Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Castle - Episode 5.15 - Target - Sneak Peek 5

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Castle - Episode 5.15 - Target - Sneak Peek 5

18 Feb 2013

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  1. Alright that's enough, 10pm lets go!

  2. EmbraceYourInnerFreak18 February 2013 at 17:13

    Can't wait!

  3. Today everyone will have the opportunity to see one of two of the best chapters/episode of the season, is an Emmy's undoubtedly....!!!!

  4. If only... Except the Emmy people don't care about shows like Castle, God knows why. They only see the cable shows that last 12/13 episodes, that are made in half the time it takes to make a season-long show.
    How I'd love if they ever nominated either Nathan or Stana, but they just don't care.
    That's why there should be two separate award shows.

  5. I always thought she'd say something about Rick and Kate, as if she knew the whole time...hopefully we'll see how that plays out soon.

  6. Agree. She's nobody's fool, she is Captain for a reason, so none of this is lost on her.

  7. disqus_xJLoUx8GZu8 April 2014 at 04:57

    Gates knows all about Caskett, and I'll bet she knows about Senator Bracken,Roy Montgomery and Johanna Beckett. Let's see what will cause her to make that disclosure.


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