Earlier today their was epculation via Twitter than Charlotte Hope had been cast as Myranda for Season 3. Thanks to Rabbit at Winter-is-Coming, now it appears her CV has confirmed the rumors.
Her CV is here (but has code protection and will not link normally): http://www.spotlight.com/interactive/cv/1/F134702.html
Myranda could be Myranda Royce, the daughter of Lord Nestor Royce of the Vale.
Perhaps she could be a combination of Myranda Royce and Mya Stone who was absent in Season 1 at The Eyrie.... or are D&D playing more name games with us?
My first thought was she could be Meera Reed with those eyes and she would be about the right age too.... Regardless of the role she will play, welcome to Game of Thrones Charlotte Hope!!