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POLL : What did you think of Arrow - Dead to Rights?

28 Feb 2013

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  1. my least favorite episode so far

  2. I really didn't like that episode :(

  3. the acting in this show is terrible.. almost as bad as Beauty and the Beast.

  4. Pretty big twists in the ep, but the ep although good felt almost too busy and trying to do too much... but I am looking forward to seeing where all the twists go

  5. Felicity looking hot while training...while Stephen is certainly easy on the eyes it's good when they remember that they also have a hot female cast and a certain amount of clothing should always be optional for them as well.

    I kinda like the hot cop, but to be honest I'm still not sure what she's doing here. She's a nice anchor for Oliver, which is something every superhero needs, but I still haven't seen her relevance to the story. Isn't there supposed to be a shocking death coming up? Maybe it's her.

    And for the love of God, why haven't they put Katie in outfits like that more often? It seems almost criminal not to.

    They're still doing a damn good job with the awesome fight scenes. Thank God they improved Kelly Hu's hair. It was so bad before.

  6. Great episode. I'm glad the show didn't take 7 years for Oliver's best friend to find out his secret.

    Tommy and Malcolm are great. I hope to see more of their interactions.

  7. InvestedInYourFuture28 February 2013 at 03:14

    Well, this just 100% became THE ONLY show worth watching on CW.

    Top-notch quality television and plot twists that rival the best of season finales ever written. And the best part? ITS NOT EVEN SEASON FINALE YET.

    Oh gods...


  8. Mixed emotions have to re-watch but I don't think it lived up to my expectations of having Geoff Johns write this episode. But I did like seeing Laurel's mom. I guess the titles are starting to lose their direct tie to the episode unfortunately and another useless island scene at least Manu had his shirt off.

  9. The ep was absolutly amazing! Tommy and Malcolm are the best!

  10. This episode was one of the best yet. Tommy knows!
    I wouldn't have guessed that.
    The action was good in this episde, and I love Diggle and Felicity together.

  11. I thought this was a very good ep. Lots of potential for future story lines and I LOVED Oliver and Tommy’s scene at the end. We don’ t usually see much emotion from Oliver, he’s usually so emotionally repressed and reserved. I thought he delivered and exellent perpormance!! I knew someone close to Oliver was going to find out the truth, but I was still surprised when and how it happened! This could get interesting for 2 reasons. 1) Eventually Oliver/Arrow will go after Malcomn for being corupt, or being the impersonator, or when he tries to take vengence on Moira, 2) Tommy now knows Oliver is the Arrow who he was jealous of because he realized Laurel has/had and “interest” in him.

    While I enjoy the action in this show I always find it’s missing something. For me it lacks in the romance department. The two “interest” he’s had so far just seem like filler to me as we wait for the writers to get around to putting Oliver and Laurel together. Aside from a kiss early on, these two have had little screen time together, it’s getting old for me. And right now Laurel’s character is the weakest link. They need to do something with her, and fast!

  12. So much happened in this episode, I could go on for days but instead I'll make bullet points:
    - Massive thumbs up for more fight scenes, the show started to lack in the fighting department so I'm glad Oliver got two this episode (even though they were filmed in the dark, it was enjoyable)

    - How frustrating that the one person Oliver has been trying to take down, he ends up saving his life. That's going to sting at some point in the future (BUT I love JB and I'm so glad he isn't dead yet AND I can't wait for his back story)

    - Poor Tommy </3 he went on such an emotional roller coaster, I just want to hug him.

    - SO excited to see River Song on my TV again, I don't think Sara is still alive though.

    - Topless Slade needs to happen more often, I think I have to start watching Spartacus lol!

    Lastly, March 20th .. this is why I hate US TV shows.

  13. WOW. Just... wow. There is literally no words to describe this episode. Absolutely breathtakingly brilliant. First point is that I'm glad we didn't have many flashback scenes. I really enjoy the island scenes, but I think if they had added more in, it would have ruined the basic storyline. And it slows down the island storyline - lately I feel that we're rushing the island story. Nice to see a tempo change.

    Second, Deadshot. I was very happy to see him back (in a weird way). I was getting really annoyed about these one-episode villains (The Count, Cyrus Vanch, the Dodger) so a returning Deadshot was good. And he's still on the loose, so he will be back.

    Next, Oliver and Tommy. I loved the deeper backstory between the two of them. The fact that Oliver's dad was a better dad to Tommy than Malcolm was is incredibly interesting, especially considering what Robert told Oliver before his suicide. And then Ollie's big reveal. It seemed strange that Tommy was pointing a gun at 'the Vigilante' considering who he really is. And I think that even if Oliver had known that Malcolm was the Dark Archer, he would have still saved his life: purely because he's experience his father dying in front of him, and he wouldn't want it to happen to his best friend.

    There was also so much more brilliance in this episode, but I would be here all day typing it. This is quite blatantly the best show on TV. Sorry to NCIS and Criminal Minds, but you have been overtaken.

  14. It's jjust getting better and better!!!! Awesome doesn't just cover it!!!!!! Love this show, so happy will get season 2 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  15. Am I the only one who got the "Black Canary" reference? Although, since I didn't read the comics I don't know if it's Laurel or Sarah, it was very good have that hint in the episode!

  16. Tommy finding out Ollie's secret made this episode. Not only does this ensure it won't be dragged out for seasons on end, but it also rules out the Peter Parker/Harry Osborn storyline I've been dreading, where the Hood kills Malcolm and Tommy swears vengeance without realizing it's his best friend. Okay, there's still the possibility that Tommy will team with his father against Ollie (I hope not), but at least now he'll know full well who he's targeting.
    That last scene between Tommy and Ollie was beautifully played by both actors, who gave perhaps their best performance to date. You could clearly see Tommy's heartbreak over the realization that his BFF was never going to trust him with such a huge part of his life, and Ollie's shame as he realized that himself.

  17. Interesting that you should say this now, because I thought Amell's performance in his last scene with Colin Donnell was one of his best to date. Oliver clearly hadn't thought about the fact that he's never going to tell Tommy the truth, and when he realized it in this scene, he was gutted.

  18. I haven't read the comics either but I did pick up on Black Canary and a lot of people suspect it will be Laurel (because of her name). Realistically I don't think Sara survived the accident so I'm suspicious of Laurel's mom showing up.

  19. Well of all the things I expected from this episode Tommy finding out Oliver's secret was NOT on the list!

    Speaking of Tommy. Until Malcolm said Tommy's name, when the chaos started, I was certain he was manipulating Tommy. And TALK ABOUT A HARD NIGHT! Geez! Tommy watches his Dad take down 2 guys hand to hand, shoot a guy in the head, get shot himself, then the guy he's certain had arrived to finish killing his Dad turns out to be his best friend. Good GOSH. The phrase "rock my world" got a new meaning.

    Loved Kelly Hu's real hair serving as a wig at the party.

    Just as I was about to give the show MAJOR props for having her take off her shoes for the fight scene with Oliver....they cut to her on the ground in heels. ARGH! I had to take it back. Jeez. There are women who watch this show too. Throw us a teeny little bone.


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