the key. Maybe he'll succeed, maybe he won't, if he attack the boys for it, but hthe key and the bunker is alot more danger if Crowley knows about it than if he doesn't

  57. You're missing the point. There was more information in the episode than in the press release. If I was able to figure it out based on the press release alone, Sam easily should have been able to figure it out based on the information in the episode (which contained the information in the press release and then some).

  58. No one's arguing that Crowley learning about the bunker wouldn't be a danger. All I'm saying is that it's just not a realistic worry at this point.

  59. Never liked Sam? Pretty sure he tried tu hug him in Season 6.

    Cass did mistakes, he knows it, but neither of the boys is ''white and pure'' neither. They know better than anyone how good intention can misslead someone, the whole ''The road of Hell is paved with good intentions' thing. Cass didn't have to take on Sam's damage in 7x17. You can say ''well, he had to cause he's the on who started it''. Are you also saying that Sam should've his redemption in Swan Song for beating Lucifer cause he started it too? Unless you're saying absolutely everything that happened is Cass' fault for letting sam go out of the panic room. Pretty sure there too Cass didn't twisted Sam's arm to force him to go back to Ruby and to kill Lilith

    You seem to have forgiven every others characters who's done huge mistakes too in the show

  60. I see. It's a lot more general than I thought it was.

  61. Castiel tried to hug Sam in seasom six but conveniently omitted to mention that it was he who pulled him out of the Cage without his soul, and not Crowley as he let everyone believe.

    Sam and Dean are human brothers who share and unbreakable bond of blood and family, Castiel is a powerful angel who has been around for thousands of years.

    The brothers cannot in any way be compared to him just as Sam and Dean's very human mistakes can't be compared to what Castiel did.


    The Winchesters tried to save humanity and if Sam made a wrong choice in allowing himself to be manipulated by Ruby he certainly paid for it.

    Castiel joined up with the King of Hell for his own purposes, double-crossed even Crowley, opened Purgatory and cruelly destroyed nearly all his brother angels in heaven and never paid any price for what he did.

    He broke Sam's wall when he could have done a thousand other things to stop the Winchesters but he preferred getting all up and personal.

    Sam and Dean have both been loyal to Castiel and tried to help him. Castiel hasn't shown the same courtesy to the brothers.

  62. ''Castiel joined up with the King of Hell for his own purposes''

    He joined Crowley to destroy the threath to the boys. He said it clearly to Dean he was doing it for him. He was trying to save the world too,

    And in what way did Sam 'paid' differently than Cass? The hallucination/damage? Cass took on them too. The guilt? getting push away by people he cared for what he did? Cass had it too. Does Cass has to go to Hell just to proove he's sorry?

    Cass is a naive, he thought he could save the world by taking the power of the souls and then go back and heal Sam. He understand by now he did a mistake, that the sould've done something else, he clearly said it too that he should've never done that.

  63. Excellent episode Supernatural meets Gree Mythology was cool. Zeus is my favorite character in this episode, might and powerful.

  64. They kill him in that moment, but he is immortal and still alive.

  65. A pretty poor episode, especially for one that leaves us on a break. I couldn't vote awful cause the ending actually showed Dean as a brother instead of the dick of a character he was at the beginning of the season, but still it just didn't work for me. Here's hoping we just get mythology episodes from here on out because they're the only thing that still semi-work on Supernatural.

  66. This is one of the reasons I love to read comments, it is like we have been watching two different shows. I thought Sam was being the dick the first part of the season. Not looking for Dean or helping Kevin and only saying I ran, hit dog, met girl...really?? And Dean is just supposed to say great, glad you are happy?? This is not the Sam of the first 7 years and I am very disappointed, and hoping it ends up something is very wrong with him.

  67. Yeah, but did Sam know specifically about the liver being eaten out? Was it maybe mentioned in the scene whent hey saw the body? If so, that would have been a clue. But I don't think the myth, at least in any version I remember, stipulates that Prometheus actually DIES every day, only that his liver is eaten out and regenerates, so resurrection isn't necessarily a good clue to his identity. I was thinking, when the fact about the mountain avalanche came up, there would be specific mention of the Caucasus range, which would have added a third datum (resurrection plus consumed liver plus Caucasus Mountains) to really allow the penny to drop plausibly.

  68. Oh I agree, Sam was completely off and did not resemble himself at all at the beginning of the season with very little explanation. But I also think Dean was off and kind of a dick as well at the beginning of the season. Then again, I thought they've both been kind of off since Season 5 ended (although Season 6 had a reason).

  69. I can forgive cas just a litte but did he want to stay in pugatory for his guilt?

  70. WHAT THE HELL! come on that the writer lets get over it sam wanted a normal life and if he could no help dean then he was going to take it and the dean came back and took it all way again and then dean does a 180 and tells sam I want you to have a normal life COME ON PLEASE!

  71. IF Sam had looked and could not help Dean then great, BUT he did not look, so he did not know if he could help or not.

  72. I didn't have any problems with the episode. I liked the guy playing Prometheus. LIked the way they ended the story. But I wasn't as umphed by it as I have been the last few episodes.

  73. well sorry that the show did not show that oh wait did they show dean trying to look for sam in season 6 HELL NO! its the writer man come on.

  74. They did not show him looking for Sam, but they did talk about it. He said he did not stop looking, bought books and kept looking. What did Sam say when Dean asked Did you look for me, Sam?? He said NOTHING. So with him not saying No or Yes, I am hoping that something was done to him and he just does not remember.


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