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Once Upon a Time - Episode 2.15 - The Queen Is Dead - Promo

18 Feb 2013

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  1. Whoa, this looks intense! And aww, Nealfire's worried about his daddy even though he claimed he hated him! So cute.

  2. HOOK. How did he get to New York? How is he walking around New York in his pirate clothing? hahaha
    This looks intense. I admit I haven't seen Robert in spoilers recently. I hope he's okay!

  3. Not surprising. Neal/Bae may not like his father right now, but Gold/Rumple is still his father.

  4. This just made me tear up. Please tell me Rumple is OK. And you should listen to Snow, Regina. She is still trying to save you even after all that went through between you two.

  5. Why did they have to have a break now? Ahhh!

  6. why do we have to wait 2 weeks? This episode looks pretty good!

  7. I am feeling emotional about it too. Regina and Rumple have grown on me this season, despite their tendency towards the dark side.

  8. lol trust me, you could walk through New York in a pirate's outfit and no one would give a shit. ;)

  9. Haha. Yeah there can be odd people in cities.

  10. If Regina wants to redeem herself, this would be the time to do it. I mean THE time. They wouldn't doubt her sincerity then. Hell, I wouldn't doubt her sincerity then, and if anyone has been keeping up with the episode polls it's obvious I'm not her biggest fan.

  11. "The mother of all evil" sums Cora's character up perfectly.

  12. If Regina gets the backbone to go against her mother and sees her for what she really is. She really needs to realize Snow was not the one who killed Daniel. It was her mother's hands who tore out his heart, and Cora is the one that needs to be punished.

  13. lol! I'll remember that next time I'm there :)

  14. So excited!!! Although I have a strong feeling that Cora will get the dagger. And "the mother of all evil," I doubt that because "evil isn't born it is made," I just have this feeling that something pushed Cora to be evil and it must be big because to me it's just too easy to say she is the personification of evil. Which makes me even more excited for The Miller's Daughter.

  15. I HATE award shows! I don't even watch them so it's just pure pain in the you-know-what! :P

  16. Next Sunday is the Oscars, so things will be reruns.

  17. The Canadian promo had some different stuff in it, and I think mentioned something about our world not being the first place that Nealfire went to, as he knew of Hook. Maybe they are making him Peter Pan too?.

  18. Damn you Oscars! The movie I was rooting for didn't even make into the final list (Cloud Atlas), and now you also push back OUAT a week? It's not fair!

  19. No reruns on ABC tho. That's where the Oscars will air.

  20. How he get to New York so fast? On a Flying Carpet? xD

  21. I think that scene with "She doesn't care about you" go after watchtower scene. Or how you can explain that Regina and Snow looking even civil there? Maybe Regina really just playing her mother? Or she was just a messenger at that moment? Something about this kind of "Evil" messages: "Muahahaha, we found a Dark one dagger and we will crush you!!! Meet me and my mother at the watchtower at 15.00, please. Don't be late, it got to be awesome good vs evil fight were I hopefully gonna help you. With hate and love, your lovely stepmother and adoptive mother of your and Rumpel's grandson (we all screwed!!!), Regina "
    And really, what they gonna do with Greg walking around a town and seeing all this magic? I have a feeling that people of Storybrooke will have much more problems than just inner fighting about power and etc.

  22. Who can hate Rumple? Who can hate a man who hurt his leg so he could be with you because he loved you?

  23. Something tells me he has his ways. Hook is a driven man, after all.

  24. I know! I hate the fact that she still blames Snow. Snow was a little girl and Cora manipulated her. I HATE CORA. She's the evil one. I don't care what her back story is, she's evil and I refuse to like her.

  25. Am I to take the driven literally here? Because that would be hilarious, especially seeing how he must have a car-phobia right now.

  26. Yeah, pretty fair... not. In order to redeem herself, she has to go against the only person who, even if not genuinely, cares for her. Who, btw, is her own mother.

  27. So let me get this straight: there's one person right now who cares about Regina (or pretends to care, that is not relevant since she can't know the difference for sure): Cora. She's screwed up, she's pretty evil, has a million ulterior motives, but she loves her daughter.

    And then Snow White, the person who Regina believes destroyed her life, decides she'll try and turn Regina, the evil queen, against this one person. She probably has her best interest in heart, doesn't want the woman to fall pray to Cora's manipulations yet again, but still, it's the woman who destroyed my life vs. my mother (at least in Regina's book).

    And the fandom is screaming "Go, Regina, prove yourself, kill Cora!". I'm sorry, but what the effin' fuck?!

  28. Maybe flying invisible Jolly Roger! And if so, I hope they show us that. It would make a great gif.

  29. "Cute" seems like the wrong adjective in this situation, the man got stabbed!! How can you be so giddy??

  30. Mmmm, interesting, maybe Bae spent some time in Neverland. Neal doesn't look 42 (the actor is 35) and he didn't seem to be 14 years older than Emma when they met. Ages in OUaT can be wonky when the actors play themselves through long periods of time, but Neal and Emma seemed to be similarly aged given how they where played.

  31. Go against the woman who killed the love of her life, practically abused her throughout her childhood and young adult life, and set in motion a series of events that turned her into the woman she always used to fear becoming? Yeah, I expect her to come to grow a spine.

  32. Does anyone else think that it isn't Snow kissing Charming in the promo?!.

  33. LOL, I'm not giddy, I just like that Nealfire is worried about his father.

  34. Standing up against her mother is one thing (and she already did that), but the question is what would she be fighting for? Henry, sure. But right now, she thinks she is getting Henry back, because she believes that is one of her mother's goal.

    The way I see it, Regina still doesn't see the big picture. She doesn't know about the deals Cora made with Rumple, so she tries to hold on to whatever motherhood she sees in Cora. I honestly don't think turning against Cora would be redemption for Regina, at least not right now. She has to know who her mother is before she can decide what to do and, right now, not even we know Cora, not entirely. Which brings us back to 2x16, The Miller's Daughter. They gotta give us some explanations during that episode, please.

  35. Can't wait for the watchtower showoff! It's gonna be really intense. I personally love all confrontations Regina/Cora/Snow have in any combination. There is not enough Snow/Regina!

  36. "I honestly don't think turning against Cora would be redemption for Regina, at least not right now."

    Couldn't agree more. What logic is there to killing her mother simply for the sake of proving she's changed for the better?? It's hypocritical to accuse Regina of all sorts of crimes, but then turn around and demand that she kill her own mother as if that would be righting a wrong.

    If there's a confrontation and Cora is a threat to Henry's safety, I fully expect Regina to protect Henry, or maybe if Henry again pleads for her to make peace with the Charmings. But execute Cora now as a way of redemption? Not only is that unlikely, it doesn't make sense.

  37. "With hate and love, your lovely stepmother and adoptive mother of your and Rumpel's grandson (we all screwed!!!), Regina"

    (rofl) Now that's an unsettling thought. Storybrooke isn't Swingtown, after all. :D
    P.S.: I hope Rumple is not Regina's father. I just can't take that absurdity on top of all other family connections and romantic involvements, even for the sake of a laugh.

  38. Oh, I'm sure Rumple won't be killed for the reason you said, but I never like to assume anything even though main characters are rarely ever killed while a show is still running.

  39. Based off the Canadian promo, Neil said he'd be over 200 years old if he'd lived in this world all that time since the portal (Rumple lived a long time in Fairytale land). Bae's lived in other worlds before this one. So he could be exactly 35.

  40. Yeah, it's complicated enough.

  41. Looks very intense. I was just complaining over the other thread that makes no sense to have the super powerful villains sneaking around like that. Glad everything will be out in the open now.


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