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The Walking Dead - Season 3 - First look at The Governor (David Morrissey)

7 Jun 2012

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Source: TV Guide


  1. Well, he looks a lot better than he did in the comic.

  2. Hm not happy with the way he looks

  3. I'm more interested in how the character is developed on the show. Again (no spoilers), having read the comic, I'm interested in seeing how his actions and motivations are shown on the television show. 

  4. The last thing I saw David Morrissey in was Doctor Who.  I thought he did a great job, so I can't wait to see what he's like in this role.  I haven't read the comic, but from what I've heard of him I expected him to be a bit "rougher around the edges" than he looks in that pic.

  5. wtf he looks too clearn

  6. roll on october

  7. You are never happy with

  8. Geez.  Give him a little pompadour and David Morrissey would look like Morrissey. 

  9. All I know is the way that dude in the background is holding that gun he's bound to be zombie food. 

  10. So this is the big badass? He looks so... Boyish. Lol!

  11. Always been a fan of 
    David Morrissey so I'm looking forward to him as the Governor..... even if he does not look like the few pictures of the comics Governor I've seen.

  12. He does look creepy.

    And WTF is going on with the guy in the tank top? Is he trying to shoot his own neck off?

  13. Odd, my first thought was he looked bad ass honestly.

  14. I also thought he looked pretty badass. Like borderline psycho badass.

  15. That's the great thing about Morrissey to me, he will not give one of those "Look at me, I'm CRAAAAAAZY.... I'm dangerous" performances with voice changes, silly mannerisms, or shouting to prove he is bad ass or crazy. It will all be simmering under the surface just waiting to explode. Usually at least, I guess wait and see what he does with the Governor.

    I love that sort of understated and subtle acting that is not in your face and obvious. Why I thought John Hawkes would have been perfect too, he is that type of actor.

  16. I was thinking that too, but was not sure.
    I always thought he was solid more than trim like in that picture. Either way at 6-3 or 6-4 he is still fairly imposing with the way he carries himself.

  17. This is so agree on. Morrissey was quite awsome in State of Play. It`s probably my favorite miniseries of all time together with Band of Brothers, with The Pacific a step behind.  

  18. I agree on this. I like this edition more, it`s more realistic and less cartoon-ish than in the comics. That said i like the comics, and i dont really like to compare both things. But i think i will favor this one. 

  19. Well maybe it's just me. It's just one photo, so it could differ in other photo's and in the show itself ofcourse.

    It's just this photo reminds me of that bad abc doctor on an island show. Forgot the name it was that bad.

  20. Definitely one of the best mini-series!
    Too bad the Crowe and Affleck US film was so terrible and so many people only know the film and not the mini-series!

  21. I liked the film, i dont loved it. But it was okay. I dont felt the hate for the movie, even how much i love the mini and the original. 

  22. Danny Trejo should ne pictured there!

  23. I think he's going to transform into the character as the season progresses

  24. I love David Morrissey, great actor, and have heard that he is working hard on an american accent! 

  25. "It will all be simmering under the surface just waiting to explode." Spot on.

  26. I just have to say it: Everytime I read your avatar "description" I chuckle a bit with the "I am a viking" bit. :P

    "I was born in the land of Norway" is also waaaaay cooler than "I am norwegian". It sounds very GoT.

  27. Let is by an adaption of the comics, instead of the comics on the tv-screen. 

  28. Isn't he supposed to have an eye patch or something?

  29.  That's not until later, after his encounter with Michonne.

  30. Ahh... OK. Obviously I haven't read the graphic novels, but I do love the show.


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