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Supernatural - Season 7 - Sera Gamble previews what’s to come for Sam

22 Sept 2011

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Sera Gamble previews what’s to come for Sam in ‘Supernatural’ S7

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  1. Just one thing that gave me a pleasurable jolt in this article is the fact that there will be time-travel episode, my favourite kind:-)

     So back to 1944. The War years.

    Definitely getting more and more excited for this season:-)

  2. I'm really hoping it's Sam, who gets to travel to the 40s. I would like to see how he'd react in such a situation on his own. Time travel rules : D

  3. Hmmmm 1944...Dark Times...OH MY GOD! Hitler was a demon! of course! It all makes sense now! Go get him, boys!

  4. OK, that interview wasn't really about Sam - or anything new anyway - but it had some interesting hints about the storyline in general.  My hope is that they don't quit developing Sam as a person after his initial crisis is over.  I want to see Sam start developing relationships with new people and start thinking about the future.  I not only want to know why Dean still hunts, but I want to know why Sam does too.  I also want Sam reflecting on this connection with Lucifer and the demon blood influence and what this has meant in his life, and how it will affect his life going forward.

  5. I think it's going to be Dean. In the other article they said Dean would be in a situation without Sam or Bobby, so I think this could be it.

  6. I'd like for it to be Sam.  Dean had The End and In the Beginning.  I don't think we've ever seen Sam in a situation like that.

  7. I totally agree with you on this! I would love it if they do it

  8. I don't think so, 'cause the article said that Bobby "sends" Garth to Dean. So either Bobby knows the thing that zapped Dean in time and for some reason decides to send a strange hunter to his aid, or these are 2 different episode. The latter makes more sense to me...

  9. Thanks for the review but except for the time travel episode stuff  there really isn't anything new that we didn't know about...

  10.  It could be Sam, as it's usually him who attracts trouble, with Dean having to go and rescue him, but I think it's too early to take bets on it.

    Whoever it is, I'm sure that it won't be a pleasurable experience finding themselves in 1944.

  11. Time travel again? That I can't wait for.
    But just one brother goes and the other stays? Hmmm. We know that bad things tend to happen if the Winchesters go their seperate this promises to be interesting.

    Can't wait for season 7, sounds really more and more exciting! 

  12. The comment about Sam usually attracting trouble and Dean having to rescue him is unfair.  It's not true at all, and it just reinforces the perception of some of the extreme Dean fans that Sam is still a troublesome teenager who Dean needs to parent of the time. 

  13.  Without quoting specific episodes I seem to remember Dean helping Sam up a lot after being hurt in multiple occasions,  after having visions etc.,  but certainly Dean has, too, been rescued by Sam as in Scarecrow, the Benders, on the plane in Phamton Traveller etc., etc., but that doesn't take away from the fact that evil seems to make a bee-line for Sam, and Dean is, was and always will be there for him.

    Sam, as we have seen, is as great a hunter as Dean is, so nobody is doubting that, but misfortune does seem to have a thing for him.

  14. But why would Bobby "send" Garth to Dean when he could send Sam?

  15. I agree. I'd like for it to be Sam and no, we haven't seen Sam in a situation like that before. I think it would be interesting to see Sam trapped in another time like that.

  16. Skye, I love your comments, but I can't agree with this. Trouble comes after both Sam and Dean. It's not just Sam who attracts the trouble.

  17. I'll agree that a big part of the first couple of seasons was about something big and bad after Sam, and Dean needed to protect Sam, but I think things got more balanced after YED died and Dean sold his soul. The demon blood/Lucifer storyline is long over and Sam is a responsible adult now, so I'm not sure why there's still a perception that Dean needs to parent Sam.  They both go off the rails occasionally, and Sam just as often needs to pull Dean back, or get his back, as vice versa.

  18. Yeah... I didn't see anything new about or for Sam in this interview... at all. I'm hoping that the time traveling thing does mean that it will be Sam who gets sent back to the past and not Dean. Dean's had In the Beginning and The End. It's time for a time travel episode for Sam. I'd love to see how Sam handles it all on his own. It could make for some really awesome, intriguing stuff for the character. I agree with you too about why Sam still hunts. I want to know why he does too when before he never wanted this life. I also want Sam's emotions and what's going on in his mind, what is he thinking and feeling, paid attention to and not shoved on the backburner where we have to guess through Jared's nuances and facial expressions.

  19. Hey, I didn't mean it in a bad way, it's just that evil has had it in for him for so long, since he was a baby and he' s still dealing with the Hell consequences now.
    I'm sure that once that's dealt with the brothers will get back on an equal footing attracting trouble in an absolutely equal way:)

    Anyway it would be nice if it was Sam that went back as he has never had a time-travel episode all to himself. We'll just have to wafor the surprise.

  20.  You're right, of course, it's much nicer when they are on an equal footing;  and Sam has pulled Dean back many times in the more recent seasons.

    However I don't think Dean will ever completely lose the big brother vibe as it is just too ingrained into him and part of who he is.

    Remember that Dean always hankered after having a family and having already seen that that could never work out, he automatically sees his younger brother as a substitute, a family to take care of, while at the same time, being perfectly aware that Sam doesn't need a parental type of protection any more.

    He's a six foot five uber-hunter, after all:)

  21. Dean having a protective, older brother instinct is fine.  People don't just shrug off their family roles at a certain age, and the quality is endearing.  It's fine as long as we agree that Sam doesn't normally act in an irresponsible way that invites trouble. 

    This whole subject has just been a sensitive topic since the discussion around episode 3, and I strongly disagree with the perception that Sam still acts like an irresponsible teenager.  If I thought it was true, my response would be that there's something seriously wrong with this show and that it isn't for me. I don't want to see a couple of men in their 30s (or approaching 30) still stuck in an adolescent developmental stage.

  22. I'm getting more and more excited about this season. Who knew there was still such a wide variety of stuff they haven't done on this show yet? :)

  23. The season is sounding even better! More time travel? Excellent!
     I really enjoyed the past time travel episodes. But this time, since apparently it's just one of them going (bad things happen when the boys split up!) I hope it's Sam who goes. They may have shared The Song Remains The Same, but Dean had The End and In The Beginning to himself...'bout time Sam got a time travel episode to himself!

    I'm psyched about this season! I have to wait until Saturday to watch it, but I'm looking forward to it like crazy!

  24. That's what I'm saying. I don't think the episode with Garth is the time-traveling one, otherwise, Bobby would've sent him Sam or himself.

  25. It could actually be the same episode if it is Sam stuck in the past and Bobby is too far away or working another case, so he looks for hunters who are in the vicinity of the case and Garth is the only one available to help Dean.
    But it is more likely that these are separate episodes. 

  26. I have to say that I'm most excited about episode 2 so far (Ben Edlund!!). 1944 sounds interesting too. I'm a little worried about the new big bad, though. Maybe it's because I was a bit disappointed in the Mother Of All storyline, and I felt like she was less scary/creepy than most "monsters of the week".

  27. She said they are breaking an episode about time travel, the DJ Qualls episode has already been...broken.They must have shot or be shooting that episode by now. I thought when they say breaking an episode they mean starting to write? Therefore the episodes are not one in the same?

  28. I didn't know that. I read about the casting call for DJ Qualls, but I don't remember if the actual episode, in which he will appear, was mentioned. I think they're shotting the Mentalists one now, and then the wedding - so is he in that one?
    Btw. I really hope they stick with the idea cause it sound like it could be a great episode. And don't let it go like Dean's revenge on Roy and Walt last year - I am still disappointed about that.

  29. love the 40's the time travel will be fun

  30. Ok so I caved. And I read both parts of this interview. Yes, I know. I wouldn't make a good Winchester - I give in far too easily. BUT: I haven't read any of the "Meet The New Boss" previews. And I'm not going to. There's such a thing as too many spoilers - and I learned my lesson with Like a Virgin. I read all the previews, and while I still loved the episode, knowing so much of the detail made it less fun to watch.

    But I'm so pleased I did give in and read this. Everything in it (and part 1) has made me even more excited for season 7. Not long now folks!

  31. So Sam's wall issues will only be in play for a handful of episodes, which I'm okay with.  I'm more interested in how they choose to resolve this issue.

  32. The real creepy think would be that Hitler was a human controling demons, who are afraid of him.

  33. More time travel, less angels.  Hmm.  I figured we would be done with time travel once the angels moved on.  Could be interesting.  Not sold on Nazi zombies though.  In all honesty, I'm not sold on zombies period.  Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things was terrible and the Croatoan virus should be dead and gone with the apocalypse ending.

  34. I would prefer it be Sam also.  I would think that Sam, being the more studious one, would be better prepared for the 1940's.

  35. I think that this Big Bad will be more in line with past Big Bads in that it will be introduced earlier and it will be the running villain for the entire season.  Last season they were experimenting with the noir genre and used Eve as a red herring that they didn't introduce until halfway through the season.  It was disappointing because I think she could have been an awesome villain.

  36. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid was EXCELLENT.

  37. Maybe.  But Dean's pretty good at adapting to different situations.

  38. Very good point.  If we get more episodes with the quality on DMDWP, any monster will do.  Did you see Sera's mini-ad for Bing about folklore on Supernatural?  


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