Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Suits - Episode 2.01 - She Knows - 4 Sneak Peeks

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Suits - Episode 2.01 - She Knows - 4 Sneak Peeks

7 Jun 2012

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  1. Do i detect trouble in paradise? 

    He didn't get the message!

  2. LOVE the first .. "Put the gun down Karen" LMAO!

  3. The job of a show like this on a network like USA is to re-establish the status quo....hence Jessica will not fire Mike. My guess is either:

    1) Finds out that Mike did not graduate from Harvard yet has passed the bar and keeps him on.
    2) She finds out the truth yet is impressed that Harvey would go out there for someone in need who needs guidence like Mike and keep him on.
    3) Does a check and sees that Mike has a genuine certificate and is in the alumni database and dismisses Trevor as a criminal trying to cause trouble in his good friends life.
    4) Fires him....doubt it though.

  4. Is it Tuesday yet?

  5.  Harvey is blonde. Hell, yeah! ;)

  6. Great clips... ok so we know that Mike is safe (at least for the first episode, lol) and leaves you wondering what if anything does Jessica know... I don't think that she does know because not only would she have to fire Mike, but possibly Harvey and then all the cases that they worked on (and perhaps all the cases that Harvey has worked on in the past) would be under scrutiny and review. She would definitely not allow Mike to continue working as a lawyer of the company either - so I'm guessing that Trevor did not rat Mike out... can't wait to find out for sure 


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