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Beauty and the Beast - 5 Minute Extended Promo

7 Jun 2012

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Thanks to sheilar88 for the heads up.


  1. This trailer did work for me.  I will watch the pilot but my reaction to this extremely negative.  The voice over has, imho, always been a bad idea for selling this show...and here it was just worse.    And honestly, I had a hard time taking the story elements seriously either.  Kristen looks good as a cop.  I really believed her in that subway fight.

  2. Please! Upload this video on youtube!!! :(

  3. Артур Якшигулов Drop me an email and we'll get your computer working. 

  4. I'll give it a shot. I had extremely negative things to say about Teen Wolf before it aired, and it did just fine.

  5.  I wasn't sure but think i''ll give it a change :)

  6. Hmm, still not sure about this pilot... looks a bit sappy for my taste.

  7. I'll definitely watch the pilot. It reminds me of an old school WB show. I love that. But what bothers me is that he isn't beast like. He's more Hulk-ish than beast-ish.

  8. This looks truly awful. I'll give it a few episodes.

  9. i will definitely watch this!!!

  10. nellymendezcolon7 June 2012 at 10:45

    what a kind of story line is this a very CRAP ONE  but the end a MOONLIGHT VAMPIRE  root pose..PLEASE BE CREATIVE.

  11. I have no idea what you just said.

  12. Wow bad.

    That fight was just terrible. I loathe when shows take a break in the action for the combatants to look at one another and give a look or say something "humorous". 

    Plus I really don't like KK as a Homicide Detective at all. Especially NOT in NYC!
    You have to be 21 to be a Police Officer, then there is training, a probationary of couple years on patrol, 2-5 years of patrol experience, and then maybe she would get promoted to detective, but likely not Homicide. Generally looking at 10 to 15 years before someone becomes a Homicide Detective unless  they know someone and get fast tracked. Of course the size of the city and department makes a difference too... NYC has more than a little competition for detective advancement! XD

    I'm so, so tired of seeing 20-somethings in Major Crime units or even Homicide Detectives. It is so uncommon.

    Plus I'm wondering which of them is the beast since the once-Dead genetically altered soldier is hardly beastly.

    Beauty and the minorly scarred ex-doctor/model was too long a title mayhap?

  13. nellymendezcolon7 June 2012 at 12:39

    Disqus generic email template...whats your confusion 1).HE got transform BY INJECTION............2)..YOU NEVER SAW THE SERIES MOONLIGHT by the australian actor ALEX O”LOUGHLIN ..he distinguish vampire pose WAS IN THE EDGE OF THE ROOF.

  14.  yeah exactly now take ron perlman.. as  vincent ... now he was made up to look like a beast... man i miss that show...

  15. I had the same impression, Like I'm watching Moonlight remake.. esp. as you said his pose at the end.. leaving all that aside, let's say I'm not really intrigued by the premise..

  16. I'm pretty sure what you just said was supposed to clarify things, but it really didn't.

  17. nellymendezcolon7 June 2012 at 13:50

    Disqus generic email template...I am not either is like a child wrote the story line..PLEASE... HE WAS RECRUIT BY THE GOVERNMENT & INJECT A SOLUTION TO MUTATE HIM....I smell X-MEN O COMIC-CON..IDEA.

  18. Meh.... I think it's trying too hard not to, yet still coming off waaaay too cheesy....

  19. Don't like it. They could better renew the TSC.

  20. Historical_Materialist7 June 2012 at 15:02

    Awful....just....plain... awful.  All that's missing is a bad green screen boat scene.

  21. Watched both the Arrow preview and Beauty and the Beast preview and I got to tell you the Arrow preview is hooking me more than the B&B preview. Even though I am more familar with Jay Ryan's (Beast) work (from Australia), than Stephen Amell's (Arrow).

  22. Totally Moonlight!

  23. Hahaa. They need to lose the voice over faster than Damon lost his bird. I don't have high hopes for them setting up the premise 'cause that is twelve kinds of silly, but once I accept that it might work out. It has a nice old-school WB/CW formula feel and it is really hard to screw that formula up. 

  24. pinkphoenix19857 June 2012 at 16:09

    okay, I can't help but laugh at this trailer. I feel like they are trying to come off as being a serious show but in reality it is almost campy. I really hope that there is more to the show than the trailer shows because then this is really doomed from the straight.

  25. Katarzyna Skop7 June 2012 at 16:13

    This trailer is not good. And it doesn't present the show in a favourable way. Definitely not watching this one. CW, come on, get better!

  26. He simply was talking about how this show resembles, to a great extent, Alex O'Loughlin's Moonlight, if you ever watched that. If not, then this trailer almost, if not exactly, looks like Moonlight's story, even him watching from the roof at the end of the trailer, it was classic Vampire-Alex on that show ..

  27. Shauna Rushing7 June 2012 at 18:09

    I love it! No but I actually do, lol. I like all different kinds of tv shows, and this one has that more vintage WB feel and I've missed that. I also miss when a show revolved around one main love story, that you rooted for the entire show, instead of all these random hookups with all the characters  Plus, you never know this show could turn out amazing in the end anyway. This is just the pilot and no one knows what shows are capable of yet when they just start out. 

  28. WOW! 99.9% comments dislike what we've seen so far of Beauty and Beast. The CW must really love KK to give green light to this pilot. I think that this show is going to die soon and be replaced by Cult. 

  29.  "I'm so, so tired of seeing 20-somethings in Major Crime units or even Homicide Detectives. It is so uncommon."

    Actually, Kreuk turns 30 years old this year.

    "Plus I'm wondering which of them is the beast since the once-Dead genetically altered soldier is hardly beastly."

    Yeah, they should have scarred him up more.  Even with more pronounced scarring he'd still be a decent looking guy so there's no reason not to ugly him up.  They played it way too safe.

  30. There's the nucleus of a serviceable TV show here but there are also some big problems.

     - Kristin Kreuk's voiceover is terrible.  REALLY terrible.  It's the worst part of this trailer.
     - I can already tell I'm not happy with what Gary Fleder is doing as director.
     - The pilot seems to burn through too much story too quickly.
     - The fight scenes and action sequences need to be better.
     - The music choices are trite and how they use the music is cloying.

    On the plus side:

     - Kreuk as a detective isn't as wildly unbelievable as I imagined.  I still think Zoe Hart as a surgeon is a tougher sell.
     - The cast is solid enough.  They should help buoy the show during the weak spots until they work out all the kinks, of which there are plenty.
     - They're definitely going for a younger Moonlight vibe and, since I liked Moonlight, that's a good thing.
     - Visually speaking, the pilot looks good.  Never underestimate the importance of a well-filmed TV show.
     - Procedurals have better replay value than serials and that could be a big plus for a CW show.

    I'll be keeping an eye on "Nancy Drew & The Hulk" because, in spite of its flaws, something good could come out of it.

  31. i was going to watch it until i saw this

  32. So she's 29 now? ;)
    Plus she usually plays younger roles, but I honestly don't know how old the character is yet. If she was in high school at the time her mom was shot then she would be 26-ish on the show... if college aged she could be almost 30 I guess.

    I get why they did not beast up the actor too much I guess.. saved money and lets the womenfolk enjoy him more easily.

  33.  "saved money and lets the womenfolk enjoy him more easily."

    Meh.  If CBS can get 55 episodes out of dressing up Ron Perlman as Lion-O from Thundercats then CW can ugly-up their male model a little.  :P

  34.  The horrible voiceover almost ruins the whole trailer.

  35.  As poorly as this trailer was put together, it doesn't change the fact (nor does anything, really) that The Secret Circle had ample creative problems and its ratings were too abysmal for the network to renew it.

    Whatever problems BatB has will be much easier (and quicker) to resolve than the problems TSC had because this is a procedural with a small cast, as opposed to being a serialized drama with a sprawling cast and multiple interwoven storylines.  The CW is going to give this show every possible opportunity to succeed because a successful procedural with replay value would be priceless for a network with such large ratings issues.

  36. I think they actually made Ron Perlman more attractive by making him a cartoon lion. xD

    I like the standard WB/CW "pretty people" but I hate CGI faces, so I would have preferred a full-time beast that looked real-ish than what they seem to have gone with.

  37.  Completely agreed, Vincent from that series was gorgeous i thought. This, not so much.

  38. pinkphoenix19857 June 2012 at 21:45

    I can't argue with you on that. I really really hope that the VO isn't going to be a thing in the show even in the pilot episode. One or two lines I can deal with but not more....

  39. Can't wait for this show! 

    I was excited for Arrow the most but Beauty and the Beast and CULT seem more interesting than Arrow at the moment. 

  40.  I think the VO is just for the trailer.  They may do something similar over the opening credit sequence but I don't recall any mention of a voiceover being part of the episodic storytelling.

  41. Yeah, people just can't get over it. I watched TSC finale last night, and it was meeh. Beauty and the Beast has much more future and potential than crappy TSC, because it was just... a hot mess. 

  42. ditto! However, I watched all three extended previews and none surprised me. Still gonna watch all three shows.

  43. I was hoping this promo would change my mind and get me excited for this show but I'm still very underwhelmed by it all. I also wish that they didn't have KK say "You're like a superhero." That sounded like a line straight from Smallville and felt more like she was Lana telling Clark that then something for Beauty and the Beast. I will still watch the Pilot and give it a shot but so far this show isn't doing well to get me hooked on the show.

  44. pinkphoenix19858 June 2012 at 06:40

    I hope so. I know that the original B & B show had a VO during the opening credit so if they just have that it might be a tribute to the original. If they just keep it contained to the credits that will be fine in my opinion...

  45. I can't wait for this!!!! So excited!

  46.  "Beauty and the Minorly Scarred ex-Doctor/Model was too long a title mayhap?"


  47. I might watch the pilot, but to be honest this preview didn't do anything to push me out of the "I'm curious as I've always thought KK was hot so I'll watch one ep" camp..the cheesy voiceover as well as not buying her as a homicide detective in NYC, to the seemingly poorly executed fight scene (couldn't they've gotten someone from Nikita to show them how it's done?), to the campish "handsome doctor gets injected by the military and becomes a hulk-type vigilante" isn't selling me at this point....

  48. It's sooo cheesy, but I'll still watch it,lol. 

  49. "Nancy Drew & The Hulk" LOL...please don't hate me if I steal that. ;-)

    I agree with you straight down the line but I wouldn't worry about the music just yet. Frequently the music for these early promos is temp music. (Though, given that my least favorite part of Vampire Diaries is the music it might just be a CW thing I have to live with.)

  50. I had to stop drinking my water after I read you initial post...cause you keep making me laugh.

    Lion-O had that voice going for him and the ability to act in all that makeup. I fear they've lost that sense of romance that helped CBS get those 55 eps.

    The impression I got from the trailer is that the pretty boy beast "beasts up" when he's fighting.

  51. The producers and the network better make sure they don't screw up the romance side of things because it will be the main draw for a lot of viewers. The typical CW audience isn't going to tune in to a procedural if the case of the week is the only thing the show does right.

  52. I'm not a fan of how most shows on The CW use music either but I will begrudgingly admit that The Vampire Diaries isn't as big of an offender with their music as they used to be. The first few seasons were pretty bad.


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