Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The 2011 STV Character Competition - R3 - Day 28 - Damon Salvatore (Vampire Diaries) vs. Dana Scully (The X-Files) & Olivia Dunham (Fringe) vs. Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)

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The 2011 STV Character Competition - R3 - Day 28 - Damon Salvatore (Vampire Diaries) vs. Dana Scully (The X-Files) & Olivia Dunham (Fringe) vs. Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl)

6 Oct 2011

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Hey Guys,

Yesterday saw strong performances by both Richard Castle and Kurt Hummel, as they knocked out Greg House and Elena Gilbert to reach the final eight. Both now have a strong chance to reach the final round, but the victor still has to face one of the four challengers remaining today...

In the first poll today we have Damon Salvatore of The Vampire Diaries taking on The X-Files' Dana Scully in a poll that will see a classic fighting a show that is very current... In the second poll we have Fringe's Olivia Dunham attempting to beat Gossip Girl's Chuck Bass, Bass having eliminated Olivia's co-character Walter Bishop last round. It should be interesting...

Currently leading the prediction competition is JerMd on 74 points, ahead of Amber English on 72. To see your score head HERE

For anyone new to the competition the rules are simple. Every day there will be a new set of polls between characters who are bidding to become the winner of the second STV Character Competition.

All you have to do is to vote for whichever characters are your favourite and at the end of the 24 hours whichever character has more votes will be the winner and will progress into the next round. There are three rounds before the quarter finals, semi finals and then the final...

Don't forget to tweet, facebook, google+ and spread the word about the characters and shows you love to try and boost your chances of winning.

All that is left to say, is let the battles commence...

Round Three

Damon Salvatore vs. Dana Scully

Played By: Ian Somerhalder
Years Active: 2009-present
Major Awards: No Nominations.

Played By: Gillian Anderson
Years Active: 1993-2002, 2008
Major Awards: Won 1 of 4 Emmy Nominations. Won 1 of 4 Golden Globe Nominations.

Olivia Dunham vs. Chuck Bass

Played By: Anna Torv
Years Active: 2008-present
Major Awards: No Nominations.

Played By: Ed Westwick
Years Active: 2007-present
Major Awards: No Nominations.

Hope you all enjoy the competition and good luck to everyone.

Most Voted In Polls
1. Castiel vs. Kate Beckett - R3 - Day 25 - 5888 votes
2. Katherine Pierce vs. Peter Bishop - R3 - Day 25 - 3186 votes
3. Castiel vs. Malcolm Reynolds - R1 - Day 3 - 3119 votes
4. Jack Shephard vs. Castiel - R2 - Day 18 - 3115 votes
5. Elena Gilbert vs. Kurt Hummel - R3 - Day 27 - 3088 votes

Don't forget to tweet, facebook click and google+ all of the polls to help spread the word and try to help your characters reach the latter stages of the competition. Also check back today for the first batch of Quarter Finals. To avoid two Supernatural or potentially Fringe characters in differing polls appearing on the same day, the Quarter Finals will be Peter Bishop vs. Castiel as well as Richard Castle vs. Kurt Hummel, followed the day after by Dean Winchester vs. Daenerys Targaryen and the winner of todays polls...

Twitter: @AdDHarris



  1. Honestly,i don't understand the results of the last few Character competitions. To me i take there body of work in the shows they are on,But it seems to me that is not the case in the last few rounds.This is
    pretty depressing.

  2. how could you compare anyone with Oliva and Dana!?- two most fav kick ass females ever! great poll. x

  3. Chuckles FTW I absolutely love this guy!

  4. Damon Salvatore

  5. True! At least it looks like they let Cas out with a bang.. 

  6. Well, I have come again to have a look and now the difference is smaller (only 300 votes instead of 400). But the interesting increase in votes rate for Olivia is still not good enough to make her win in just 4 hours. We need more Olivia voters!

  7. Scully and Dunham a double bill of amazing agents

  8. Damon Salvatore for me. That's all.

  9. Surprised to see motherchucker winning but really glad about! 

  10. I knew the first poll could go either way(although I thought Damon had a slight advantage),but I'm shocked by the second one(so far).I was sure that Olivia would win easily.I know that Chuck is probably the most popular character in GG,but still,I didn't see that coming.
    I don't watch Fringe but I was under the impression that Olivia is the most popular of the three.

  11. Scully and Olivia! My favourite two sci-fi ladies.

  12. I have no personal interest in the first poll, but I went for Olivia in the second. Apart from loving Fringe (and Olivia), I'm starting to hold a personal resentment towards Chuck Bass, as he's almost single-handedly decimated this section of my bracket! :)

  13. Scully and Olivia - two wonderfully portrayed strong women on television. And poor Olivia,....I don't even know who this Chuck guy is. :( 

  14. Chuck Bass and Dana Scully. I couldn't chose between Damon and Dana but I think Dana is slightly better. Sorry Damon! you are still adorable but I like Dana.

  15. *HappyDances* So agreeeeeee!!!

  16. Olivia and Scully!!!

  17. The women. Wish Buffy and Beckett would have gone through.

  18. Damon and Chuck.

  19. Damon and Olivia. Not that they seem to be doing that well. My brackets may be shot all to hell, but it's actually been kind of interesting to see the competition develop this year. Now that I'm over the worst of my disappointment (sniff) I'm starting to appreciate the constant evolvement of tastes. You clearly can't put SpoilerTV fans in a box, and that's a good thing. :)

  20. Scully, Olivia and Walter out - that's depressing.

  21. very surprised by the current standing of both polls
    voted damon and olivia, both are losing which is upsetting.

  22. same here!!

  23. i couldn't believe he beat walter!!!!! WTF??? and as of now, he has more votes than olivia... hopefully that will change during the day!!! it really shocks me that he has so many fans, though.

  24. Olivia all the way!! She is loosing right now. It can´t be that GG can win over Fringe...Come on!!

    Damon in the first pole.

  25. Dana and Olivia. All the way. Anna brings acting to a whole new level everytime she is on screen. Up to 9 roles in less than 4 seasons.

  26. Katie MacAllister8 October 2011 at 20:26

    Same :) I voted Scully and Chuck. 

  27. Olive & Dana for me, no doubt about that!!!!

  28. SCULLY! Because I'm old like Lucille here so I remember X FilesThe MotherCHUCKER because I'm old but not dead. :P

  29. Women power today!  Scully is one of the most iconic women characters on TV.  She proved that women could be both brilliant and beautiful in a successful show and helped to create a genre show with mainstream ratings.  Olivia owes a debt to Scully.  Another strong woman in a genre show who can keep the focus and is an interesting character in her own right.  

  30. It is puzzling to me that there is such a variety in the Supernatural scores.  My guess is that people are using the poll to protest what they feel is shorting the character.  Still it is highly unusual compared to other polls in the Supernatural universe.

  31. Chuck Bass and Damon Salvatore

  32. Chuck Bass. The man carries the show on his own. Totally deserves my vote! 

  33. Scully and Chuck :)
    Scully is the best ever!!!

  34. Voted for the MotherCHUCKer

  35. Chuck Bass & Damon Salvatore for me

  36. I went for Scully (not much of a Damon fan) and for the one and only Chuck Bass. He's half the reason why I watch Gossip Girl in the first place.

  37. The eternal Scully!! and the best in line Olivia Dunham!!

  38. I love Chuck Bass!

  39. I could never vote against Chuck!  I also voted Dana because she was one of my favorite characters of all time.

  40. i don't understand the categories, but i voted for Olivia Dunham.

  41. Chuck Bass just because he's Chuck Bass.. oh and I love emo punks. Emo punks rule. ;)

  42. I voted for Dana Scully because I'm feeling nostalgic and for Chuck Bass because... he's Chuck Bass.

  43. Ah! Can I vote twice? (joking!) Dana for sure.  Love both Olivia and Chuck.  I'll go for Chuck since I haven't watched Fringe in a while. 

  44. IKR?  I love my emo gay lord punk Chuck Bass.

  45. The girls for me!! Dana and Olivia!! although I like Chuck, but I'm in Dair mood so I can't vote for Chuck! :P

  46. LMAO at some of these comments.  "Emo Gay Lord Punks" FTMFW!  Go Chuck Bass. 
    Voted for Dana Scully too!  Best show ever and couple with the most amazing chemistry.

  47. Scully and Dunham..... should be no competition here!!

  48. Voted for two of my favorite G-women (and characters) of all time: Dana Scully and Olivia Dunham.

  49. It's a girl power vote for me today.  Olivia and Scully.

  50. Naw, I'm usually down with offensive humour (I believe strongly that people should and need to be able to laugh at themselves in order to be happy with who they are), but the unfortunate thing about the internet is not being able to hear the cadence or tone of your speech. No worries man :).

  51. I voted Chuck Bass and Dana Scully.  (Love Damon but I love Dana more.  Sorry Damon)

  52. No, I'm not homophobic, I didn't mean it as an insult. It's just this picture, with the haircut, the makeup and the overall look of Ed Westwick that made me think it all was pretty cliché and it felt very 'emo gay lord' to me, but I didn't mean anything homophobic by that (I know homosexual people and they're not like that at all), I just wanted to find an original expression to call the guy who unfortunately defeated Walter, that was stupid of me. You don't know me and I don't know you but I thought we'd be down with that sort of 'humor' (very poor I admit) here. You should never take what I say too seriously, I surely don't, but that was probably a mistake and I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else, I didn't mean to at all ;).

  53. Scully and Olivia - both are awesome.

  54. If that little emo punk beats another Fringie, there will be hell to pay.

  55. I voted for Damon Salvatore , but I figure there's  a good chance Dana will beat him.  As I like her too, I'm not worried about a Salvatore loss.

  56. What I find more interesting is that Castiel got more votes in the last round than Sam and Dean combined.

  57. So, that was mildly homophobic of you. I mean, I agree completely in that WTF HOW DID CHUCK BEAT WALTER THIS IS A TRAVESTY OLIVIA BETTER WIN OR THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY, but also, yeah. Homophobia. Not cool.

  58. Dana and Olivia. I'll not accept Olivia losing to Chuck.

  59. Scully and Olivia!

  60. Scully and Olivia. Both awesome females.

  61. Go Ms. Dunham!!!

  62. Olivia & Dana!!!

  63. Olivia and Scully no contest...... but I see the Damn FANGIRLS are out in force again so no chance of that then.

  64. Dana Scully and Olivia Dunham!
    I still can't believe that Walter lost against Chuck...he's not gonna win against a Fringe character again!!

  65. Damon Salvator and Chuck Bass

  66. The first poll was surprisingly difficult for me, but in the end I had to go with Dana Scully, even so I really like Damon, but pitted against an iconic character like Scully I couldn`t vote for him! Second vote went to  Olivia

  67. There's nothing weird about it. Cas hasn't gone up against either of the Winchesters yet, but when that time comes, there's nothing wrong with voting for Cas.  People are drawn to different characters for many reasons - most of which I think boil down to personal preference. There's no rule that says you need to love the lead characters of a show more than the supporting characters.

  68. Wow, I foresee a battle between Damon and Chuck.. And then it would be impossible for me to choose between them two.. A sexy vampire versus a powerful magnate, and their smoldering looks helps them too.. They're both just ... on legs :P. Oh well, I drifted too far off from the actual poll.. It's Damon and Chuck for me lol..

  69. Castiel was a great character but it was really time for him to go. They couldn't have kept his storyline as this would involve dragging the whole angels storyline as well, which has run its course already. 
    As the writers put it, "on our show, a lot of times, the only way to take a character to the next level is to kill him, frankly." (SG)

  70. Chuck Bass trends on twitter so I'm not surprised.

  71. I voted for Damon and Chuck!

  72. I just hope to see him go up against Dean or Castiel.  Maybe that will make me feel better for wasting hours of my life watching the first two seasons of Gossip Girl.

  73. OK guys, at about 15 hours since the beginning of the polls this is the result:
    Damon 1269 / Dana 1179
    (I saw Damon taking the lead about an hour ago and he has kept going up consistently)

    Olivia 839 / Chuck 1242
    (The difference in Chuck's favor is really stable, I haven't seen Olivia coming any closer after an hour of observation)

    OK, I'm out now and won't come back until after the polls are closed, but I still have hopes for Olivia to win this. I don't care much about the other poll, but it begun with Dana Scully having a strong lead and her opponent did turn it around. So, fringies, please, we still can do it too. Let us not leave Peter alone in this competition, because he has real hard opponents in SPN's Castiel and Dean. I always thought this other side of the competition was ours (that either Walter or Olivia would win it). I have nothing against Chuck, I don't watch his show, but I'm sure there is no way he can get to the level of awesomeness of our Olivia.

  74. Scully and Dunham!  ladies first ;o) 

  75. Dana Scully (still missing my XFiles!) and.....CHUCK BASS! :)

  76. we always choose  >>>> Chuck Bass and Damon salvatore...

  77. Two of the best female characters (and actresses) ever in TV are losing against Damon 'crazy eyes' Salvatore and Chuck 'I don't even have a word for him' Bass.

    I quit life.

  78. My vote goes to Damon & Olivia ;)

  79. That's a little weird. As much as I love Castiel I can't imagine voting for him against ANY of the boys.

  80. Dana and Olivia of course.I swear l'll lose faith in all you fine people if they lose this round. :)

  81. Girl power!!! SCULLY and the....DUNHAMNATOR

  82. Scully and Dunham all the way.

  83. All about the women for me today, Dana and Olivia are two great female leading characters.

    Especially Torv's Olivia for me, who is shining through on Fringe atm...

    I find it interesting that Castiel has three wins of the top five most voted in polls, whilst Dean has none. Also surprising to see Peter in at number two. Should make for a good QF between the two. Kurt is now also looking a strong bet in the second half of the draw...

  84. I'm going with girl power all the way today. Scully and Olivia.

  85. BigHairofSecretsandLies8 October 2011 at 20:32

    Scully and Bass  Sounds like a lawfirm. Heh

  86. Olivia Dunham, obviously. Somehow, the emo gay lord (I mean, look at the picture above the poll) took Walter Bishop out of the competition (screwing up most people's brackets, I guess), he better not take Olivia out as well. I wasn't a fan of hers at first but Anna Torv grew on me, she has some charisma, a lovely voice, and she stars in what I believe is the best drama on network TV, so I voted for her.

  87. The one and only Scully and Chuck Bass

  88. Seriously? Olivia Dunham is loosing the Chuck Bass?


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.