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Suits - Conference Call with Creator and Showrunner Aaron Korsh Snippets

10 Jul 2012

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Today I had a conference call opportunity with the creator and showrunner of Suits, Aaron Korsh. The interview was highly informative and entertaining. I was able to ask 2 different questions during the interview.
My first question was submitted by Allison Sophie and was “What can we expect to see in terms of a backstory of Donna and Harvey and how does their relationship play into the grand scheme of things?” Aaron started off with the second part of the question in saying that he didn’t expect Donna and Harvey to get together anytime soon. He also talked about one of the more odd things on the show, “the can opener”. He mentioned it, but refused to explain it because he didn’t think it would quite have the magic it does if everyone knew what it meant. He said that people don’t want to know what it is… they want to, want to know what it is.” You might have to reread that one if it seems weird in writing. He also said that the most important Donna/Harvey episode is going to be 2.09 which is called “Asterisk”.
My second question was a follow up and I asked “What do you think Harvey and Donna’s relationship does to Harvey’s opinion of Mike and Rachel?” He thought it was a great question and went into what he saw Harvey’s morals as. He said he didn’t think that Harvey cared about Mike and Rachel being together as much as “the secret”. He said that if the two of them being together meant Mike had to tell her he wouldn’t allow it. Aaron said that what he likes about Harvey is that he doesn't care about other people’s moral choices unless they affect him. 
I’ll get the transcript up as soon as possible but I will fill everyone in on some of the more interesting things. He said that at the beginning of the show Jessica’s character was a man. He also said that there was a storyline set for season 2 that was cut where Louis… finds out Mike’s secret. This is just my thinking but I think this might happen sometime in the future. Look out Mike! Aaron Korsh was a pleasure to talk to and was extremely informative. If you haven’t already, make sure that you follow him on twitter at @akorsh9.

Suits airs on Thursdays at 10/9c on USA Network.


  1. Somehow, I get the feeling Mike will eventually end up telling Rachel the truth but neither of them will tell Donna, Harvey, or Jessica that she knows. It'll be a secret within a secret.

  2. I think we all knew Donna and Harvey wouldn't be together, at least not in the near future.that was already stated before the season even started...gee wish another question was asked.

  3. Yeah. We should have the transcript within the next few days. What was the question you were looking for?

  4. Oh the webs of lies and secrets always make me laugh! What a great show.

  5. Since Mike poses a very big threat to the company in terms of the publicity if it ever came out. I wondered if they have any plans of Mike going to college to actually become a lawyer?

  6. I can't imagine Rachel being capable of keeping that secret. She's not the most professional or discreet girl where her private life is concerned. If he tells her, her telling doesn't seem to be that far behind.

  7. I sent it to him on Twitter so maybe we'll get lucky! I'll post it if he replies.

  8. Oh Brandon that was so very nice! Really you didn't have to do that,but thank you so much! *Big Hug* And if we do get a response that would be great. Very sweet of you to do that,thank you very much! :D

  9. Really? She kept quiet when she found out about Mike's bar-exam taking endeavor and she tells Mike things about herself she doesn't tell anyone else. Rachel seems rather tight-lipped to me about both her secrets and Mike's.

  10. She just strikes me as really unprofessional. She's kissing Mike at the office and not going to meetings on time so she can flirt in the halls. She took the office jerk out on their double date. When she's mad at him, she refuses to do work for Harvey. That actually was the end of me putting up with the office romance. She's a paralegal and Harvey's a senior partner, be quiet and do your job. Plus, in the episode where she got setup for leaking the list and Louis fired her, she was planning on blabbing everything she knew and then she tried to blackmail Louis. If she had been quiet about being interested in Mike and kept it out of the office, I would have a different view. But as is, I'm inclined to agree with Harvey, the minute she's mad at Mike she becomes a liability. My guess is that she tells Jessica who already knows and it somehow dies there, but it could also become a thing with Hardman.

  11. No problem. I would kind of like to know that one now too. :)

  12. Harvey/Donna would be unbelievably unexpected anyway and I feel like their chemistry isn't quite there.

    I personally feel like Harvey/Jessica is the less contrived way to go anyway.

  13. I feel like if he did go to college, he'd get disbarred before he even got the chance since of his secret... It's a complicated issue and I'd be interested in hearing the answer!

  14. Jessica is definitely not Harvey"s type,and i don't think Harvey would want a office romance either.She isn't polished enough,nor old enough for him.Image means a lot to him,i don't see it happening.

  15. It is complicated that is why i had wanted it asked during the conference call.Aside from the problems it would cause Mike the company has a very real risked of losing everything.Every case,everything and anything Miked touched,even briefs would have to be scrutinized,cases would be thrown out.Its endless what the ramifications would be for the company.In the end i believe the company would cease to exist.

  16. What do you mean she's definitely not his type? We haven't seen Harvey with any romantic interest, so how could we know what his type is? Jessica is not any more NOT his type than Donna, Rachel, or anyone else for that matter because we don't know what his type is. And Jessica, not polished? I'm not sure what show you've been watching.

    I mean, I respect your view on Harvey not wanting an office romance (which would also eliminate Donna, thank God). That's a fair assessment of the show. But I don't think it's fair to say that Jessica "definitely" is not his type because she's not "polished" enough and she would embarrass him (if that's what you mean about him caring too much about his image).

  17. Yeah, I hear you. It would be an interesting storyline for the final season or something (but hopefully that won;t be fore a LONG time).

  18. I think you are thinking Rachel, not Jessica. xD

  19. Oh crap i was! Thanks Isbloom!

  20. Gee,calm down! We can disagree can't we without getting all huffy about it. Harvey is very secure in who and what he is,Jessica is an insecure person,just by the fact she thought Mike was ending whatever they had because he thought she wasn't good enough for him,that's pretty insecure.Harvey

  21. LOL. I was just about to say! I was like, I think you're confused...

    Although I don't think Harvey has a type just yet, I would have to agree that I don't see Rachel with Harvey in any way, shape or form. lol.

    I'm glad that's been cleared up! :-)

  22. Sorry about that! Me and names lately i can't keep em straight,nor remember them....maybe senility is setting in,ha!

    Maybe i shouldn't have stated type,the only girl we have seen hm with was that lawyer last season..but yeah,never ever with Rachel!

  23. It's all good. I was just like: Jessica not polished! THIS IS BLASPHEMY!

    But now that I know you were talking about Rachel, I have to say I agree with your assessment of her personality completely. She's horribly insecure. Definitely something she needs to work on.

    And definitely wrong for Harvey. I'm with you there!


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