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The Vampire Diaries - Latest From TVLine - 8th June 2012

8 Jun 2012

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Vampire Diaries Boss Talks Season 4, More 'Mean Girl' Rebekah, Killing Klaus and Graduation!


  1. I just want Joseph Morgan back.

  2. Excited about some things she said,a little weary about others.
    I'm very glad that Klaus and the Originals are still around,but can we please stop the continuous attempts to kill them.They tried,they failed(repeatedly),can we move on now?Let's be honest here..With the rules the show itself has created there is no explanation(other than them being the protagonists)for the fact that Stefan,Damon and the others are still alive.The more they go after the Originals,the more this fact is underlined.
    In any case,I would like to see the relationships between Klaus and his siblings now that there's no immediate threat.

    Also,someone let Plec know that if we wanted a season that feels "deliciously season 1" we would be rewatching season 1.Can we get something that feels deliciously like nothing we've seen so far?!
    Meaning don't do Elena a Stefan 2.0!Please...

  3. want Joseph Morgan and Originals forever. do they still think they are a threat. no they are not. they just react when anyone tries to harm their family. they r just like normal people who wants to protect their family. is it too much to ask? they can easily live in peace if MF Gang dint went after them every second.
    stop killing Originals. we wanna see more o interactions between Klaus Rebekah Kol Elijah. finally finally Klaus admitted he dont need Hybrids. he has his family. needddddddddd more  their Bond is so epic <3

  4. Can they upgrade Claire Holt to a regular already?

  5.  - Elena's vampire journey -
    I'm all for it as long as it doesn't include Damon's whipped attentiveness to her.  This show needs to allow that guy to let go.

     - Klaus sticking around -
    Don't get me wrong.  I like Klaus.  He was a fantastic villain but his story has been told.  The longer they keep the character around, the more his presence will seem distractingly forced.  TVD should have pulled the trigger and killed him.

    - Rebekah's future -
    The Vampire Diaries would have been wise to kill Klaus and make Claire Holt a regular.  It's the Rebekah character, not Klaus, that could have a lot of longevity on this show.  There are a multitude of storytelling possibilities with Rebekah that just aren't there with her brother.

     - The forefront of storytelling in season 4 -
    "We’ve given Matt Donovan his due, and given Bonnie her time in the sun..."

    This is a load of crap.  This show doesn't give Matt his due, they throw him a bone every once in a while.  As for Bonnie, almost all of her storylines are inevitably disappointing.  If she's had "her time in the sun" I sure as hell haven't seen it.

  6. Eh, I pretty much disagree with the majority of this. I mean, I'm loving JoMo and all but if they keep portraying him as the villain, then he needs to go. Just accept that he's a thirteen year old girl with temper tantrums and move on. And Matt and Bonnie getting stories...hahahahahahaha! Yeah, don't care about Elena's struggle into vamphood.

    I don't mind the Originals, I really don't (Elijah and Katherine are the best villains on the show, period) but if that means more episodes of them almost being killed by the gang, then no.

  7.  As long as they have the indestructible stake in their possession, it's still very possible for the gang of regulars to go after Kol or Rebekah with no repercussions from their deaths.  Klaus is the only Original who is off limits and they could always desiccate him again if they felt it was necessary.

  8. Well killing the Originals would wipe out the rest of the vampires. Is Joesph Morgan going to be in the 4th season or is Klaus body really gone?

  9. Half of the stuff Plec said in the article makes her sound like completely disconnected from reality.

    Bonnie, Matt, etc got their time in the sun already? sorry, what?
    elena was developed? what?
    elena had normal lfie? When?

    Then we have the fact that everything she talks about elena's "journey" we have already seen with far more compelling and interesting character - Caroline.

    Its like she is seeing an entirely different show from the rest. S4 sounds like more of the same thing that made season three unbearably bad. 

  10. I´m also really glad to see the Originals stick around. I love Klaus and like Rebekah and Elijah. 

    I´m not a big fan of Bonnie, so I hope Klaus and Rebekah get´s more screen time than her. 


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