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Supernatural - Season 8 - Sam to get a recurring love interest

28 Jun 2012

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The "Supernatural" powers that be are currently casting Amelia -- Sam's (Jared Padalecki) first recurring love interest since Ruby died in Season 4. Amelia is a doctor in her late 20s to early 30s, and when we first meet her, she's overwhelmed by a devastating tragedy. She'll appear in the third episode of the season -- directed by Jensen Ackles -- and she'll initially be very wary of Sam. She's described as "a brave, sweet, smart, sarcastic woman."

Read more at Zap2it.


  1. Ooh, sounds pretty interesting. I'm actually up for this. Though, please don't kill her.

  2. I second that. Please don't kill her!

  3. Can we already start betting on when she dies \ turns out to be evil \ cheats on him with Dean \ all of the above? :P

  4. But she shouldn't be one more Amy and I am sure there's gonna be lot of negative fan reaction against this girl like Bela and Ruby, for the reasons I don't really understand. Hope they hire a sexy girl. We hardly had any sexy girls the previous season.

  5. I'm sure this will last long.

  6. nellymendezcolon28 June 2012 at 23:37 Sam could had a love interest he had his boat full of water in try to figure out help dean,sam dont have any friends that he can go for support & knew a doctor with a messing tragedy problems the tittle of these episode has to be very large and confuse

  7. I want this to work so hard, Sameeh deserves some happiness :(!!

  8. I don't buy it.

    Sam's taste in women has become quite eccentric. Somehow, with Dean gone, I expect Sam to end up with a creature or a deity. Until further notice, I'm going on the theory that this seemingly human doctor is actually Minerva Medica, goddess of medicine. XD

    (Also, if she's BFFs with Kali that would make it even more hilarious.)

  9. I need a name QUICK!
    Someone please find out who gets cast for this BEFORE they start shooting.

  10. I'm up for it. The Winchester romantic history has never been particularly good, and I know we all get our hackles up when a girl comes between the boys, or just gets near the boys, but if they can get some decent Katie Cassidy type casting with this role, then it might be nice to see Sam happy for a minute. His brother is stuck in purgatory, after all; he'll probably need some cheering up.

  11. nellymendezcolon28 June 2012 at 23:42 know the tracks of all sam love interest they ...///DIE./// in one way or another...DEAN ..had more luck in that area they dont die but..she dumps him o viceversa.

  12. Sam has had one hell of a dry spell.

  13. Yeah, this haha xD So tired of everyone dying.

  14. Three words... P*** of death.... but it could be interesting for them to have a doctor to go to... should they need to see a doctor... *ahem*

  15. The last time he had any, he didn't even had a soul! The last time he got down with a soul, it was with Ruby, right?

  16. Dean would never do that.

  17. Ha! My first though was "Gee, I'm sure this female character won't die a horrible death".

  18. Um... wow. I can honestly say my eyes bugged out at this one haha... the women don't tend to live long on this show, nor do the writers like to keep the boys happy. I was also surprised to see that she may be a civilian - if anything, I figured it might be a female hunter, or at least someone with supernatural knowledge, that helped him in the attempt to find Dean (and hopefully Cas?). I don't know how I feel about this. I don't think it can end well :/

  19. God, I hope they don't introduce her just to kill her off midseason. O_o
    They need to work on that whole killing everyone on the show off systematically thing.

  20. Yes. The last time he got any (with a soul) was Ruby. Heh. I suppose the same goes for Jared too. :)

  21. LOL! At least for Jared, it worked out nicely :)

  22. True. Doctor could be very useful.
    Plus Sam didn't kill the doctor he had sex with in the siren episode, so maybe they're immune. ;D

  23. But Sam is totally due for a girl. It's been sooooo long for the poor guy.

  24. That's another reason I'm surprised that there isn't a supernatural element to this love interest - durability. Besides that, you'd figure Sam (and the writers for that matter) would have learned something from Dean's cautionary tale about dating civilians - a.k.a. - Lisa.

  25. He might stake her though. xD

  26. Re: the civilian thing, at least it's not Dean or Castiel getting a recurring love interest from Purgatory :P I would literally be rolling on the floor laughing at a possible monster girlfriend.

  27. I keep hoping they will bring back Sarah Blake :(

  28. I would almost prefer him to cheat, in that case.

  29. Good for Sam. He deserves another healthy relationship. I need some more female eye-candy, too.

  30. nellymendezcolon29 June 2012 at 00:08

    ..Imagine dean meet in pulgatory a may be female monster a shape shifter that she likes him will be very cool how this kinki love story line develope

  31. I like your honesty and I agree. :)

  32. The one thing I loved about Supernatural is that there usually aren't any love arcs. This seems OOC for Sam. He knows that this will put her in danger especially after the whole Lisa /Dean thing in season 6. So far I'm not impressed with the spoilers. :(

  33. If she's human I won't believe it. He's not into icky humans.

  34. Could be interesting :) I can't find to found out who will play her

  35. I have a question for Dark UFO, if he sees this and if he is able to answer.

    Carina wording left me wondering if Amelia is indeed a recurring character. Can you please confirm this?

  36. He slept with both Jess, and that doctor Cara in season four. Plus, all those normal women Robo!Sam slept with.

  37. Sarah's still alive! Sam's penis of death hasn't struck her yet. And Cara was alive, too!

  38. nellymendezcolon29 June 2012 at 01:05

    ..Sarah was the doctor of siren episode....(?) witch episode Cara (ooooo),,was the portrait episode I am not sure if they are become the extreme exceptions of his romantic hook up rule

  39. This could be interesting... But I don't know, I need to see her first.

  40. Cool. I've said before and I'll say it again we need more characters. So i'm hoping she is an interesting one.

    Sam is pretty smart so he knows that if he gets involved with a girl that girl needs to be ok with Sam's job and needs to be able to protect herself, it's a very dangerous job and everyone around Sam can get hurt.

  41. Yeah. Sera did it too much.

    Rufus, the Campbells and Frank dying was too much.

    Krikpe was trigger happy but Sera took it to the extremes.

  42. Yep. So this girl needs to be able to protect herself. So she needs to be a hunter or a kind of monster/god.

  43. She is appearing in the 3rd episode so i guess Dean is already out by that episode.

  44. I liked Ruby and Bela too. Kripke had plans for Bela. It would have be cool to have her for more seasons. Kripke made a mistake by showing too much of her in Red Sky at Morning.

  45. nellymendezcolon29 June 2012 at 01:44

    ..this is 64 hundred thousand ..AWESOME QUESTION..making a sacrifice to make out like the dragon did to mama monster arrival..a BIG......IF

  46. Sarah was the girl in Provanence in S1

  47. I need females on the show period! It has gotten ridiculous!

  48. God please let her stick, be a good CHARACTER and NOT die four episodes in! Please please please!!!!!
    Having said that:
    1) They are shooting themselves in the foot by flat out naming her a love interest. (Jo/Alona had the exact same problem. People jumped down on her throat because of the love interest thing and never gave the character a real chance. And then she died and everyone was like "Oh! Jo was such a great character!" Yeah well no $*&% Sherlock! Of course she was an awesome character. But did anyone care to notice while they were too busy whining about how bad an idea a love interest for Dean is? Nope! Yeah I'm still bitter about that one...)
    2) I do wish they'd bring Sarah back instead....

  49. I'm wondering if we'll meet her in the 3rd episode or if she appears in the 3rd, but meet her earlier, like when Dean and Cass will go out of Purgatory. If they're really alive down there like some people think, my guess is they could need medical help and since Amelia is a doctor....

  50. Good for Sammy (I hope). But I was looking forward to a little more Jody Mills since all the other side characters are gone but nope he gets a love interest instead, I just hope she isn't dead by the mid-season finale.

  51. I want Jody too :(

    I'm not giving hope...yet. I don't think that Sam having a girl take all the chances to see Jody again. It's not like Jody was a love interest for the boys

  52. Still forever bitter Bobby/Jody never got a chance.

  53. On the other hand, how convenient would it be for the boys to have a go-to doctor around? And it does make more sense for Sam to be attached -- even if it is long distance -- than Dean. Dean's 'family' is Sam, he basically raised him and kind of see's him as his responsibility. Sam doesn't have the same hang-up about Dean. I think the reason Dean and Lisa were doomed is because he would never give up on saving Sam. If they are both on earth and relatively OK (while I hope it's Sam that saves Dean this time, I doubt the two will spend much -- if any -- time in Purgatory) I can see Sam having a relationship. Not a close one, and certainly not a Becky-marriage one, but a girl/friend to unburden to. Now Dean... He doesn't unburden much. He buries. And he learned a lesson with Lisa, so I can't see him doing it again.

  54. Me too. For her to guest star on the episode right after they killed him felt like they poured the Atlantic Ocean on the hole where my heart used to be. Okay not that, but it was a slap in the face for Bobby lovers.

  55. Actually, I think Kripke's mistake with Bela was making her seem smarter than the boys. She always seemed to get the better of them and you can't make your heroes look stupid over and over and have the fans like the character making them look that way. Too bad, too. She may have had potential, but she was shoe-horned in (when did they ever make a big deal about needing supernatural talismans and such before she appeared?) Bobby always found whatever they needed, so Bela was added to cover a hole that wasn't even there.

  56. Eh. They already have Dr. Robert (Robert Englund) whom I wish SPN would use a lot more frequently.

    The reason Dean's relationship with Lisa tanked is because he couldn't protect them from his job.

  57. Is it just me or are all of Sam's 'love interests' seemingly brave, sweet, smart and sarcastic?

  58. Yeah haha if Castiel got a girlfriend but the Wincesters were Forever Alone, that would be hilarious and oh so sad. xD But they gave up like immediately on Cas being married so of course I don't think that would ever actually happen. Besides, no monster girl could be more perfect in a mythological sense than Meg. ;D

  59. And I agree as well :P

  60. Ellen, Jo, Pamela, and Ruby are all dead, Meg is back in hell, and the only woman left on the show is Sheriff Mills. To use a term put to good use on the show, it's a sausage fest.

  61. Do you think maybe he needs a meek, stupid girl with low self esteem issues who kicks puppies instead? xD

    No it's, you know, one of the nicer TV stereotype descriptions for a girl. That's all.

  62. I'll see your all the girls are dead. and I'll raise everybody else is too. Dean and Cas are in purgatory, Bobby's wherever ghosts end up and the only one left is Sam xD

  63. Ha! Fair enough.

  64. Becky and Garth are still around... :P

  65. Well they started killing off the guys after they ran out of women and lets be real about this it's much easier to come back from the dead if you're a man than if you have girl parts.

  66. :'( I know what you too.
    First time I saw their last scene together (at the end of Slash fiction): *_* aawww how cute

    Now seeing that same scene: :'''( Nooooo!!! So sad! Their last scene and Jody looked so hopeful!

  67. yayyy! sam hasnt had a real love interest in A WHILE! dean has had lisa (who i personally miss and wish will come back to the show along with ben) but sam hasnt had anyone.

  68. Well to be fair, the guys that have been brought back from the dead have been Sam and Dean (the main characters) and Bobby and Cas (2 of the most popular characters and closest to the Winchesters/around them the most).
    All other characters if they do come back (guys and girls alike) is as monsters, ghosts, or to make them a human foe (like Samuel turned out to be).

  69. Sarah only got kissed. lol

    Cara from the siren episode is also alive though.

    There is hope. XD

  70. Sarah= portait episode in season 1 where Dean says "Marry that girl." ;)

    Cara= Siren episode in season 4

  71. I think Sera was trying to out do Kripke with that one. lol

  72. Agreed. Majorly agree. Too many deaths. They could make the characters disappear in other ways. Death is not always the answer writers!

  73. Lisa had a kid and didn't like being dragged into the SPN world and wanted Dean around more and couldn't handle the worry. She and Dean were already done even before Crowley had his demons kidnap her and Ben.

    Maybe the doctor lady will be different, since she has no kids (as far as I can tell) and she seems to have a different attitude. If she thinks differently than Lisa and reacts differently, she may be able to handle whatever supernatural things come her way.

    Sheriff Mills is a good example to look at. She is a civilian, a cop, but still a civilian. After all that happened to her, she did not run from SPN things, she helped the boys and Bobby. And she and Bobby were starting to form a relationship (up until his unfortunate death) :(

    Maybe Amelia will be something like that.

  74. I felt so bad for Jody. She lost her son (for a second time) and her husband in season 5, then loses Bobby in season 7 when they were just starting to hit it off. Not fair!

  75. I really don't know why the heck they had Cas marry her if they weren't going to do anything with her character. I mean poor Daphne has no idea what happened to Emanuel. I'm not invested in seeing her character again, but man, come on, I hate loose ends.

    And BTW

    The woman on this show definitely have the short end of the stick, both with getting killed off and being forgotten.

  76. lol Funniest theory. XD

  77. Yeah I liked her.

    Dean did too. He even said "Marry that girl." And Dean knows these things. ;) lol

  78. I don't mind love interests. I loved Jo and Lisa wasn't bad. I just hope this girl doesn't get killed too quickly and that she's a good character. Also, that she doesn't get the brothers fighting. With her being human, that shouldn't happen. (I will die if there is another "Amy situation" ever again).

  79. I agree they made her too smart. It got annoying for me sometimes. She was a good character but I really loved when Dean got the better of her for once.

  80. Just realized Amelia is also the name of Jimmy's wife. That won't be confusing at all. lol

  81. The last time they told us Sam was going to get a love interest, it ended oup being Ruby 2.0 in a series of leaked foilers. Who knows what this will end up being.

  82. I didn't like Jo at the beginning myself. Any grown womam who asks someone to lie to their mommy is too immature to be on my screen. My interest and like for Jo increased as her maturity increased.

  83. I agree. The simple fact is that they need to stop killing characters, male and female. Find dramatic tension in another way please writers.

  84. Agreed. Perhaps people would be happier if there was a main female character. The only main female character we've had is Ruby and she absolutely, positively cannot come back. If people want to call SPN sexist, they have a better case for it with the main characters than the death rate.

  85. I think you are being way too hard on Lisa. She dealt very well with the supernatural even when her own kid was involved. I would say the deal breaker for Lisa was that Dean systematically cut her out of his life by doing things like ignoring her calls. That's on Dean, not Lisa wanting Dean to be around more.

  86. Personally I will be shocked if she doesn't turn out to be some supernatural entity or evil. Sam seems to fall for the monster type.

  87. Now this is a summation of why Dean and Lisa failed that I can get behind. Protecting those he loves is the rock solid foundation that is Dean. If being away from them protects them, than he is going to pull away. I also think it would be awesome to see Dr. Freddy back.

  88. My first thought was "What kind of monster is she?"

  89. If she's Dr. Amelia, Medicine Goddess maybe she can bring back Kali's old friend Loki aka Trickster aka Gabriel for a bit. I'm on the "more to this than meets the eye" thinking too. After all Sam was supposed to be hooking up with a sweet girl named Christie while Dean was in hell according to those casting sides. She ended up being Ruby 2.0. Castiel according to the sides was a demon and he ended up being an angel. I think this is another case of them purposely misleading us to keep from revealing a main plot point. At teh very least, Amelia will end up having a previous Purgatory home address.

  90. It's almost cliche to say that lots of girls like bad boy types but people conveniently forget that a lot of guys like bad girls too. Sam is definitely one of those people.

  91. I'm thinking Jody will stay around awhile regardless. Maybe it's wishful thinking but I honestly think the death toll will go down next season.

  92. "She and Dean were already done even before Crowley had his demons kidnap her and Ben."

    Well yeah. The whole thing was doomed the moment Dean showed up at the house as a vampire which goes right back to the inability to protect them from his job.

  93. I hope Jody stays around too. I've been looking forward to more Sam / Jody scenes ever since "Time After Time." Their part of the story was the only highlight of that episode for me.

  94. I kind of hope it's purposely misleading. I prefer to be surprised about stuff like this. :)

  95. I'm still not convinced that they won't retcon Jess in the final season and we will find out that she wasn't completely human either.

  96. I loved Lisa. I want Sarah back immediately. I was rooting for Jody and Bobby. However, the second they make any female part of a love triangle with the brothers it's over.

  97. Ha! I'll forget Amy ever happened if you will. I agree that if Amelia causes a brother rift, I'll be the first one asking for a salt and burn and I'm anti-character death on SPN these days.

  98. Agreed. They did seem to need a lot of speciality things that season. However we can't forget that she had to go financially too. She may not have exited that way if they could have afforded to keep her and Katie Cassidy another season.

  99. You're reading my mind!

    On the Supernatural411 FB page, it's the ''Amy fight'' all over again -_- There's already people complaining about how Amelia is an awful character, about how the whole season is about Sam and about Sam should be searching for his brother instead (assuming that Dean won't be back 'til at least episode 3....)

    I'm glad its more civil on SpoilerTv

  100. Yeap. I think the writers would be afraid to do that though, considering some of the fans. Either they never like the woman or they just don't like any character taking time away from the brotherly love fest. Or any other variable.

    Plus the writers have trouble with woman being lead characters and not making them a love interest. And most fans don't want Sam or Dean getting a love interest riding in the backseat, at least not until the show ends, if ever.

  101. That too but the SPN element was part of it. How long would have the long-distance thing worked anyways? And after that demon attack there is no way Lisa would have continued the relationship even if they'd stayed in contact. She has Ben to think about.

    Just saying if this Amelia doctor is more involved like the Sheriff was/is and has no family ties, she will deal with the supernatural better.

  102. For all we know this girl is only going to appear in episode 3 and that's it. I think zap2it it's exagerating, it wouldn't be the first time.

  103. Oh I agree that Dean and Lisa failed for that reason. He had Cas wipe their minds (her and Ben's)- so yeah. lol

  104. She should have been in a few episodes between S3 and S4. But then there was the fucking strike and either way we had Bela, Ruby, Castiel and a lot of character and it isn't like there was a lot of time for Jo.

  105. We have Charlie, Jody, Meg and that's it? Right?

    Meg could be a recurring character she is great.

    They could also make Jody a hunter or something. She has potential.

  106. New showrunner. I hope they learned the lesson. Besides i don't know you but i don't feel the tension anymore, it's too predictable that they are going to die. I would be more surprised if they survive.

  107. To be fair Bela could have been a regular but people hated her. I didn't. But the fans can't complain about that, you shouldn't have bitched about Bela.

  108. Now i really would like too see the character like that. With the boys going to be fixed LOL.

  109. I hope. They can't kill Charlie, Garth or Judy. They have a lot of potential.

    And it's really hard to create a character that all people like so i hope they don't kill them.

  110. I don't think the writers are that stupid.

  111. Yeah really, haha, wouldn't it be a riot if they did mean Jimmy's wife?

  112. Oh god don't make me think! the possibilities!!!!


  114. I like Meg and she is a recurring character but the writers took her off the table in the season finale when Crowley got a hold of her.

  115. Hmm, I don't really know how I feel about this.
    I love Spn because there isn't any of that soap aspect or Vamprire Diaries angle where both brothers moon over the same girl.

    I'm not condemning it before understanding more of what it's about, but I'm a simple girl at heart and all I want to see are two unique and caring brothers, in the Impala, battling it out in heroic and intelligent fashion, against the bad guys.

    Spn in my opinion, was never designed to have a on-going romantic attachment for either brother as their upbringing has muddled them up far too much for any ordinary type of life, even although they themselves might profess to desire one.

  116. Agreed. If they take the time to mislead us, you know it's a big twist. If we don't have at least one major twist right from the beginning, I will be shocked. This is Jeremy Carver's opening play. It almost has to go big.

  117. In all honesty I think it depends on which writers. However I think Carver and Singer and all the powers that be at the WB have enough sense to reign any typical CW tendencies in.

  118. Personally I don't think any long-distance relationship works but people disprove me all the time. If the writers wanted it to work it would have. However, their whole relationship was already over before the demon attack. Crowley simply gave Dean a reason to make sure he could never go back. Lisa had already moved on. I would like Amelia to be more like Sheriff Jody if only to save us from the inevitable and too often repeated "I can't believe monsters are really real. I must be going crazy" spiel again.

  119. She is still alive. Crowley holds her hostage to have a leverage on Castiel.

  120. I'm actually fine with Sam's monster fetish. It does make things interesting. However I could live without this one leading him through manipulation and ego-feeding like Ruby or creating a non-sensical, far-reaching, make me want to throw hard things at my TV subplot like Amy. Whatever this turns out to be, the writers need to make it a compelling story first. Not filler and not a brother fight waiting to happen.

  121. I think it's a real shame that most writers on most TV shows think there can't be a female on a show (who is not my grandma's age or a child) whose love life isn't the primary part of her being. I am so sick of shows having to have females in love triangles to make them more interesting. All that tells me is the female isn't strong enough to make up her own freaking mind and tell the other person it isn't going to happen. It's the freaking Bella Syndrome and nothing good comes out of that much less good TV in my opinion. Team this couple vs Team that couple is as annoying as brother wars. The first thing that turns me off of a show is if they have a love triangle, square, octogon, etc. It's the reason I had to stop watching Secret Circle. That show had so many love shapes I felt I was in Legoland.

  122. I really liked small doses. I blame the writers for making her completely unlikable for most fans. If they had not made her so obnoxious especially at teh end, I think a lot of fans would have come around and I wouldn't always feel like I was in the minority about her.

  123. It's for this reason that I'd prefer a deity to a creature. Most deities on this show may short on manners and compassion but I always liked that they're relatively honest and straightforward.

  124. Sorry, not thrilled by someone new & recurring coming in, so early in the season of a new showrunner.
    I think there are serious problems with the fundamentals of the show, especially characterization, and to have a new element put in just distracts from fixing the core elements, in my opinion. Prove you fixed it first, then we'll talk.
    It doesn't help that this implies the promise of seeing purgatory, is likely dead in the water by the third episode. I would like it a lot if Dean is still in Purgatory and Sam is reaching out to someone in his loneliness, it can be a beautiful thing for the character.
    But the "recurring" starting so early really turns me off. Will she be hunting or is he making booty calls every 3 episodes? How does that work in a road story? Unless they're killing "the road" and coming up with another stupid Harvelle's Road House scenario, except a Midwest Health Clinic as home now? How does "recurring" work without turning her into Lisa 2? That worked well for Sera.
    I sort of hate spoilers, when we know so little of the premise, because I jump to worst case scenarios. But I doubt I'll like it, unless she's like another Ellen or Jody Mills, and not an anchor interfering in the Bromance and Road Story.

  125. For me it's more that they die and the first thing I think is, "I wonder when they'll be back again." If you want to kill people fine, but don't ressurrect every single one of them. Even Death's Door which was awesome lost some of its effect because you knew Bobby would be on screen again in some shape or form. The sense of loss is mitigated by the urge to predict exactly how fast they will be back on. Death needs to be taken seriously again on this show. (Not Death with a capital D of course because he is always taken seriously.) Until they can make death mean something again, they need to stop killing people.

  126. I'm not so sure Meg is off the table for long at all. If my prediction that Crowley will be the Big Bad is right, then she may have a very pivotal role to play.

  127. We don't know if she is recurring. For all we know she is only appearing in episode 3.

  128. Nah. The only characters that get resurrected are Sam, Dean, Castiel and Bobby.

    Some of the other characters maybe come back for one episode. Like the alternative universe or sometime like that.

  129. ZoeF
    I do so agree with your post.

    At the end of season seven the two Winchester brothers' characters had been reduced to a shadow of their former selves as far as intelligence, capability and bad-assery were concerned, and forced to recruit others to do the work they were perfectly capable of doing themselves.

    Bringing in another recurring character just waters down the soup even more.

    Then the fact of it being a female poses more problems than answers, as you have so well illustrated..

  130. I'm assuming that this quote from the article is literal and not a mistake: "Sam's (Jared Padalecki) first recurring love interest since Ruby"

  131. See, bringing Sarah back is a good idea! I love continuity, and she doesn't get in the way of the bromance, and everyone liked her. Heck better than recurring new characters, when there is so much to fix and reestablish of the continuity.

  132. I've got to admit, I'll be sad if they stop the tragic end to Sam's loves theme. lol I think it's fun to see things like that pan out over the years and become fandom legends, like Sam's Killer Blank... I'm shallow like that.

  133. pinkphoenix198529 June 2012 at 07:57

    LOL this just makes me giggle hysterically. This isn't going to endear Amelia or the actress who will eventually play her to fans (or maybe it will since it is Sam and not Dean they're talking about...).

  134. I agree so much with this. I'm trying to be open minded, but I love the disfunctional relationship. Healthy is boring lol.
    But what I really want is the Road Trip aspect to return, and nothing and no one holding them with any roots, so this is the last thing I wanted to read. For one episode, I'm all for it. But recurring, heck no.
    I'm also very leery of who is writing this one. If it's Dabb & Loflin, ugh. After the Amy fiasco, and Becky marriage, I'll dread any love interest for Sam that those two try to pull off.

  135. I'm dreading it, because Dabb & Loflin have been writing the 3rd episodes, the ones Jensen directs.
    Amy & Becky - need I say more? So, beyond the potential to hamper the Road Trip aspect of the show that I love the most, the prospect of these two coming up with a recurrent love interest, dampened my enthusiasm to a scary degree. :(

  136. We are definitely on the same wave-length here. :)

    I don't want condemn before hearing more, as early spoilers can be very misleading and sometimes reality turns out to be the opposite of what's been written.

    I love their disfunctional relationship too. It has been illustrated many times that the brothers are at their happiest when in each other's company.
    Mr Carver obviously knows that too as he wrote the wonderful AVSC which was a hymn to their brotherly bond.

    As you say, healthy is boring; and there are many shows out there if one prefers to see brothers with wives and families, going to work every morning and talking to their pals about kids and their family problems over the week-end barbecue.

    The Winchesters belong in the Impala, on the road, journeying into the unknown! :)

  137. Let's say that the whole thing will generate a lot of "debate" and the proof of the pudding is in this very thread which will probably be gigantic before the day is out.! :)

  138. Being honest I believe Sam does need someone outside of Dean because lets be fair the Dean/Castiel relationbship has created a imbalance .I can go along with those thinking there will be something to Amelia than 'normal' because of Sam's history but on the other hand it would be nice for Sam to buck the trend.

    Right now it is hard to tell where this plays into the story or wether this is just part of Sam,s story ?.

  139. Naming her as a love interest from the start is going to cause the poor actress a load of hate from crazy fans. Who ever gets cast, I already feel sorry for her!

  140. I'm wary of ANY character, be they male or female, who's introduced as a "love interest" for anybody. Why not introduce a female character for the female character's sake? Whenever I hear the term "love interest", my hackles rise because that's what usually the character is reduced to, to a Mary Sue/Marty Sue, the special flower just right for our hero/heroine.

  141. pinkphoenix198529 June 2012 at 09:43

    Oh yes! But at least it will be kept as a discussion here even if it is going to be a huge thread by the end of this...I'm positive that in other places people are splinting their hairs over this. Also, I don't doubt that people are also talking about the fact why Sam has a LI and Dean doesn't,etc. You know the joys of the online fandom...

  142. That may be too optimistic

  143. pinkphoenix1985
    Yeah, I can imagine!
    Well, this is the only place I post and I have no urge to go anywhere else.

    I hate it when people pick on one brother or another or go on about Dean's "wonderful" relation ship with Castiel so I avoid it all.
    I'm not interested anyway!

    If there's anything to complain about it's with the writers who are the only ones who get to dictate a character's behaviour and should try a little harded to get things right.
    That's what they get the big bucks for!

  144. Justine Kubica29 June 2012 at 11:10

    Good for Sammy. I hope! And I REALLY hope Dean's back!

  145. Ooohh I've been hoping for something like this for a long time. I really hope they don't do what they've always done, and cave to the stupid fangirls who automatically hate it when either boy has a love interest. Give the character a chance. It'll be awesome for Sam to have someone besides Dean in his life for once. Both brothers are capable and should have close relationships with people besides each other.

  146. Jody is more of a mother figure to Sam so maybe he can have a love interest and still work with Jody.

  147. Totally agree. I've liked every single female character on the show, except Meg 2.0 (and that's only because I really don't care for Rachel Miner's acting skills), and every single one gets killed or written off. Usually because some very loud and yes, sexist fans complain about every woman on the show. I don't know how people can say it's not sexist, because it is. The male characters often do annoying,
    obnoxious, ridiculous things, and yet for the most part nobody goes around demanding they be killed/written off. The female characters are held to an entirely different standard. It's like if they're human or fallible at all they're just obnoxious witches with a b that need to gtfo the precious bro show. I'm tired of it. I really hope the writers don't cave to that this time.

  148. I'm with you, I loved Jo and hated her death, Sarah coming back would be perfect and I liked her.

  149. In the sides for that episode, Sam and Sarah actually had sex by candlelight.

    It's my headcanon that actually happened, tbh, even though they cut it out of the episode.

    I don't even know why I still remember that.

  150. Suprised to see there hasnt been that much complaining about this, well on here anyway. Any who the writers pretty much just do what they want regardless of the bitchig when the pre season spoilers are released. Lisa and Ben werent all that well received pre season 6 but they managed to last the entire season regardless even if it was boring and kinda predictable.
    This Amelia thing is going to be bitched about we know it, this is the SPN fandom afterall. Firstly she's a she, then she's a love interest and then she's a Sam love interest.
    I'm actually staying positive on this one, I wanted Sam to have someone of his own, someone outside of Dean. I wanted Sam to have apersonal storyline that wasnt supernatural or the typical 'whats wrong with Sam?' arc. These are two of the biggest complaints from a lot of people these past 2 seasons so it seems the witers are paying attention.
    I think it can work as long as they take a more Jody/Sarah angel with Amelia and not a repeat of the Lisa storyline, that one was doomed from the start, this relationship doesnt have to be. I'm intruiged mostly with the casting of this role, we should know who it is son as filming for this episode starts, its already in the prep stage. I also can not wait to see what Jensen does with this script, which seems like it could be a lot more personal and intimate for Sam.
    Will episode 3 be a flashback episode showing us what Sam got up to when Dean was in Purgatory or will it be real time? Dean will already be back by then I believe, Sam and Dean are supposed to be reunited on screen pretty quickly, my guess in the first episode. There is supposed to be a time jump so they've been apart for some time. Sam is getting a human storyline this season.
    Hopefully the writers dont dissapoint. And please dont make her a monster or kill her off.

  151. I've read some fics where Jess was a witch who had Sam under a love spell. It was really good, but I read it years ago and now can't find it.

  152. Writers are Supernatural are brilliant in writing story arcs but they act so stupid most of the times in collecting reviews. They always get this reviews and reaction from wrong people and make their show worse - This is what exactly happened in season 7. And I would have preferred Bela much more than Castiel.

  153. I kept watching Secret Circle, but really did not care what happened to any of the characters and I wanted to like it. :( The characters just were not interesting to me and I did not get involved with them. I have cared about Sam and Dean from ep 1.

  154. Are we sure that Frank is dead??

  155. Emily
    I completely agree.
    If the spoiler is true, then the story is not going in the direction I would want.

    Sam well knows, as you have said, the dangers of bringing an "innocent" into the hunting world.
    I'm in agreement on the love-arcs too.

    Give me a real evil female bad-guy. to face off against the boys, that's much more interesting!
    Even Meg has become too goody-goody now. I loved her more when she was wholly and snarkily evil

  156. I know KG, me too. I like Jody almost as much as Ellen and with that bonding moment with Sam in 'time after time' it's been a tie since that episode honestly. I just fear that we won't see much of her because the SPN universe isn't that keen on having females around and since Sammy is getting a love interest, I don't know if there will be room for two females.

  157. Yeah, doesn't she sound the perfect little girl-friend for my favourite demon- empowered, ex-demon-blood addict, excruciatingly tortured for one hundred and eighty years in the Cage by Lucifer himself, ex-soulless Sammy.

    I think with all that on him it would be a bit difficult for a normal woman to understand such a complicated personality!
    Of course that is all magically in the past now that he has been insta-cured by Castiel!

  158. Exactly what I was trying to say :)

  159. Yeah, she was really unlikable for me. Not because she was female or because she'd sometimes get the drop on the boys, or I felt she was unnecessary. I just didn't like her. I actually didn't start liking Lauren Cohan until she was Rose in TVD and it really surprised me then.

  160. I don't mind the idea of her being a monster or deity or witch/psychic. They tend to fit in with the storylines better than normal people who usually come in because they've been victimized. But if it leads to Dean fussing at Sam, I will be short on patience with the whole thing. That was the worst part about fake Ruby for me (other than she wasn't Katie Cassidy) was Dean being all annoyed that Sam could pull demons. Or even that Dean didn't like Sam having someone else in his life (but that's a bitter view I only have late at night when I'm already annoyed about something else.)

  161. Both arguments are appliable actually. There is a plethora of MALE RECCURING characters that have stuck around and been brought back over and over over and over, either from the dead or not. The girls not so much.
    All male to female ratios are off in this show. ALL of them. That is why it is sexist!

  162. She grew on me. She had a lot of parental angst at the beginning, but once we got past that.

  163. THAT was totally the problem with Bela. Too much of her, that she was constantly one upping the boys in ridiculous situations AND that they kept her backstory secret for so long (by the time it was revealed it was too little too late.)

  164. I love how people are already deciding how the character will be acting and written without actually seeing an episode yet. They just freaking announced it and already people are either hating her or liking her. Oh and I hope she like this or that. I am going to be patient like I have always been and see how they write the character and if the actress has actual chemistry with the actors (which has been a problem in the past, Cassie anyone.) Though when I first saw this announcement, I feared of the backlash from fans, because of what has happened in the past when Jo was first announced.

  165. Come on "stupid fangirls"? For one, I'm not huge on attacking fans because they are female. And for two, I think your premise is erroneous because stereotypical "fangirls" in general tend to be happy with love interests and TPTB at Supernatural don't seem to do a lot of caving to fan pressure (female or male).

    But I agree that the boys need more people in their lives. So this might be a great chance.

  166. I cried almost as hard when Damon gave Rose her dream as I did at the end of Swan Song.

  167. I'm happy. Details are still vague, but I've been waiting for an emotional storyline for Sam for three seasons now (and no, the hell trauma wasn't emotional because the emotion was cut out of it), and this sounds like a great next step. I'm looking forward to seeing Sam bond with someone new, regardless of how this plays out.

  168. I agree that having a kid involved changed things. Lisa and Dean might have been fine with him hunting had Ben not been a factor, but it was over when Dean realized that to keep them safe, he would have to raise Ben in the way his father raised him (paranoid and always moving), and that Ben would inevitably grow up to be a hunter. Neither Lisa nor Dean were OK with that.

  169. lostrocks4ever29 June 2012 at 14:37

    not sure how i feel about this. chances are she'll either be very annoying or will die before the season ends. lets hope it neither

  170. Oh my gosh, you're so right - I forgot about the wife. They just kind of dropped her off the face of the earth. Wonder what she's up to?

  171. Still the men outnumber the women. In any situation.
    As I said: Ridiculous.

  172. I dont necessarily think it all comes down to 'caving to fangirls' either, its more listening to what fans think works or doesnt, Jo didnt work in season 2 because she came across as too immature to be a love interest for Dean, had she been presented as someone more mature it might have worked out or they could have gone with her just being a young female hunter and not a love interest. Lisa didnt work stright off because most fans could already see that it wasnt the type of set up that would work with Dean's life style.
    Fangirls bitching about female characters before they've even appeared on screen is inevitable I just dont think its that influential?

  173. hopefully they wont be writing it or if they are hopefully Jeremy Carver has a lot tighter control over his storylines and writers than SG had.

  174. A friend of mine hated Sarah and I don't understand at all. She was a strong character. I'd be all for seeing her again.

  175. I found Bela annoying sometimes, but didn't hate her. It's like what Dahne said.

  176. If this gilr sticks around and we see the relationship build on screen I can see Sam struggling with even the thought of getting involved with someone again, as much as Amelia would be cautious of Sam I'm sure he would be of her too. Its been a very long time since Sam has let anyone past his defences, he's been burned too often. He wouldnt want to drag someone into his very complicated life.

  177. Yes, I was so sad. :( It was so sweet. I loved Damon/Rose. I was so disappointed she died so soon. I really want Damon to find someone for him- besides Elena. Cause he deserves someone that will truly love him.

  178. Am I the only person bugged by how much this sounds like the way John met Adam's mother?

  179. lol So true. I watch shows with love triangles like Vampire Diaries, but I don't enjoy the love triangles. I deal with it because I like romance occasionally and unfortunately the triangle thing comes with romance. *sighs*

  180. I think it has to do with the fact again, the writers don't know how to bring a girl onto the show re-occuring, without her being a love interest for anyone.

  181. Jo was brought back as a ghost, Pam in Heaven, Mary and Jessica in Dean's alternate mind world, Ellen in the alternate Titanic disaster free world, and Bobby's wife came back from the dead.

    Male characters that died and were brought back human: Sam, Dean, Cas, Bobby, Samuel, and Adam

    Males characters re-occuring that came back in any other form: Ash in Heaven, Bobby as a ghost, I can't think of anything else....?

    Flashbacks/Time Travel not included as technically they were not brought back

  182. pinkphoenix198529 June 2012 at 17:17


    LOL me too! I only post here now (I've stopped commenting elsewhere) and it is so nice because of the discussion which I like.

    Oh yes, yes!! I completely agree and I have a huge mega bone to pick with the writers about lots of things ;P I hope that things will get back on track in S8 *crosses fingers*

  183. Maybe Dean will actually encourage Sam to persue something with Amelia, because he wants Sam to have something outside of hunting and he wants and thinks he deserves to have some happiness.

  184. Really? I did not know that.

    They cut out a Sam sex scene in "Free To Be You And Me" as well. In a promo it had him and that blonde from the bar in bed together. (Forgot her name)

  185. The writers can make it work if they want to.

  186. I sure hope so. I don't like how all the characters die off. Bobby was longest running, and I really wish he could have survived the whole series. But that was too much to ask of Sera apparently.

  187. lol See you made my point! Easy to forget! XD

  188. Yeah the talk on this page is a lot nicer than some other places.

  189. That wouldn't make sense.

  190. They managed so far, even in the last shaky 2 seasons not to make a love triangle. I have faith that would not ever happen.

  191. I just realized they said Sam would have a more human arc this season. Wondering if this has anything to do with it. I would hope there is much more.

  192. I don't find Supernatural sexist either - not in a degrading to women way. Nor do I think that all shows need to have an equal number (or even close) of male and female characters. I can watch shows like Designing Women and not think they are sexist so I don't know why SPN gets all this flak for not having female characters.


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