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Parks and Recreation - Episode 4.04 - Pawnee Rangers - Review

14 Oct 2011

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Remember last season after Chris dumped Ann, and Ann became temporarily insane? Well now that Ben and Leslie have split up, poor Ben appears to be suffering from a similar side effect of heartbreak. While Ann turned into a crazy slut, Ben seems to have upped his nerd quota from mildly amusing to disturbingly sad. As in too-short-Batman-crying-all-over-his-costume-in-a-dressing-room-sad. Let’s hope that the Batman outfit only sticks around for one episode; despite how amazingly funny it was I think I was more horrified to see the adorableness that is Adam Scott stuffed into that much black plastic. Only Christian Bale can make that outfit look sexy, and even then it’s a stretch. I have no problems with Ben being portrayed as a nerd, but this is Parks and Recreation not The Big Bang Theory. So while Ann’s crazy arc lasted the better half of last season, here’s hoping that Ben recovers more quickly.

Speaking of Ann, when did she turn into the female Jerry? She was definitely the outcast this week and it was kind of strange to see her there. Apparently Ann and Jerry decided to switch roles for the episode, because now he’s officially awesome. Amazing painter, massive penis, hot daughter, and a now presumably hot wife and two other hot daughters? That fat diabetic punching bag is filled with gold. There could be some interesting repercussions in later episodes now that Chris is dating Jerry’s daughter, Millicent? IMDB hasn’t updated the cast list yet so I’m not positive on her name or how to spell it. Needless to say Ann won’t be happy.

The main story this week was fun, but didn’t serve much of a purpose other to reinforce what we already know about Leslie and Ron. Five years ago the Pawnee Rangers, (Boy Scouts), refused to let a girl join so Leslie, taking up the torch of equality for all womankind, started her own competing club the Pawnee Goddesses, (Girl Scouts). I was in Girl Scouts as a kid, so this episode either brought back horrible memories of spirit sticks or more horrible memories of arts and crafts. Although if I had Leslie Knope as my troop leader things might have been better, because holy crap, A PUPPY PARTY? Sign me up. Puppies aside, this storyline essentially boiled down to Leslie-is-awesome-at-everything, including making Ron feel better after she stole away his Rangers with the lure of candy and non-canvas shelter. We’ve seen plenty of Leslie-is-awesome-at-everything storylines before, along with Ron-as-a-manlier-version-of-Bear-Grylls storylines, which is my reason why I was a little disappointed with this episode. The kids were cute but other than that I felt like I had seen this before. Never fear though, I have complete faith in the Parks writers that next week will be back on track with new material. Next week’s episode is titled ‘Meet and Greet’, which sounds like Leslie’s political aspirations will return to the focus.

Random Thoughts:
  • Those are some awesome badges the girls are getting, I mean ‘Best Penguin Blog’? I can’t remember what badges we did in my Girl Scout troop but they sure as hell weren’t that cool. Probably cooking or some bullshit. Or ‘Most Cookie’s Sold for Corporate Greed’.
  • Of course they would never cancel Game of Thrones! At least until they get past book three. Man the fourth book was rough, I had to force myself to finish it.
  • Glad to see the return of Toms sequin jacket from season two, very badass and shiny.
  • I’m pretty sure that Treat Yourself day is every day in Tom Haverford’s life.
  • We should all be so lucky to have a herd of little Leslie Knope’s running around.
  • Needles in my face is not the way I imagine relaxing, not to mention it also looks incredibly painful and disgusting.
  • Millicient and Chris are literally alike, except for the way they say literally.
  • The Eagleton mall has an Apple store? Those bastards.
  • Awwww I don’t think poor Jerry gets hugs very often!
  • More shots of Andy and a golden lab puppy, a call back to season two. They could have picked a different breed.
  • Donna has the patented Tom-Haverford-bug-eyes-at-camera down.
  • I said it above and I’ll say it again, Ben-Batman crying is just about the saddest thing I’ve ever seen. I wanted to laugh, but I was pretty horrified. Even while re-watching the episode to write my review, same reaction.
  • Loved the way that Andy said the Goddess initiation speech, as manly as possible, making the words that much funnier.
  • Did anyone notice when Ron emptied his cup in the fire it flared up? Alcohol, naturally.
  • No, April and Andy are not going to comment on Batman. And yes, Batman is going to rustle his cape around when he runs. Stranger things have happened in the Dwyer house.

Favorite Quotes:
  • “And I suppose under the most dire of circumstances, it can be a surface upon which to make ‘art’.”
  • “I made a Gertrude stein!”
  • “I drew something on my arm. It’s a pioneer girl watching her mother getting trampled by a buffalo.” I can totally see this as the next mural.
  • “I’m trying to teach my boys how to ration food, and your self-indulgent ethnic food court isn’t helping.”
  • “A puppet show about the bill of rights set to ‘Party in the USA’ by Miley Cyrus.”
  • “We have one activity planned, not getting killed.”
  • “Google those rat tumors!”
  • “Is he eating soup, on a bench, alone?”
  • “All we do is sit in silence and eat beans.” “Those beans were a reward!”
  • “Go back to your canvas box, we’ll discuss this no further. And I’ll thank you to keep the ruckus down so my boys can focus on solitude.”
  • “There’s something about the sound of harps that makes me nervous.”
  • “We just struck a huge blow for equality by proving that we were better than them!”
  • “I’ve created a mob of little Leslie Knope monsters. I’m so proud. And a little annoyed. But mostly proud. Seventy-thirty.”
  • “This is the most stressed out I’ve ever been in my life.”
  • “This forum like all public forums is a waste of time thank you.”
  • “It’s cold and dirty out here. And you guys have candy. I want the candy.”
  • “I’m a cashmere velvet candy cane.”
  • “I am a goddess, a glorious female warrior. Queen of all that I survey. Enemies of fairness and equality hear my womanly roar. Yeah!”
  • “I feels pretty good to have a bunch of boys be super in to me. That came out wrong.”
  • “And, full disclosure, she did spend the night at my house. Have a great day Jerry!”
  • “Do you march to the beat of your own drummer? Did you make the drum yourself?”


  1. “Is he eating soup, on a bench, alone?” something about how that line was delivered just killed me with laughter


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