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POLL : What did you think of Fringe - Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11?

29 Sept 2012

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  1. I'm Overjoyed ts back- it was brilliant brilliant brilliant
    5 stars

  2. Can someone go find my brain? I lost it somewhere about 2/3 of the way through!

    Boy, if all season's going to be like this (and it looks like it is), we're in for one doozy of a final season.

  3. No spoilers for me please till I'm caught up but I know it's gotta be exciting. And can't wait to watch myself.

  4. Damn Amber Gypsies!!!
    2036's version of grave-robbers I guess despite the entombed still being alive.....

    There is something just so disconcerting about Observers just appearing out of nowhere behind you! It never seemed so menacing when September did it before, but now....... EEEEK!!!
    Locks and deadbolts are just not very effective in 2036 I guess.

    Guess I had seen the Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11 before in the Walter Wanted video.. Not sure if it was in the other promos since I avoided them.
    I liked seeing the brief glimpse of the Observer invasion beginning. For a short scene it conveyed the scale and the panic quite well....

    - Insomnia be damned.... I will never complain about having bloodshot eyes again!!

    - It's always the red wire..... Unless it's the white wire.

    - Why do secure locations always seem to have the most insecure barrier arm gates?
    I swear I have never seen one of those arms stop anything. I think a 9-year old on a bike could break through most on TV! XD

    - The Bellie hand question is finale answered.

    - Ohh is there hope for a Bell or Agent Foster return this season? Please??

    - Loved Walter hearing Yaz in his dream! XD
    Forgot how much I liked Alf Moyet's voice....

    Nice to see another LOSTie (Eric Lange) making their way to Fringe!!

    I really liked this episode. Awesome indeed!
    Not as intense as I thought it would be, but it had some great quiet moments between the Bishops as various pairings reunited! Loved how the season is set up for the final chapter of the epic Fringe saga!

  5. Resistance is futile!

  6. Was that Eric Lange in the promo? Awesome!

  7. The entire episode I was just in awe of the sets, and the acting, and the brilliant writing, the unbelievable atmosphere and special effects... I kept thinking "OMG this looks expensive! Especially for a final season!"

    If this episode doesn't get them an emmy nomination next year, then nothing will. That was flawless. Down to the flower and the music at the end. I am just blown away... Fringe is back and better than ever!

  8. I liked the dandelion, but a white tulip would have nailed it.

  9. Yep it was. At least the younger version in the chair shaking was him... I'm not positive the older grey-haired and cataracts eye was him, but it could have been.

    I will see the promo again to be sure I guess.

  10. I think that device she is using on him is aging him. Or maybe sucking the life out of him is more like it.

  11. Trying to recall..... have we seen a device like that? My mind is not in Frigne mode right now, but I cannot recall one....

  12. I don't think so, but we have seen rapid aging. Old man baby, season 1 I think.

  13. Really? Still no epic button. The nerve :)

  14. Darn! It was worth to stay awake {I am in a different time-zone, ye know ;-] } Every single minute!!! How I miss this show! Somehow I was keeping looking over my shoulder because you never know who showed up behind you, right???? And Etta + Olive reunion wass :'-[ ... Great very Great episode! ♥

  15. Freaking fabulous Fringe! Love this show and this premiere was amazing. Was I the only one truly terrified during Walter's interrogation/torture scenes? I had tears welled up in my eyes (and I don't cry too much to TV) and I felt a cold chill run down my spine. If all the episodes are going to be this good, Fringe is going to go down as one of the most powerful shows in history.

    Take that all other shows!

  16. that was one disappointing episode, first time i've been bored by a Fringe episode. Horrible writing and too much backstory. Hopefully it'll pick up next episode, which i'm sure it will.

  17. I actually thought it was a little slow in places too, but I thought that slowness was balanced with the emotional pay-off of the scenes.

    Plus I find the exposition moments of Fringe the fodder for my theories as to what's going on or what's going to happen. So I guess I enjoy the back story and exposition..... Like you said though , I'm sure it will pick up... They need to set the table for a couple episodes before they have all the pieces in place to work up to the finale.

  18. Holy my God, I'm so blown away right now. I was skeptical about the last season being set in the future, but I was so wrong. The Fringe team as the rebels instead of the ones in authority is just a perfect way to change up the show, the Observers are a great last villain, the distopian future just different enough to be compelling, just familiar enough to be chilling, and I can't even with all the emotional moments between the Bishop family and Astrid - Peter and Olivia's obvious love and distance are killing me, and watching Etta get to know her family is so sweet and heartbreaking. That last scene, Walter listening to the music and seeing the dandelion in the middle of all the devastation was such a perfect message of hope. All in all, this show has always taken chances, and this last big gambol has paid off so well. If the rest of the season is anything like this opener, then it will a fitting send off for an amazing show.

  19. Hilarious/ super creepy that Markham was using Olivia as a coffee table!

  20. It was better than it should've been, considering Joel (A Shit Story About Love) Wyman's contribution. Didn't like the lack of continuity to the disjointed season 4 finale, but it was good. John Noble hasn't lost any of his old flair; though I can see why he was hospitalized for a sleep disorder. Seems like they're playing up the Blade Runner vibe, especially with the gypsies. DID NOT expect Markham to show up again, though his crush on Olivia was ludicrous (more Wyman romance). Can't think, need reunified; more tomorrow.

  21. Absolutely. I was like, "Oh, excellent, Markham's back!" and then like a second later, "Oh, dude, no. Not cool." Peter having to clear the stuff off Olivia made me giggle a little, though. Think he'll ever tell her about how undignified her last twenty years or so have been?

  22. After thinning about the Dandelion a bit more I really like that they used it compared to some other weed or flower etc.

    It feels like the various flowers stemming out from the central floret is analogous to how various choices made at a specific moment in time branch out into alternate realities.

    Plus the more obvious symbolism of humanity not being dead and burred just yet... rising up like a weed that is hard to eradicate.

    I wonder how much the central hub and florets stemming off of it will come into play...
    Might that be part of Walter's plan to destroy the Observers or send them back to whenever/ wherever?

    They seem to have a collective mentality at times like the genetic hive members in 4x13 A Better Human Being. Some virus that will effect all the Observers at once since they are connected, maybe a way to destroy the collective consciousness, or kill a central figure maybe. Like taking down the mother ship in Independence Day....

    Or it is just a pretty yellow flower. XD

  23. I thought it was slow too. It was a lot more emotional than I expected from a season premiere, especially the final season premiere. I'm not a fan of all the exposition at once either and think it could have used more action. However I didn't think the episode was bad, just not as epic as I thought it would be. I think high expectations did me in with this episode.

  24. As high as my expectations were, and I did think they were too high, this blew it out of the water. This episode was like HBO or AMC level amazing, and it was FRINGE!!! So much emotion, such great action and suspense, such marvelous pacing, such solid cinematography (WAY WAY WAY Better than the look of the past four seasons).
    The preview did look amazing to. Seeing this first episode has really made me even more stoked for the next 12. Here is what I think/hope/expect... we will get our links to season 1 through 4, all pieces will matter. We will learn how 2012 became 2015 then 2016 then 2036. We will learn how 1985 connects to 2036. We will learn how the two universes fit, how the war fits, how Henrietta is different from Henry, why timelines had to be changed, how the timelines fit together, why September does what he does, and just what the heck William Bell has to do and say in all this. We will learn in due time, Joel Wyman has pretty much promised, and I believe him..

  25. What I like about Fringe among other things is the curious combination of science fiction and calmness or even slowness: it makes me feel like the story is real, like it's really happening and it will. The premiere of season 3 was a bit like that too. Anna and Georgina were amazing. The last scene with Walter was epic to me.

  26. I was worried for a minute that Walter was going to call Astrid Astrid. My Walter line to look forward to next week "That's not a problem for someone who's done acid." Yay new season.
    Loved that final scene with Walter, the music, and the small spot of life in the wasteland.

    I liked this ep a LOT.

    Eggsticks. ewwwww

    Poor poor Walter. I kept trying to make them find that building faster.

    There's just something about the idea of destroying your world, going into the past to colonize a cleaner version of your world then speeding up its destruction by ruining the atmosphere just that little be faster.

    Awesome ep. Gotta watch again.

  27. Okay, after I took some time to recollect my thoughts, I'm finally able to say that I think they've done an amazing job. Really awesome episode, brilliant acting, great set-up, wonderful scenes (you probably know which ones I'm refering to). I'm glad they started right off where LoT finished, I have a feeling these two episodes are more like a two parter. They perfectly set the scene for the future episodes in 2036, and for the ones in 2015.
    I sat there in stunned silence while watching the last scene - John Noble really nailed it, no words to describe how epic and brilliant it was. Prefect Olivia and Etta reunion, amazing job from both of them. And Widmark really gave me chills with that "Hello, little girl" line - the guy's creepier that ever!
    All in all, can't wait to see what happens next. Hurry up friday!!

  28. re: the dandelion... I approached that moment a little more simply...just as being about Walter finding his hope again. He was so devastated by the outcome of his torture that I was beginning to wonder how they were going to get all the story told in 13 episodes if Walter was set back so far. And then in that one short scene, they healed Walter's spirit.

  29. wow this episode rocked

  30. Even though we had so many emotional reunions in this episode I still think the ending is what really got me, John Noble is a legend, when the music kicked in I don't know it just really got to me. There is hope, it isn't all awful in this world they find themselves in.

    Sadly I do think that Walter is going to sacrifice himself at the end of the season to save everyone, he has always felt responsible for everything even when he fixed things and I kind of feel like its heading that way. It would be so sad but I think they could make it pretty fitting to the entire series and character.


  32. Very good episode. Sometimes it was a little slow, but I enjoyed the emotional / backstory elements. I mean, they need to inform us about 2012-2015, right? :)
    Loved actors, dialogue and writing in general. Best scene was the ending with Walter. Epic stuff they did here - promo for 5x02 looks even more promising. :)

  33. I liked the episode .even though im not so fond of the 2036 scenario. Well questions ,questions as to who took baby Etta why she thinks she was 4 (either they messed up the dates or something else) and so much more.

    I dont like the head observer.He creeps me out. Can we take ALL the awards and give them to John Noble? Just sayin if 2036 doesnt have emmy's its probably the best thing in this misery dystopia... The whole plot with Markham was "funny" "creepy" and did i said creepy? I did. Add that to the list of unfortunate events in Olivia's life. Coffee table? Im not going to parallel the whole amber and Markham's words as OUAT reference or fairytale one.

    The Etta/Olivia reunion was like i pictured it . As for the PO scene. Nine acting but somehow im a bit tired of the whole lets keep the angst alive till the last minute. Still i imagined the worst case scenario with all these teasers about them having issues that hinted them as not even talk to each other. And i found them better . They have issues but i think finding their kid and have a common goal to save the world might force them to "talk" and try to recover.

    I liked the photography of the new season and how it was directed/ Movie alike. Issues will always be there when you seek the best episode but with 12 episodes left i dont really care im gonna take the ride enjoy it and later when im gonna rewatch s5 i might find issues or things that bother me and analyze them.

  34. Thank god for the music!!! That one dandelion,so beautiful amidst all that destruction,between those two things it gave Walter some needed peace of mind...

    Wow this episode freaking ROCKED IT OUT!! and OMG John Noble better get a Golden Globe and SAG award,he was nothing short of MAGNIFICENT!.......what they did to him broke my heart.Thank goodness for puffs,i haven't been able to think about him w/o the water works

    I'll come back...

  35. You keep harping on that,and of course you have every right,but not every story,every film,photo,or painting is going to be a masterpiece.I;m a little disappointed reading that you though " it was better than it SHOULD have been",i didn't think you would have gone into it expecting it....

  36. They couldn't resist because resistance is... Oh, never mind. ;)

  37. I'm sorry, Laura. My analysis wasn't as sharp as it usually is. Takes time for me to get back into that state of mind, considering that was the first episode I watched in over 4 months. I probably need to watch it again.

  38. I took it that way at first too. *nods*
    I just got this image in my mind and the mind wandered....

  39. It was an awesome episode. It's been well worth the wait. You are absolutely right about John Noble. If he does not win at least one award this time around then they are worthless.

  40. All I needed was the love you gave.
    All I needed was another day.
    And all I ever knew.
    Only You.
    1 out of 12 episodes. :'(

  41. I hope you can go into it w/o expecting it to be bad because of Joel?

    Were all a little rusty after 4 months! :)

  42. Good lord - that final scene was brilliant. John Noble continuing to break my heart - he was just fabulous throughout the episode. I absolutely loved the opener - the Olivia/Etta reunion was beautifully done and Torv and Jackson were brilliant in their heart-to-heart. Oooh if you weren't bad enough do not torture Walter!! What a creepy villain though and when he said "hello little girl" I got chills. Good to see Markham again - but using Liv as a coffee table? That's not on. It was disturbing to see the effect the observer takeover has presumably had on him. On the whole, a briliiant opener and now I'm looking forward to seeing Broyles and Nina soon though.

  43. Ok ok I said I didn't want to spoil myself but just like me I went on tumblr and did exactly wahat I wanted not to do. Ohh Peter my precious baby. So boss and adoring father. And it's like him to be looking for Etta when olive goes back to work. Family to the bishop men have always been more important. And yay Walters back to being cuddlily again! "hi mama" aww Etta you maybe hard to watch sometimes but honey you can be a babe as well. Love her already.

  44. Wow,really? Did we watch the same episode?

  45. We just jumped 20 years - I'd be upset if there wasn't backstory.

  46. I think the date think is VERY interesting because going back to A Brave New World we may have situation that we are in the middle of time loop, as we know "later" (in a future that already existed) at some point September went back to try and change the situation/ create a different future...It's possible it's still in progress.

  47. Yay its back!! and it was sooo good!

  48. Disagree a little...The dandelion is the FIRST pattern promo art we ever had and suggest a pattern with in the a "circular" structure (it means things are coming full circle). S2 also has promo art of Walter with Peter blowing off the dandelion "seeds" which also form a fractured pattern. So to see Etta blow one, signifies her relationship with Peter, but then also Widmark says to Walter that NOTHING can grow from scorched Earth as he destroys Walter's knowledge by retrieving it, but yet at the end a yellow (amber) Dandelion peers out of the crack in the road (this could also be Caprica reference because Joesph Adama comments about being able to see flowers grow out of the dirt despite the wars happening on Tauran and BSG and Caprica have also been referenced)...One of Lost's messages from Room 23 (which 23 was referenced here again in relation to Olivia) is "Plant a good seed" = prepare for the future, be prepared to make sacrifices for the greater good...

  49. I think the major point for the dandelion was a direct slap in the face to Windmark's comment the "Nothing grows out of scorched earth" This was Walter seeing that there is truly still hope, that even the earth itself is trying to repair things already.

  50. Awesome. Missed the beginning because my DVR is acting funky, but I will try to find that. I came in at the part where Markham doesn't want to let the Olivia Coffee Table model go because he's in love with her. And then they torture poor Walter. Hard to watch that. Anyway, I'll find some way to see the beginning because it's where Polivia breaks up.

  51. Perhaps "better than it should've been" was a bad phrasing, since I enjoyed it a lot. I NEED to talk to Darth, she will have seen all the stuff I missed.

  52. She's here now! You should watch it again,you won't miss anything..

  53. Ya. Both The Same Old Story and Then by extension "Bloodline" play to rapid acceleration babies, including Olivia(s), but in the Same Old Story it also related to "creating clone soldiers" on behalf of the US military via William Bell and Walter with the former Kelvin Gentics! Henry Higgins also is the one who helps both Olivias -with blue Olivia getting home to Peter and with Red Olivia with her pregnancy, which may be emphasized with Walter listening to music in 'the cab".

  54. It was perfect. I loved all the uture stuff with the observers and all, the story is amazing, but for me the best parts were teh acting. The reunion scene between Olivia and Etta, as well as the talk between Peter and Olivia were just incredible. Also, the scene in which Walter was being tortured was one of the hardest scenes to watch in my recent memory. John Noble, Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson were outstanding. So great episode. I think it's possible that we are in for our best season.

  55. Find the crack! (; I loved it thought it was beautiful and bittersweet episode.

  56. It sure was! I'll tell you it felt so good just to sit and watch,not worrying about what was going to happen,would they have a S5 or is this it...whew!

    I have a question someone asked me, maybe you know.This was the second time Walters left shoe ( I believe it belonged to Walter) was left,and they obviously had a reason for it,or they wouldn't of made a point of showing it...Any ideas?

  57. I didn't think of that. I was just thinking how much the white tulip represented hope and forgiveness for Walter, but I like your take on it.

  58. I can't remember another time, but it makes me think of Lost (as the number 23 appeared in association with Olivia and this similar theme of 'plant a good seed' = Room 23 Video). Olivia is a lot like Jack in this innate (white tulip = unknown reason) way that she "feels" she has save the lives of people at all costs. My interpretation to the FS was an ethereal bridge between 2 corporeal life times that showed the character's their up and coming future, but they couldn't move onto it with out remembering the most important moments from their previous life/time line so they could "see" and understand that they made this new timeline/future together by saving the Island. It's Christian, both the spirit of and the Smoke Monster impersonating him, that haunts Jack (it's his white rabbit). First thing he finds is Christian's shoes, which he later feels guilty about, as his grand father gives him a pair of nice shoes, which is now used for Locke. I think it implies the idea of what it is to walk in someone elses shoes, so that you can understand them,even if you have disagreements. It's the Island that makes Jack understand, which is further extended by the creation of his son Davis in the FS. He comes to forgive his father and sees that to some degree, there is a fate and that he doesn't have to fear death anymore, because he did have what it takes to save humanity on multiple levels.

    For Walter's shoe being left behind is similar, because it's both a metaphor of loosing your identity (his lost memory) and also that he left something behind (like a 'foot print'). And for Walter it may be about coming to terms with the creation of the Observers and his willingness to use/sacrifice human life for the sake of cheating death, or political recognition...Now he is the one being experimented on and sacrificed...

  59. But Joel also co-wrote "White Tulip" -which I find one of the most important episodes in terms of understanding the concept of layers of incarnations in a multiple universe dynamic, which all leads to a will of apology.

    I think "A Short Story About Love" (which is also a co-write) isn't a bad episode IMO (even though it might feel out of place with the season-which could be intentional if you think about some of those other episode titles), because it goes along with Brown Betty and some of these film nior/twilght zone themes. It emphases the craziness of stealing one's happiness (one's family, one's love, one's life) in order to save yourself. IMO this is what's coming back to haunt them, specifically for Walter and Olivia.

  60. I think it would be great to save the tulips for the final episode. Because you're right that they signify forgiveness.

  61. Couple of other things I forget about

    Appearance of being dead to infiltrate a building is similar to something I remember in Alias...

    "If you see the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him!" (In this case "she" was in a rocking chair) -But the scene of Walter hitting on miss Japan and expressing a wish to once have wanted to marry a girl of Japan, goes back to Walternate's Asian lady mistress (S1-3 Red Timeline) and thus implies "cheating" on his wife (forgetting his wife), which may mirror Peter's "mistake" with Red Olivia (again in the season 1-3 timeline)...It's also then curious how China Town had played to the Observers' social life and food needs? (chili peppers), certain Fringe events, including the birth of Henry, and how he had an Asain lady take care of Walter when he was lost (Snakehead)

  62. I am so glad Fringe is back! excellent showing of the 2036 world!

  63. Yeah but without the plan in Walter's head at this moment!

  64. Yay for Radzinsky!!!!!!! XD

  65. I think it's all kinds of hope. Widmark is "wrong" and Walter will find a way. The future will revive somehow. ("yellow" time line is key)

  66. I got choked up with Olivia being hesitant about Etta and seeing Walter wonder around in desolation to only find hope again...I thought the whole episode was a tear-jerker. SO Good!

  67. Olivia and Etta's reunion was quite nice, as was Walter's talk with Etta about how she'd always be a little girl to him. The core of the show is the relationships between these characters and that was in full force last night, even in this strange new world.

    Also, I already knew John Noble was an amazing actor, but ever since Sean Bean as Eddard Stark in his last scene, I've come to the conclusion that the mark of a truly phenomenal is to portray such emotion without saying a word. Sean Bean's distraught gaze across the crowd then settling on the statue to find just the slightest bit or relief that Arya wouldn't watch but knowing she had been there to see him was amazing. Then last night with Walter in the car finding hope again through music, just to see that progression through the emotions he displayed... top tier actor!

  68. You know i haven't thought about that since last season,so you still think Peter is in the what would the ending be...

  69. Yeah, Dandelions worked better for me...different flowers have different meanings...the white tulip is Walter's flower, and this was all about Etta...from the loss of her (as well as the liberty of the human race) and the loss of hope, to the rebirth of the dandelion from the scorched earth...Hope, like the dandelion, is not so easily snuffed out. Forgiveness, like the tulip, is a fragile and delicate flower...if I'm not mistaken, they even said in Subject 13, they're not even really hearty enough to grow in places like Florida...not what I would pick out for this episode...

  70. the mama,daughter reunion was longer then father.daughter. more diologue and stuff. and of course olivia and walter would let etta go for saving the world when Peter can't thus leaving to look for her. selfish you may say? he's a dad! he has a father's heart toward his only child. I can't begrudge him that to find her again. and it's not fair to lump Peter as the bad guy at fault while putting the other two on a pedistel.

  71. I am a little suspicious still because of all the Asian influences and in season 1 the mentioning of the Tibetan Book of Dead and Peter's favorite book, If you see the Buddha on the road, kill him, which is a type of Zen philosophy book. Additionally there was other stuff like Billy Idol song, and just inherently this idea of Peter having to go through something very profound in order to change said fate.

    I think we could see them all die and Peter return to a future where things are very different. Fringe strangely shares some things with Felicity (8 Ball, Film Noir, weird episodes featuring hearts out of the body, ect)

    Felicity ends up showing 3 timelines season 1-4 (except for the last five episodes) is a time line where her friend Alaina dies in a car crash she becomes distant and Ben cheats on her, all before Noel is about to get married....Meghan uses her new Wiccan Spell book to send felicity back to some point in her collage life and she decides she is there to make a different decision and choose Noel...ultimately she is proven that Ben is still the better choice and she finds the guy who wrote the book (because it hadn't been written yet) and he helps her get back to the future she came from....the audience thinks this is the case until the final scene, where her friend Alaina (and former love interest Tracey, who's wedding and relationship was ruined by Megan) are together with everyone at Noel's wedding...

    I could just see them do something similar, but I could be wrong (:

  72. I cant wait to see Nina and Broyles...with grey hair aging 21 yrs, lol.....and werent they lovers in one point?...wonder if they continued that affair 21 yrs after, lol....☺.....

  73. You're right.

  74. I liked it. Packed enough character development and plot development into the 40 minutes.
    One thing that annoyed me is why did they waste the "dead" tactic they wanted to save when Peter just let Olivia in the back door? Couldn't Etta have just let Peter and Olivia in the back door? :P

  75. one word...AWESOME!!!!
    can't wait for more!!! so sad its gonna be over so soon but trying not to think about it every episode (even if each new one does bring us closer to the end)
    i loved every minute.

  76. I think in some ways it's an unexpected episode, because it is emotionally complex. What happens to the characters isn't exactly pleasant. It isn't an epic reunion, because there's another fork in the road for Olivia and Peter, possibly Olivia and Etta, and then poor Walter gets left behind and tortured but the family still comes together to find him and bring him home. The episode has this eerie, but yet hopeful undertone. So I could see how one could be surprised and initially a little put off, because wasn't just a happy episode.

  77. I think "harping" was a little strong,i wasn't coming down on you,and i apologize for coming off that way!

  78. It was a very intense episode,with so much happening for all of them (except Astrid didn't have a large part),it mentally it wasn't a hard episode to follow,but emotionally it was.Peter and Etta finding Olivia,Olivia seeing her daughter for the first time in 22 years (give or take a year?)Walter being tortured.I thought it was well written,certainly well,i agree it wasn't a happy episode,i have a feeling the rest of the season will hold the same,but hopefully Fringe Division will prevail and rid our universe of the Observers..that in itself leads to hope for a better tomorrow.

  79. It also could be metaphoric to that phrase, 'waiting for the other show to drop'...It could suggest something really BIG is about to happen...

  80. I am not sure if "getting rid of them" is exactly going to be the moral implication...In the promo for next week we can get the drift that Etta doesn't see eye to eye with Olivia in terms of not having compassion for loyalist and/or the Observers themselves...I think we don't really understand why Widmark and gang has come back to 2015-2036 period. I had wondered over the course of the s summer "why" would they do this, even keep any human beings alive and one thought going back to Walternate (and Nero because of the Star Trek references, which this episode also referenced) is "revenge". Widmark revealed 'the ministry of science' aspect shown in the promos by telling us that they use humans for scientific study (He was going to take Walter's Brian) For humanity it's like a slow burn death, but also then a horribly ironic situation, as even from our time lines having people used for expirents (which as I have been saying lead to the creation of the Observers), is basically the idea that humanity (Observers are the future of humanity) keeps killing themselves in the name of progress.

  81. Because it's playing to the idea that Olivia chose to not find Etta and go to work to fight the Observers and Peter didn't. In The Day We Died the foreshadowing image of the family the little girl Amanda thought Peter and Olivia would have features their daughter (Etta) holding onto Peter's hand and NOT Olivia's. There is an intentional disconnect here.

  82. Moral.....yet here is a group/race of beings that are taking your thoughts,your mind,and leaving it half empty,to not even be able to complete a thought.They are destroying the air intentionally so that humans will most likely only live till 45.They are the destroyers of everything good,everything that is intrinsically good,and what we hold dear. ..There is a reason why their suits remind us of Nazi Germany,if Widmark is allowed to continue he will become the Hitler of his time...he must be stopped now,before its truly too late...... Maybe the Observers are not future of humanity....

    I get the feeling Etta didn't grow up playing with dolls,but if she did it was short lived.I wonder at what age she decided to join the resistance movement knowing it was either that or become a loyalist...did she say?i haven't seen it again,yet..

  83. Ok...let me write something another way.

    Olivia and Etta:
    I think it's a great juxtaposition, considering Olivia choose to protect other people, instead of finding her daughter. But Etta grew up in this horrible horrible world, where she had to fight to survive, so it naturally is more black and white to her, but the fact that it isn't to Olivia, still suggests that Olivia, despite her capacity to not be able to emotionally show immense joy, cares very deeply for others, and may suggest that just annihilating the Observers is not the answer...that this time Humanity must choose the different path so they stop killing themselves (The Observers play to the experiments of scientists like Walter and Bell by coming back and experimenting on humanity, as Observers are the future/advanced evolution of humanity) in the name of progress. Etta might be a lynch pin for Olivia actually having to save her own family...but we will see. Olivia is stuck between being this super soldier (cortexiphan) and being a mother, something I think many previous iterations of herself have been fighting not to realize, something long lost, but she is forced ('force perspective') to recognize by the disposition and existence of her daughter.

    The machine has been described by the producers like "The Christmas Carol", ultimately the Christmas Carol is about a lonely angry old man being shown alternate time periods, Scrooge is seeing "A FORCED PERSPECTIVE".

    Another reason I think Peter is still in the machine is the Eastern Philosophy references. In Easter Philosophy, especially Buddhism COMPASSION is high lighted as the greatest part of man. It's about choosing the high road and NOT becoming the thing you hate, other wise you may keep coming back to deal with the same issues (Dharma/Karma) over and over if you until you change.

    But the beauty with Observers is that they are humans too (just advanced ones)...If Walter uses his own family and children as experiments who DIED for creating them, then we can understand that this "amber" time line is about dealing with the consequences of that, as the future that was made comes back to punish them.

    So I don't think it's about KILLING the Observers, I think it's about changing the Observers perspective (and Olivia's) by showing them the power of LOVE.

    Ultimately if Peter would be in the machine it would be go through hell/death and back (Bad dreams/Tibetan Book of Dead) in order to not have this actually happen. Using an ethereal plane to test him and cause reciprocity to his actual corporeal time line(s).

  84. See,i told you my brain needed an oiling! :P Now i understand your saying,so easy to forget it seems,for me anyway...... Yep,i have to agree when you put it in black and white...I was going by gut reaction to Fridays episode.. :0

  85. Nah, you're ok. I do need to shut up about that episode.

  86. "Be Better Than Your Father" = Be Better than the people who came before you, the people who where 'here' FIRST. (<---First People)

  87. Ha! Guess you need to beat me over the head when i forget...How does one forget that,i know i didn't,but it sure seems like it... Lol :P

  88. Did anyone else notice that when they were getting Walter out of that building, the guns they shot sounded just like the guns from Star Wars?! LOL

  89. Absolutely loved the episode! It really feels like they've stepped it up in production value to give us the best final season possible! John Noble was incredible in that last scene!

  90. How is that the dandelion the one who makes smile and gives hope to Walter is the same for Katniss Everdeen

  91. three years, one month, and five days... ----> : me weeping like a child:

  92. I thought the exposition came through quite naturally.

  93. This episode was amazing. Almost perfect apart from Markham 'she's supposed to wake up and see me as her saviour' bollocks... that was just embarrassing. Everything else, though was just superb. John Noble absolutely killed it... again!


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