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POLL : What did you think of Castle - Target?

19 Feb 2013

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  1. OMFG! what a cliffhanger! next monday?!?!?!? where are u!

  2. Wow. Holy fuck at that episode. Castle's face and then the crying and then more crying and Comforting!Beckett.

    That was intense all around.I like that Alexis knows how to pick locks and wow. Just wow.

    And holy shit, I was not expecting the girls to be in France! That honestly shocked me and then I gasped when she got re-caught at the end.

    I cannot wait for part two!

  3. If there's ever to be an "Beyond Awesome" option, this is the one episode absolutely that needs it! Nathan Fillion's acting skills blew me away, and the storytelling rhythm was just right! And the Paris twist? Incredible!

    Is there a fast forward button? It needs to be Monday right now!

  4. Get ready for the longest week EVER!

  5. One of the best episodes in a long time. Went way too fast and was a lot more intense than I predicted it would be. And I thought it would be pretty intense based on the premise

    Halfway through the ep I called Human Trafficking ring. Judging from all those rooms and the relocation to Paris I'm putting my money there.

  6. Castle has me back to wishing my week away. Just thankful this wasn't a season end cliffhanger. Intense!

  7. The whole episode was amazing. Nathan Fillion's performance soared right past 'amazing' and landed somewhere a little past "astounding."

    This is going to be a VERY long week!

  8. I would agree with you on the human trafficking ring because it passed through my mind, however there are things in the episode make me think otherwise.
    Mostly it's because it's too concentrated of an effort switching vehicles and tracking them through Alexis' blog to simply be human trafficking, plus I would think they would take more than just two girls in one go... There's also the camera and constant monitoring on the abandoned farm house when they're in Paris that's kind of fishy.
    There's also the guy who was tortured at the warehouse to consider. However my guess on that is maybe Alexis' kidnapping has something to do with Castle's dad, and maybe he's the one who tortured the guy to try to figure out where the girls were taken (regardless of whether he has anything to do with the kidnapping, my bet is still on Castle's daddy doing the torturing. They're right, there's no reason for the kidnapper's to have tortured him, they would have just killed him when the job was done and they probably would have killed the other guy that the guard shot as well.)

  9. Nathan's acting! He cried...I was a whole crying thing. And then Alexis busting outside and seeing the FREAKING EIFFEL TOWER. That's a trip, but not a good one. Castle can really pull off a great cliffhanger (I'll never forget the shooting Beckette season finale). Props to the writers.

  10. AMAZING, the best S5 episode so far. This show is more alive than ever. I have no words to describe Nathan acting....... I will waiting for the 4 awful votes, as always.

  11. WOW, that was like a punch to the gut. I was in tears at least twice, and Nathan Fillion and Molly Quinn were fantastic tonight. The very end made my jaw drop. I figured they were going to be somewhere far away, but I thought we'd see the space needle or the St. Louis arch or something... but PARIS?! Absolutely can't wait for part two.

  12. The best part of the episode was Castle's emotional breakdowns. It was heartbreaking. But, I thought the episode was a little slow and drawn out. The best part of the episode was the last ten minutes. I really like Alexis....especially when she hit the roof and found she was in Paris. What a shocker! Looks like all the real action is going to be in next weeks episode...and yeah, I agree, it's gonna be a long week!

  13. I think you need a higher rating for this one. Like beyond Awesome or Epic. It's the best 2 parter they've ever done. Nathan Fillion is such a freaking Star.

  14. This episode was ok, sorry I felt previous ones for part 1 were better but the next could easily knock us off our feet. I thought about this, I think they after Castle maybe because they want his dad to come out of the wood work so to speak. They just used the rich girl as a cover even though they have no interest in her or her family. Now wouldn't it be interesting if they kidnapped Kate? OR if Kate went rouge and told the hostages to take her and to let the girls go. Now it would be more logical for them to kidnap Kate. The two parters have always had a focus on Caskett's relationship, so far we didn't so much of that *yet.* It would be interesting because Gates would be informed about the nature of Caskett if she was kidnapped and it would give Kate an opportunity to say she loves Castle.

  15. It is going to be hard for the show getting higher ratings. Abc doesnt promote the show enough and some young people left the show some episodes ago because of some bad ones. What a pity! Lastest 3 episodes have been really amazing.

  16. That last scene?!?! Holy shi

  17. So well written and acted. Thought Stana was as good as Nathan, both playing roles they are not used to. Great, great.

  18. You can always count on them for their input.

  19. Where is the FRIGGIN HEART RACING AWESOME Button

  20. This is one of the best episode of this series! I loved how Rick was being happy go lucky guy then all this deluge on him. I really felt for him his anguish when learning Alexis was kidnapped too.

  21. The ending was one of the best plot twist I've ever seen!This episode was amazing well done to everyone involved in making this episode next week is going to be awesome!

  22. I think he meant the ratings above but, you're right on the money!

  23. The serious Castle 2 part eps never fail to rock! NF really brought it tonight, showing us terrified father Castle, and the awesome "hurt someone I love, I hurt you" dark Castle..... really powerful ep with a hell of a twist - Paris? That bit reminded me of the "Taken" movie and had me thinking that Castle might try to channel his best Liam Neeson..... I so cannot wait unitl next week!

  24. So, I surfed over, heard the announcer say it was a 2 parter and decided I'd go back to Hawaii Five-0 and wait until after next week's ep to watch. I did and on a commercial break filpped back over to ABC and never flipped back. That was freaking awesome. And the cliffhanger! Cliffhanger heck...Alexis' dash through the building had me holding my breath with my hand over my mouth. Easy awesome vote this week.

  25. Yes, this episode was certainly taking advantage of the two hours to build into the tension. I, personally, didn't have a problem with it. I found it effective.

  26. Was NOT expecting that ending! The whole cast was superb tonight, especially Nathan and Molly and Stana. My heart started pounding after the girls escaped and Alexis was running down the hall, searching for a way out. My heart broke for Castle every time he looked worried or shed a tear. Is it Monday yet?

  27. disqus_xJLoUx8GZu19 February 2013 at 08:28

    Great stuff, just as I knew AWM would deliver. Big question is, can AWM keep the intensity up for part two without going over the edge. As for Nathan Fillion's acting chops he's proven before, when he's been asked to do the heavy lifting, he's always met the challenge. E.G. in "countdown" when he asks Alexis to leave the city, knowing he may never see her again, Now that like tonight was incredible acting.

  28. BEST EPISODE EVER! Everything was perfect. Amazing episode. Exceptional acting! I had tears in my eyes right throughout the episode just because of Nathan's acting. So emotional. So intense. I was so not expecting that ending! Can't wait for the second part. This was an amazing and exhilarating hour of television! Hope the ratings in US do it justice.

  29. WHAT AN EPISODE !!! Everything was perfect !

    The intensity was there, I felt like I was there, like I was abducted with Alexis, and the music was awesome as usual !

    The last scene with Alexis in Paris is just STUNNING !! I love it, Molly is beautiful and the shot from Paris is perfect ! Welcome to Paris Alexis XD

    Nathan blew me away, made me cry like a baby, especially when he talked to Kate about Alexis as a baby , he owns this episode !

    I loved every Caskett scene !!!! Kate didn't how to handle the situation but in the end she was there for him, the scene with the coffee was so cute =D

    She let Castle torture the guy, OMG, I wanted to see it so badly XD "When it comes to the people I love, I do" EPIC

    Gates know about them, I was so sure ! Nice to see her on team Castle, I love her more and more everyday =D
    Anyway Can't wait for the second part !!!!!! =D

  30. Awesome 93.84% (457 votes)
    ,Awesome!! 93.84% (457 votes)

  31. Ah, they´ll be there, as always:) But, as always, I don´t care about them:)
    This episode was absolutely fantastic, amazing, and superbly acted (particulary by Nathan Fillion)! And I can´t wait for next week, I don´t have a clue about what will happen... and when a two parter leaves me like that, it has reached its purpose!

  32. Wow, I'm speechless! That episode was beyond AMAZING!!! Nathan, you are one talented actor, my man! Tremendously underrated in fact. I really felt his desperation in my gut the entire time! And it wasn't overplayed, it was perfectly tempered & balanced, hauntingly realistic in fact. I don't know how Marlowe is going to top this but I'm anxious to find out if he can! This is such a great show and I love that we get more intense, serious episodes peppered in amongst the light, typically comedic ones. Bravo to the cast & crew, especially Nathan, for pulling off another entertaining 2-parter beginning!

    My Speculations:

    Sara was a cover, they were looking for Alexis to flush out Castle's father who is from the promo, obviously a spy. Castle's father was the one responsible for torturing Roger Henson (or is it Hanson?) to get the whereabouts of Alexis. I think Marlowe will have Castle's demons slowly chip away at him, thinking he's more like his father than he'd imagined himself to be or than he wants to be. I have a feeling Beckett will struggle with how to steer Castle from his dark side but I'm optimistic that their love for each other will be the driving force to his inner redemption. Yes, I think about these SLs WAY too much! lol



  34. Fantastic!!!

  35. Are you serious?? :D Can it top this one??? WOW

  36. Extremely painful, I was crying and shaking all the way through it. Fantastic acting from everyone.

  37. ... and the every week 4 awful votes have alerady appear!! LOL

  38. It has been a long time since I have seen such a wonderfull episode, just absolutley amazing, Nathan was breathtaking in every scene,

  39. I really want to know whor are those 5 idiots who voted awful, pleeasee

  40. Yeah, ABC doesn't promote it nearly enough! And as for those (few) who has left the show, I am so annoyed with people saying that C and B aren't a couple enough! The only episodes people originally complained about were Swan Song and especially Under The Influence and Death Gone Crazy, and I was also kinda disappointed with them. But those episodes has made people forget all about all the other wonderful (romance-wise) 11 episodes we've got, just cause they unfortunally were aired right after each other. In all the other epsiodes all of their shared moments so important, sweet, tender or adorable!

  41. clap clap, i agree with you

  42. I can imagine who they are, and YES I vote awful for their fav show, too.

  43. There are 44 persons who are not able to appreciate that ep! Poor people. Target was perfect there is nothing to add!

  44. I felt the story was too predictable. Paris? Really? Anyone heard of the movie Taken?

  45. Thank you, it has just been bugging me so much that I had to write it!

  46. OMG that was jus beyond awesome seriusly do that option, the whole episode i was like don't talk to me i'm watching, and you are the happy one you see next episode at monday me? At thursday ( wel to be exacly 12h after you watch it) becouse im in Poland, but once again aaaaaaaaaaaaaawesome

  47. Stana, Nathan, Penny, Tamala, Susan, Jon, Seamus and Molly were all awesome!

  48. 794 people vote AWESOME, wow. it is awesome too.

  49. I was amazed last night at the acting and writing for this segment, It has been many years since an ending shocked me like that. Molly Quinn's face and shocked stance as she looked out over the roofs only to see the Eiffel tower made my head swim and stomach ache. That girl earned an Emmy in my book from that one moment alone. Fillion, well he IS an excellent actor but got to use his chops for once. Totally impressed with the writing and filming/editing as well. Yep We need something to rate this one higher than normal.

  50. Outstanding! Holy shit, they blew it out of the water last night,they were all great.!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. So wait. . . we actually see Alexis experience negative consequences of not-so-smart behavior?

  52. I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long writer's career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you. With my writer's pen. :D

  53. Where the HELL is Monday?

  54. It is an opinion so they do have every right to hate it, but it was frickin awesome! MONDAY!!!??? Where are you?

  55. I don't know what this is but I hear Liam Neeson's voice in my head.

  56. They all played their parts very well, even the guest stars were good.


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