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Once Upon a Time - Season 2 - Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis tease new season

29 Sept 2012

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TVLINE | Now that the residents of Storybrooke know their true identities, what will be the first question they have?
EDDY KITSIS | I think their very first question is going to be, “Why are we still here?” Everyone naturally would assume that when the curse is broken, they’d go back to where they were, and that’s not the case. And then it just becomes a free-for-all. All of the questions that you have, they probably have. What happens now? Can we leave the city? Who did this? Why did they do this?

TVLINE | So, everyone is fully cognizant of both their existences. Mary Margaret is now Snow White, but she can also teach grade-schoolers long division.
ADAM HOROWITZ | Exactly, which is to say that the 28 years of the curse remain as real to them as their prior lives in fairytale land. Hopefully that complicates things in an interesting way.

TVLINE | If Emma’s now a believer and the curse is lifted, what is your narrative engine for Season 2? What will power you through the first batch of episodes?
HOROWITZ | Part of it’s going to be how Nucky retains power over the boardwalk.
KITSIS | We’re just going to borrow from other shows.
HOROWITZ | But that’s an excellent question, and in many ways the premiere this year is a new pilot, which is to say we take this show that hopefully you enjoyed last season and spin it in a direction that is both familiar and new. The show to us was never about breaking the curse and getting memories back. It was about larger conflicts – some of which were introduced last season, and some of which we’ll introduce very soon. They will center on all of our major players from last year, and yet there are some new people coming aboard. It’s all in service of this larger story we’ve been telling, centered on Snow White, Charming, their daughter Emma and their relationship with the Queen and Rumplestiltskin.

Source: Full Article @ TV Line


  1. very cool interview. Excited for the season so much!

  2. Is anyone else not really understanding what they're saying about Belle?

  3. InvestedInYourFuture29 September 2012 at 15:47

    Basically Regina most likely wanted to use Belle as leverage and she does not yet know that whatever she planned to blackmail Rumple with Bele, won't work now with Belle being free. bassically the only leverage Regina had against Rumple is gone.

    As for other bit about Belle - Belle seems to not have had any real Storybrooke memories apart from being in that cell, so everything in storybrooke will seem new to her and its all about how this whole new world affects belle and how Belle's very existence here affects Rumple's own goals and Rumple's own decisions.

  4. "Part of it’s going to be how Nucky retains power over the boardwalk." they really had me laughin with this one.

  5. Okay, I'm pretty sure if they go this way and keep saying "breaking the curse" I'm gonna be really annoyed. They didn't break any curse, they just brought back their old they changed how they were cursed, now they're all cursed the way Jefferson was cursed. Which he seemed to think was a pretty bad thing. They were cursed to another land -- where they still are. They were given cursed identities that they remember and apparently struggle with so those didn't go away. Belle's "And her inner nature is still one of goodness." Does that mean that all the characters still have their cursed identity natures? If they can't leave Storybrooke? They were cursed by taking away their happy endings and those certainly haven't returned.

    The whole "look guys we surprised you and broke the curse in the first season" stuff is total crap. They did nothing of the sort, they just recursed everybody in whatever way the writers decided was the most entertaining. These guys have to learn that you can't rewrite the rules constantly to service hastily developed plots. They have a very very very short leash after Lost. Erg. I hate when you read interviews and they start to make you question if the people in charge have any idea what they are doing. Please oh please be better than I am currently anticipating this will be.

  6. Actually, I'm quite happy with this interview and I guess it shows the writers do have an idea what they're doing. Breaking the curse was a terrible, terrible move, IMO, and if they at least create an unstable situation, in which the characters have their memories, but can't go back to Fairytale land, the 2nd season might have a chance of paying off.
    And it might be interesting because it will put Gold and Regina, who were in privileged positions, in a delicate place. If magic is so unpredictable in Storybrooke, they will struggle controlling it, which may create interesting situations.

  7. It shows they have an idea what they've already written, I'm not sure they have clue in the big blue sky where they are going or how it will (or even if it can) fit together.

  8. InvestedInYourFuture29 September 2012 at 20:57

    And curse really was just memories.

    The curse reenacting was:
    1) they get transported from FTL to Storybrooke.
    2) they are stuck in a loop of fake memories and sorrow, unable to find their happy endings, to remember, to understand what is happening to them.

    Emma broke the curse. Transporting to another land was just part of ritual starting the curse. No one said that breaking the curse would mean them all going back to the way they were before.

    So yeah, they did break the curse in the first season.

  9. InvestedInYourFuture29 September 2012 at 21:00

    considering that EVERY episode so far has been thoroughly laced with foreshadowing and plot-set ups several seasons ahead, I'd say you are certainly wrong.

  10. Writing possible plot ideas into a script is easy. Making them actually make sense in the long run without leaving a trail of red herrings and holes behind is hard.

  11. That's not how they've been defining it since voice over 1. You and the TPTB can rewrite whatever you want and make up lesser definitions. But when they say "ever fairytale character you know was cursed to our world" then being here is part of the curse. By your definition, Jefferson wasn't cursed...but he explicitly said he was. Reconcile that.

    I DID pay attention and that frustrates me. If I paid less attention, then I would be happy with whatever crap they threw at me.

  12. Um, yes, that's pretty obvious about Regina.

    So Belle is literally THE ONLY PERSON who wasn't given memories of a real life? That's pretty bad writing because even Jefferson has two lives in his head. Presumably everyone else didn’t just plop into Storybrooke with no knowledge of cars and telephones. They all have backstories to make their current lives believable. So even if Belle has been in a cell for 28 years and hasn’t actually seen a telephone within that context, she should still have a memory of how things work. She might not know about cell phones or computers but the memories implanted in her should at least give her knowledge of television and telephones. Unless it’s another plothole that they just attribute to The Curse as a catchall.

  13. I would disagree with the massive amount of times they've acted against what they've already established.

  14. I totally agree. If I didn't pay attention I would be SO much happier. The show is just so full of plot holes. Everything about Maleficent is a HUUUUGE plothole that only gets worse in Season 2. The glass coffin moved based on where it would be plot convenient. They're never sure what the curse does and it's pretty clear from the ways they talk about it.

  15. Agree. :) Along those lines, even uncursed amnesia David wasn't confused about the modern world and how to drive a car and what a hospital was. He was fine with it. Belle was at least conscious for 28 years, and she didn't freak after Jefferson let her go, so why change that now?

  16. This memory thing is pretty weird. I hope they address it in a plausible way.

  17. Ok, so, guys, don't get me wrong, but maybe I'm not bothered by the plot holes because a) I don't think they have been that huge up until now and, more importantly, b) this show is not meant to be a detailed, flawless narrative of events, it's meant to make some sense and that's pretty much all we can hope for. Of course, as I said, if something incredibly ridiculous happens, I'll complain just like the next person, but OUaT isn't exactly Sopranos, so I'm happy if they can keep the story going without it getting insane or stupid.

  18. I don't think it's gone off the rails yet. :) It is still pretty much in the mild irritation, eh whatever stages, for me, but the interview isn't giving me a lot of hope of it not passing into full on annoyed down the line, especially with what the curse is and what the curse is not. (And after Lost, they don't have much leeway before I write them off as completely incompetent. They burned through most of my patience with empty promises of explanations and master plans, unfortunately.)

  19. The Regina stuff for season 2 sounds great, and is definitely the aspect of the show I am most excited about.

  20. InvestedInYourFuture30 September 2012 at 08:01

    More like: Belle was only given memories of the asylum. She has no built in memories about the rest of storybrooke, because Reginadid not bother with it - she never planned for Belle leaving.

    This show has yet to have a plothole.

  21. InvestedInYourFuture30 September 2012 at 08:04

    jefferson was not cursed by the curse, but him remembering was "A CURSE". Learn to understand the narrative.

    And ye again. So what if "every fairy tale character was cursed to our world"? Where exactly does it say that once curse is broken(the continous effect of them not remembering), that they automatically go back? the dimensional travel was shown to be possible and it was clearly shown that you do NOT need magic to keep someone in another dimension. Thus by that, the narrative makes it obvious that the curse's "take to place X" element is NOT continuous and only initiated for one time at the start.Thus continuous part of curse has nothing to do with the dimensional travel.

    Why? Yet again, the show explained it - Rumple designed it that way.

  22. InvestedInYourFuture30 September 2012 at 08:11

    This show has yet to have a plothole.
    Red herrings are parts of coherent and fluent writing narrative.

    I guess we will see how it works out "in the long run", but so far the show writers have given no reason to doubt their capabilities, considering what happened so far and overall quite high and respectable pedigree behind the show(example: Jane Espenson)

  23. InvestedInYourFuture30 September 2012 at 08:13

    Because David was not "uncursed". He was subconsciously fighting the memories. And it took time for the memories to kick in.

    Belle was cursed, but Regina most likely just added "you are in insane asylum" thing, with everything else a blank. Belle never got a storybrooke life, storybrooke connections and storybrooke friends and all that stuff others got in her memories. There's litterally NOTHING connecting her to storybrooke.

  24. Small detail, but do we really believe Regina gave every single one of the Storybrooke residents (thousands of people if the curse brought an entire land over to our world) a specific set of memories? I always imagined the curse works independently in that sense. In the same way the curse (and the person who cast or created it) stops people from leaving town. 'specially after 1.21 when we learned that Regina had no or only very, very little potential magic in Storybrooke all these years.

  25. He said my curse here was different. The same way Maleficient's curse was different. He thought walking Paige up to the situation would be a travesty. So why isn't walking the entire town up to the curse a travesty? That was rhetorical, because it should be. That's not "breaking" anything.

    It made sense as a TV show for them to not go back because the writers needed to write more stuff. The same way it made sense to not break the curse early in the series because then the goal of the show was removed. Within the narrative it does not make sense with their continued and rapid redefinitions of what the curse did or did not entail. You can extrapolate down a rabbit hole if you want to try and justifying their inconsistencies after the fact with dimensional crap and limitations to "the curse." But TPTB are trying to have their cake and eat it too. Look, we surprised people and broke the curse, but not really because all the elements we've been attributing to the curse are still in effect, except now you can't tell anyone's actual personality because they have two simultaneously and we have sometimes magic to go with our heroine's sometimes superpower. Yay! Look how rebellious we are at rewriting a show by not rewriting anything.

  26. Lost is a pretty big reason in my book.

    I agree Jane Espenson was my bright light, but frankly listening to her Twitter stream, I don't think she's around all that much, certainly not enough to keep these two inline if they'd even let her.

  27. Uncursed subconsciously fighting the curse (WTF?), no cursed memories. That depends on your definition of cursed (save by your definition the curse was the memories, so if he didn't have the memories, wouldn't he be uncursed????). David had no problem adapting to the modern world, Belle didn't walk around and out of the hospital and freak out about electric lights and cars. So why would she start being "what's a telephone" now?

  28. Wait...Grumpy wanted to work for Regina??This must have been before he met Snow White.I think Regina is the one responsible for him being accused of stealing the diamond and ending up in prison!

  29. This all sounds pretty good!

    And I love the random Boardwalk Empire questions.

  30. InvestedInYourFuture30 September 2012 at 14:46

    "these two" wrote for LOST. That's enough for me to trust in them forever.

  31. InvestedInYourFuture30 September 2012 at 14:49

    David was cursed. The head trauma allowed him to fight the curse imprinting the memories upon him.

    The curse - "being stuck in a place where no happy endings are possible, unable to remember their own selves forever".

    The very fact that emma made them remember and broke the curse counts as a happy ending thus the curse is broken. They are no longer in place where happy endings are impossible because emma just made one happen and they already remember it all.

    i never said belle would have problem adapting to normal world. she would have problem adapting to Storybrooke.

    David, Red, etc, everyone KNOWS their storybrooke lives. They know that Snow White is a teacher, they know that Regina was mayor.

    Belle does not have such knowledge. she might know HOW Storybrooke works, but those lives EVERYONE had in storybrooke are entirely foreign to her.

  32. InvestedInYourFuture30 September 2012 at 14:51

    it most likely works randomly, but regina had the capability to change things - placing gold in position of power, for example.

    So its more than likely that she just hand picked certain things she wanted to be sure of(MM and David not getting together, Belle being locked in asylum by her, etc), while the curse took care of details and everything else.

  33. InvestedInYourFuture30 September 2012 at 14:56

    yes and Maleficient's curse was magical while Jefferson's was figurative - Jefferson not being cursed was a curse in itself since he could not tell anyone and had to watch his daughter life out her life without her knowing he is her father.

    Curse makes it hard to comprehend the fairytale aspects of their lfie - look at Graham and the amount of psychological trauma he went through as the memories slowly came back through the curse. Grace is a kid, such things most likely would leave scars for life IF she even believed it at all.

    With curse being broken, everyone gets their memories without those side-effects.

    Curse was never re-defined. Curse's meaning always was the same and if you paid any attention to the community, majority of the community already guessed that coming back to FTL is not part of curse breaking proccess, because Curse is not "keeping" them in storybrooke - since anyone who travels dimensions does not require magic to stay in a dimension.

    And sorry where is "We" since All I see is you assuming that curse breaking should suddenly bring everyone back to FTL while there is no proof of that ever being promised. Rumple never promised it to Snow in their deal, Rumple never said that Emma breaking the curse would also bring them back and the curse itself being in effect had nothing with them being able to stay in storybrooke.

    So yes, the writers broke the curse within first season, which is unusual, brave and interesting.

  34. Um. now you are saying that the curse is "being stuck in a place" so does it have a spacial element or not? Does it have a "keeping them there" element or not? Either the new memories were the curse or not. But if they still have the memories how did they break the curse?

    The interview doesn't say she doesn't know how to get around town, the interview says she doesn't know what a phone is. For 28 years no one spoke to her? Not a nurse, not an orderly, no one? She found Mr. Gold's place okay when Jefferson told her to go find him, so again, why the reversion?


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