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Community - Interview with Jim Rash

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Jim, have you finished shooting Community?
Rash: Yeah, we finished the week before last, the week before Oscars week, and we're back on the air on March 15. We’ll see about season four, but that news probably won’t happen until late April, once all the pilots are in and stuff. But yeah, we finished all 22 episodes, and we’re just psyched that they’re going to be seen now, you know?

What was the mood like to shoot so many episodes while you were off the air?
Rash: It was good, in the sense that we always felt confident that we would return. NBC kept repeating that to us, that this wasn’t some weird, it-won’t-be-back type thing, that they had an idea of when we'd come back. It felt good. I love 30 Rock; we don’t wish them ill in the 8 p.m. slot, but [their ratings troubles] helped to show that we’re all up against a very difficult time slot. But our fan base is small and mighty and hey show up, and TiVo and DVR show that as well. But we were all happy, and there are a lot of episodes that are yet to be seen.

Source: Full interview @ Vulture

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