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POLL : What did you think of Revenge - Sacrifice?

18 Feb 2013

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  1. I cried so much ahha. I don't even like "Amanda"

  2. Oh my gosh, BEST EPISODE EVER! Like, Emily is going to go hardcore revenge after this! Back on track she goes!!!

  3. Emily Thorne is back bitches!!

  4. Ha! I was the same way... I didn't like her at all, and for most of the series I've been like "just kill that moron already" but it had me in tears tonight. But I can't wait to see what Emily has in store for us after this!

  5. Whoa. I did NOT expect that. I thought all the promos for this ep were to get us to worry that Jack would die. They caught me off guard. Where the hell did Amanda leave that computer?!?!? Just when I begin to soften toward Victoria she does something like blame Amanda for Helen's shooting....I bet she does a tap dance when she finds out that Amanda is dead. What a way to get us the hardcore Emily Thorne we've missed. I am over the moon with the Nolan we got this week! "It's Jack. I'll do whatever it takes." As an aside I was half expecting him to hand Declan money to get a new air conditioner when he asked if Nolan could fix one.

    Am I the only person who recognized Owen from Torchwood?

    An absolutely awesome episode.

  6. Can I breathe now?

    That was hell of a episode! I never liked Amanda, but her dying broke my heart. (probably because of Emily VanCamp's acting).

    I loved everything about this episode, Nolan was brilliant, Grayson's scheme was great but I have this weird feeling about Daniel... It was fast, brilliant, epic and probably my favorite episode now

  7. I don't know why people didn't like Amanda.I did and that scene had me in tears.I wish she hadn't die ;`(

  8. that is what a good promo/tariler does

  9. Jamie Coudeville8 April 2014 at 04:56

    I didn't think I'd be that upset about Amanda's death, but man that scene, Emily just broke my heart

  10. It was possibly the best episode of the entire series sans last year's finale. It was incredible. I was never that much in love with Amanda or anything, but her death left me in tears. Emily Van Camp was extraordinary last night, really took it to another level and made us feel so many emotions with her at the same time. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for the graysons now, especially when she finds out that they blamed her for the death of helen. This really was very sad. Poor, poor amanda.

  11. I agree. We knew it was going to be her but it was very very sad to see it happen. I think it was Emily Van Camp's acting that sold it all.


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