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Parks and Recreation - Episode 4.08 - The Smallest Park - Review

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I’m not going to lie; this episode was kind of a disappointment for me. It seemed as if the entire point of this episode was to get to the important developments at the end, and the rest of the episode was soft of just thrown together from random discarded story ideas. Still, even a mediocre episode of ‘Parks’ is leaps and bound better than the excruciating seven minutes I spent watching ‘Whitney’ while waiting for another show to start. I’m probably being too hard on our Pawnee brethren, so let’s get started.

As I said above, it seemed like the whole reason for this episode’s existence was to get to the end, specifically Leslie deciding that she can’t be without Ben so oh well if she gets fired and loses her election. A pretty big move on her part, and what will no doubt be a major plot point going forward. However how we got there was a bit messy. If you read my reviews every week you’ll remember that I’ve been complaining for several episodes now about the Leslie-not-being-able-to-get-over-Ben dynamic that has been beaten to a bloody pulp. Essentially Ben has been saying ‘go away Leslie so I can get over you’ and Leslie has been saying ‘NOOOOOOO’. In the last episode, ‘The Treaty’, they agree to talk once a day in an effort to remain friends, but that has apparently not worked because in this episode Ben decides that he no longer wants to work with the park department, and that the current project will be their last.

The current project also is the title of the episode, and it is basically a tourist trap attraction. I really liked this portion of the episode, the smallest park was a cute idea, and Leslie’s ability to derail the project was brilliant and hilarious. I mean, a patch of grass next to a sidewalk getting the Leslie Knope treatment? Amazing. Also I always love seeing the usual crowd at the town hall meetings. Even on a second viewing these are the scenes that stick out to me as the best in the episode. The rest on the other hand came across to me as kind of a mess.

Let’s start with Andy and company first. I’m not going to lie, the whole Andy-goes-to-college idea was pretty funny, but not for the right reasons. First of all, the idea isn’t anything that original, and just came off as lazy to me. Second, it was a continuation of the dumbing down of poor Andy. Andy is a pretty unique and original character; he’s like an overgrown kid, but with a huge heart, and the occasional badass rocker side. Note that I did not say borderline retarded, which is what he seemed to be in this episode. So how do you keep a fun character like Andy from turning into a total idiot? Kevin from ‘The Office’ has been suffering this fate for a long time now, and it makes me sad to see Andy start to veer into this territory. My solution? Bring MouseRat back. Think back to all of Andy’s scenes with them, he comes across practically mature and normal! He desperately needs some of that, so that he can stop making a total fool of himself in Women’s Studies classes.

Tom and Jerry, my favorite couple, are back together again in this episode, but as usual it’s really only about Tom. Now that he’s back he has to make a splash, so when given an assignment to come up with a new logo he goes on an all out marketing spree. There were some laughs, mostly at the expense of Jerry and Comic Sans, but overall it was pretty boring. The idea at the end of going retro was a nice touch, and I really hope those shirts and hats are going to be on sale somewhere I can buy them, but other than that nothing else really stood out.

Overall I’m not too worried about the future episodes of Parks, mostly thanks to Leslie’s decision at the end. I’m sure the next episode will be huge, hopefully touching on the repercussions from their decision and it’s impact on her campaign and the Parks department. Remember, only Ron and Andy know, so it’s going to be a huge surprise for everyone else to find out. Can you see the look on Tom’s face already? I can!

Random Thoughts:

  • I’ve worked in local government before, and never have I seen any logos as snappy as the ones in Pawnee. It’s usually just the town’s seal and then the department name in like Times New Roman.
  • Love Leslie passive aggressively sealing Ben’s pens, I need to try that on a coworker except I rarely leave my basement lair/office.
  • Ann appears! And attempts to calm Leslie down, and fails. Her most important role to date.
  • Pawnee Community College has quite an offering, I mean lasers? But with no actual lasers? Sign me up.
  • If all women’s studies classes had hot teachers I’m sure more guys would sign up. I mean seriously, she looks like a porn star. The next Mrs. Ron Swanson?
  • I can’t believe how much leverage they’ve gotten out of that ridiculous picture of tom with the espresso cup from season two, it shows up again in Tom’s idea for a Park Ranger reality show.
  • Woah smack down from Jerry! Poor Tom and his big dreams.
  • Again, I totally want to buy that retro T-shirt.
  • Man Leslie Knop’ed that park up quick! Granted, it wasn’t that big, but it looks like now.

Favorite Quotes:

  • “Yes essentially I’d like you to choose a new font.”
  • “I did not graduate college, because I did not ‘attend’ it.”
  • “Of all of my co workers he is one of the few who I do not actively root against.”
  • “I need to ascertain the whereabouts of some oversized ceremonial scissors.”
  • “Jerry I’d take your advice if I didn’t want to be a dead-eyed government drone with no ambition.”
  • “Bye everybody, guess what! I was secretly an undercover rock star this whole time!”
  • “For what it’s worth I think you would make an incredible brunette. Ron Swanson.”
  • “Your quiet support means the world to me. As well as your tacit support of all my behaviors.”
  • “He’s not even using a laser pointer!”
  • “If that woman wasn’t so violently opposed to marriage I think I would propose to her.”
  • “Wow. That was very hard to hear! So many negative words.”
  • “I know! I’m going to beg for money in the street like a drug addict.”
  • “One thing I promised myself when I buried my gold in the backyard is that I’d never be a miser or a hoarder about it.”
  • “My first day of college my father dropped me off at the steel mill. He didn’t think I should go to college.”

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