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Criminal Minds - Casting News - Love Interest for Hotch

Oct 17, 2011

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Former Dirty Sexy Money star Bellamy Young will guest in an upcoming episode of Criminal Minds as Beth, a museum curator who meets Hotch (Thomas Gibson) in the park while he’s training for triathalon.

Before the start of the season, showrunner Erica Messer teased a new romance for one of the agents, but declined to give details. She had also hinted, however, that she wanted this season to see a new beginning for Hotch, whose ex-wife was killed a few season ago. “Hotch … has been going through the motions of raising a child as a single working parent and mourning the loss of a great love,” she told EW after the premiere. “And even though he and Haley were divorced, she was his first love, his only life and all that. We’d really like him to smile again and let go of that. It’s going to be new and exciting for all of us and the audience.”

Source: EW


  1. Nooo I want Hocth with Prentiss... But I still got Hope

  2. Nooooo! Just get Hotch together with Prentiss already!

  3. Whatever,or whoever can make him happy,i say go for it!:)

  4. I want Hotch/Prentiss, but I can deal with this! Hotch deserves to be happy after his divorce and Haley's death.

  5. That's great, but when is Reid going to get some??

  6. This is some serious bullsh-t. Erica Messer needs to stop f-cking with my show!
    H/P forever

  7. Nooooo!!! Hotch and Prentiss all the least I want some subtle hints of Hotch/Prentiss...
    Damn you, writers!!!

  8. great now that Hotch is occupied, let's get Prentiss and Morgan together!

  9. Dont do that! If Hotch should be with somebody, it's Prentiss!!

    H/P Foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!

  10. Bad news for the shippers :( And that after last episode!! I'd like to see Hotch be attracted to someone tho, a little loosened up!  And to see him work out, haha. 

  11. It's absurd! Hotch won't even have time do date outside of the BAU! I know the directors and writers don't want to create romance between BAU members, but it's kind of late for that, don't you think? I can't be accurate, but the majority of the fans do believe in a Hotch/Prentiss relashionship. Well... You all know what happened when they kicked AJ and Paget out of the show. If Hotch gets a new girlfriend, things will get ugly and the fans will protest in every possible way. This spoiler just ruined my week!

  12. Oh, another thing: Hotch keeps people away. Even his closest friends. Do you really believe he would just magically feel interested for a stranger he met in a park, like that, for no reason? 

  13. no no no...........Hotch and Prentiss are for always...!!!!!!

  14. Nooooo!!! Hotch and Prentiss all the least I want some subtle hints of Hotch/Prentiss...Damn you, writers!!!Taken from: SpoilerTV

  15. I want H/P, but I understand the idea that Hotch needs companionship! I think it would be interesting for Hotch to be less uptight! I think its a good way to get Hotch to realize that he either only is ever going to love Haley or that he could have feelings for Emily! I wouldn't give up hope yet, other H/P shippers you never know what the writers have up their sleeves! 

  16. Lexter Ikané Don't ever make a comment like that again or you will be banned for life

  17. I really don't get all the disappointment from the H/P shippers.   The producers have said for years that there will never be romance between the team members and we've never seen any evidence the Hotch and Prentiss are anything more than co-workers or that he cares any more about her than he does any other member of the team.  It's so ridiculous to believe that Hotch would ever jump into bed with a subordinate.  As Thomas Gibson said........"He's not that guy."    I'm happy that Hotch is going to get a chance at some happiness again and am looking forward to it!  

  18. No way! Why not Prentiss instead?
    What's wrong with her being perfect for him?
    Please don't do that!

  19. How could a person outside of the world of criminal justice ever understand what Hotch has been through? Hell, most people in that realm probably couldn't. I know it's not in Hotch's character to date a coworker, we all know that. But I just don't see him taking time away from Jack to get to know someone new that he met at a park. I guess I won't be happy with anyone they pair him with unless it's Prentiss, though. Even Breen admits they have a very good understanding of each other and they have good chemistry. Ugh, this news just sucks. WRONG DIRECTION, WRITERS. You just pissed off half the fan base.

  20. Fabulous in choosing this type of new love for Hotch.  Yeah, it's not Prentiss and its not a person in the government or another agent.  None of these would be good for him, I look forward to seeing how they show them together.  I am glad that she is not a soccer mom and hope that is does not have children of her own or even a divorcee.

  21. Dear Criminal Minds writers, I completely agree that Hotch needs to smile more, but there are a million other ways that will bring out his dimples, such as Jack and spending more time talking to Prentiss on the plane. 

    Hotch is a deeply private man, and the fact that he would be interested in dating a woman he meets at the park is highly unlikely. However, the fact that he would be getting closer to a co-worker, such as Prentiss, is not far-fetched.

    Saying that the man has been through a lot, is an understatement. He lost his one true love to a serial killer. While we're on the topic of Haley, she was his high school sweetheart, yet he still put his job above her and felt the need to shield her from the horrors of his job. Coupled with her resentment over his long hours at work caused them to divorce. This being said, how would it be realistic for him to find a new love interest with whom he would have to go through what he went through with Haley. Hotch needs someone who understands who he is and what he does; he needs someone with whom he can simply be himself. That role, in my opinion, is most suited for Emily Prentiss.

    Prentiss is great with children, and even JJ herself said that she could see Prentiss with kids. Hence, she would be fantastic with Jack, whom she already has met.

    Season 7 has been phenomenal so far, so Erica, please don't go turning the remainder of the season in season 6 when the characterization was extremely off and the team  dynamics were off. Hotch simply does not seem like the person to date a stranger he met in the park. Period.

    I mean, even Breen said in a recent cmsetreport chat that Hotch and Prentiss have a unique understanding of each other, given the similarities in their past experiences. Please, instead of introducing new characters, focus on the ones you've got and we love. 

    Take the time to listen to the fandom, and you will discover that the majority of the fans do not want to see the introduction of a new character as a love interest for Hotch. Whether we believe that he belongs with someone else, the actions do not suit his character, etc., the point is clear: We, the fanbase, do not want to see Hotch with "Beth".

    There are numerous alternatives to a "love interest" to get Hotch to smile, but by taking this route, you, the writers, are only causing more rifts in a show that has already suffered through so much.

  22. you say that is not like Hotch to date a woman he mets in the park but you think is ok for him to date his subordinate?
    I respect your opinion, I really do, but I think that any couple within
    member of the team is actually a rift in the show since one of ed
    bernero´s unbreakable rules was no inter-team relationships, I also don´t think you should talk for all the fanbase since I pretty
    sure most of the people who watch the show doesn´t what couples in the
    team... only expressing my opinion just like you... have a nice day :)

  23. I completely see where your coming from. What I meant, is that I think Prentiss is more suited for his character, but even a glimpse of their friendship, as in Painless, was interesting and quite lovely to witness. 

    If you had to give me an ultimatum, I probably wouldn't want any relationships in Criminal Minds at all, because I do enjoy watching the intellectual and psychological aspects of the profiling etc.

    And as for the whole fanbase thing, I am sorry; I meant to say that the majority of the fanbase is quite upset over this news.

    Overall, regarding solely on Hotch and his possible love interest, I just don't think its a wise nor realistic decision on the part of the writers.

  24. Sometimes I feel as if the writers don't even listen to the fans.
    [Some of] us: We want Hotch/Prentiss scenes.Writers: Let's not have them interact at all in season 6 and most of the beginning of season 7.Fans: Emily looks amazing in redWriters: Let's write it so that she wears black turtlenecks all season 6. Fans: We want Hotch with PrentissWriters: They want Hotch to have a love interest. Ok, LET'S INTRODUCE BETH. 

  25. NO NO NO NO !!!!! Dont do that! Hotch together with Prentiss. HP 4Ever

  26. Nooooooooooooo way

    Hotch with Prentiss :)

  27. and if they write HP other fans would say the same... they do listen to fans but they just can please everyone...

  28. I do like their friendship, they´re a lot alike and they have been through very similar situations (except the fact that Prentiss got it all back and Hotch didn´t) and in episode 12 I think, Breen we´ll see a little (or a lot?) of that.

    you know, I´m not really 100% excited about Hotch with someone else, but because I think Haley was the love of his life and dispite everything that could separated them I still think their feelings for each other never changed, but in my opinion it´s actually realistic for Hotch to move on and to get a love interest with someone with a "normal" life.

    And who knows maybe  the writers would just start the story and then drop it like with Morgan and that woman Tamara. :)

  29. Yeah. I agree, I really do enjoy the friendship aspects between each of the characters, and I am glad Ed put the ban on inter-team romances, that's most suited for shows like Grey's where its more about the romance then the medical aspect, and I would hate to see CM like that.

    Hotch with someone else... There's always going to be that part of me that is like: Yes, the man needs to move on, but a slightly larger part of me is saying: No, let the man be, he lost the love of his life, just let him remain single and give us friendship scenes between him and the rest of the characters, i.e. Rossi, Prentiss

    I've always wondered what happened between Morgan and Tamara :S. I kinda do hope Hotch's story follows that pathway ...

  30. I part of me want him single too, at least until Jack goes to college. and maybe I'll be wrong but I think Hotch and beth are gonna have the same fait as Morgan and Tamara for one reason: TIME. How is Hotch, been Unit chief of the BAU and a single parent, gonna have time for dates? not even Morgan has time for a real relationship. .
    We'll just have to wait and see :)


  32. YES!!!! :D Some DEMILY love! lol
    I REALLY don't see H/P together ever! It's so weird /:

  33. Um...excuse me?! There's actually A LOT of love & support for Morgan/Prentiss romance out there thank you very much!

  34. I COMPLETELY agree with you!!! I just can't see Hotch EVER breaking that rule. He REALLY isn't that guy.

  35. Um....I wouldn't say the majority of the fan base either. I'm a DEMILY (Morgan/Prentiss) shipper & there are A LOT of us out there!

  36. Not that it changes A THING (cause CBS obviously doesn't give a damn about the fans), but the CM fans (at least 90% of them) DON'T WANT Hotch with some random woman. HOTCH BELONGS WITH PRENTISS!

  37. Hey, sorry, didn't mean to offend at all. I like Morgan/Prentiss friendship very much, and this whole thing here it's not about ships fight =) 

  38. I'm pretty sure no one is pleased.

  39. I'm pleased.   :  )

  40. I think you're a bit delusional if you think that 90% of the CM fan base cares anything at all about Hotch and Prentiss.  

  41. that can't be truth because I have read coments that say they like it. No all fans are shippers, no all fans think that this would ruin the show... just remember that theres is like 14 million watchers ONLY in the USA, you can´t know the opinion of all of them can you? :)

  42. Agree! for example in the CM fanpop club there are over 7000 fans and in the Hotch&Prentiss club only 400, that not near to 90%... people don´t like Hotch and someone else that's alright but why do they all keep talking for all the fans?? that really bothers me!

  43. Because the H/P Shippers are the only ones annoyed enough about this news to respond? 

    That being said, I am an HP Shipper... but I have decided that my imagination is way more fun than whatever they could possibly write into the show, and thus I never actually want to see them together on the show.  However! I don't necessarily want to see them with anyone else either. 

    I love the friendships and the innuendos that can be drawn from the little personal moments between any of the characters in this show. They can mean nothing, or everything, depending on how you decide to interpret them. 

  44. I said 90% of the fans doesn't want Hotch with same random woman, not that 90% are H/P shippers. ;)

  45. It baffles me too, I haven't seen anything that would suggest they like or are right for each other in any way, lol.  The show wouldn't want to bog itself down with that kind of storyline anyway imo :(

  46. Ok, I'll stop with the numbers because some people already want my head in here, and sorry (again) if I offended anyone.

  47. Let me approach another point of view: a lot of good things are happening in this season. We're seeing the personal lives of the team, and that's really good. I just hope that the 'love interests' don't spoil it.

  48. Josephine PetterssonOctober 19, 2011 at 5:08 PM

    All I can say is that if you actually use that site for who most people want together it actually does turn out to be Hotch/Prentiss. And No I did not say eveyone want them together I said that at that site there is actually still most who want them together:

    Hotch/Prentiss: 400 members
    Morgan/Prentiss: 143 Members
    JJ/Prentiss: 106 members
    JJ/Hotch: 68 members
    Morgan/Garcia: 332 members
    JJ/Reid: 252 members
    Hotch/Dave: 10 members
    Hotch/Reid: 33 members
    Prentiss/reid: 27 members
    Garcia/Reid: 46 members
    Garcia/Kevin: 49 members
    JJ/Will: 109 members  

    I could not find Morgan/Hotch, Rossi/Prentiss, Garcia/JJ, Garcia/Prentiss or Rossi/JJ and I did look.

    So after all of those numbers it is pretty safe to say that not eveyone is a shipper or has bothered to sign up in more groups than the Criminal Minds one. 
    I can for one say I am not a member in any of the groups. 

    You can also count me as a Hotly (Hotch/Emily)- shipper but I am not against Morgan/Emily and enjoy their friendship very much on the show, and I would also not hate it if they ended up in a relationship. But I can honestly say I would prefer that on the show Morgan/Emily's relationship is kept as friendship, and Hotch/Emily's relationship is also kept as friendship. That means that I prefer that keep inter team romances of the show, however I still don't want the love interest for Hotch at all. Not becuase I am Hotly shipper, because I really just prefer the show to focus on the crimes and friendships within the team, and there I include both Hotch/Prentiss and Morgan/Prentiss. I am also pretty sure that many prefer that rather than having to spend tim on wtaching their out side romances. Plus I agree with who ever said it seems weird Hotch spends time picking up women in parks when we know he wants to spend all his free time with Jack and some out side woman with no knowleadge of lawenforcement or their working hours that just seem off to me. After all I am pretty sure the reason why Garcia and Kevin are still togther is because they both know the job and same reason why JJ and Will have lasted to now, but from spoilers it seem that even that relationship will start to take it troll. 
    So for me Hotch with some new outside woman just seem off. 

  49. I actually looking forward to this ;)

  50. H/P? I think there is just nothing between them, if at all just friendship. If there is one pairing the writers should finally get together it's Morgan/Garcia

  51. I wouldn't even go so far as to say the majority of the fan base because I know a lot of people who don't ship Hotch/Prentiss (me included). Just say that part of the fan base....

  52. Nooooo!!! Hotch and Prentiss all the least I want some subtle hints of Hotch/Prentiss...
    Damn you, writers!!!

  53. I COMPLETELY agree with you!!! I just can't see Hotch EVER breaking that rule. He REALLY isn't that guy.

  54. Whatever,or whoever can make him happy,i say go for it!:)


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