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POLL : What did you think of Saving Hope - Pilot?

8 Jun 2012

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  1. I really enjoyed the pilot. I will keep on watching this show. :)

  2. There is an interesting cast of characters.
    The rest of the time, I was trying to spot some of the filming locations.

  3. It was ok, I had thought there would be a bit more dialogue; maybe some humor.  I sure hope he gets better next week. 

  4. Very enjoyable and much better than I anticipated.  Smarter too.
    I hope it continues.

  5. The pilot was solid. I hope that next episodes will be better. It could be a great tv series.

  6. Sadly I won't be watching this as it doesn't sound like my type of show, can anyone here who has watched give revews on Michael Shakns' performance? No doubt he was excellent as he was in SG-1, but it would be interesting to see what the general public thinks of him and people who have never seen Stargate before.

  7. We haven't really had that type of show since Touched by an Angel or Ghost Whisperer that I liked.  It's romantic and sweet.  It really looks promissing.

  8. Drea Radwansky8 June 2012 at 13:15

    pilot was great and daniel gillies was really hot ;)

  9. K.C. Collins..... better get his butt back over  to lost 
    i think its an ok start 
    looks i'll be good

  10. nellymendezcolon8 June 2012 at 16:17

    the pilot was perfect we began to know each character step by step,i am so glad that the British actor who work in the role of Elijah on vampire had a gig here he is so handsome & his accent  so sexy a perfect combination the series began hooking my attention give it a break how develops future story lines.  

  11. Eh. I didn't really like it, to be honest. I'll give it a few more chances before I form a solid opinion on the series though, so I'll watch the next few episodes.

  12. GuinevereDeRaymaeker8 June 2012 at 20:06

    Actually I didn't like it. I'll watch the next one to be sure. I hated Shanks voice-overs.

  13. Not really sure yet. It was ok, i will give another shot next week.

  14. I loved it .. It was a really good premiere.. reminded me of A Gifted Man tbh <33333

    one of the really interesting scenes was the scene between Joel and Alex when they talked about DNR, it shows how each character held its own.. I'm glad Daniel was given such a role, he was handsome and brilliant.. don't get me wrong, I'm not a shipper but the history between him & Alex looks real heavy..

    Still not connecting with Charlie's character.. but he might grow on me as episodes go.. but other than that great start..

  15. AnneMarguerite9 June 2012 at 13:27

    I hate lens flares. There was too much of them.
    I will definitely watch next episodes, but only because of Erica & Daniel. I don't like fiance and I hate his voice-over.

  16. Pilot was pretty good, not into medical dramas like Grey's, Private Practice etc but enjoyed it (may have fast forwarded the surgery scene). Wanted to watch because of Erica and Daniel and looking forward to finding out their character's history. 


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