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Supernatural - Season 7 - DVD & Blu-Ray Announced + Artwork

6 Jun 2012

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Warner Home Video has set September 18th as the release date for Supernatural - The Complete 7th Season on six-disc DVD ($59.98 SRP) and four-disc Blu-ray ($69.97 SRP). The title includes all 23 episodes, plus bonus material to include Featurettes, Commentaries, Deleted Scenes, a Gag Reel, and more! Exclusive to the Blu edition is an additional Featurette, and UltraViolet digital downloads of the episodes (available only in the USA, not in Canada, and must be redeemed within two years of street date).

You can pre-order here

Source: TVShowsOnDVD


  1. Is better than the snake thing...

  2. The cover is awesome!
    And a day before my birthday.It'll be my gift to myself(like the last 6 seasons)!

  3. A little meh on the artwork, but I like the background colour behind "The Complete Seventh Season".

  4. I definitely like it better than last year's. UGH.
    I like the black color scheme. 

  5. Cool. Finally moving on from that annoying snake

  6. Ooh I like the Leviathans jaws on the front.  Very cool.  I've had this pre-ordered on Amazon for months now.  I'll also pick up a copy at Best Buy or Target, depending on which one is offering the coolest extra.  It's not even a bad release date considering season 8 won't start until October.  Gives people plenty of time to finish seasons 1-6 on Netflix and then watch 2 before 8 premieres.  I'm excited about all the new people watching Supernatural for the first time.

  7. That is pretty cool! I really need to get caught up.

  8. nellymendezcolon6 June 2012 at 23:25

    there looks more mature and the color selection perfect.

  9. thesilentpoethosea6 June 2012 at 23:26

    Sure as hell beats last year's boxart.
    I love this. :)

  10. Oooh! These look cool! I bet they'll be holographic like the other seasons, so that could explain a little of the color funkyness....I can't wait!

  11. Shimmerinstars776 June 2012 at 23:51

     Agreed. That snake and halo were pathetic.. Just don't get why they have to look so painfully mad. So miss the Supernatural look and feel of earlier seasons

  12. Katarzyna Skop7 June 2012 at 00:31

    MUCH better than that Chuck-awful snake... thingy. Glad that we've moved on from that photo. And here's hoping that we'll get a decent promotional photoshoot! (I'm probably delusional but hey, a girl can dream!)

  13. Supernatural is on Netflix? :/ I have been checking for like months now but I have never found it there. Is it possible that it's a US only thing?

  14. I like this cover - the Leviathans are a nice touch.

  15. I hope not.  I the US you can get it on disc and live stream.  The live streaming thing is winning fans all over Get Glue.  I haven't seen this many new people talking about Supernatural in years.  I will be really bummed if it isn't open to all Netflix subscribers.

  16. God they need new promo pics....

  17. Yeah I loved Season 1, 2 and 3 covers, especially Season 3's cover. 

    I don't like it. It's photoshopped too much again for me, but at least it doesn't look like a cartoon this time! And Sam doesn't have the snake. That's a plus. But the Leviathan at the bottom looks like some B-horror movie worm-villain. Beware of the worms who ate Supernatural!!!  It's a slight improvement from last year.

    I don't really like Dean so front. I mean, I don't think it's a statement or anything against Sam or telling fans who is more important. It's not a conspiracy. And I'm not trying to be petty. I know that can be a problem on this kinds of things. It's just reminds me of one of the old Smallville covers with Clark and Lex. Clark's front and center and Lex is in the back looking shady. (Good guys in the front, bad guys in the back.) None of the other seasons with one towards the back look like this. Maybe it's because Sam seems farther away. Still, I don't think it looks like two brothers. 

    I don't know. Maybe I'm biased because I haven't like a cover since they took the Impala off. The fourth and fifth seasons aren't bad.  The sixth season is terrible. My favorite covers are the first season and the third season. I think they capture the essence of those seasons so well. Hopefully, they will put the deleted scenes (like it says) on the DVD this year and not make it like exclusive to the Blu Ray editions. I really wanted to see the Colt scene with the knife last year, but it wasn't on the DVD. :( 

  19. I'm definitely looking forward to the special features, as always... and I like the cover art a heck of a lot more than last season's, too  :)

  20. Too beautiful .... *.* I loved the color of blood leviathan. Dark well!!! 
    Ok!!! With economies ready to buy. 

  21. Not too bad. I like the colours. I feel that SPN should be dark and brooding.

    Last years cover with the snake  was horrible.
    Sam hates Clowns, Dean hates flying and I hate snakes.
     I even bought the Amazon UK copy divided in two separate parts, which has a different cover, to avoid it.

    I would have liked both brothers to be in the forefront with Sam toting a weapon too, but there's no point in compaining as that just  seems to be the way things are right now.

  22. Dang, I was hoping for Aug release, TVD release is Aug  28.

  23.  A good thing I don't have to watch on netflix, it would not give me time for any other shows. lol  My DVDs get a workout all year long, usually have a mini marathon going.

  24. Ok, I've read this multiple times by now and I'm sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but could anybody enlighten me as to what an "UltraViolet digital copy" is?

    Also, this will be my christmas present *g*


  26. I really like the gold at the top of the DVD version. It probably makes me weird but each season seems to have a representing colour to me in terms of the feel of it and so far none of the DVD colour schemes have matched it until this one. xD

  27. i like it. the colors are cool and dean is looking fine with the shot gun. although sam looks a little weird to me, like his head is squished or something. i dont know, it could just be me or my computer or just the picture.

    i didnt mind the snake cover, but i didnt think it made sense to be the cover art for season 6. i think they should have switched the covers for season 5 and season 6 because i think it would have fit better with the overall story arc of each season. the snake and halo, although cheesy, would have made more sense season 5 when the boys were meant to battle it out as michael and lucifer's vessels. the fiery cover would have made more sense for season 6 because of sam spending all that time in hell and the whole purgatory thing. again, i may be alone on this one.

  28.  Completely agree.
    The halo and snake would have been logical for season five and the fire for season six as per Sam's time in hell etc.

  29. I like it! I have always pre-ordered the regular DVDs instead of Blu-ray, but I have been thinking of getting the Blu-ray this time just because the season was so great. I am to hear that a release date has finally been given. Mine should arrive the week of September 21. Can't wait!

  30. Dang! Usually their season comes out a week after Vampire Diaries, which is the end of August this year. I guess I can wait for perfection a little longer.

  31. That was the same thing I said. Usually it comes out a week after TVD.


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