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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 8.14 - All You Need Is Love - Review

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Smell those roses folks, it’s valentine’s day over at SGMW! Life has returned to normal after the diversion into Meredith’s dreams and I’m more than a little bit pleased with that. At episode 8.14 we are more than half way through the season and, without knowing whether they’ll be a season 9 or if the old-timers of the cast will stay Shonda chose Valentine’s Day to renew our vows. She reminded us of the true ‘made for each other’ loves, the trouble in paradise and the yearning. I guess this was a cannily timed episode. Last week we were treated to what could have been, the lost loves, the if-only. This week we’re reassured, and at the same time punched in the gut.

“All You Need Is Love” proved to be enjoyable, funny and thoroughly charming.  Light on storyline, heavy on romance this filler episode warmed the heart on a cold night (go with me, it was cold here in the UK!).
"Oh Derek. You're embarrassing the duckies"

Grey’s is about sex and scalpels – or at least it used to be. This week we were treated to the sex bit. Or at least two couples trying to get some, whilst juggling new parenthood responsibilities. But whilst happy in love Derek is chasing happy in love Meredith around the duckies Meredith herself is moving forward in general surgery and rocking it. Her relationship with Bailey is completely restored and she’s proving to all that she’s an extremely competent surgeon. Let’s compare her to Avery. Zzzzzz. Sorry I dozed off there. I’m not in the mood to talk about Avery and that rather weird freaky threesome Valentine’s dinner he was cooking, so I’ll leave it to Arizona to say it for me with just one look...
Yes Arizona, I feel exactly the same way about Avery.

If you’re a fan of Callie and Arizona then you were treated to a Valentine’s day delight. Whilst I’ve read that many were upset at the early zoom out on their romantic trailer scene (there is really nothing romantic about typing ‘romantic trailer scene’), I was far more interested in the little story Shonda wove for us about these two love birds. This mini story arc, which, incidentally was probably the only real story telling in the episode, was a little love letter to the fans, more so than any other pronounced 'love letter' episode. Blink, and you would probably have missed the significance of all of their scenes either together or Arizona’s with Mark. What did we complain about in Season 7 – that Callie was not emotionally in their relationship, far from respecting Arizona as her girlfriend she was continually drawn to Mark as a pseudo-partner; that Mark was not only IN their relationship but at one point aggressive and nasty towards Arizona as a parent; that Arizona and Mark hate each other. In All You Need Is Love it feels like Shonda is drawing a line underneath this trio and has finally pulled them apart. Callie, romantic and loving is in charge of Valentine’s Day and proves, to a deeply suspicious Arizona, that she does in fact know her wife well, loves her, and by the way, desperately wants in her pants. She also proved that she is no longer running to Mark as a BFF. In fact Mark was casually oblivious to Callie’s romantic plans even dismissive of them in favour of his own needs. Arizona and Mark continued to illustrate that they talk to each other not only as co-parents but also as friends. The irony being that in this episode she actually goes to Mark for evidence of Callie’s amorous plans. We watched and listened as Mark treated us to a speech at Arizona on shared and equal parenting...who’d a thought! And finally we’ve been reminded that Lexie and Mark had a thing...and still have a thing. I will venture a guess that ‘Calsloana’ is finally over.
*Fake smile* Callie: "Try not to think about the fact that Alex was the last person to sleep on that bed"
*Through gritted teeth* Arizona: "I'm trying. I'm really trying"

But where romance was tangible in the trailer for the unfortunate Cristina and Owen a void full of pain has opened up between them. The only sign of hope being the chivalrous dive by Owen to save Cristina from the flowers. A symbolic reflection on the state of their marriage – metaphoric car crash. Where can this couple go? In a rare moment of sympathy I did feel sorry for Owen for about 30 seconds when Teddy was shouting at him. I actually don’t understand (yet) where the writers are taking this story. It’s really not obvious but I am suspicious of Teddy’s outburst, especially regarding soldiers who have died. That was mean and has to be grief talking. Lovely, heartbreaking elevator scene though; someone should write a book about that elevator.
"I can't do this anymore. No more air vent sex"

There were plenty of metaphors to be found with the patients this week, loaded with messages, but the stories weren’t strong. Lexie is left pondering on speaking up about her feelings, Meredith is rather ironically sterilising a woman who is her husband’s better half, Cristina and Teddy are fixing the car crash knowing they can’t fix their own. And Alex is reading love letters to a ten year old, perhaps reflecting on the simplicity of love when his life hasn’t seen any in a while (too deep?). As usual we were witness to the unresolved sexual tension between him and April. Am I seeing sexual tension? Or do I just WANT to see it? Whether I am or not it’s just lovely to see Alex rocking it as a doctor.

As romantic and tugging at the heart strings as this episode was, it was not without it’s flaws. The sequencing of scenes towards the end was poor and illogical and was disruptive to my viewing.

·      Avery shows up at Mark’s to cook. (I’m in love with Daddy Mark, just thought I’d add that)
·      Callie and Arizona arrive in the woods.
·      Meredith and Derek are back at the hospital having HAD dinner
·      Bailey is late
·      Lexie is talking to herself as Meredith and Derek walk in – Zola is not in bed yet
·      Bailey is late with Ben and it’s 11.23pm
·      Lexie shows up for a play date and Jackson is still cooking dinner – seriously how long does it take to cook steak? Sofia’s is still up.

Is it me, or does that timeline look a little screwy.

Let’s finish in a happy place as Miranda celebrates with dinner in the hospital, courtesy of a very romantic Ben. I’m softening a little to him. He’s proving to Bailey that he knows her, and knows that to get to her heart you need to get to the one that lives in the hospital. How lovely to see Bailey winning at surgery and winning at romance.
Huh! Ben! You've finally realised that I live at the hospital!

All You Need Is Love romanced me and was the perfect antidote to the forgettable If/Then.

The highlights:
Best line - “I’m not hitting much of anything” – Lexie and the Chief (the real, one and only chief), always a good combination.
Best scene - Welcome back Steve The Intern!
Best romantic moment – Mark’s face when he sees Lexie turn up at his door
"Lexie, I've got something to tell you. Avery and I, it's um, a thing. You know. I think they call it a bromance. There's no room for you in this relationship"

And seriously...can Zola get any cuter!

Written by brouhaha aka @pipmaxine
Apologies for the time lag in reviews. I got a new job in December, and new jobs, despite being great like this one, always suck your mental energy. I'm loving it though. Hopefully will catch up soon. Thanks for your patience. 

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