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Glee - Episode 4.01 - The New Rachel - Review

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After months of speculation and confusion about this new season, A show within a show? The Premier of Glee has finally arrived to hordes of impatient fans and speculation.
The worry among everyone is how was Glee going to transition between Glee Queen Rachel Berry in New York City and the new seniors back at McKinley. Its safe to say they found a way and its a hit. The show effortlessly and seamlessly cut from Rachel in dance class to New Directions in the choir room and then back again. It was a risky concept and I think it’s fair to say, so far, it’s going to pay off.
New faces, better songs but the same heart are what we returned to last night and it was a fine sight too see. So here we go.
Rachel in The City: Rachel is all alone in New York City missing Finn who she hasn’t spoke to in 2 months, Kurt’s stuck in Lima and she doesn’t say it but we suspect that Ms. Berry no longer feels like the star she was in Lima. On top of that she has a dance teacher from hell, the new Sue of New York if you will. Brilliantly played by Kate Hudson, Cassandra July has a take no prisoners attitude that Rachel is not too fond of. One eye roll later and she’s being ridiculed about her nose, her height and her crappy town. Rachel’s not in Kansas any more and she’s finding it out the hard way. There is a small beckon of light, in the form of ab-tastic Brody Weston played by Newcomer Dean Geyer. In true Glee fashion he is introduced singing a timeless classic rock song in the shower, a curious Rachel who now has to wait until 3 am to do her nightly routine, looks and listens on.
Dean Geyer is talented and has great arms but that’s about as far as it goes for him. While we love that he is all about encouraging Rachel to be better and not give up I can’t help but wonder what he gains from it. Glee now has an issue of trying to convince its audience to root for Brody and Rachel because we all know that’s where this is heading. A new love interest is not a bad idea for Rachel unfortunately Dean falls short as anything more than a nice face and big arms. His American accent is weak and his invasion into her personal life and space quickly has you reeling away from him. We have to give props to Lea Michele for her reaction to him coming out of the shower, while we know at some point these two will be romantically involved, Rachel seemed more interested in his voice then his soaking wet body. So maybe there is a small glimmer of hope for us Finchel fans.
Things go from bad to worse with Cassandra, after Rachel accuses her of being drunk the NYADA teacher has no choice but to show her how its done, and she does. Kate Hudson isn’t much of a singer or a dancer but she definitely fits into Glee, and Rachel is once again put on the bad list. Slowly things do start to fall in place for her, she nails her one shot to sing for Carmen, Brody gives her some encouragement and bestie Kurt makes it to New York! My mom cried through the whole exchange and even made me rewind it twice.
While a lot of the old cast was missing the most obvious was Finn. As viewers the obvious whole that Cory Monteith has left behind is directly mirrored in Rachel’s struggles, her hope that he will return matches ours and the anticipation of what’s to come has us all on the edge of our seats.
While the writers are keeping Finn’s story line tightly under wraps, we know that when he gets back it won’t be an easy journey for Finn and Rachel, made increasingly harder every moment he’s not around and Brody is. The silver lining? When Rachel and Finn and their respected counterparts Lea and Cory meet again on screen we know it’s going to be absolutely amazing and full of emotion. I for one can’t wait.
Kurt NOT in the City: Kurt’s in a funk, working at the Lima Bean and helping out the New Directions are the only things he has to look forward to. With a proper boost from loving boyfriend Blaine he convinces Kurt to take the leap and go to New York. We love Blaine for the push, we can’t see Kurt without his best Diva and we refuse Rachel to be without her best Gay.
The final push comes from Father of the Universe Burt Hummel to tells his son to go to New York. For some reason the true aspects of what make Glee a great show are always directly given to Mike O’Maley, we can’t say we mind he’s the best dad ever! A beautiful speech about how New York is filled with hundreds of people who will find Kurt’s difference’s comforting and he’s off.
The New Directions: The New Directions are a little bit new and little bit old. Brittany, Tina, Blaine and newest member Wade “Unique” are all fighting to be ‘The New Rachel’ Glee’s Captain. While the obvious choice should’ve been Tina (Rachel said so herself), Artie rewards Blaine as the Captain. And sigh…I don’t mind Blaine but really it should’ve gone to Tina who has been there the longest and how most certainly deserves it.
The NEW New Directions: The bulk of new characters that we meet are all new McKinley students. Kitty the new head Bitch in Charge Cheerio, the new resident bad-ass Jake and mousy girl next door Marley.
Kitty, we don’t learn much about her except that she’s a bitch. Picture season 1 Quinn just 10x worse.
Jake: He’s a bad-ass with a chip on his shoulder, but can croon with the best of him. There is not much given about him but after being cut short during his New Directions audition throws a music stand clear across the stage, we know that he defiantly has some issues. The biggest one? He’s a Puckerman, yup! Jake Puckerman step brother to Noah ‘Puck’ Puckerman (A+ to the writers my mother literally gasped when she heard). Although not much was given he’s definitely an interesting character one that I am absolutely ready to see more of.
Marley: She is the premier stand out. I don’t know where they found her but I am glad. The actress and character bring this amazing freshness but reality for a girl her age that you absolutely root for. Of course this is Glee so she has to have some heart ache in her life. Her morbidly obese Mother is the lunch lady that everyone makes fun of. These two actors share some really sweet scene’s and when Marley stands up for her mother we couldn’t help but cheer and love her more.
New to the Twitter verse Ryan Murphy has been giving us sneak peeks all summer of this upcoming season and one thing he was sure to do was give us a glimpse of two new love interests, Marley and Jake. They only shared one fleeting look in the first episode and I am already rooting for them. Jarley is my new OTP!
The music for this week was a mix of old and new.
Call Me Maybe - Brittany, Tina, Blaine and Unique: Why? We all know Ryan loves his top forty but this song is so overplayed it actually hurts to hear it and I’m Canadian! The arrangement was similar but not so it was okay to listen too. But the duelling for lead between the four glee clubbers was the best part. PASS on the download unless for some reason you still love this song.
New York State of Mind - Marley and Rachel: Ask Lea Michele to deliver and she will! This song was so well sung by both girls that it’s been on repeat for days. Melissa Benoist has a beautiful flowly voice that is absolutely perfect for Glee, she lacks the power and range that Lea Michele has, but most people do. But this duet was perfect. Download! It’s a great song for both of them.
Americano/Dance Again- Cassandra July: Vocally Kate Hudson isn’t strong but she is talented and so so gorgeous. Her vocals to me sound very similar to the song she sang on the NINE soundtrack. PASS. The mash-up isn’t anything great, watching the performance is better.
It’s Time - Blaine: Blaine is generally over the top and this number was no exception. But Darren Criss has ease and swag to everything he sings its impossible to not sing along. The whole performance was really good, I loved the cups! Download! It’s slightly different from the original but still so good.
Chasing Pavements - Marley & New Directions: I don’t know what it says about a newcomer getting two songs in the first episode, but if it hints to more scenes and songs from Melissa Benoist then I am all in. An Adele classic is transformed into something beautiful and unique. While Melissa doesn’t have the same range or impact that Adele does, because really who does, she does exactly what singing a cover is all about. You make it your own and own it. And she does. Download. Its Adele there is no reason you shouldn’t have this song on your playlist.
All in all 4.5/5. This is was a great premier episode, some parts were slow but otherwise it had all the makings of a great season to come.
What did you guys think? Let me know!

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