Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Arrow - New Promotional Poster

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Arrow - New Promotional Poster

7 Jun 2012

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Thanks to Hizenberg for the heads up.

Source: serial-arrow


  1. I like the other one they put out in the beginning better. Rain and a "dark" super hero how cliche and uninspired can you get?

  2. I like it. A little tumblr-esque but since they're supposed to be going for a darker, grittier feel, it works. 

  3. I like it,if the font was a different it would be better..

  4. Happyhappyfuntime7 June 2012 at 18:52

    I'm glad they added that Photoshop rain. Now all that's missing is a fox and a snake.

  5. All it needs is a bit whiter color on clothes and you could pass it as Assassin's Creed 3's poster :P

  6. That is not a good poster.  At.  All.

  7. I just can't imagine, how this show's gonna be. Promo during the CW upfront, doesn't really look promising. I guess we just have to wait and watch. 

  8. Bland. And that is being polite.

  9. With all the gritty and dark it feels so very 90's, does that count as retro?

  10. Very cool. The whole dramatically standing in the rain thing is totally ripped off of The Dark Knight Rises' posters (especially considering that they're going for the same style), but still. I really hope this show is as good as the promos/teasers suggest - dark, badass superhero show with tons of action would be right up my alley.

  11.  I get the comparison, but standing dramatically in the rain has been a thing for at least twenty years.

  12. The show looks good, but this poster is VERY cheap.


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