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Body of Proof - Nicholas Bishop Leaving Too

7 Jun 2012

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According to THR Nicholas Bishop is following John Carroll Lynch and is leaving the Dana Delany drama.


  1. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

    I don't want him gone either! I guess he's going to die. Crap. Well, this sucks.

  2. WTH is happening with these ppl!

  3. Budget cuts are running deep at the bubble shows.

  4. Wow,jumping ship!

  5. that's terrible ..  I liked him there even tho I gave up the show..

  6. Either he's going to die or he's going to be in a long recovery. I'd prefer a long recovery rather than death.

    But as long as Jeri and Dana are there, I'm there.

  7. Looks more like the option on his contract wasn't picked up.

  8.  Yep,just like John Carroll Lynch.They aren't going to be left with much of a show at this rate..

  9. Looks like budget cuts more than anything. I'm so upset, but I love the show so obviously I'm still watching. We've still got the rest of the great characters. I just hope that they replace both of them with 2 new, just as interesting characters as apposed to leaving a huge hole in the cast...

  10. End relationship Megan and Peter :(

  11. JackVersusLocke7 June 2012 at 19:49

    So Peter dies then. is also reporting that Sonja Sohn is gone as well. 3 main character gone in one feel swoop.

  12. I'm really disappointed that both Bishop and Lynch won't be back. Both of them have a great relationship with Megan on the show. The show's going to be completely different.

  13. Well season 3's going to suck. I love this show, a lot, but come on now hopes for a renewal in 2013 are virtually non existent for me now.

  14. wow, that's a lot of budget cutting there... all of Megan's police cronies and now Peter as well... I don't know how they'll focus the stories as it made sense that she'd interact with the police, but perhaps they wont have her in interrogation/police station like they have in the past.... I'm thinking that it might've been better if they called this coming season the final and let the writers create a finale... I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  15. i wanted Megan and Peter together so bad!

  16. wait what? so the two detectives that actually do the work to find the bodies and get them to the morgue so that Dana Delaney can do her job as an M.E. are no longer on the show? are we kidding here?


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