Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Rookie Blue - Episode 3.04 - Girls' Night Out - Synopsis

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Rookie Blue - Episode 3.04 - Girls' Night Out - Synopsis

6 Jun 2012

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Traci worries that she mishandled the investigation into a car accident that yielded a dead body; Chris realizes he has feelings for Gail.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. Oh, swell.  I guess you can't have a season of Rookie Blue without a love triangle popping up somewhere.

  2. Ah, Chris is realizing...that he has feelings...for his ex? Really? Um, it's worded very weirdly and I'd rather not have a rehash of Chris/Gail. Chris deserves better. And aww, Traci!

  3. I was more than okay with the Chris/Gail thing being over... why do we have to bring it up again? 


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