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POLL : What did you think of American Horror Story - Pilot?

6 Oct 2011

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  1. Everything (the sex, the dialogs about loosing the baby, the teenager daughter cutting herself ect) was meant to shock us, but it just seems stupid instead. The sex was uncomfortable and poorly done. It would have been better to leave it out, but I guess they couldn´t, when they were in a rush to get her pregnant.

  2. I understand what you mean.

    AHS did leave me thinking WTF too, just not for the same reason as Lynchs movies/series. Nothing was a mystery to me (like in D.L. series), because they had to tell the whole stoy in the pilot.

  3. People in charge of the website are its moderators. Is that so difficult to understand, or maybe you are just having brain problems? Are you one of the moderators? Cause you behave like one? Or like a defendor of other commenters. Do you have a superhero outfit that you wear when writing stupid comments like the one that I'm just commenting back to?

    If any series that has some blood scenes in it is gore, then we should call like this most of the police series, and True Blood!!! You should really check the meaning of the word, dude.

    The assumption that a horror must be shocking is wrong. The Others and Insidious were not shocking. They were scary. And I want some scary horror series, there may be blood and even sex scenes (because I'm not so sensitive), but it does not have to cross some lines of a good taste. This episode did not cross the line. Maybe The Walking Dead is a good horror for you, not for me. It is not scary. It has a loot of blood and body parts and some other things we should call gore, but was you scared when watching it? I was not, too many talking about nothing, slow paced scenes in the survivors camp, and other blahblahblah. The series is good, but not scary.

    And I accept others opinion, dude. If I was not, I would have flagged them. But I can have my own opinion and not disagree with them. I somebody writes that most of the scenes in the pilot were there just to shock, It pisses me off. How can they know what was there to shock. I did not find anything to be a shocking filler of the episode. Everything seemed important. Even the sex scenes, that old and ugly house keeper playing with herself, and that guy jerking off! The house seems to use its dwellers flaws. The guy seems to have sex problems, maybe he is a sexoholic, and the house is gonna use it againt him. Make him mad. And the keeper may be the tool.

    What right do you have to generalize like this and write that I " don't seem to be open for other ones on this subject here"? Others? I wrote about the critics of the series who are bitching about after seeing ONE episode! Not everybody. Did you feel so offended that you HAD TO write so many long and useless comments back?

  4. I couldn't agree more with the preceding comments. Still, I think I'll give it a go for a couple more episodes in hopes to see some improvement. Regarding Denmark, is there anything in particular that you would recommend? I'm a great fan of Trier and some of Vinterberg's work and I thoroughly enjoyed The Pusher trilogy, but I believe the only Danish tv product I ever saw was the Killing, for which I have mixed feelings. 

  5. Nikolaj Lie Kaas and Mads Mikkelsen are great actors and I love some of their movies like De grønne slagtere (The green butchers), blinkene lygter (flickering lights). If you like Kim Bodnia from Pusher, maybe you would enjoy In China they eat dogs and Frygtelig lykkelig (terribly happy). The danes some times have a sick sense of humor, very dark.  Love that!! I don´t watch a lot of danish TV shows. A lot of them are, like the Killing, very slow.
    Oh, and if you like Vinterberg I hope you watched Festen. (the celebration) Awesome movie.

  6. Start with Terrible happy. Typical danish film and it is brilliant!!!!   :-)

  7. Hmmm.... what? Wow!

    How strange is it that it was both better and much worse than I expected?

    Story wise it is kind of interesting, but story-telling wise, it is a complete mess!

    But I am sincerely over Ryan Murphy writing about outsiders. If he wants to keep doing it more power to him, but I wish he would ground the characters in reality and balance the "freaks" with some normal people. I get the "we are all freaks in some way" concept, but some people don't wear it as a badge for no other reason than to shock people.

    The references between a relationship and a house were far too obvious and contrived to me. 

    If Murphy keeps down this path I think he would be better suited in trying to revive the boardwalk freak shows of yesteryear more than doing TV shows... Seriously.

    The performances were pretty good actually, but the dialog was ranging from obviously contrived to nonsensical surrealism. Denis O'Hare was brilliant as ever, Connie Britton was great in the more dramatic scenes... McDermott was pretty good too.

    I would guess about 10-15% of the scenes were put in for little more than shock value. Worse yet was how they were put in. It was like Murphy made a 2-hour pilot and was told to cut it 1-hour and just grabbed all his favorite purposely shocking scenes.

    I think the whole thing would have been far, FAR more effective if it was less disjointed and surreal and more grounded and subtle.

    I guess I'm left wondering if it was some brilliant avant-garde homage to David Lynch that I do not connect with or just a mess. I also wonder if Connie Britton fired her agent for suggesting this project to her.... If she didn't, he must have some seriously incriminating evidence on her.... just saying. One thing I am not left wondering is whether or not Ryan Murphy has serious issues....

  8. I also thought it was vaguely reminiscent of Lynch's style - the tone of the show was very foreboding, much like Twin Peaks and there were definitely some WTF is going on???/trippy  moments.  I enjoyed the pilot and I'm looking forward to see where Murphy and Falchuk take the show.  I do think they have a tendency to go overboard, like they did on Glee and Nip/Tuck, but since this show deals with there paranormal, it may be right up their alley!

  9. I guess the style was not so similar to Lynch as the feeling I get after watching Lynch's movies. The one difference being that I can enjoy David Lynch movies 85% of the way through until the twist hits. Then it's hit or miss for me.

  10. This show is a hilariously bad, sexploitative, freak show pile of WTF.  It's both horrible and awkward and genius all at the same time.  To use a popular phrase, this show is a hot mess.

    I suppose one could look at it this way:

    It has all of the same elements as your standard horror movie.  It's cheesy, it's creepy, it's unintentionally funny, it's gory, it's sleazy, and it's entertaining in spite of itself.  The one thing this show isn't is subtle.

    It's a fun train wreck to watch so I'll keep tuning in.

  11. There's some things I liked, and other that I didn't, but overall  t was quite entertaining. I love bizarre world, and I think this tv series can have some potential... I am scared thought that they are gonna use too much monsters and typical horror movie topics as "The murdered twins are behind you". I am intrigued about the maid. Is she a ghost? Jessica Lange said "...Or i am gonna kill you again". When was she killed? When she was young (Like McDermont sees her) or older (our dear Mrs. Fisher)? And her eye????

    I don't buy that a family man or a sensible man would attend damaged patients in his house. Its like do you want that crazy people knows the address where you live with your family? Not good idea. 

    The fast pacing was beautiful at first, but I am afraid that I will get tired of it soon. I don't like the "I thought I was having sex with you" and the possibility of a evil baby coming in. I hate evil babies, I don't believe that evil is something inherent... I hate ghost that are evil just because they are ghosts, too. I hope they have a good reason to be mad... So I hope American horror story is not just gonna try to make us jump scared, but that it have a interesting story about the monsters, ghosts or former owners of the house. 

  12. What was that I just watched? lol

  13. I like Twin Peaks a lot too.

    When I mentioned Lynch I was not referring to the directing style or writing at all. 

    Just that when I am done watching a David Lynch film I often have that WTF was that? instant reaction to his endings. The overall story is usually well-honed and well done, but the endings lose me too often.

    This did not have any of Lynch's artistry from the start to the end.

    I did find 1 or 2 scenes pretty good honestly. The 2 scenes without any disjointed cuts and without shocking or disturbing elements in them - The fight between Britton and McDermott near the end and the chat between O'Hare and McDermott near the end. Otherwise I thought the dialog was over-the-top and just bad since its only design was to disturb or disrupt or to disgust.

  14. That was the most awful pilot I have watched in a long long time. Most of the actors are actually really good, but because of bad dialog they they seem so much worse. The start (with the twins) was just hidious and silly. I didn´t get scared once and didn´t enjoy any dialog.

    I can see that some of you have compared it to David Lynch. I LOVE Twin Peaks and don´t see the resemblance at all. Lynch is totally out there, but he takes his time when he tells a story. This felt rushed and like something I´ve seen 20 times before. Everything Lynch makes you can be sure you´ve seen nothing like it.

    I´m not watching again. Barely made it through the 52 min.

  15. I was shocked at how tame the sex was honestly. For all the hype , there was no envelope pushing and nothing even remotely shocking in a sexual way.

  16. I see what you mean about Lars Von Trier. The problem is that Lars is so bizarre that you can never compare to him. He takes his time with the story and all the really really nasty stuff is in the end. This series  rushed through the story and the kinky stuff was just....I don´t know ...not kinky enough. I like kinky and dirty, but I didn´t feel it in this series. 
    I agree with you, american TV needs more unconventional sex. They are so careful with everything. In Denmark (home of Lars V.T.) it´s a little different.

  17. Entertaining is definitely the word here and given the torrent of utter bollocks I have been watching on tv lately (a fabulous recent exception being breaking bad's latest season, praise AMC!), entertaining does it for me for the time being. I agree with much that has been said so far both for and against the show, but would like to add Lars von Trier to the (already too long for a pilot episode) list of 'influences' (to use a kind word) - Couple with mental-health professional male (a psychoterapist, in Trier's tale, here, a psychiatrist) experiencing marriage problems after loosing a child (toddler fallen of third floor in Trier's, miscarriage here) and relocating (temporariliy, to a cabin on the mountains, in Trier's) to creepy location (The Antichrist), creepy mongoloid girl foreboding danger and death, foetuses and baby body parts in formaldehyde jars, female protagonist pregnant of supernatural entity (Riget - marketed in the Anglo-saxon world as 'The Kingdom', I believe; I'm here speculating that the guy with the latex suit was one of the house's 'ghosts' and that he was the one to get her pregnant). All in all I loved the kinky bizarro atmosphere and hey maybe I'm just a kinky guy but I think American tv could use a bit more unconventional gratuitous sex (check what the Spanish and the French have been doing for the past 10 years).

    Peace and love from bankrupt Portugal

  18. It's a cable show so they're going to show the entire season, but I expect the ratings to be quite good for FX standards.

  19. It was absolutely brilliant.

    Very creepy feel to it all esp the scenes with the old/young maid and Dylan McDermott. What's the opposite of sexy? Unsexy I guess?

    The whole hour just flew by.

    Hopefully it will do well in the ratings!

  20. I am defintiely interested to see where this show goes.  Can't quite say whether I like it or not yet... need to see more episodes.

  21. Well said Stick, great comment.

    This site is for ALL fans of tv shows who each have their own opinions. 

    Thinker: People are allowed to have opinions other than yours. Some people may or may not have liked it, some people may or may not have found it shocking.

    That's beside the point. SpoilerTV is a place where everyone can share their thoughts and opionions freely and openly without getting shouted at or criticized about having those opinions.

    If that's not for you than fine, that's your choice and there are plenty of other sites you could choose to visit if you don't like what we're doing here. 

  22. There are, IMHO, something things that I skip over because they are what I call "Movie Physics"  ( which applies to computers, and medical information)  Unless the movie is about the realities of the person recovering from burns over 75% of their body...they're GOING to be in much better shape than any one in the real world.  At least Denis' character's hand was messed up.

  23. Weird... Definitely not as bad as I thought it would be, but not really awesome as well. The already often used word entertaining might describe it best. Nevertheless I actually never found myself scared in any way.

    Parts of this pilot were pretty great, especially the scene with Vivien and Ben fighting and then having sex. And then there were really strange ones with ridiculous dialogues. I actually found myself laughing at certain points because it was just too absurd.
    Also had scenes where I thought how stupid the characters are. Like in the beginning when Vivien called the police because of intruders and then went after them with a knife. Who does that??
    The daughter is utterly unlikeable for me. And her "relationship" with this mentally disturbed patient of her father definitely had an American Beauty vibe about it. The characters of Jessica Lange and Francis McDormand did not a lot for me, pretty charmless.
    Really had to laugh at the song they chose when the twins were running around trashing the place. This song has been used in an eBay campaign in Germany/Austria some years ago and so it made think about that.
    I actually found the pacing okay. After the reviews I read I thought it would be far worse.

    It's far from must-see TV for me, but I will give it at least another few episodes. The pregnancy and a little gimp baby story could be fun even though it'll be unintentionally funny.

  24. Alright, I'll try stay to stay calm for now even though you don't make that easy...
    I was never asking you why you didn't find some things shocking (can you read?), I was just assuming that a horror show should "shock" and therefore I found your comment to be inconsistent. That was my mistake.

    Why have I been using the word gore? Maybe because you said in your comment you were "desiring blood", even though it could also mean you want ghosts/monsters desiring blood. Nevertheless it described your desire for blood on the show. I also never said that the episode was gory (again, can you read?).

    And I'm not telling you what to write. I'm also not telling you (or anyone else) what to watch or to like, I have no idea where you got this from. But to pursue a useful discussion here a few more details to your initial comment would have been nice.
    On the other hand you are critizing people for having their own opinion and posting it here. What's stopping them from complaining about your opinion, especially since you don't seem to be open for other ones on this subject here?
    Of course you can expect a good horror TV show, why shouldn't you (actually, there even is one - The Walking Dead)? I like horror a lot myself if it's done right. But for me AHS was far from perfect in its premiere, though it has potential. That's just my opinion and you have yours, that's not what I was complaining about.

    One of the things I enjoy here is discussing with other people in a civil manner, whatever opinion they might have. That also includes accepting other opinions. Attacking people for what they think doesn't serve anybody well.

    And please enlighten me, what are you trying to tell me with "This website has people in charge of it!"?

  25. "shocking, wierd, the producer and director sick? blahblahblah..."
    Shocking and strange are deep analyses of some of the commenters, one of whom seems not to like almost every premieres...looong and boring comment about nothing. It's a horror series I've been waiting for so long. I'm gonna enjoy it without analysing something that is not ment to be analysed. I just wanna see some real ghosts/monsters, desiring blood. I'm tired of vampires in love with some stupid girls and other creatures without balls. Twilight and Vampire diaries suck!

    What was so shocking? Some sex scenes? So so shocking...I've seen more shockers like this in Spartacus and some other shows. What else was so shocking? The twins killed? And? The Sado maso outfit? It was really great episode, pilot. I'm looking forward to see the next one. It was really good. I was not yawning a single time. And I did a lot watching most of this year series (and some season) premieres...I hope the ratings are good enough and the series can develop. I just wonder about the burned face guy. He killed his family in the house and the house burned a bit. (that scene was in this house, right?) why nobody informed the new family about it? I have a feeling the poor dog is gonna be the next victim. He shouldnt have biten that girl...just like she said. Creepy.

  26.  I just wonder about the burned face guy. He killed his family in the house and the house burned a bit. (that scene was in this house, right?) why nobody informed the new family about it? They informed them about the couple who killed themselves, but not about the twins and the burned ones. Maybe the twins deadh was covered up. But the killer of the family was in jail, it must have been well known event. Why informing about the couple but not mention the rest.

  27. Bordering on Twin Peaks bizarre.

    Loved it. Can't wait till next week.

  28. Only mentioned the American Beauty reference because it has been mentioned in another comment before. But I agree that it was not done in a great way. That kid was just a one-dimensional character that should have been reported by Ben right away. Is he Ben's only patient so far? Thinking about it, there were quite some things that were simply thrown at the viewer without being explained at all. And I don't mean mysteries like why does the housekeeper appear to Ben & Vivien in different ways.

    That drinking game looks fierce...

  29. Subtle.  Perfect word.

    The only scene that made me think about famous directors was that chase scene just before Denis O'Hare's scene.  It made me think of Hitchcock rather than Lynch.  But I do see why Lynch would come to ming.

  30. All the daughter scenes were particularly bad, but special note has to go to the first day at school! I agree. Wow.

  31. Jessica Lange's entrance was awesome.  Maybe I've lived in the city too long but once I realized my neighbors were going to feel free walking into my house I'd start locking my doors.  (Despite the fact that it became clear by the end that doors aren't really going to help in that situation.)

    Past that there were scenes that worked...scenes that didn't.  During the great fight scene (in front of some of the ugliest paintings I've seen in a while.) between Ben and Vivien, when she yelled that they spent six months in therapy, I couldn't help thinking - they had a pretty bad therapist if, after six months, they couldn't get these people to tell each other what they really felt.

    The hauntings themselves were occasionally effective (Ben seeing the sultry housekeeper while his wife speaks to an older woman, the twins in the kitchen.)    I think the biggest problem I had was how frequently it felt like scenes or sequences were tossed in more for effect than because they hung off the central story. For me, that gets boring quickly.   The masturbation scene was too over the top.   But the scene that stands out biggest offender was the first day at school scene.  That banshee started at 10 and tried to go up from there.  Who does that?  That whole sequence would have worked better if it had visited life and built to the fight and then to the basement scene.  (Actually they didn't build to anything on the daughter's storyline.)  Other elements felt a little too cliche.  The first five minutes, I've seen a ton of times.  The 'come home to find the husband in bed with his mistress' scene, ditto.  And the 'I thought I was having sex with you' setup.  Just to name a few.  (It's not good that this list was so much longer than the list of scenes that really worked for me.)

    But, all that said, there are some elements here that have me interested enough to check out another episode.  Discovering that the housekeeper wasn't the house giving Ben a hallucination.  Jessica Lange.  And  Denis O'Hare.  Hmmm, maybe it's worth noticing that the characters I found most interesting were the secondary characters.

  32. Yeah I don't know either but I liked it!

  33. Feels like American Beauty meets American Gothic.  Totally agree with everybody it was completely entertaining.  If only the pacing was a little better, felt like they were rushing for some reason.  I'm definitely checking it out next week! 

  34. I was entertained. And some of the scenes actually felt genuine, and then of course they'd follow a good scene with an awkwardly intense sex scene. However, overall it was exactly what people thought it was: nothing but shock value and ineffective over-blown "scary" cutaway shots.

    The premise of this show is what gives me the most grief: How the hell am I supposed to believe that anyone would ever cheat on Connie Britton? Impossible.

  35. The Show was a little too fast paced for my tastes, but i'm intrigued nonetheless, and will continue watching.

  36. I don't know WTF I just watched, but I loved it and am going to keep watching!

  37. I found it more funny than frightening too... unintentionally funny that is.

    I did get a less well-honed American Beauty vibe from the daughter and disturbed teen boy #1. 
    Ricky Fitts had some charm and you could understand being attracted to him  .... disturbed teen boy #1 has no charm and we are expected to think that just because he is an outsider and the daughter is an outsider that they would be drawn together like magnets. I've known a lot of anti-social people and they are as often (or more often) repelled by one another than drawn together

    [Apologies for using "disturbed teen boy #1", but I forgot his name and frankly he felt more like a featured extra to me than a real recurring role].

    I agree that the fight between Viv and Ben was one of the few highlights of the night - Not because of the sex either! It was one of the few grounded and "real feeling" scenes in the entire episode. Most of the episode felt like it was in some bizarro world alternate reality filled with caricatures of cliches embodied by 2-dimensional characters. The other stand out scene was at the end with Ben talking to a very burned Larry Harvey. Denis O'Hare was simply brilliant.

    Even that had issues though. The recovery rate for anyone with third degree burns over 75% of their body is fairly small. IF they do recover, scarring is not the only issue. Usually their is muscle or nerve damage, speech impairment from damage done to the tongue, esophagus and larynx from the fire and smoke, and they do not come out of it looking "strategically creepy" like Larry Harvey did.

    I'm hoping the next episode or two are better since I think it has potential if it actually works the story more than works at being shocking or disturbing.

    AOL's American Horror Story Drinking Game 
    (because no one should be sober for this)

  38. I wrote (can you read?) that sex scenes were not SHOCKING cause I saw better i Spartacus, and killing the twins was not so shocking cause it was not shown, we just saw one of them on the ground and one being attacked. The act of killing was not shown. I complained about tasteless shows in tv, abuot doctors in love or another show about police, now we are given something new, and the pilot was a good start, giving hope it can be something fresh, surprising. Some of the commenters wrote that a lot of the scenes were there just to shock!!! I ask what was so shocking to write like this? Sado maso outfit? Jerking off? Maybe some of you should just watch Grey's Anatomy for another 8 years...I dont wanna a tv show to cross some line of a good taste, this episode was just enough, it did not cross that line but was interesting enough. Shocking is a big word and people seem to overuse it.
    And dont tell me what I can write and what I can or should watch! Who are you? This website has people in charge of it! I cant expect some good tv horror? Why? Should I stick to sweet boyish vampires in high school and their human bitches? I dont want gore horrors! Where did I write it? Was this episode gore? Maybe you dont know the meaning of the word? I just want a horror tv series. I we can have comedies, romantic crap, dramas, fantasy and science-fiction series, why cant we have a horror one? It's hard not to read those long and boring comments if one of the commenters post them all around this website, criticizing almost everything he watches, last time it was Terra Nova, this time AHStory. Your comment was not helpful AT ALL! Just complaining about me "complaining"...Some of the people are so sensitive that they should not watch a th series where a guy is walking naked in his house, or wearing some kinky outfit, or where a guy with burned face tells how he killed his family. Cartoon Network is a channel for them. It was creepy but not gore and really interesting, better than most of the premieres this year.

  39. I find this comment to be a bit confusing. You are complaining about wanting a horror show with ghosts, monsters & gore for a long time, then saying it was a great episode while saying that nothing was shocking for you? Seems quite inconsistent to me.

    If I want some classic horror with gore/monsters/ghosts I'll just check out some genre movies that target those exact needs. But for a TV show simply showing this kind of stuff just doesn't cut it, you need to add some substance to it to attract enough people to keep your show alive. I don't know what exactly you are critizing about those "long, boring comments", but if you don't want to read about people analyzing shows then just don't read it or ignore it. Just complaining about people analyzing without going into any detail isn't very helpful.

  40. Hi again, many thanks for the tips. I will definitely check them out as soon as I can devote a weekend to watching some movies. Loved Festen, my favourite Dogme95. Take care.

  41. i've watched the first two episodes and still have only a mild idea of wtf is going on. but i'll definitely be tuning in again. and again. and again. you get the picture :P

  42. I´m impressed that you know so many danish films. :-)
    You must have seen In a better world (Hævnen). Also brilliant. 
    Have fun!!


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