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Supernatural - Episode 8.01 - We Need to Talk About Kevin - New Promo

Oct 1, 2012

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  1. Muh.
    Wednesday evening will reveal if episode 8.01 is going to be a memorable Season opener or not.
    Here's hoping the writers haven't cooked up something too indigestible,.but have prepared a tasty meal for all SPN fans.


  3. I can't believe that I have absolutely zero excitement for this season. I thought Season 7 was devastatingly poor.

  4. Finaly!
    I can't believe Wednesday is nearly here. I rewatched the series pan episode a day] during the wait from season 7 finale to now.

  5. I'm the opposite, I have such high hopes for this season. Seasons 6 and 7 were average, and bad writing ruined some episodes for me. I think this season has potential to outdo both of them.

  6. I hope you're right. It's be a nice surprise if it was awesome!

  7. I have to agree with you. The spoilers that have been circulating, if confirmed, are really dampening my enthusiasm too, especially those that refer to the brothers and their forced separation.

  8. Well, I certainly excited. Wednesday can't get here soon enough!!!

  9. SO EXCITED! I have to say though, I won't be at ease until I see 8.02 (CAAAAAAAAAAAS).

  10. Indeed...

  11. That might be the one, tiny problem I have with season 8, so far. I just, ugh, I just so want the brothers to be content with their relationship. With each other. Not to say that they can't have other relationships, but after the last few angsty, problem-ridden seasons, I think their relationship earned a break (If that makes sense).

  12. its the same promo as the others but omg!!!!!! looks again awsome

  13. It makes perfect sense.
    There's plenty of ideas and plot-lines that can be developed without continually keeping the brothers at odds with one another.
    As far as I'm concerned they deserve to be good with each other at least for a season.
    They are stronger together than apart, something that both brothers have repeated during past seasons.
    I just don't like what I've been hearing
    I can't believe that the Sam I know wouldn't even bother looking for his brother; It's just hard for me to understand and accept that.

  14. can't wait anymore....but c'mon!what about some new footage?this is basically the longer version of the other promo!

  15. "There's plenty of ideas and plot-lines that can be developed without continually keeping the brothers at odds with one another."

    This. Exactly! With so many stories floating around in season 8 (Purgatory, Amelia, Angels, Word of God, Crowley, Cas), I really don't see the point of adding more tension to their relationship. I just hope this won't last long...fingers crossed.

  16. Yeah! The fingers of both hands. :)
    I hope it's all a misunderstanding and that the writers are just toying with us.
    As you say there's plenty of stuff to get their teeth into, without Dean having to feel hurt because Sam didn't look for him and Sam in turn having to feel hurt because Dean doesn't understand his choice of abandoning the search for him and going on to live a life outside of hunting!
    Gosh,I really hope not! :(

  17. I have no idea what to expect. After being horrified at the treatment of Sam's storyline for the past couple of seasons, a deal breaker for me watching this season is the appearance that the writers are at least putting a little thought into Sam's character and storyline.

    If I had to rate my interest level in what I've heard, on a scale of 1-10, my interest in the Sam/Amelia flashbacks is about a 6, mostly because it's been so long since we've seen him connect with anyone. My interest level in the Dean/Cas/Benny-love-triangle-Dean-angst-Purgatory storyline is about a 2. My interest in watching Dean and Sam argue over what Sam didn't do to find Dean is about a -2. But my interest in a multi-front demon-angel-Winchester conflict over the word of God is about an 8.

    Since I'm expecting they probably won't pick that up heavily until the second half, I'm wondering if I should just tune in early 2013. One thing I'm certain of is that I'm skipping the Adam Glass episodes this season. Last year I kept thinking that I should skip them because I never enjoy them, but that maybe, must maybe, something worthwhile would be in the next one. But there never was.

  18. None of us really know what's going to happen with any of the plot-lines, I suppose. We'll just have to wait and see.
    However, I don't like the Sam/ Amelia affair because I feel its' just waste of time, as I think that the writers will only dedicate the minimum of scenes to it anyway.
    What can it ever lead to?.
    Are the writers intending to write Sam out of the show by settling him down permanently with Amelia, for either this relationship will finish up like Dean/Lisa and will just have been a waste of time, or it is meant to be permanent in some way.
    Like you, I certainly don't want to see the brothers being at odds with one another about why Sam did or did not look for Dean
    As for Dean/ Cas/ Benny, we don't know where that will lead either but without Sam being included in it, I don't really care what they do.
    I just want to see the brothers working together with equal importance in the story-lines, but that seems to be beyond the writers' ability to do!
    What were the Adam Glass episodes that you didn't like?

  19. In season, Defending Your Life, Adventures in Babysitting, and Party on Garth. All three would make it onto my bottom 10 of the series list.

    In season 6, All Dogs Go To Heaven would make it onto my bottom 3 of the series list. I barely remember Two and a Half Men because I never felt compelled to watch it again after it first aired. Like a Virgin and Mommie Dearest were better but there were serious flaws. With Like a Virgin, the dragon storyline/mythology was so full holes, it's not worth remembering. The episode did have some good moments, but I remember at the time being annoyed that Sam first episode in which Sam was back from Hell had more focus on Dean than Sam. And as for Mommie Dearest, I liked it, but mostly because some of funny lines, and I suspect other writers should get credit for most of those good lines. I read Kripke came up with the Jefferson Starship one. I was also fangirling Misha through the episode and loved the Cas/Crowley scene at the end. But my first impression while watching Mommie Dearest was that the momentum was getting sucked right out of the middle when Sam and Dean went on their orphan quest. I also thought Eve/Mary's monologuing was a little dull.

  20. I think some people don't like the character of Cas that much (anymore). I do neither. To be quite honest, I feel like the Dean/Cas angst ruined the balance on the show and the Sam/Dean relationship. Right now, for me, Cas has nothing add to the story anymore. It's like they're just keeping him on the show because the fangirls want him to.

    Note: Before anyone of you feels offended, I didn't write this to cause any commotion. Just to show why people might have a diffent opinion...

  21. Yes, I get your point. Four not very memorable episodes.
    I don't mind Two and A Half Men though. It's watchable, although it's definitely not a great episode.
    Like a Virgin was rather cheesy to be honest, and you're right in that Sam's return from Hell, or at least his soul's, was too quickly tied up and forgotten!

    Mommie Dearest was okay and although I loved seeing Mary again the fact of Eve taking on her face was a bit clichèd and although I'm a sucker for their brotherly bond, I didn't really like the comparison thing with the two young brothers; it was just a bit too predictable; although seeing Crowley again was terrific.
    Maybe Glass won't write any this year!

  22. I don't think he's going away. I read on a different thread that he wrote the Garth episode (think it's #6).

  23. Oh, right!
    If I remember correctly the Garth actor said that they had written an episode just to have him back on the show or something.

    Glass and Garth, sounds like a Cabaret act! :)

  24. Well, it's looking like this year Benny will be the one coming between Sam and Dean. Benny, and maybe Amelia and a dog. Misha in an interview says Cas is a little jealous of Dean's relationship with Benny.

  25. Can't wait! Can't wait to see the boys once more!!

  26. I agree that the Dean/Cas angst could have been done better, it was starting to resemble a soap opera at one point. I hope there is a way they can bring Cas back without having to address all the previous (season 7) stuff, but I doubt it. I thought they were trying to do that at one point, but then the moment kind of passed. I don't want them to keep any character on the show just because they feel like they'd lose part of the fanbase.

  27. Same here! I love the "battered soldier having to adjust" angle tbtb speaked of concerning Dean. It will be a nice contrast from Sam who just had a taste of the normal life he always wanted.
    I trust Jeremy Carver not to be too heavy-handed with how that separated experience reflect on the bros. After al, they never will have a real normal life and they always be soldiers in a way.

    Can't wait to see more about Benny and Crowley being right in the center of this year arc (I hope)
    I am not so sure concerning Kevin, but I like what I saw in the promo. We'll see how his character will be handled.

    Anf of course dying to know what happened in purgatory; why Cas go away, how Dean get out, how and when Cas will come back
    CAAAAAAAAAAAAS! (this is just to see if I can break your "unlike" record lol!)

  28. Meh. Nothing new here.

  29. My feelings about this season parallel yours nearly exactly although my interest in the Purgatory story is much lower. When it first happened at the end of last season, I thought I would be interested... but now that I have found out that we are going to be inundated with Dean's exciting Purgatory story line and Sam did nothing to find Dean at all during that time, it has plummeted dramatically. I hate any story line that doesn't include both brothers. I had high hopes for Sam's Hell story for years because I thought that he and Dean could really bond now that Sam could understand what Dean went through. However, Sam;s time got totally erased and except for that wonderful warehouse scene, we didn't really get much.

  30. Sam's normal comes at too higher price if they wanted to destroy the character again as in Season 4 they are going the right way about it. Sam was better off in the cage with Lucifer than the witrh the writers of SPN and its showrunners.

  31. Thank you for saying what I'm thinking. Every time I read something about this season it makes me want to cry. If Sam has no story, but has all of the POV it might make up for it... but it is hard to have the POV without having time on screen. And Yes we know it is a fact that Jared had significant time off for the first handful of episodes. So again, Dean is going to get the POV and the myth arc... and Sam is the one turning his back on Dean. Again.

  32. Yes. At least Lucifer dedicated him more attention, if nothing else!

  33. I thought that might happen. Can't be bothered to care, though. Castiel is the best!


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