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Supernatural - Episode 8.09 - Citizen Fang - Jeremy Carver Interview

Dec 5, 2012

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Thanks to Percysowner and DovilÄ— for the heads up.

TV Line: Supernatural Boss Talks Winter Finale: Polarizing Flashbacks and the Brothers' Battle Over Benny

EW: 'Supernatural' midseason finale preview: Boss on conflicts rising 'to a boil'

TV Guide: Supernatural: Defending Sam Winchester


  1. So what happened to the PTSD of Dean. Purgatory story is over? All we are left with is the boring Amelia storyline. It had better be a bloody big pay off in the next couple of episodes to make it worhtwhile me having to sit through all the soppy flashbacks, that could have been done in one two minute flashback, Sam meets Amelia and falls in love, there you go done.

  2. As to the coming together of the storylines, can I hope that means Benny kills Amelia! Yeah to that. Then Dean wouldn't have to kill him as she is so boring and horrible to Sam she deserves it.

  3. Yeah, i can't stand anymore Sam & Amelia crap

  4. I love how in Dean's eyes its ok for him to have a monster friend and leave him alive but it wasn't ok for Sam to have a monster friend and Dean skilled her!!!

  5. lol how is she boring and horrible to Sam?

  6. Yay, the brotherly conflict is heating up, when did we ever have that as a Supernatural storyline!

  7. Obviously there are some major hints that there is more to the story than just a soppy romance so no it couldnt have been shown in just 2 minutes.

    Dean didnt have PTSD, he had survivors guilt and slice of readjustment issues. The fact that he has been able to readjust to being back from Purgatory is a clear indication that he didnt have PTSD. The writers never said it was PTSD that was just Jensen who likened Dean's situation to Jeremy Renner's character in the Hurt Locker, he did not have PTSD.

  8. still al pointing to Dean chosing Benny over Sam to me, everything that has happened so far suggest Dean is about to do so. Honestly if he does I wouldnt care mainly because I know they'll be hunting together again by episode 11.
    There are also some major hints that Benny does turn out to be the bad guy but I'm sure that that cant be true, this is Dean's friend after all. (Ty Olssen filmed episode 10 I belive)
    More suggestion that there is more to Sam's flashbacks than meets the eye, looking forward to that being explored in the next 3 episodes. (pretty sure Liane Balaban filmed episodes 9, 10 and possibly 11)
    Really want to know who the figure outside Sam and Amelia's place was.
    Really hope the mythology picks up a bit too, I know there will more Cas/Niomi/angel stuff in episode 10 but they really need to up the actual Winchester involvment in the storyline. I thought they were being proactive this year?

  9. Amy was KILLING humans and so far Benny has not, that we know about.

  10. She was saving her son she wasnt going out and slaughtering humans left right and center because she felt like it but that was never the issue it was the fact Dean told Sam to make him his stone number one and then rejected Sam's judgement on Amy and went off and killed her behind Sam's back . I thought Dean was not very likeable in that episode in general anyway but the Amy killing will always be contentious esp now with Benny and my friend is my friend attitude and Sam's friend who saved Sam's life counted for nothing killing.

  11. Don't forget: The boys would kill anyone they had to, do anything they had to (sell their soul, etc) to save their family.

  12. Way to go, Carver. You've used up all of my "I hope you find your feet" and "best of luck with the new job" and "anything is better than Bobby-killer Sera" goodwill. You don't want to deal with the overall story so you have inserted annoying, fandom polarizing, dig up sh*t from the past brother conflict and a ridiculous love interest (who isn't even nice) and now triangle. Good to know that you can't write the myth arc so you are settling for melodrama. I could give a crap about Benny if his only role is to drive a wedge to create drama. Then, to move past that we're going to expand the universe to John's family because, hey, if I can't get to the point, why not make some stuff up to distract you. You do not inspire confidence, sir.

    I feel like this season is just a random compiling of crap scripts that weren't good enough to make it into seasons 2 and 3.

  13. So it is OK to kill if you have a good reason?? Sam even told Dean he knew it was right to kill her and Sam repaid Dean by killing his daughter because he knew Dean would have a hard time doing it.

  14. and here was me hoping this season would have Sam and Dean against the world, proactively trying to stop Crowley and close the getes to hell while the angels have their own agenda.
    I'm not sure this brother conflict is going any place good.

  15. No but Amy was not just anybody in the same way Benny wouldnt be and Sam killing Dean's daughter was not covert as I said that wasnt the issue as many fans know full well.Sam telling Dean it was ok was poor writing IMO as was everything around that situation more should of been done with that story.

  16. was Benny alwasy a veggie vamp?

  17. You must also see that different showrunners and writers were responsible for the contents of this season and the Amy arc. It's pretty obvious to me that especially with Supernatural, all the different people involved have different opinions on who those guys really are, and it's something that hurts the coherence between seasons. There isn't much merit in making sense of it somehow that he kills her and befriends him, because it seems like the people caring the least about that are the writers and/or showrunners. It's clear that they like to stir up fan controversy and discussion, but they are often doing it by trading a lot of established characterization for whatever fits their needs in a scene. Dean and Sam were completely different people during the first four or five seasons, afterwards the writers basically didn't give much of a f*** about who they are, as long as the episodes are somewhat exciting. It's a serious flaw in my eyes and a major reason for the obvious decline in quality after Kripke left the show.

  18. I like your last paragraph, it often seems like that doesn't it? I also can*t read the words "brother conflict" anymore. They have been in conflict since episode 1 and I honestly can't see why it has to be the freakin' focus of every damn season, with the ever-same arc. Things heating up, things breaking down, things getting good again, see you next season when we press repeat.

  19. The whole Amy thing was badly done in my opinion.

    I mean Amy worked in a mortuary in order to get pituitary glands from the dead to feed herself and her son without having to kill anyone; which is commendable.

    Dean doesn't trust Sam's assessment of her and goes behind his back and kills her leaving the son orphan.

    Now the boy obviously needs to feed on glands too and now that the mother is dead who is going to procure them for him?

    There was no mention of a father. This means that the child has to start killing to live and I doubt that at his young age he will get a job in the same place as his mother worked.

    Dean might have killed a monster but he created another one, that could turn out to be far more dangerous.

    In my opinion the whole Amy thing is exactly like the Benny one, just an excuse to make the brothers argue and fall out and honestly I feel there's been enough of that.

    It's time these "creative" writers came up with something more original.

  20. If this season stays like it has, it will fast become my favorite. I am loving all the eps except Bitten. You must be an only child, I have 3 boys and believe me, brother conflict is ALWAYS there, down to which bowl to use for cereal. Put in monsters, Hell, Heaven, love interest and the conflicts just get bigger. What a boring show this would be if it was always sunshine and kisses. When I stop liking a show, I stop watching and I am still here for the long haul.

  21. Sam knew it was right to kill Amy and he needed to tell Dean he did the right thing and I don't think Dean will have a problem killing Benny if it comes to it. No he would not like it, but would know it needed doing. He has warned Benny several times to keep his nose clean. Would have been interesting to see Amy's son come after Dean. ;)

  22. If Benny is killing I think Dean will not have a problem killing him, he has told him several times to keep his nose clean or he would have to come after him. I'm not seeing this as an issue. I think the bigger issue is Sam going behind Dean's back to keep tabs on him.

  23. I disagree about family conflict. And no, I'm not an only child. Eventually, you grow up and realize that there are more bowls in the cabinet.

    I think that putting in monsters and heaven and hell should do two things 1) give the boys a common enemy that unites them (most of the time) and 2) give them the necessary perspective to force them to grow out of juveniles habits. But more than anything, this doesn't feel like true fighting to me (for one Sam never stands up for himself and keeps tagging along), this feels like they are chess pieces set in opposition that can't even move themselves. This isn't the pressures of day to day living with someone you are related to, this is angst that started in season 1 coming back for no apparent reason.

  24. Bwah! This comment says it all. Kudos for summing up exactly how I feel about this season so far.

  25. Loved your comment, but I would add "make the brothers act out of character", too.

  26. personally I think Dean should have been keeping an eye on the vampire he brought out of Purgatory, you know just to make sure he isnt killing anyone.

  27. Where were you when Sam was STANDING up to Dean over Ruby?? I guess I just don't know "grown up men" most of them are always boys at heart, I don't care how old they get.

  28. The brothers act out of character because major things changed them. The Sam arc is leading up to something because this isn't Sam. It's Dean but he's changed due to what he experienced in Purgatory. It's no different than a soldier and the change his life due to war.

    Carver is saying nothing because he's not gonna tell us much. I think this season is going great. I'll be honest. I don't like Sam this season, but I am hoping to find out why he wimped out on Dean and decided another romance was more important. Dean even looked for ways to get Sam out while he was with Lisa, so this isn't Sam. Not our Sam. Something is wrong.

    I like what is happening. There are monsters and they are dealing with them. There is a lot of angst and melodrama? Yeah, but it's been that way almost every season.

    I have just learned that no one is ever happy with a season. Carver and the writers know it. So do Jensen and Jared.

    Me, it leaves me wanting more.

  29. I have tried to say this, but you did it so much also leaves me wanting more.

  30. I was talking about this season and the OOC manufactured conflict.

    The boys don't act like they are five. Things like who gets to drive or if Sam had a dog in the car--these things feel like normal strife that occurs between two people who love each other but get on each others' nerves sometimes. Yelling about not having a soul and letting Dean down all the time and finding new "brothers," doesn't. To me, it feels like Carver needed drama and sacrificed character consistency and past emotional resolutions on the alter of plot.

  31. We cannot wait for tonight's all-new episode and all the teasing about it makes our excitement indescribable. Too bad not everyone's happy about the tension between the brothers or the new story lines, because we find them heart-wrenching as well as intense. Guess the more you analyze a show, the more you lose your joy because you are somewhat looking for mistakes or things not to like. Anyway, we are thrilled and find the new season as amazing as all the others.

  32. Just to add to your post that these are not normal brothers.

    They've been to Hell and Heaven literally, died multiple times and have had incredible things happen to them.

    It's logical to me that those experiences would bring the brothers closer and even co-dependent on one another, not because they are childish but because only they can relate to the things that have happened to them.

    I mean IF Amelia is a normal person, I doubt she would take very well to Sam telling her he was Satan's vessel and spent one hundred and eighty years in the Cage with Lucifer, or that his brother had just spent a year in Purgatory.

    Then Dean had sworn over Rufus' grave, which is a serious enough place to say it, that there was a blanket apology for everything and everyone for past actions.

    It seems all that has been forgotten and it's annoying because one remembers these moments and can't just cancel them out because the new writer decides to disregard all the past details.

  33. Doesnt mean it has to be every season there is no edict and more so when the brothers that got separated at the end of season 7 were not throwing rocks at each other if that had been the case and the enforced separation had added to that then I would agree to a point but that wasnt the case. The angst this year seems to of been invented rather than a continum .Sam not looking for Dean being the chief culprit and Dean and Benny's relationship and the whole you me , thy brother thing going on with those two.

  34. That's nice, but this was once a show about two brothers fighting evil in a black Impala; this season it is a hotch-potch of melodrama, episodes like Bitten where the lead actors are AWOL, completely OOC provoked conflict and the brothers doubting their very brotherhood.

    One doesn't have to do much analyzing to see that many things have changed from the family business of saving people and hunting things, and in my opinion not for the better.

  35. ''Guess the more you analyze a show, the more you lose your joy because you are somewhat looking for mistakes or things not to like.''

    +1000 for that. The show's not perfect, there's things I don't like there's things that I don,t mind but I can't understand why some people like and some don't, but I don't get when people get overwork with, for exemple, one little , very vague, word (or one vague spoiler) that could mean a thousand thing, and decide it has to mean the one thing they hate. The rest of my family don't watch the spoilers, they don't know anything about what's going on behind the scenes (like they don't know about the ''5 years plan'' or the changes of showrunner and they still enjoy the serie a lot and I never head them saying they hate let's say episode 8 or 7 or whatever cause character X did something in episode 1 or in Season Y.

    That being said, I don't mind some tension, but I think we had more enough for this season. But I'm keeping my finger crossed for the second part of the season, especially with the teaser a couple of weeks back about a huge emotional moments between the boys next year :)

  36. ''Then Dean had sworn over Rufus' grave, which is a serious enough place to say it, that there was a blanket apology for everything and everyone for past actions.''

    And in episode 6 this season he said he would let it go and in the last 2 episodes he didn't say anything mean to Sam about his last year (unless I have a bad memory) and in the sneak peek he was ready to go investigate on Benny to see if he was really killing people. He's not doing so bad in the last episodes. Let's see what happen tonight before freaking out

  37. Oh I assume we'll get back to SamnDean vs the world after 8.14 (id'd as 813 in Chico6s tweet) when the boys have their emotional conversation in which Sam is made to own up to all his mistakes - because this season Sam gets his comeuppance of course - and Dean forgives Sam again causing multiple fan explosions ;). /sarcasm

  38. Thank you, well said, especially concerning Dean's statement; this isn't "Dean -bashing", it's the "Writer/Showrunner's" fault for makng sh*t up to introduce yet another season start with the boys at odds wit each other. I think it was Robt Singer who said in a very early S8 (or late pre-S8 premiere) that "Dean will be pissed at Sam for not looking but he will be secretly proud that Sam moved on with his life, too". The RS semi-quote falls directly in line with Dean statement over Rufus's grave - but I have seen no sign of Dean's being "secretly proud of Sam". In one or more of the JC interviews above, JC says that Dean is still pissed at Sam for not looking for him, which kinda makes "Dean" look as hypocritical as Sam when the reality is *really* inconsistent writing.

  39. Yeah fans tend to forget the high number of "monsters" including possessed humans the boys have killed without too much thought *to save each others' lives.* Just saying.

  40. well come on they arent going to taint saint Dean in any way are they?!

  41. For me it is even better than some of them. ;)

  42. I'm not going to so far as that yet, but so far this season Dean seems to be shown in a positive light, Benny appears to the one "Monster in a million" able to defy his urge to "eat humans" so to speak like Lenore and her clan were, and "Cas let go" because he wanted to stay and absolved of any mis-placed survivor's guilt..Compared to Sam who didn't look for Dean and distrusts/or is juvenily jeaulous of Benny enough to have him surveiled by a potentially still unstable hunter - you do the math unless JC plans to have Dean do something that makes him "look bad" to all fans which I doubt.

  43. I love both brothers and their brotherly bond for me is paramount.

    I don't blame Sam or Dean for how they act on the show, they are pawns in the hands of the writers and have to act out the script that is given to them.

    We will never know what Jared and Jensen really think of the way this season is going, but I'm sure they have plenty of doubts too, at least if they were being truthful when they said that they were very protective of their characters

    Anyway, I will never engage in brother wars because for me the brothers are a unit, 'Sam and Dean Winchester. '

    I don't care if they fight and argue, all brothers do, that's normal but I have to feel the underlying love and caring.

    If that's missing it's not my show any more.

    I was pleasantly surprised in the episode Adventures in Babysitting when in the car Dean tells Krissy that Sam had been to Stanford.

    Although that had been a sad time for Dean, you could see that he was somehow proud to be able to tell her that his brother had gone to College.

    I thought that that was a sweet moment.

    Dean loves his geeky emo brother, just as Sam loves his big brother and no Mr Carver and his inconsistent writing will make me think otherwise.

  44. The brothers have been at odds for 8 episodes with yesterday's making nine. Dean has emphasised how Benny is a better brother than Sam has ever been, which I think is a terrible thing to say.

    If for nothing else that makes me dislike this season intensely.


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