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Comic-Con 2012 - Community Panel Confirmed - No Castle

20 Jun 2012

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Thanks to Corey for the heads up.

That noise you hear is the sound of the Greendale Gang packing for San Diego. TVLine has learned exclusively that there will be a Community panel at Comic-Con after all.

Meanwhile, the mystery surrounding another in-limbo session — this one for Castle — has also been solved: The ABC hit will sadly be MIA at next month’s geekapalooza.

Source: SpoilerTV


  1. They actually went for the Community panel? That is a bold move and should be interesting, I hope its fun rather than tense, guess it could go either way but the new showrunners seem like a lot of fun and the guest are always great so I hope it ends up being fun especially as it could be the last time the show appears at the Con.

  2. It felt like a necessity to have Community at Comic-Con after the crazy year the show had (both in terms of content in the episodes and all the outside factors). But it will be super awkward if the new showrunners are here with the cast.

    Even if there's only the Greendale Seven (and Ken Jeong and Jim Rash), it will be difficult to avoid talking a lot about the elephant in the room... or actually not in the room (Dan Harmon). Maybe the new showrunners should come and reassure the fans by saying that the show won't drastically change, but I think it'd be better if it's the cast saying that and the new guys laying low until the first episodes have aired.


  4. It's great that Community's going to be represented, but I'm sad Castle won't be there. I'm sure Nathan Fillion will be sorely missed, even by those who don't watch Castle haha

  5. Some Whedon fans are thinking there may be a panel for Much Ado About Nothing which means Nathan will be at the Con, I hope so he is a mainstay of the event.

  6. T____T no surprise here but.

  7. Your welcome Dark! I saw that you guys hadnt gotten it yet so thought you should know.

  8. I was going to say, I haven't been to the Con before, but I feel like he has to be a HUGE draw. Well it's reassuring that there's still a chance he'll make an appearance.

  9. Nice one. Yep, we need all the helpers we can get to stay on top of all the news :)

  10. ABC made the smart move here, after all it's not like Castle is one of the most popular and buzz worthy panels and has always been sold out.

    Oh wait....

    I guess they figured why have Castle at comiccon when we can continue to promote the DOA show Neighbors.

  11. I really hope they change their mind and bring Castle to SDCC.

  12. this cannot be happening! I was really looking forward to the comic con because of Castle!!!!!! :(

  13. =;(
    Nathan Filion is the funniest actor at SDCC. please ABC don't leave castle off SDCC

  14. In a tweet someone said Nathan was going to go,but the arrangements still needed to be worked out. Nathan has been tweeting from London,but he hasn't said anything about going.

  15. Just an FYI that account on Twitter is not actually them. It's someone posing as them to post what fans are afraid of.

    Personally I think NBC is making a huge mistake with a Community panel after the firing of Dan Harmon. I'll be very surprised if I'm wrong.

  16. Excuse me?? No Castle??? Are you kidding, ABC?? Nathan is a Comic Con institution, WTF?

  17. I think I read Nathan will be there anyway...(no idea what he'll be doing though. Oh! I hope he moderates something!!!)

  18. I am in complete and utter shock that Community is going.... and I'm not being sarcastic about this AT ALL. I was sure with all the drama they'd try to stay away from putting themselves in a situation like this, because seriously it has the posibility of being very awkward and uninteresting.
    But personally I'm definitelly trying to keep a positive attitude.

  19. nono_webdesign22 June 2012 at 05:51

    Seamus said the season 5'shooting will begin mid-july... i think there will not there because of the shoot of the 5th season

  20. I hope he goes! I just don't understand why on earth would ABC do this...

  21. No Castle ? :( This makes me sad . . .

  22. Nathan will be there only at the FireFly 10th reunion panel

  23. ABC is only sending one show OUAT Castle is missing for a reason.

  24. No Castle. :( It's not like we really wanted them there, after this years awesome season, AMAZING season finale and really wanting to hear/ask them about it. Nope, definitely not. /sarcasm


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