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Castle - Episode 5.04 - Murder, He Wrote - Review

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Here’s my review for Murder, He Wrote. I know I’m later than usual, but I’ve been pretty busy this week, plus I figured that because there’s no new episode this Monday (which I’m not happy about), I’d have a little more time. So hope you guys like it.
We begin the episode at the Castle loft, where Castle is getting ready for his romantic weekend with Kate in the Hamptons. Martha and Alexis are also there and they tell him that he needs a plan because women don’t like a man without a plan. He says he’ll make reservations and they say it needs to be somewhere romantic, classy and preferably under the stars. When Martha tries to tell him what else they can do under the stars, Castle leaves before this conversation becomes too uncomfortable. At the precinct Kate is counting down the seconds until 5 ‘o clock when Castle sneaks up behind her. She tells him he was supposed to wait outside around the corner (really?) but he thought it would be fun to be with her when the clock strikes 5, like New Year’s Eve, only without the kissing. But he says there will be plenty of that this weekend (I wouldn’t be too sure). She tells him to shush, but he says they have nothing to worry about since not one of the detectives at the precinct has a clue (don’t jinx it). This reminds Kate that she’s lying to the people she cares about, so that she won’t get fired. That’s when the clock strikes 5 and they’re weekend begins. But of course not before being interrogated by Ryan and Esposito. Castle tells them he’s on his way to the Hamptons to write and they tell him that Kate’s going away with her boyfriend. When they start to question Kate about him, like asking if he’s handsome, Castle goes along with it so that it won’t look suspicious. Of course he takes it a little too far (when doesn’t he) and things get a little awkward before he decides to leave. Esposito and Ryan wonder why Kate wouldn’t tell them who her boyfriend is. So, with the excuse that he might be a danger to her (yeah right), they decide to use the weekend to figure out who he is.
When Castle and Kate arrive at his huge place in the Hamptons, she asks him if he’s rich or something. When he starts to show her around, Kate starts to realize that she’s probably not the first girl who’s gotten this tour. Castle doesn’t deny the fact that he’s brought other women there, but he says “None of them were you.” Kate smiles, and they go, hand in hand, to check out the pool. Later at night they go for a late-night swim and apparently Kate decided to not bring a swimsuit. This adorable conversation is interrupted when an almost-dead guy falls into Castle’s pool and becomes a dead-dead guy. After the Hamptons PD gets there, the (annoying) cop asks Kate who she is, she says Katherine Beckett (not sure if we’ve ever heard her use Katherine) and asks if this could be held out of the public record. The cop draws the wrong conclusion and thinks that she’s a prostitute. O no he didn’t. Kate immediately corrects him, but he clearly does not believe her. Good thing she didn’t bring her gun. When she tells him that they didn’t hear any gunshots, so this probably means that the killer used a silencer, the cop says she probably watched a lot of cop shows. The Hamptons PD think they have their killer, a local meth user, but Castle is not so sure.
Later in bed, Castle keeps talking about the murder, and an already pissed off Kate tries to change to distract him. After realizing that they won’t be able to get to their romantic weekend until Castle gets some answers, they start investigating it themselves. The next morning Castle finds out from Shapiro that the last time he saw Franklin (that’s the victim) alive was at his party at 8.15. He apparently was on the beach arguing with a woman in a white dress. Turns out that Franklin was a banker who was involved in an insider trading scandal. He managed to cut a deal by testifying against his colleagues. Castle wants to talk to Franklin’s wife, but Kate refuses to leave the Hamptons. But Castle says that they don’t have to because he knows just who to call. I’ll give you three guesses.
Back in the city, Ryan and Esposito are questioning Lanie about who Kate’s boyfriend is. They are convinced that Kate is back with one of her exes. They think she’s back with Josh but Lanie shatters that theory when she tells them that Josh has been in the Amazon for the last year. When Esposito asks if she’s sure about that, Lanie gives him one of those stares that shuts both of them up. They’re ‘saved’ by a call from Castle. They tell him that they’re in the morgue with Lanie trying to figure out who Kate’s boyfriend is. Lanie makes it clear that she has nothing to do with this (I’m pretty sure she already knows), but Castle says she will when she has to deal with Ryan and Esposito’s bodies when Kate finds out. The boys say they’re not afraid of Kate, which makes her reach for the phone. Luckily Castle reaches it first, or they’re relationship would have been discovered. Castle fills them in on the murder in his backyard. He asks them to question the victim’s wife, and they agree with the condition that they can borrow the Ferrari for a week each. They find out from the wife that Franklin was having an affair with a Natalia Roosevelt. Castle and Kate go to question Natalia (I can’t help but still see her as Ava Vitali, the mob daughter on Days Of Our Lives) but the conversation takes a bad turn when Natalia brings in the help of super cop, who then arrests them. In the holding cell, Kate is angry at Castle for getting them in this situation. When super cop figures out that Kate is actually a homicide detective, he releases them, but not without asking for their help in the investigation. Apparently super cop isn’t all that super. According to the lab, Castle and Kate were right about the meth addict not being the killer, as they found no gunshot residue on him. Castle immediately agrees to help but Kate is not as excited. But when Castle says that they probably won’t be able to relax if this case goes unsolved, she agrees as long as her colleagues in the city don’t find out that she’s there. According to the ballistics report, the bullet was a 30 caliber, which is rare. When she asks about the ME’s report dumb cop (that’s what I’m going with now) tells her that it’s not in yet, and when she asks about Natalia he says that she didn’t have a motif. Of course dumb cop didn’t know about the affair, because Natalia didn’t mention that (duh!). So they question Natalia again and find out that Franklin was using her for her council vote on his helipad.
Back in the city Ryan find out that the text that Franklin had gotten was from a burner phone. But Esposito changes the subject to Kate’s love life. He now suspects Demming, but when they run this by Castle, he says Kate can do better. Kate doesn’t understand why they care so much about who she’s dating. Castle says “Why do people care about Brangelina?” and when Kate asks “So we’re Brangelina now?” they start to discuss their own couple name. Rickkate?? Kateick?? Caskett… that’s it. So my OTP figured out their couple name, what did yours do this week? When dumb cop arrives with the ME’s report, they figure out that Franklin was shot off a boat. Luckily they already have a witness who was on the beach that night: McMURRY!! But all he saw was the boat being attacked by a red shark with red eyes. I hope I never run into that one. But dumb cop (who might not be that dumb) knows what he means. They find the boat with the red shark logo, but Castle almost trips over a knot. Kate finds blood on the boat and they find out that the boat belongs to Learner who is one of the colleagues that Franklin testified against. According to Learner, he and Franklin had made up and he says that at the time of the murder, he was at a weight loss group. He says that if they want to know who killed Franklin, they should check out his neighbor. Lerner’s alibi checks out and Chief Brady very reluctantly tells them that the neighbor is Vincent Cardano, who is a mobster and Castle knows his cousin Sal. They want to invite Vinnie the scar over for dinner but Chief Brady tells them to NOT contact him. They of course don’t listen. Vinnie compliments Kate on her cooking and Castle does the same saying that he didn’t know she could cook. Yes, he did. She cooked him breakfast in 2x18 and she told him that her mother taught her. Anyway, the conversation goes well until Castle asks where he was when he found out that Franklin was dead. Vinnie gets mad and says that if he had killed Franklin, then they would have never found his body. Might not be the best thing to say in front of a cop, just saying. Later that evening Castle says it was murder that brought them together in the first place when Kate says if this was what he had in mind for a romantic weekend. They then get a call from a very upset chief Brady, who tells them that he’ll find the killer on his own and if they go anywhere near the case, he will out them.
Back in the city they find out Franklin was buying distressed properties (whatever that means) but not renovating them. When they go to one of those properties they find a meth lab. Now that they’re off the case, Castle and Kate can finally relax but when Castle tries to kiss her, Kate does the exact same thing Castle did the night before. Now it’s she who can’t stop talking about the case. Castle practically chases her around the room while they figure out that part of the drug business was in the Hamptons and that he used the helicopter to get the drugs from the city to the Hamptons. As Castle and Kate get closer and closer she backs out of kissing him (for the millionth time this season) and tells him that he should probably call the boys. In the city, Esposito is trying to figure out if Kate is back together with Will Sorensen, so Ryan questions Learner alone about being on the helicopter when the drugs were being transported. He admits to being in on it, but says he didn’t kill Franklin, that there was a local drug dealer that was angry for him and Franklin moving in on his territory and that he already told the rest to chief Brady and his TWO consultants, the writer and his girlfriend. This of course peaks Ryan’s interest so he keeps asking more details on the girlfriend, until finally he remembers her name: “Kate, her name was Kate”. “Son of a…” Ryan’s face was priceless.
When Ryan calls Castle he doesn’t tell him that he know but mentions that he questioned Learner. This makes Castle and especially Kate freak out. Castle tries to get through the conversation while Kate just looks shocked. It’s kinda like in Friends: They know he knows they know he knows. They are then visited by chief Brady who asks them if he wants to come when they arrest the killer. Guess he’s not mad anymore. But just when they take the suspect away, Castle figures out that he didn’t do it. The know he tripped over the day before is now a perfectly made one. Castle starts to accuse chief Brady (I don’t think so, not smart enough), but when Kate asks who got the information about Bentley (that’s the suspect) he says it was deputy Jones. Realizing that they’re on to him, Jones know out the other cop and holds a gun to Bentley’s head. Castle and Kate get behind Brady since he’s the only one with a gun. Jones confesses and when Bentley hits him with his elbow, Brady shoots Jones. Having never shot a gun Brady stand there in shock while Kate cuffs Jones. Castle then apologizes for accusing Brady asking “Still buddies?”. Later at Castle’s place, Castle, Kate and Brady talk about the case. Brady who clearly doesn’t get the hints that they want to be alone just keeps talking. Until there’s an awkward silence and he finally figures out it would be best to leave.
Back in the city Esposito tells Ryan that Sorensen has been in Europe for six months so he’s not Kate’s boyfriend. Ryan doesn’t tell Esposito about Castle and Kate. He probably realized that there’s a reason they’re keeping it a secret. He tells Esposito that they should drop it. In the Hamptons, Castle and Kate can FINALLY relax now that the case is over. Castle says that this gave him an idea for a next book “Hamptons Heat”. As someone who really likes those books, I would like to say: please dear god, let this actually be true. They discuss the book while the song “I Just Want You” once again plays in the background. Kate suggests “The weekend didn’t turn out exactly as detective Heat had imagined, but now nothing, not even another murder on the beach, could stop her from getting exactly what she desired most.” Excuse me while I recollect myself. They start to kiss and the screen changes to an outside view of the house under the stars. Awww.
So no review next week, as there’s no episode. But I’ll be back in 2 weeks to review Probable Cause, which I have a feeling, will absolutely destroy me.

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