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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Arrow - Extended Preview

6 Jun 2012

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Thanks to Shellie for the heads up.


  1. This looks like a keeper.  Everything looks good here except for the CW's decision to spoon feed people the plot. ("those who are close can't be trusted" "those who are loved will be pushed away")  Anyway, the more I see the more I like.

  2. CW, please don't ruin this awesome show. Please!

  3. nellymendezcolon7 June 2012 at 00:37

    perfect show to star up the night cravings to see the began of supernatural 8 season episode

  4. Katarzyna Skop7 June 2012 at 00:38

    This is very, very promising. Finally a CW show that grabs one's interest and might STAY interesting beyond the first five episodes! I honestly hope they're going to deliver good TV with this. Well, consider me sold, CW.

  5. nellymendezcolon7 June 2012 at 00:39

    ..if the writers dont over react the story lines everything will be fine

  6. 3:22. 

    That looks alot like Slade Wilson's  (Deathstroke) mask. 

    If he were to eventually be a villain in this, it would be awesome. But he would have to be alot like his comic book version.

    Smallville screwed up Slade Wilson. 

  7. This just might be the first show i watch on the CW...

  8. The CW network website and their Youtube channel both had extended previews for Arrow, Emily Owens, M.D., and Beauty and the Beast but minutes after I viewed them all three videos were pulled from both websites.

    For the time being, this extended Arrow preview is exclusive to Spoiler TV.

  9. yep... i'm in :D
    still deciding about Beauty and Beast 

  10. OMG this show looks amazing! Can't wait to watch it!

  11. Arrow looks great! The more I see the more excited I get for this show. I hope they don't screw up Arrow!

  12. Damn that looks like Deathstrokes mask teased there near the end...

  13. Sadly it seems like most networks tend to spoon feed these days.....
    This is one of stronger locks for a renewal though. Looks great.

  14. It looks good... but there's something about the superfluous changes that really irk me. Like, what the hell is the point?

  15. I'm not familiar with the source materiel too much honestly. I read a few of my grandpa's old comics when I was young, but that's about it. However I understand exactly what you are saying!

    Of course some things need to be changed moving from 2-D inked page to real life cameras, and some plots or devices need to be updated from their 40s or 50s source to more modern equivalents, but why change things that do not NEED to be changed? 

    I went through the same thing with Game of Thrones this year with 2 of the character arcs. Changes just to change things around make little sense to me and in the case of Thrones, they were for the worse every time. One lost the heart of its storyline with continuous "small changes" and the character finale was less meaningful because it. The other arc was almost unrelated to the books it was so different and worse yet, they lost the most important aspect of the entire season arc by changing the things they did.

    I still enjoyed the season VERY much, but I had many other story arcs to latch onto. If it was just those two arcs I would have called the season a loss honestly. With really only one central figure in Green Arrow I can see how it would be magnified and annoy you!

  16. Me, too. I disliked Kristin Kreuk's Lana on Smallville. I'll probably watch the Pilot and see if KK is as annoying as I remember. 

  17. I agree.  Starling City?  Laurel Lance?  Why?  There's no reason to change it.  It'll just annoy people. 

  18.  i actually liked her, but in  her final season she got really annoying , i was kinda happy when she left,WAS  NOT HAPPY AT ALL when she returned for her final 5 eps.

  19.  I could understand if any of these changes were made to add believability or remove some of the problems a comic-to-TV adaptation could cause, but none of them were.

    Like, Starling City instead of Star City? Just why? What possible reason could they have had, other than to annoy fans?

  20. SmallvilleSupernaturalCastle7 June 2012 at 05:15

    Is deathstroke in this?? wow that would be sick and yea hope he's alot better then the one on smallville. I mean i didnt mind him he was ok but i think he should've been played by a younger person and more fighting involved otherwise the way they portrayed him was fine.

  21. Ok, this is looking better and better.. I only know a little bit about the source character and wonder if they will be taking on a darker toned version of the Green Arrow as this looks like this version might not have any qualms about taking an adversary out while brooding while if I remember, Green Arrow was known to be something of a jovial jokester and don't think he was willing to kill, but used all of his high tech trick arrows to eliminate adversaries. Personally, I wont mind and might actually prefer the darker version, but I guess we'll just have to see...

  22. Is that the Luthor mansion from Smallville??? O_o .....If so this just increases the dislike of some Smallville fans for this show.

  23. Actually this looks like it might be more fun than I was expecting. I will try the pilot for sure.

  24. I never read Green Arrow, so I don´t know the story. But this looks good. I´ll watch the pilot and then decide.

  25. Watched both the Arrow preview and Beauty and the Beast preview and I got to tell you the Arrow preview is hooking me more than the B&B preview. Even though I am more familar with Jay Ryan's (Beast) work (from Australia), than Stephen Amell's (Arrow).

  26. Finally something watch on Wednesday nights!!! Yay. 

  27. This feels like the writers are way too influenced by Chris Nolan and his Dark Knight trilogy. Chris Nolan is a genius and can it can not be reproduced. Just saying. 
    The Green Arrow has a 71 year publication history, thus an an extensive collectionof information to take from the source material. Heck, I didn't think it could get any better than the Quiver, Cry For Justice and Blackest Night/Brightest Day story lines but in the New 52 universe, every issue it just keeps getting better. If they weren't going to use Hartley or the Smallville universe continuity then I would have appreciated them sticking a lot closer to the source material (any time between the years of 2001-present especially). I am huge comic book fanatic so I am probably just being overly critical. It looks like something I can watch and probably will but I will be nit picking every episode apart when I just want to enjoy it. At any rate, I hope it does good just because it's a lead in for SPN, LOL!

  28. I thought the same thing about the Mansion, but it's definitively different though, just similar. Apparently all rich people have the same taste, LOL!

  29. I know of what you speak in regards to Game of Thrones and was slightly disappointed as well. But I trust D&D to make the most of it the best way they can with 10 episodes per season and such a huge ensemble cast. But I know that my countdown to next season won't be a vigorous or wholehearted as it was this year. But any episode of GoT is almost always infinitely better than 95% of what is on TV in general. 
    Oh, Darque, your lack of comic book history is adorable. Green Arrow has a 71 year publication history. 
    I am quite annoyed with the changes but I am a comic book fanatic. 
    I'm not suggesting that they use the Golden Age template, that would indeed be ridiculous.
    The modern era (especially from 2001-2009) would have sufficed just fine. 
    I know they couldn't really use the New 52 template just yet because it's not even a year old yet.
    But I don't see the point of the changes and probably never will. 
    It just feels like a Batman knock off, complete with spelunking to set up his Arrow Cave. They only saving grave is that Oliver Queen has been gone for 5 years and not 7 other wise I would have had to call pure shenanigans. 
    I don't see the point of him having a sister, his mother being alive and up to know good, Laurel going by her "middle" name (kind of reeks of what they did with the real Jimmy Olsen in Smallville, which was the dumbest thing ever). I read in a few interviews that there are no meta/super powered beings which means that Black Canary can not technically exist in this universe. 
    I could go on but I will just say that I am jealous of your lack of knowledge in this department. It means you will probably be able to enjoy this show a million times more than I ever could. 

  30. Now way that's Deathstroke/Slade it would be way too early for an appearance like that, IMHO.

  31. This isn't in the Smallville universe continuity. 

  32. after every preview i get more excited for this show!!

  33. This really didn't appeal to me when it was first in development but now it's one of the shows I'm most excited about. Hope it lives up to expectations.

  34. I am one of those that dont really know the Arrow story so I  am coming into it fresh and it does look good to me. It will be one I  will certainly check out.

  35. For a show that doesn't want to be related to Smallville, it seems to have quite the same atmosphere of the Smallville last seasons... particularly in scenography and ambientations...

    But most of all, am I wrong or they'r using Luthors' manor as Queens' house?!?

    But, since I loved Smallville, maybe I will love this too.

  36.  Same thinking when I see the house... I think they used a similar outdoor (or the same) and change something in the inside...


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