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POLL : What did you think of The Mentalist Red - in Tooth and Claw?

18 Feb 2013

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  1. A fun, cute, filler episode we've been needing. Loved loved LOVED the Jisbon moments, that scene at the end was sizzling with chemistry

  2. THIS is how you do a perfect standalone episode. Tons of character interaction (Jane and Cho, Cho and Rigsby, Jane and Lisbon), a fun new world & case, the carrying on of a longer storyline (the poker), return of a favourite guest (Bertram), lots of character development/moments and much more. Loved it.

  3. A light episode and yet entertaining. Lots of backstory and many Fav scenes. My Fav was Lisbon on couch moment: Love the change of Role.

    Heaps of fun Chigsby time, Tyrex vs Trycerotopes banter just hilarious. Rigsby with spiders: ROFL.

    Lisbon x Bertram Fistbump: there's something about this scene, just cute.

    Professor Jane: I don't mind going back to school if my lecturer is Jane. Well written, very interesting scene, Mr Harper.

    And so on and so for.......

    Lastly and Most importantly....Classic Jane is BACK! Loved it.

    Truly an Awesome stand alone episode with all the characters stand out equally!
    The reasons why Jordan Harper is always on my top list of Fav Writers!

  4. Great to see that actress from The Lone Gunman again! The security guard looked familiar as well, but I couldn't place him. I'm glad they gave a believable storyline for Van Pelt's temporary exit. Amanda definitely looked pregnant in her few scenes. All the Cho and Rigsby scenes were top notch and funny as well.

  5. This was a return to the original mentalist! Jane's palace memory, I've always loved that!
    Plus, Van Pelt's storyline, Cho and Rigsby talking about dinosaurs, that was hilarious! LOL
    Jane teaching gambling to Bertram: he's the best!!
    Lisbon on the couch, while Jane was sitting: I loved how they switched roles!
    At the end, that cute scene between Jane and Lisbon awww
    Awesome episode!!

  6. "Your dinosaur eats grass!"
    Best part of the episode :D

  7. This episode might've been filler, but what thoroughly enjoyable filler. Loved Cho and Rigsby, loved how supportive Lisbon was of VP, liked the way the writer tied in the threads of the case together-felt seamless, not contrived, and Jane and Lisbon really just have the best chemistry. It's effortless. Especially that final scene. You can't buy chemistry like that. Love this show: the cast, the crew, the writers and their stories. So glad I found it.

  8. I just LOVED it. The interactions between Cho and Rigsby ("YOUR DINOSAUR EATS GRASS!") and Jane and Lisbon ("I'm gonna SMOKE you.") were fantastic. And I actually liked the way they brought about Van Pelt's absence because of Amanda's pregnancy. Good to have a break from all the angsty Red John drama! :)


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