Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Bones - Episode 8.02 - The Partner In The Divorce- Recap

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Bones - Episode 8.02 - The Partner In The Divorce- Recap

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Tonight’s episode starts off with two homeless men debating housing and finance. Pretty soon, they run out of booze and as they switch topics of discussion, they smell cooking meat. Of course since this is Bones, I think you can guess where this is going. Yep, body in the barrel.

Meanwhile at Booth’s, Brennan is cooking breakfast which she says she learned how to do when she was a short order cook in North Carolina. As it starts to turn into an argument, Booth gets a phone call; they have a body.

As they walk down to the victim, they continue their bickering and it isn’t improved when they reach the crime scene. Brennan discovers that the man wasn’t homeless as previously assumed because his nails were manicured. She also deduces that this would have been the perfect place to dump a body because of the unreliable witnesses. Booth tells Bones that she shouldn’t be doing his job but she says “But I have more real world experience [than you now].” Booth then catalogues everything needed to gather up a fire burnt body proving he's learned a few things in her absence as well.

Mr. Abernathy, the Southern kid from last season, looks a bit nauseous at the body but Cam soon tells him that “Science is like football....when you feel pain, you power thru it. Scientifically.” So he looks at the x-rays and learns that the victim has multiple fractures to his ribs and tibias. Cam discovers that the man had heart surgery and notes that from this they could get the serial number.

“How can you kill something that isn’t alive?” Booth asks Sweets at the gun range. Sweets, as always, has chosen an inopportune time to analyze Booth. Booth after some prodding admits that he’s upset with Bones. Sweets deduces that Booth isn’t upset over the pancakes but the fact that’s what he does in the morning and the time he’s now lost with Christine. After Booth leaves, Sweets hits a near perfect bulls eye in the sternum of the target.

They have found out that the victim was a high profile divorce lawyer and that lots of people would have had motive to kill him. Angela is revealed to be an artist in soft metals, which allows her to remove an aluminum object from the victim, Richard Bartlett’s, neck and they also discover the tip of a fountain pen.

Booth suggests taking Christine to the carousal but Brennan says that went she took her to one over the summer, she didn’t like it.

They walk into Bartlett's office and the assistant is shredding documents and asks them to leave when they notice the missing fountain pen. They then find blood and tell her that they don’t need a warrant to investigate thoroughly.

Bones asks Angela to reconstruct the “gazillions” of pieces of paper from the shredder and even after Angela attempts to explain how difficult this is, Brennan still doesn’t get it. And as she turns to leave, Angela calls Brennan on her relationship with Booth. To Brennan, nothing has changed. Or if she has, she’s insistent that she’s changed back. Angela tells her that Brennan can call her even if it’s the middle of the night.

Sweets observes Bartlett was ruthless for his clients and that he continued working for the power and control long after he had more than enough money to retire. Booth is sure Sweets is trying to analyze him again.

They’ve uncovered a transcript of a violent voicemail in a divorce file which Bartlett used to determine a wife’s past violence. Valery, the secretary had told Sweets that it was part of the documents to be shredded. Booth and Brennan agree that if the suspect was to kill someone, it would have more likely have been her husband but, apparently, they called off the divorce the night that Bartlett was killed.

Hodgins did an analysis of the man’s last meal and finds out that he had an expertly prepared burger. It would have to have been because all the spices concealed the fact he was eating a rat burger. Hodgins was right; I would not have called that one.

Sweets is the interrogating a man in a sweater so orange, it looked like he was already incarcerated. “That bastard charged me so much that I would have been better off if I had just given my wife half.” The man also insists that Bartlett wouldn’t have known that he was eating rat until he told him in a year and a half (added with the time he's already been easting rodent, it adds to the amount of time the man was married). He wanted to see the look on Bartlett's face when he told him so why would he kill him before the man found out the burgers he loved so much were vermin.

Hodgins stabbed himself while trying to stab a mango and it helps him discover a bit of fingernail in the body. Angela was able to reconstitute one of the documents; Bartlett’s own pre-nup. The part about infidelity has been highlighted. And the photo is of Bartlett's wife with his secretary or presumed secretary.

Sweets confronts the secretary with the photo of her and the wife, Pamela. The secretary insists that Pamela was going to tell Bartlett, after she figured out how. After prodding, she reveals that she knew that Richard knew about the affair because he left the photo out on his desk on purpose. She was shredding the photo to protect the person she loves. Sweets informs her that Pamela is gone.

Angela plays a reconstruction for the group which involves Bartlett falling down a flight of stairs stiff as a mummy, bouncing head over heels repeatedly on them, then rolling down a hill still stiff, and landing on his feet. Brennan used pop culture to note how ridiculous this possibility was. Brennan said that he had to have been falling at 50 miles an hour to sustain those injuries. And Brennan’s knows what happened.

Brennan tells Booth that she was going to take Christine to the children’s museum that weekend; Booth wants to try the carousel again because maybe it would go different if Christine's father was there. This causes another fight. Brennan tells him that they can fight when he is “capable of being rational.” Brennan demands to be taken to the construction chute and starts to climb into it. The man in charge tells her that she can’t do that. Brennan insists that Booth hold her feet and when he refuses, she lowers herself in hoping he’ll grab her feet which he does. She is able to see that there is blood and tissue down the chute.

Back at the museum, Brennan is looking at the bones and Booth watches her from outside the room, she sees him and he walks in. He apologies for causing Brennan pain. She apologizes as well then Mr. Abernathy interrupts, even though he says he can come back. They mention that when they were going over the bones earlier that she noticed something was in the fissures. It turns out to have the same chemical make-up as the solvent used in architecture models.

Okay, we’re back to the couple who were suspects earlier. The husband is an architect. Bartlett had rendered the divorce invalid because of a few mistakes and that the bill was past due. They bicker over the details with the woman completely flipping on her companion even though clearly she was the one to stab Bartlett because they found her DNA and fingernail in the wound. Brennan can’t believe that they pair of them ever got married.

Brennan walks into their house a little late as Booth sits by the island in kitchen. Booth asks her why and she tells him that she went to see Sweets. Brennan says that after he left, she realized that they weren’t fine and that Sweets thinks she’s internally rebelling against the fact that her happiness is now dependent on Booth’s and Christine’s. Booth tells her that he wants them to make up. She agrees and says that as part of making up for lost time, she’s willing to take Christine to the carousel even though she knows the outcome.

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