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Game of Thrones - Season 3 - Casting News - Charlotte Hope is "Myranda"

28 Jun 2012

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Earlier today their was epculation via Twitter than Charlotte Hope had been cast as Myranda for Season 3. Thanks to Rabbit at Winter-is-Coming, now it appears her CV has confirmed the rumors.

Her CV is here (but has code protection and will not link normally):

Myranda could be Myranda Royce, the daughter of Lord Nestor Royce of the Vale.
Perhaps she could be a combination of Myranda Royce and Mya Stone who was absent in Season 1 at The Eyrie.... or are D&D playing more name games with us?

My first thought was she could be Meera Reed with those eyes and she would be about the right age too.... Regardless of the role she will play, welcome to Game of Thrones Charlotte Hope!!


  1. Beautiful eyes to be sure....

  2. Well, let's be fair. Nothing about this girl seems plain or homely. :)

  3. True enough! XD

  4. And the cast just keeps on getting bigger! Welcome to the family Charlotte.

  5. Evidently Nathalie Emmanuel has posted a instagram of a season 3 script cover on her twitter and Sarah Bolger (Tudors) recently deleted a tweet saying she was in Belfast....hrrm

  6. Yep, I have some more info and a photo of it in this thread:

    But I also tweaked the photo and you can more clearly see the "Game of Thrones" watermark on the cover page.

  7. Just think if this show was being cast without the advent of Twitter how much digging you and Rabbit would have to do

  8. Ha! XD
    I think that if it was not convenient for me like searching on the net I would likely not hunt for info and rumors etc.... I'd leave it to Rabbit!

    I'd still be just as curious, but I would have more free time..... XD

  9. I hope they won't change the names of characters again!
    I have a feeling she is going to be Meera!

  10. I agree.

    It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Her CV has her listed as Myranda and it does seem a bit odd that they would list a false name or code name so I assume she will play a Myranda and not a Meera... Although, Oona Chaplin was announced as "Jeyne" and she has been Talisa in the series so far.

  11. I hope it's a misdirection!
    I don't see any reason of changing a characters name!I never understood why Jeyne had to be Talisa either...

  12. I agree.
    I guess it is possible she still could turn out to be Jeyne Westerling or Lannister... or some other family. On the run from her lord father and using an alias? Part of a plan by her father and Tywin to set up Robb and lead to his downfall?

    If not and she is just Talisa from Volantis I ill be confused. XD
    Most people from Volantis worship R'hllor so why did she et married under the Seven when Robb worshiped the Old Gods? Little things GRRM avoids in his books fairly well, but D&D seem to have issues with avoiding those kinds of continuity errors. Not a very big deal in the end though....

    I can understand Asha to Yara somewhat to avoid the confusion with Osha.

    The Cleos Frey to Alton Lannister one confused me some....
    I mean his mother was a Lannister so the last name being changed was easy enough to understand, but why change Cleos to Alton?

  13. That part of Robb's storyline was just really weird!
    And i know exactly what you mean with GRRM being careful even with the smallest detail...

    The change for Cleos is i think mostly to point that he is also a Lannister! The Frey might had people confused, because of the alliance between Robb and Walder Frey. But the whole point in the books was: the Freys are everywhere!!! Oh, and I missed Big and Little Walder in Winterfell!
    Now, why change the first name as well? No idea!!!!!

    The Asha-Yara thing I understood completely as well! But still people are not stupid they can tell the difference!!! Especially when you have the face to connect to on the TV, compared to the books!

  14. sorry to disappoint but she plays a prostitute who is in one sex scene.


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