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Supernatural - 7.04 - Defending Your Life - Recap / Review

Oct 17, 2011

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Note - Normally I avoid other people's opinions on an episode until after I publish the recap. This time I went on SpoilerTV and tuned in for the discussion so I will be addressing some concerns that were brought up there in this recap too. I am still other people's recap-free though, so all opinions here are my own and open to debate. Oh and warning, I'm writing this full of cold medicine. Here's hoping it makes sense.

Previously - Sam hellucinated, FauxLucifer lied, Sam thinks he's managing, Amy killed, Sam believed Amy, Dean disagreed, Dean killed Amy. Side note: I think Dean did the right thing in killing her but not in lying to Sam.

A man in Dearborn Michigan is chased by a car into an alley. He thinks he got away, but Christine 4.0 chases him to his 10th floor apartment. In other shows, the bad guys would follow on foot. Not Supernatural. His breath clouds as an engine revs. He splats us right into the title card - very, very cool. Suited Winchesters arrive at the crime scene in the beautiful Impala, while Satan whispers Sam's name. Guess Sam still has hellucinations because he prods his palm to distinguish reality from fiction. Sam needs real medical attention if it still hasn't healed. Dean: "It feels wonky." I love that word; Sam's freaked out, perhaps worried it is a delusion and the hand pain didn't work. But Dean's talking about a straight up job instead of Leviathans. Sam's better and Dean's excited about a black and white case so it will be anything but. To hammer the Amy predicament lest we forgot last week's debacle (we're not dense writers), Sam thanks Dean for not killing Amy. I throw a pillow at the TV early this episode, sick of this subplot already. Dean still looks guilty and I still disagree with Sam. Amy would kill again for her kid. Up in Splattered's apartment, a detective has no clue. "Welcome to Crazy Town. Population: one dead guy." Ha! I like you. He says the victim, Matthew Hammond, was crushed to death. "If we weren't on the tenth floor, I'd say by a car." Love the deadpan delivery. This guy is counting down the years to retirement. I can relate.

The brothers enter, and hot tamale, it's the EMF reader. I missed you. Insert lame Bond joke, add dirt, and we've got something "spectral". (But is it corporeal?) Dean finds an AA badge in Splattered's place and his liver rejoices. For a millisecond. "Dead and sober. Double c***" Aw, Dean, try it. Sam finds a monthly charge to Jane's and suggests Dean check out AA (way to go Sam) while he checks out Jane. Dean's not going for it. "I gave up AA for Lent." Sam responds they aren't Catholic; I respond it's October not February. Sam: "Fine. I'll hit the meeting. You go hit on Jane." Dean's always up for that. Sam finds out Matt called his sponsor from Neal's Tavern to keep from drinking. Dean finds Matt sent flowers to a 10-year-old's grave each month. Sam connects the dots: Matthew killed his neighbor Elizabeth Duren when backing out of his driveway. Chances are he was drunk when he did it. Alanis Morissette's irony strikes while Dean chugs a beer. Sam, the fandom, and I worry about his slide into alcoholism. Sam wants to burn the kid's bones; Dean would rather drink - "The fun never stops."; I'm excited about a salt and burn. The classics are back today. Well, 6 seconds anyway. Fastest salt and burn on the planet.

We cut to a dog chase and at first I think it's Dean. He always get the dog issues. Instead, random victim runs into a diner and locks the door. No one else sees the dog so he's dead. One 911 call later and he's renamed Shredded. The brothers head to their hotel with a weary Dean giving Sam first shower. Sam however reads about Shredded. Sam says animal attack. Dean: "Well it is a dangerous world out there." Ha! Dean lies down but when Sam explains the details, it's back to work. Shredded ran a dog fighting gig. Dean's theory: 'He causes so much misery that some Rottweiler goes Cujo on him from beyond the grave." Only on Supernatural is that plausible. Dean asks my question, "Do dogs even have ghosts?" They debate ghost dog vs. ghost car. As long as it's not a racist ghost truck I'm good. In an effort to declare Dean the most hated brother, the writer adds, "I mean, I'm no one to judge but it sounds to me like that guy had it coming." Another pillow hits the screen. However, Shredded repented by volunteering at an animal shelter, raising money to help the animals. I guess he's now Redeemed. Sam: "People change." Dean: "Tell that to Ghost Dog." Bwah! A sleepy Dean starts to lie down but Sam says it's suit time. Dean's not thrilled. Sam finds dirt on the corpse and they are off to an apple farm. (I hope your apple pie is freakin' worth it.) Dean: "I would be so interested in that if I ate apples." Aww, did the Vanir turn you off them, Dean? Sam says they need to search a few hundred acres and Dean's had it. He needs a nap. Thankfully a crazy guy steps right in front of the Impala. Good thing she has great brakes. "How about we get you out of here before you get road killed." Back to the motel they go while I look for Molly. (Why yes, I am hopped up on cold medicine.)

Paroled accepts some hunter's helper from Sam and proceeds to completely lose me. With no nap, Dean is impatient but Sam uses his calm voice to decipher that Paroled got out of jail after 30 years for killing two people in a robbery. He was placed on trial again in a barn by a Looney Tunes judge with weird symbols. Paroled can't believe they accept his story. Sam: "We kind of specialize in crazy." BWAH!!! The brothers go outside to drop bad writing on our heads. Um, they exposit the now grey case. Dean's pro-ghost. Sam says they can't judge. They discuss murder vs. hunting while I run out of pillows and contemplate throwing my remote. What is up with the writing? Just because it's on a teen network doesn't mean we can't fill in the dots ourselves. Blah, blah, blah and they split up. It all leads to Neal's Tavern so naturally Dean takes the bar while Sam takes the barn. Sam and I both yell, "To work or drink." Dean: "I haven't decided." I decide Adam Glass can't write any better than Dabb and Loflin. Rolling my eyes and shaking my head, I regather the pillows. We're only 13 minutes in but I foresee more pillow throwing in my near future.

A worried Sam wants Paroled to accompany him to find the barn. No dice. "It's red; it stands out." BWAH!!! Great line! Sam makes a magic salt circle and tells him not to move. (No one likes a skeptic Roy.) Sam's at his wit's end and I feel for him. Everyone's a pain in his life right now. He sends the symbols to Bobby and heads to the orchard. While Sam works, Dean commiserates with Mia the hot bartender over Scotch doubles. (start rant) I've had it. Dean drunk in the middle of a job? What the hell! He preached against this in Playthings when Sam got drunk. Writers!!! I do not want Supernatural -The Intervention. This isn't 90210, Gossip Girl, Grey's or any other nighttime soap. There are ample ways to show Dean falling apart. Move on. Remember that show about saving people and killing evil. I liked THAT show! (end rant) Dean pretends to care about the case until Mia says Frank was bartending last week. She asks why he's downing drinks so fast while I mutter under my breath. "Well Dean, luckily I'm like a captive shrink with unlimited alcohol." BWAH! She joins him while Dean asks, "You ever do something behind someone's back because you had to?" She tells him if he had to there's no reason to feel guilty. I like Mia more every time she opens her mouth. Except she doesn't have all the facts - he should feel guilty about lying to Sam. Dean orders one more Scotch and Mia tells him to slow down because she gets off in an hour. Dean switches to beer. I decide Mia should officially stay. I hope she makes it through and isn't evil, but she's female so chances are slim.

Meanwhile, Sam searches the only red barn in sight, so I guess he didn't need Paroled's help after all. I can't believe Dean left him on his own when he's still having hellucinations. Nothing here makes sense. Bobby calls. They are dealing with Osiris, Egyptian god of the dead who judges guilt. Sam: "So good news then." Ha! Sam gets the good lines tonight. Bobby: "You know what this means." Sam: "Yeah, we've got to find him before he goes underground again." Bobby: "No, you idjit. It means you two gotta get the hell out of Dodge. This guy hones in on people who feel guilty. Who does that sound like to you?" Bwah! Ok, Bobby gets the best line and we get Sam to the rescue! I'm happy the episode is kicking into gear halfway through. Whoops, spoke too soon. Am I really to believe Dean is nervous about having sex with Mia? What's next? He forgets how to drive? Whatever! Osiris captures Dean. I ponder downing hunter's helper to get through the episode as Sam calls Dean through the commercial break. "Dude, third message. You better not be loaded." I'd believe it more if Sam weren't just coming out of the barn. What? Did he stop to pick apples during all these phone calls? Back at Neal's Tavern, a ticked off Mia picks up Dean's phone and explains to Sam that Dean is missing. Sam heads off to meet her and we head back to Paroled. The black and white TV goes staticky and lights explode. He thinks it's time to get out of Dodge too, but sadly things don't work out for him. Liquor store owner ghost shoots him. Hey that took just enough time to get Sam to Mia. In other words, it was pointless. Mia gives Sam Dean's phone and lo and behold, there's dirt. Back to the barn Sam goes.

Osiris used the short break for barn decorating. He likes statues of himself - tacky - but his chair is sweet. Dean sits bound to a chair with a chain. He mumbles something I can't for the life of me understand and Osiris pops in to say the chains are Houdini-proof. They snark back and forth. Dean: "What? You can't jump a guy when he's sober?" Boo hoo! You're the idiot getting drunk on the job. Osiris tells Sam to stop skulking and Sam says he knows Osiris' identity. Dean needs to be filled in because he was getting drunk instead of hunting with a hellucinating Sam. (Yeah, I'm not letting it go. It really irks me.) Everyone eye rolls another easy-to-kill pagan god and Sam says he should be on trial instead. Um, why Sam? Osiris makes no sense either. If you want to kill people, shouldn't you go after ones who haven't tried to make things right? He takes out people trying to help. My sense of justice and fair play is affronted. They paid their dues; back off. But Osiris like every power on this show is an arrogant jerk. He does allow Sam to play lawyer on a whim. (Hold on Sam because after assassinating Dean's character, the writer takes pot shots at you next.) Sam objects ten words into the trial with the juvenile "it's not fair". Neither Osiris or I get why he thinks life would start being fair now but I understand his frustration. Osiris says he'll call 3 witnesses and Sam objects since there's no prior notice. Dean congratulates him and he says, "I saw it on the Good Wife." HA!!! Wilson has to be happy his show was mentioned. Unfortunately, Osiris quickly shows that nothing Sam says will make a difference. "Now stop objecting or I'll find you in contempt. That is, kill you." Bet that doesn't happen on The Good Wife.

First witness - Jo Harvelle. Nice plot device to get the actress back on the show to make up for her absence last year in My Heart Will Go On. Otherwise, there's no need for Jo's presence. Besides typical survivor guilt, Dean can't feel blame for her death. Although she sports the vampire look, Jo looks good. Nice to see you Alona. And we enter the flashback stage with clips from Everybody Loves a Clown and No Exit. Dean is stunned to see her. Osiris asks if she admired Dean but she says only as a hunter, not a person. Uh huh, right Jo. So you weren't trying to get him in bed? Neither Osiris or I buy that. Jo says she trusted Dean and denies he is a bad guy, but Osiris cuts her off. "Wasn't it hard working with him considering your feelings?" Um, is Jo on trial here? Even a ghost has to be uncomfortable. Osiris accuses Jo of entering hunting because of her crush on Dean and says therefore Dean is ultimately responsible for her death. Did make any sense in ancient Egypt because it throws out all logic rules nowadays? More flashbacks from No Exit. Osiris grills her some more and Dean tries to stop him but Osiris closes Dean's throat. It's Sam's turn with Jo. He brings up Jo's father and how she idolized him. Sam insults Dean and asks if Jo went into hunting for her dad. Obviously, her dad had a lot to do with it and is probably one reason why she crushed on Dean truth be told. Jo says it's "daddy issues" and starts to tell Dean she doesn't blame him, but Osiris poufs her away. Osiris gives them a second before calling his next witness but Dean is clearly shaken and ticked. Sam asks who the next witness is and like Dean, I have no clue. Amy has to be third.

Second witness - Sam Winchester. Shock all around. Yep, a defense attorney is expected to testify against his client. Ancient Egypt must have been loads of judicial fun. Osiris brings up Jess and Sam's law dreams; Sam tries for glib but comes off as lying. Osiris insinuates Dean is to blame for the death of Sam's dreams 8 years earlier. It's an even bigger stretch than Jo, considering Jo was shredded saving Dean from hell hounds. The Brady thing cancelled any expectation for Sam to have a normal life whether Dean came or not. Osiris then calls the Impala a "gas guzzler" and while absolutely true, I'm offended for her anyway. Flashbacks to the pilot and Sam calls things complicated. He says Jess isn't Dean's fault but Osiris twists the knife. "Sure and neither is everything that came after - all the death and the blood and hanging on by a thread. None of that is on Dean directly." Dean flashes back to fighting with Sam, pushing Ben, Ronald, Pamela, Jo, John, Mary, Sam and Lisa being stabbed. (Interesting that they threw Ben in since he never died.) After these flashbacks, Dean might want to die. Maybe that's Osiris' real plan. He continues, "But don't you think that your brother dragged you back into that catastrophic mess because he'd rather damn you with him than be alone." OUCH! Sam pauses; Dean swallows hard. "No, one way or another, I'd have gotten pulled back in." Osiris pushes and Sam says he's pretty sure, no positive. I agree. YED wasn't giving up his plan so Sam could get a picket fence. The people who should be on trial are Mary and John Winchester. Yes, both of them.

Osiris believes Sam but then goes for the throat. It's not about if Osiris thinks Dean is guilty. It's about if Dean thinks he is. "This is solely about how Dean feels way down deep. Them's the breaks." Yep, Dean's screwed. Sam: "So if Dean believes he's innocent, then he is." I agree with Osiris - that's one BIG "if". Osiris: "People want to be judged. They really do. When your heart's heavy, let me tell you, real punishment's a mercy." Okaaay. Not sure how I feel about this, but you don't get any mercy bonus points from me Osiris. You're just another in a long line of jerks. Sam calls Dean to the stand; Dean isn't excited to plead his case. And everything turns to farce. I got flack for saying Sam looks bumbling during this whole "trial". I was trying to say that the writer seemed confused here and while Jared did wonders with this mess, it didn't ring true at all. I know Sam never went to law school and that he's under a lot of pressure here. However, Sam talks and lies and convinces people for a living. Generally people buy what he's saying because he is that good so it's weird that he's stuttering and hem hawing and overall awkward here. I don't expect him to be Perry Mason but he is Sam. I think the writer forgot who he was writing. Sam is smart, usually eloquent and definitely passionate. None of that came out in this trial. To me, this is as much an attack on Sam's character as this episode is on Dean's and I wish the writers would stop changing characters to fit the plot. They did it in season 1 a lot and it bugged me just as much there. I'm saying the characters can't grow and change. Believe me, I wish they would. But when a character you've known for 6 years suddenly seems jerky (not as in a jerk but not smooth) and off, either they're possessed, have no soul, or something's wrong with the writing. I'm going with the latter.

Sam mentions that Dean is not psychic and couldn't know the future. He makes good points but it's stilted and it's obvious that while Sam uses logic, Dean doesn't believe it emotionally. He simply repeats what Sam says. Sam: "So is your heart heavy with guilt or just plain heavy and none of this guy's business?" Great point and for once I wish it were a top of the Impala soul chat. Sam might be able to help Dean understand this, but not in this setting. Which is obvious when Dean says, "What you said. The second thing." Way to be convincing Dean. Sam rests his case early - maybe because we're almost out of time. He knows Dean is just mouthing words to get out of the situation without actually believing them. In fact, Dean's usually a much better liar so the whole trial scene is a wash. Osiris asks Dean if Dean wants him to call his last witness or if he's done. Dean flashes on Amy (and the scene we had not 25 minutes ago - urgh!) and he's done. Sam: "What the hell's he talking about?" Dean: "Enough Ally McBeal. Just drop the hammer already." Sam objects but Dean says it's over. "The court's reached a verdict. I find you, Dean Winchester, guilty in your heart and sentence you to die." (Yawn.) Death sentences are far less threatening when you've died a hundred times and both have gone to hell. It feels more like Saturday detention. Osiris tells Dean to get his affairs in order over the protests of fans who thought Cas should be a witness. To be honest, reading the boards completely shocked me. It never occurred to me that Cas would be part of this and besides survivor's guilt again, to me Dean has absolutely no reason for guilt. Cas made his own choices behind the brothers' backs and lied until he was well and truly caught. He would not listen to reason, did not look for alternatives, was arrogant and cruel, and so wrapped up in his own power trip he didn't realize he was in over his head no matter how many people appealed to him. Cas fell to pride and while each character has done that and deserves to be redeemed, nobody is to blame for someone else's bad choices. I don't understand why people blame Dean for Cas or Sam's choices or why anyone would blame Sam or Cas for Dean's choices. It wouldn't make sense to blame Sam for Dean making the demon deal.

Back at the Rainier Hotel, Paroled heads out in a body bag. In any other episode Sam would beat himself up about it. It's refreshing to see him realize that Paroled didn't listen and got himself killed. Besides, he's worried about saving Dean and happily, Dean also researches instead of drowning his sorrows. Well, until Bobby calls with another quick-fix instant pagan god stopping plan. Yeah, another one. Pagan gods are easier to kill than angels and demons on this show. Apparently Osiris heads to the underworld for a few hundred years if stabbed with a ram's horn. I wonder how these gods lasted so long. If I made myself a god and for some insane reason let people know how to kill me, I'd make it obscure like Eve and the phoenix ashes. My weapon of choice wouldn't be something found throughout the streets of Egypt while I was reigning. Seriously, any shepherd could kill you. How's that a good plan? Sam goes to InstaGoogle and finds a ram's horn in a synagogue. See - that weapon is far too accessible for a god killer. It's like A Very SPN Christmas when the pagan gods brought the only thing that could kill them into their house. I'm so glad the Leviathans are supposed to be smart. Dean snarks that stealing from a temple is a new low, and Sam restrains from slapping him. I wouldn't. He goes for the keys when Dean mutters, "That thing's going to sic Jo on me Sam." He sounds heartbroken and I instantly feel for him. Sam: "You're a hunter Dean. You know how to deal with ghosts." To which I whine, "But it's Jo." That sucks out loud. Dean: "So you're suggesting I kill her again?" Sam sighs heavily, "You didn't kill her Dean." So true. Instead of alleviating Dean's guilt, this episode just piled on more.

Dean gets the salt and once in the magic circle, says, "You can come out now." Jo is behind him but we cut to Sam breaking into a rabbi's office. The rabbi walks in and we pan to Mia the bartender listening to some woman's guilt. What exactly is the point of these cuts? It breaks the mood and adds nothing. Back at the hotel, Jo apologizes. "You know I'd never do this." Yeah, we know. She calls it a twisted eye for an eye but Dean has nothing to repent for. He says it's okay but Jo disagrees. "No it's not. You deserve better." Dean: "No you did. You deserved better, Jo." You both did. We cut to Sam driving and I wonder why add the rabbi scene at all. Since the Jo and Dean scene is the best thing about the whole episode, it's irksome to keep cutting away. What's with Supernatural's allergy to letting a scene run its course? Every episode this season has had weird scene jumps that barely give us time to get into the scene before we're somewhere totally different. In this case, it's twice as jarring because Sam is hellbent on saving his brother, complete with the music to prove it, while Dean and Jo are having an emotional heart-to-heart with the melancholy strings overture. Gah! This show is schizophrenic these days.

Back to Jo - "Dean, my life was good. Really." Dean says Osiris was right about him, that Jo and Sam were kids. "You know, hunters are never kids. I never was. I didn't even stop to think about it." That's it. When Osiris gets back, I demand he haul John Winchester to trial. He deserves it. Jo says it wasn't Dean's fault but he counters that he didn't want to be alone. Is that the time your dad abandoned you and said you were ALL in danger not "both" in danger, implying that Sam was in trouble too? That time? Dean wishes he had sent Jo back to the Roadhouse in No Exit. I say he shouldn't have lied to Ellen to cover up Jo's choice. See a theme here Dean. But Jo knows he wouldn't be able to; her mind was made up. Jo: "He was right about one thing?" Dean: "What? Your massive crush on me." HA!! Jo: "You carry all kinds of c** you don't have to Dean. It kind of gets clearer when you're dead." You tell him Jo! Dean: "Well then in that case, you should be able to see that I am 90% c**. I get rid of that, what then?" Aww, Dean! Jo: "You really want to die not knowing?" I have never liked Jo better than right now. Why can Dean only be 100% honest with the dead? He has to lay some burdens down. It is too heavy for Dean, Sam, and the fans, and it's now getting in the way of his hunting. The mood shifts slightly and Jo says it is time. She sets the burners on filling the hotel with gas. Nice. Osiris will take out everyone in the hotel not just Dean. (I'm skipping how these ghosts can manipulate appliances when it took a lot of practice in Death Takes a Holiday.) Dean flashes to the explosion that killed Ellen and Jo. That was one fantastic death scene. I find it sad but poetic that Dean's going out in fire, the same thing that ended his childhood. He swallows and looks at Jo, eyes shining.

In a 10-second break, Osiris stalks a woman at the tavern talking to Mia. Not sure if Mia is part of Osiris' gig, but probably not. No time to ponder because it's Jo and Dean time again. Jo toes up to the salt circle and reminds Dean she was a hunter too. She freezes the window until it breaks and wind scatters the salt. Dean doesn't have the shot gun so he has no intention of fighting. Jo gulps out, "He's making me do this" and Dean nods. "It's okay." Maybe TPTB feel it heightens tension to jump back to the tavern. It just annoys me. Osiris grabs the lady. Jo grabs Dean's lighter. Suddenly salt and burn is less appetizing. She opens the lighter as the camera pans to gas rising from the stove. The music of danger commences but we all know in 3 seconds Sam will stab Osiris. Dean and Jo look at each other. It's a 1 -second flash of Jo's death scene and Sam stabs Osiris right on cue. His eyes go djinn blue and he mummifies. Very cool special effect. Kudos! Jo touches Dean's face much like Mary did in What is and What Should Never Be and Dean briefly closes his eyes at her touch. It's tragic and sweet, then Jo drops the lighter and poufs off. Hey, I call foul! She doesn't even get her final words. Dean's left looking around in wonder.

As these episodes often do, it ends with beers on the Impala. Sam questions Jo just flickering out (me too) and Dean says she wasn't in pain. In fact, she seemed happier. Great thing for a depressed alcoholic to come away with. Dean questions why Sam volunteered to defend him. I question where Dean has been the last couple of years. Sam has his back. He thinks Sam might have made a decent "scuzzbag" but Sam reminds him they lost. It's a bit of fun before the heavy Amy drama. I like fun. Sam asks about the final witness and I brace myself for the gigantic brother fight to come. And wait. And wait. Give me a freaking break! Dean lies to Sam again. Now we have to deal with Dean guilt and constant anvils hitting our heads from writers who, given how the last 2 episodes were written, are bound to remind us of Amy every episode lest we forget. UGH!!! I'm thoroughly sick of the Amy issue already and we haven't even gotten to the fallout yet. I was promised brothers united, working together stronger than ever, and I better darn well get that soon. Nothing good comes from this lying, especially not an engaging story line. Man up, tell the truth, and for the sake of my good mood, do not let this subplot drag on until midseason break. Unfortunately, the writers can't hear me screaming through the TV after a barrage of pillows and the remote hit it. Instead, Dean asks why Sam wasn't on trial too. Sam: "I think I just don't feel guilty anymore." Dean is puzzled, I'm glad for a healthy response to the suckage of hunting, and I'll bet at least one part of the fandom is up in arms. He clarifies, "Hell. Look I'm not saying it's logical, I just, you know, I feel like I did a lot of stuff I should have felt bad for and then I paid a lot of dues and came out the other side, you know." Dean: "And that worked? I mean you really feel like your slate's wiped?" Sam: "No. Nothing ever gets wiped you know. Sometimes I see Lucifer when I freaking brush my teeth. I don't know. I guess I just finally feel like my past is my past and I can finally move on with my life. You know, hopefully." I hope that too Sammy. That's exactly what Dean needs too and I'm glad you got a chance to vocalize it. Here's hoping he learns to drop some too or else this entire episode is a waste. Dean: "Well I don't know whether to be jealous or weirded out." Sam says he feels good. Ah man, that jinks it. Sam will fall hard in the coming months. No Winchester is ever allowed to be happy. The Powers That Be dictate that.

Overall - This episode wasted much of its potential, not just with Alona Tal but the whole idea of carrying around too much weight to deal with. I fully admit that if Dean gets less guilt-filled as the season progresses, my opinion of this episode will change. Right now, it feels like filler. The first half had some pacing problems, the trial was awkward to say the least, and the pagan god was dispatched too easily. The best thing by far was the Jo and Dean conversation but they kept interrupting it for reasons I am still not clear on. Why bother having the rabbi walk in? Did the guy win a walk-on part and they couldn't figure out what to do with him? Makes no sense. Osiris wasn't scary, coming off like a bored king taking out his frustrations on peasants. Another spoiled power-crazed dictator. That being said, I loved Sam coming to Dean's rescue, working hard to save him. The acting was as always great considering how they really had to reach to pull it off with what they were given. All for guests were awesome. Alona Tal was especially a welcome sight and I love how she was still Jo, not some angry twisted spirit. I live in hope that what she said sunk in. The episode concept was novel and if I hadn't already been spoiled, the case would have intrigued me. The fact that they were taken out by what they felt guilty about was good continuity. In the end, the episode was great compared to most shows I watch on TV. However, comparing it to other SPN episodes, it was firmly in "meh" range. Let's just say that for the first time in a long time, Supernatural was not the best show I saw this week. Of course, that may be because Fringe had an exceptionally strong episode. If this had shown last week, it would still reign supreme.

Next week - We better have top-notch writing. If you have Charisma Carpenter and James Marsters, I expect the best. Looks fun and we could use the break of a little dark comedy. Bring on War of the Roses - witch style.

Grade - C- for Supernatural / B for the rest of TV
Best line - "No, you idjit. It means you two gotta get the hell out of Dodge."
Best scene - Dean and Jo
Worst surprise - Dean still didn't confess he killed Amy

Screen caps by Home of the Nutty

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  1. Overall I was pretty disappointed with this episode.  It was still better than most TV but for SPN it was "meh".  I feel like nothing was resolved in the whole episode so if it ends up to matter later in the season I will probably like it better.  The best thing was Jo being back, especially the ending scene with Dean.  

  2. "I saw it on the Good Wife." HA!!! Wilson has to be happy his show was mentioned.MORE THAN HAPPY.:D

    I'll read the rest later. I just felt that you included that in your post so I had to say :D .

    Also, please read this comment.

  3. I liked the reference, I loved Jo, and it's good to see the source of Dean's anger/hostility, but overall it was more meh than I could handle. I might as well have walked on up to Canada myself and stabbed the "god" with the goat horn myself.

  4. That's a very in-depth comment.  I promise I will catch up with Good Wife but it probably won't be until Christmas break.  Right now I have to get Moonlight back to Netflix sometime.

  5. Banishing the god was completely weak.  I seriously do not know how these gods managed to stay alive for so long.  At least for Eve they had to find a way to time travel.  In this one, all they had to do was stand around in a parade and they could pick off a god.  If it keeps getting easier to take out gods, pretty soon all they will need to do is blow on them and they will pouf away.  

    I have huge problems with the writing in the last two episodes.  In fact, I had so many issues with last week's writing I didn't even publish the recap.  I'm hoping we get a really good writer for next week because they cannot afford to blow it.  The possibility of having new people check out Supernatural because of the Buffy crew is too important for them to waste.  I'm hoping it's a great balance between fun and snark  with lots of good one-liners.  Basically write it like a Buffy episode but with Supernatural's tone.

    I also agree that this episode was merely filler if nothing changes in the way the brothers react.  I'm actually ticked that Dean didn't come clean about Amy.  That's a subplot that needs to go away and now we are stuck with it for at least 2 more weeks.  If it sticks around through midseason break I'm going to be one big ball of unhappy.  Leviathans are far more entertaining.

  6. Adam Glass is my least favorite writer on Supernatural.   He is responsible for All Dogs Go to Heaven, the one where Dean lets the murderous peeping Tom shape shifter programmed to turn others into shape shifters go because he's a cute doggie woogie and reminds Dean of himself.  It makes Dean a real hypocrite about Amy too.  I HATE ADGTH with a passion. He also gave us Like A Virgin (Ellie and the sword in the stone was good, the rest meh), Two and a half Men (okay) and Mommie Dearest (which I kind of liked).  With that track record, I wasn't expecting much.

    I hope this is the start of having Dean finally deal with his guilt issues.  I do give the show credit for the fact that Dean's alcoholism and possible drug use has been sneaking up on us for a while, but the scene should have been handled better.  I wish a more talented writer had written this script, because the idea was intriguing and the actors were good.

  7. When we first find Dean chained to the chair in the barn he says "Really Warren, all you noticed were the symbols" referring to 'paroled' mentioning symbols when Sam asked him what he remembered about his trial.
    Good recap Dahne, especially since you were hopped up on cold medicine.
    Here's hoping this week's episode is a 'grand slam' considering the guest stars.
    And Hey! I got a Lucifer Badge for this comment...this season I don't mind that so much :-)

  8. I loved this episode and I loved this season!

  9. I can understand why Sam's hand is having a hard time healing, he keeps digging at it..gotta keep Lucifer away some how.
    Totally agree with you, Jo & Dean were the best part of this ep, I always wanted them to get together, was not a fan of Lisa.
    I did not dislike it as much as you did, but The Vampire Diaries was much better this week and last and that does not happen often, for me.
    Yep the Amy plot needs to get resolved.....SOON.
    I never even thought about Cas being in this ep as far as guilt goes, but dang I do want Misha back in any form they want to use him in.  I miss my clueless(pizza man), helpful Angel.

  10. How exactly does Dean decide which monsters he thinks should live and which should die? He's becoming rather hypocritical and self righteous in regards to the descision making. I'm not entirely sure what the writers are going for with this but having Dean wollow in self pity episode after episode IMO gragged down the whole of mid season 5, its gotten to the point where I dont feel sorry for the guy anymore and that sucks.

    The writers need to have Dean start to get over his issues and soon or fans are not going to be happy, no one wants to see one or both of the two leads character assassinated every week for the sake of whatever episode happens to be that week. This episode should have been a turning point for Dean as promised by Sera Gamble herself but I cant see it happening and if it does and next week we see a lighter/healing Dean I might actually cry foul, how the hell does he go from this weeks self flagellation to being OK?

    I agree with you about Adam Glass, the guy should not be writing for this show and if he does then he needs to be paired with a better writer.

    Um how exactly did we go from Sam at the end of season 6 and the first two episodes of season 7 to shiny happy pod Sam? Does everything Sam related happen off screen unless it directly affects Dean? Because hello thats called a plot device and Sam is a main character and deserves better. I hope the other shoe drops for Sam or else this will be a boring as hell season for Sam girls.

    Over all the worst episode of the season, it was poorly written and messy. The best bit was Sam even when the witers were trying to make him look like a dummy he was still pretty awesome. I hope thats the last we've seen of Jo now, happy for the shippers who got another chance to squee over Dean and Jo's epic love affair that never was. But really she wasnt surplus to requirement and I suspect only brought back because Alona is cheaper than Sam Smith of JDM.

    I give this episode a C-.

    Compared to episode 1-B+, 2-A and 3-B

  11. Thats the word/sound I've heard/read to describe this episode most 'meh' I think it pretty much somes it up.

  12. exactly, what was the point if Dean didnt walk away with something/a lesson learned or feeling a burden lifted all it does it highlight problems we already know exsist because we've been battered over the head with them so often in the past?! There was supposed to be somekind of turning point for Dean this episode but I honestly cant see where one would come in, from what I saw Dean shouldnt feel any different if not worse than he did before the start of the episode? Unless I'm missing something?

    The Amy thing should have come out this week it was the perfect opertunity but now the drama is going to be dragged out for I believe anothe 2 weeks? Why?

    I'll take the Leviathan crap over this Dean drama anyday.

    I blame the writers

  13. Didn't think much of this episode, but I found it hard not to think of 'The Inquisitor' episode of Red Dwarf when watching it.  I agree with those that said that so far this season has been somewhat disappointing.  Hope it picks up soon.

  14. "In the end the episode was great compared to most shows I watch on TV.However,comparing it to other SPN episodes,it was firmly in "meh" range." Nicely put!And despite the fact that the episode could have been better,I'm happy that a "meh" episode in SPN is easily compared to other shows.
    Great review.I still liked it a little better than the third episode.The only difference(in my opinion,always) is that in episode 3 they did all they could with the story they had.Episode four had so much great potential and I wish it had been a little better.Still,I'm very pleased with the season so far!

    About Cas..I was expecting a mention(and just a mention,not him being a witness,no way)but just because it was repeatedly mentioned by Jensen and Sera that this was part of Dean's guilt,no other reason.They'll go there sooner or later,that's for sure.Maybe it was a little too soon.
    And I think that if he feels any guilt,it's not because he's to blame.It's more of the kind:Maybe I could have done something and he'd still be alive.That will go away when they find out that,in a huge,unexpected turn of events,Cas is not dead!  ;-)

    I'm looking forward to the lighter episode next week.I never really got into Buffy,but you're all so happy about the guest stars,it's kind of contagious! :-)

  15. I thought this episode was good, but obv not the best of the series. Even when Supernatural isn't at its best, its still WAY better than most of what I watch. The writers could have done a lot more with certain things, but for what it is, it was still pretty good

  16. I loved the first 2 eps and felt like Sera was finally on track, but the last 2 eps have been much weaker, looking forward to "Spike & Cordy" this week.  I compare this show to The Vampire Diaries and the last 2 eps, TVD won. lol

  17. maybe Dean does feel guilt over Cas but its buried under so many layers of grief and denial he doesnt even know its there? I personally donmt think Dean has anything to feel guilty about where Cas is concerned but Dean being Dean it seemed odd that he wouldnt feel guilty over Cas.

  18. I have to agree with you.  It could have been much better written.  I am still trying to figure out the fandom.  Dean was right in killing Amy.  I haven't figured why the Leviathans aren't taking over the monsters.  Monsters who the Winchesters can not kill.  Can you imagine that?  Back to the episode.  Sam was great, but like you, I wondered where his expertise in silver tongued lying and sweet talking went to.  Sam is expert at that.  He can suave and debonair and Dean can get nowhere near that quality of being a gentleman.  He's just Dean.  I wish they kept the talk between Dean and Jo intact and extended it.  They could have done so and left out about 10-15 minutes of filler.  The show would have been superb if they had.  I felt cheated when we jumped to Sam in the Impala with the ram's horn.  I wanted to see the scene with the Rabbi.  Sam would have had to be glib and silver tongued to out maneuver the man.  It would have been a classic scene.  The, given what we did see, I do not believe the writer was capable of it.  Still, all in all, I enjoyed the show tremendously if only for the acting.  It was both poignant and intense.  

  19. When Jewel Staite commented that she would to come back, i thought fantastic.  After the last two episodes, I'm thinking a find a day job.  I don't want her back.  I don't want this extended.  She's just another Lenore, but at least Lenore had it together.  Sam and Dean were right in letting her live.  Sam was too messed up to the Amy problem.  Dean was not.  for all those messed fans who think Dean is a murderer....well, whatever happened to the understanding that Dean is a hunter.  Amy was a monster.  She killed for her kid, so killing is all right?   She didn't stay with just people.  The guy Sam protected was just trying to get gasoline for his car  Seriously, folks.  Dean admitted last season that he was a killer.  He looked back on the demons he'd killed and had not realized  the hosts were still alive inside.  He realized after Lenore that some monsters aren't bad.  After listening to Sam, he felt pity.  Still, he knew Amy would kill again for her son.  That's why he told her he was sorry when he killed her.  What he said to the son  was his guilty feelings coming out.  Look me up.

  20. I actually enjoyed this episode.  I loved all of the Sam/Dean moments.  I like that Sam is starting to take a notice to Dean's drinking, but I have never really had a problem with it like others.  Honestly, if I didn't read comments from others, I would have never really even noticed.  Also, if they never fully address it...wouldn't make a shred of difference to me.  I liked the trial and again liked where Osiris went with his witnesses and Sam's attempt (and a good one at that) to try to make Dean see that he is feeling guilty for things at were never in his control to begin with.  Also, liked the Dean/Jo scene even though Jo was never one person I liked very much.  

    I think that, even though this was a MOTW episode, it wasn't one what should have been wrapped in a nice bow in the end.  Dean is not going to let go of this guilt and I think that we have just started to explore this angle for him.    I also didn't have a huge problem with the "god" being dispatched so easily.  As we have seen in the past, these "gods" are powerful, but not all-powerful (if that makes any sense)  Most of the "gods" that they have come up against have been pretty easy to dispatch.  

    I like how Sam is using the scar on his hand as a touchstone to bring him back to reality when he starts to hallucinate.  Of course, showing a close up of it every week may get to be a little much.  

    Also, really enjoyed the talk by the Impala at the end.  I'm happy that Sam is feeling like he can let go of the past and move on.  I think it was the first time we have seen him smile in a long while and it was good to see.

    Lastly, I was ok with Dean having to talk himself into sex with the bartender.  Think about it...he was in a long term relationship that didn't end well (to say the least) and the Dean that picks up women in the bar hasn't been around in a long time.  I think it was right that he was talking himself into it.  I think that 20 something, lets have random sex guy left the building a long time ago.  

  21. Great recap as always :) 
    I was wondering what happened to last week's recap and now I know. 
    It's sad that, after the first two eps of the season, the next two eps had to suffer so badly from poor writing. 
    Like you, it never occurred to me that Cas would be one of the witnesses - sorry Cas fans but he barely registers for me any more.
    For me the best thing about Defending Your Life was the acting - everyone was great but I'd specifically mention Jensen Ackles. The end of the scene with Jo particularly stands out. He looked so lost, sad, and absolutely resigned to dying - he wasn't even going to give a token gesture toward trying to stop Jo, and we knew it. Also the scene in the bar, he was smiling at Mia, yet his eyes looked so sad and hopeless. Ok now I'm gushing and coming off like a mindless fangirl. (Shut up SuePo - I know what you're going to say :P ) 
    The actors on this show can take a less than stellar script and do wonders with it. 
    From here on we will be back on track, following from the greatness of episodes 1 & 2. Because I said so. And I'm always right. Well, sometimes.....

  22. Well said, it was not even close to being one of my favorite eps, but way above any that have the GhostFacers in it. I can't stand them.  Agree with the random sex guy and am glad he is gone.  Was worried that Dean went off drinking instead of helping Sam, but not enough to send him to AA and thought the AA Lent comment and Sam's we're not Catholic  was the funniest lines in the show.  I enjoy the piano music that plays when dialog gets heavy, but don't want them to wait much longer before Dean comes clean about Amy to Sam.

  23. As far as I am concerned, there is not an actor out there that can do sad, hurt, lost, tears & in despair, better than Jensen Ackles, with Jared close behind.
    I cried buckets with and for him when he took that beating from Sam/Lucifer at the end of season 5, it was almost more than I could watch.  Jared was also excellent coming back and taking over Lucifer. That has to be one of my favorite eps.

  24. most fans from what I've seen see Dean killing Amy as the right choice but his lying to Sam as the wrong. 

    My problem with Dean killing Amy was that last season Dean let a murdering monster walk free without a second thought. What gives him the right to decide? How does he decide which ones should live or die? 

    As for the lying to Sam? Wrong but hey the drama has to come from somewhere.

  25. Agreed.  The writing has been noticeably bad the last two episodes.  And not just because I was hoping for Dean to get some relief from his burdens in this one.  When they weren't hammering us over the head with the theme (ugh!), they were making me question if they even knew the characters.  I'm hoping the writing gets back on track next episode, because there are many things a series can overcome - bad writing is not one of them.

  26. Again I agree.  I think Dean was absolutely right in killing Amy.  She killed people.  It doesn't matter that she did it for her son.  Bottom line is that she is a killer and she would do it again if she felt she needed to.  Her son is her number one priority, which makes sense for her, but Dean and Sam are about protecting people.  You kill people; you die.  That's hunting law.  Lenore wasn't killing people so she got to live.  I don't find anything similar in the characters.  

    However, Dean is dead wrong to continue lying to Sam about it.  If nothing else, he needs to confess so I don't have to deal with it anymore.  :-)  I too would be glad to never see Amy again.  

  27. At this point I would like the drama to come from outside forces like the Leviathans.  I'm tired of the drama existing between the brothers because they can't figure out to communicate with each other.  No more running away.  No more lying.  Be brothers and fight the rest of the world, not each other.

  28. Almost everything about All Dogs Go to Heaven was bad.  At least this one had the Jo adn Dean scene at the end.  But I agree.  Adam Glass doesn't have a great track record.  In all honesty though, Dabb and Loflin are equally guilty of twisting the characters however they want to have the plot they desire.  They aren't concerned about dropping plot contrivance anvils on our heads either and have a tendency to tell instead of show.  Its unfortunate that we had to have two poorly written episodes in a row considering the first 2 episodes this season were impressive.

  29. I actually thought the last episode was worse than this one but not by much.  Probably because in the last episode they assassinated 3 characters (Dean, Sam, and Bobby) where in this one the writing targeted 1.5 (Dean and sometimes Sam).  I agree that Dean should be worse off after this episode instead of better and I truly hate that because we need to dump some of the doom and gloom asphyxiating this series.  You can only choke on despair for so long. 

    I wouldn't worry about Sam though.  He might think he's fine but there is no way that is true.  Main characters are never allowed to be fine on this show.  Something catastrophic is on the way I'm sure.  

    Maybe it's me but I still did not see the Jo and Dean scene as part of a tragic love story. To me they seemed like friends who didn't want to hurt each other and who were tragically being played by a higher power.  Jo has always seemed like a friends younger sister with a crush to me.  Someone you may flirt with from time to time but not someone you would take seriously as a romantic interest.  I think Dean really feels bad that this kid got screwed by life and died too early.  I am sure though that this episode was written purely to get Jo back on screen.  It wasn't just that she was cheaper.  The PTB got a lot of feedback after My Heart Will Go On about why Jo was missing.  My take is that this is the episode they used to remedy that.

  30. Thanks!  I must have listened to that line 12 times and still didn't get it.

  31. I'm glad you enjoyed the episode and the season thus far.  I think this season has great potential  and the straightforward Leviathan story is a real plus.  I'd say that the season started off very strong.  The first two episodes were awesome and really set the tone.  These last two episodes though were really off for me and dampened my enthusiasm a bit.  Here's hoping episode 5 knocks it out of the park.  There is so much they could do to make this the best season so far.

  32. Ha!  He definitely needs to come up with a new plan.  How about the rubber band at the wrist thing they use with anger management?  At this point, Sam will be scarred for life on that palm.  Well, that is if the Winchesters ever scarred.  I was not a fan of a potential Jo and Dean romance - she seemed too much like a kid sister to me and quite frankly the Jo in my head was stronger than the one on screen.  However, I think she was exactly the right person to bring in.  Because Dean in some ways sees her a little like Sam, she can say things in a different manner than say Ellen could.  I just hope Dean listens to what she was saying.  

  33. I'm not so much disappointed in the season as I am in the last 2 episodes.  I think they have set this season up very well.  The Leviathans give them room to play and the gradually taking away everything they rely on will force them to use their wits more.  I just need the writing to improve vastly from the mess of the last 2 episodes.  I thought the first two were excellent.

  34. I watch each ep at least 2 times and one of those is with closed caption, just to make sure I have not missed anything.  Was going to tell you, but noticed KAZ 2Y5 had already done it.

  35. Cas is definitely not dead.  You're so right about that.  Supernatural would never give such a lame death to him if it was the end.  I also agree that this episode was slightly better than the last one but not by much.  Thinking about it, I would say they could have done a bit more with the last story but not near as much as they could have done with this one.  I also feel the potential here was vastly wasted.  I too still like this season just not the last two episodes.

    We definitely need the tone to lighten even if it is only for an episode or two.  I'm glad the enthusiasm is spreading.  Hopefully it will mean a rise in the ratings too.

  36. 99% of the time, even a bad episode of Supernatural is better than the rest of what I watch.  It may be because I am more invested in the Winchesters' lives than any other character or that I'm just more used to being engrossed in it.  For sure, no other show captures my imagination like Supernatural   However, last week, Fringe was definitely better than this one and even it wasn't the best Fringe episode I've ever seen.  Even Castle pushed being better.  And this Supernatural episode was slightly better than last week's to me.  I hope we get back to the awesome level of the first two episodes sooner rather than later.  There is so much potential to this season.  If they even do half the things they've talked about, it should be one of the best seasons yet.

  37. I think that if the Leviathans are as smart as they are being touted, they will start making allies quickly.  I have great hopes that Crowley allies hell with them.  I think that could be so much fun, especially if he becomes their spokesperson.  I would think we will see LeviaMonsters at some point unless the Leviathans can't shape shift them fro some DNA-type reason.  

    I also felt the rabbi scene cut was cheating.  Why even put that in there?  Surely there will be a deleted scene on the season 7 DVD's to explain that.  However, why not cut the whole thing if it doesn't make sense.  Also agree that a large part of the beginning could have been cut to give more time to the Dean and Jo scene.  That was the heart of the episode and cutting back and forth lost some of its meaning and poignancy for me.  There's just too much in this episode that didn't make sense.

  38. I actually would be fine if we didn't have a big Dean and alcohol intervention.  I just need him to get back into character adn drinking on the job and ditching Sam to get drunk are not in character.  If they went back to drinking some beers after the job was over or when they are not working, I'm fine to never mention the alcohol again.

    I didn't need everything in this episode to be wrapped up nicely.  I just wanted some character growth and at least some lessening of guilt.  It felt like this was supposed to be a pivotal episode in Dean's character but it ended up being more of the same just with a different monster saying it.  On that end, there was no point to the episode so far.  I hope that if they are making Dean guilt a major story line that it won;t be dragged out and there will be visible progress each episode.  By dumping so much on Dean, they have also dumped it on the fandom and it gets harder each year to bear when things are constantly being added but nothing is lifted.  

    I do agree that it was great to see a genuine Sam smile.  We've gone far too long without one.  In fact, I would like to see both brothers smiling, and maybe even laughing and enjoying life once in a while.  Season 1 was no picnic for the brothers put they did have moments of pure joy.  We haven't seen that in far too long.  

  39. Agreed on all aspects of the Ghostfacers.  May they never grace the Supernatural world ever again.  

  40. The acting was the biggest plus for me too.  I'm so glad all the actors on this show can rise above a mediocre script.  I enjoyed the 3 red shirts at the beginning too.  I thought Alona Tal knocked it out of the park this episode while this and the warehouse scene in the premiere have been Jensen Ackles' finest season 7 performances so far.  He has a way of capturing vulnerable but still proud masterfully and I feel his emotions so much just by looking in his eyes.  

    I agree that the season will pick up again next week, simply because it has to.  They've got well-known guest stars and quite frankly this is the best time to get more viewers to tune in.  I hope it showcases all that Supernatural can be.  As for last week's recap, it is written and very, very long.  However, I need to tweak it some more before I publish it.  I hated so much about the writing in that episode and the lack of character development in both brothers that I have to re-edit so I am conveying exactly what I mean.  Hopefully by Wednesday I will have finished it and posted it to my blog.  However, I take both the brothers and the writers too task quite often so it's not a fun read.

  41. Supernatural_Loving_Fan867October 18, 2011 at 12:55 AM

    Interesting recap Dahne. Even though I thought this episode was good, I didn't get that elated feeling I usually get with Supernatural episodes. To further my confusion, the scenes with Dean didn't make me as sad as they should have. After reading a few recaps and comments, I've decided it was possibly because of the writing and the fact that the episode didn't give all it could. In the end, I'll place this episode as an episode that furthers Dean's storyline. I really hope for much stronger material on Dean's part in the future. I want to truly feel for Dean.

    As for Sam, I'm happy that he's "OK" right now, but it definitely doesn't fit with the pattern of Supernatural. The boys are never OK. I would be shocked if this was the end of Sam's storyline concerning Hell.

    On a side note, when Sam and Dean go to salt the little girl's bones, it states she died 2001, 10 years ago. However, when we see the body, it's a complete skeleton, which is not right because the girl died only 10 years ago. She wouldn't be a skeleton yet. Not that I'm complaining, I'm pretty sure everyone agrees that we'd rather see a skeleton than a young girls decomposing body... 

  42. I was talking about no one does pain & suffering better than Jensen, then found this video that shows just what I mean.

  43. I to expected to feel more with Dean instead of feeling bad for him.  I'm not sure what I think if this is going to be Dean's main story line for the season.  If it serves to make Dean feel so guilty he's wallowing in despair then we need to end it now.  Been there, hated that.  However, if it serves a purpose and allows Dean to drop his burdens then I give this plot maybe until midseason break.  After that I want the brothers strong and both tied to the mytharc of the season.  

  44. Yikes, sometimes I forget just how much Dean's life has sucked.  He's been royally screwed since before he was born - thanks Mary - and then screwed over again since he was 4 - thanks John.  Honestly, I don't know how either brother is still standing.  

  45. Exactly.  Deal with the Leviathans.  Get into situations you've never been in and try and find your way out.  HAVE THEM TRY AND OUTSMART THE LEVIATHANS.  Work on making them a true "baddie". Right now it's been fun and games. We know the boys can be hurt now but avoiding the nemesis is still appallingly easy, though.

  46. Great recap. I loved seeing all those quotes in with your comments.
    Again, I agree with all of what you're saying.
    I'm sick of the guilt. I thought that by giving us an episode dealing with deans guilt thy we were finally gonna see him get some of it off his chest. I was disappointed that dean didnt confess killing Amy to sam, for the sake of both the weight on deans character and the storyline.
    I really didn't like how dean was behaving this episode. It just felt childish and out of character to me. As you said, him drinking on the job and not being in the mood to work or save people really didn't seem to fit. Especially after in last seasons mannequin dean was considering killing an innocent women by burning her kidney to save a couple of murderers.
    I just hope that they move on from this quickly and get into an interesting season. The first two episoe were so promising, I've felt really disappointed by these last two. I got so excited when theysaid this seasons was gonna be like the earlier ones with creepy monster hint and good brother relationships. We still haven't seen that yet but I'm not going to give up hope

  47. The nominee page is open and none of the actors from SPN are on the list. You can go back over and over, so am putting Jared, Jensen and Misha as write ins.

  48. Supernatural_Loving_Fan867October 18, 2011 at 8:55 PM

    I actually overall have no problem with this storyline for Dean. When I'd watch Sam and Dean, I've never seen them as characters. I get so into it that they feel completely real to me, so when Sam or Dean is sad, I'm sad. However, this episode didn't do that much to me, and I was confused as to why. I finally put it on the writing and the fact that in the end Dean didn't flesh out much. This episode was more of a starter than an actual episode to help Dean progress.

    I agree with you in the fact that I don't want Dean sad all season, I would like him to progress, and then learn. Knowing Supernatural, I expect this storyline and sadness to go on for a few episodes, and then the breaking point for Dean, and then afterwards I expect Dean to feel better about himself after letting it out. That's usually how Supernatural works. So I don't really mind the sadness much, sadness is always on Supernatural. Dean is a hero to us, but he's only human. After so many seasons of darkness for Sam and Dean, I'm surprised Dean made it this long. I like this plot point.

  49. Huh? What? Me? :) Um... I agree? You're such a fangirl. :)

  50. Yu know what I hate about bad writing? It's the fact that the writers and the actors are the two absolute creators of what and who a character is. Even when a writer writes something completely against or foreign to everything that came before, if it gets as far as our TV screens, it becomes canon for the character. I agree this ep was poorly written (and it had such potential!) but now the way they portrayed Dean (even tho I believe Jensen did an incredible job in trying to keep Dean someone recognizable) is part of who the character is. It's like a good friend suddenly doing something completely stupid and so out of left field that you don't know how to react. Frustrating.

    Sorry - rant over. I just don't like Adam Glass' writing. He doesn't get these characters at all. He's more into plot contriving and snarky lines than character development. Too bad. I guess Edlund can't write them all, huh?

    I too am confused about Sam suddenly finding his 'happy place'. I'm glad to see him coping so well, but I think it was just a bit sudden. He hears a voice at the beginning of the ep and by the end he's 'good'. Wow. I wish it really was that easy. Dean's been out of Hell for years and he's nowhere near 'good'. But Dean obviously heals physically faster (since Sam is still using that month and a half old cut on his hand to his advantage), so I guess it's all a matter of balance. :)

    The acting was stellar and the producers of this show should send Jensen and Jared a fruit basket for saving their show on a consistent basis. :)

  51. How funny would it have been if the lady would have taken Osiris out by poking him in the eyes with her car keys?  It's getting to that point.

  52. BWAH!!!!  This is great.  Next time there's a lady in an alley on TV, I'm going to think about this comment.  I wonder if the keys would have to be made out of a special metal.  Silver keys, brass ones, how about something being taken out by aluminum?  Just think that recycled soda could be lethal.

  53. I think we've hit guilt overload and this would have been the perfect episode to alleviate it.  There's just so much missed potential here.  It's almost painful for me to rewatch some of these scenes again.  

    I totally agree with this:  "I got so excited when theysaid this seasons was gonna be like the earlier ones with creepy monster hint and good brother relationships. We still haven't seen that yet but I'm not going to give up hope"

    There's still so much time to reverse and go back to the same excitement as the first two episodes.  I will never give up on Supernatural even if I am disappointed for two episodes.  All it takes is that one great script to hit on all cylinders and remind me why this show has been my passion for 7 years.  I have high hopes for Friday's episode.

  54. I'm having a hard time with these canonized role reversals too.  These characters have such depth that when they written superficially or like the writers have never met them, it sticks out so much.  We need to get back to writers who care about the characters.  They are obviously the reason why we've obsessed with the show for all these years.  A bad plot can come and go - we get over them and move on.  But messing with the characters is forever.

    I totally agree about the fruit baskets though!   And thanks for the laugh - Bwah!!!

  55. I get so caught up in these stories and feel their pain that it is hard to watch sometimes. The end of season 5 had me in tears as bad as when Damon killed Rose.  I am hoping that Eric will come back and rescue his "baby", the first 2 eps had me thinking the show had gotten back on track, I hate having 2 eps in a row that were not up to standards.  The Winchesters are my favorite TV brothers & Castiel my favorite Angel. 

  56. exactly, what was the point if Dean didnt walk away with something/a lesson learned or feeling a burden lifted all it does it highlight problems we already know exsist because we've been battered over the head with them so often in the past?! There was supposed to be somekind of turning point for Dean this episode but I honestly cant see where one would come in, from what I saw Dean shouldnt feel any different if not worse than he did before the start of the episode? Unless I'm missing something?

    The Amy thing should have come out this week it was the perfect opertunity but now the drama is going to be dragged out for I believe anothe 2 weeks? Why?

    I'll take the Leviathan crap over this Dean drama anyday.

    I blame the writers


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