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Supernatural - Season 7 - New Promotional Poster *Updated - Fan Made*

20 Sept 2011

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Update: 20th Sept Thanks to for alerting us to the fact that the CW Publicity team say despite being a great poster it's not an Official one.

Thanks to Supernatural Legend for the heads up.


  1. I like the posters but you're not fooling anyone CW! Those pictures are the same from the posters with the open grave.

  2. And...New computer desktop is all set!
    The pics of the guys may be from last year,but the poster is awesome!
    Also,look how Supernatural is written..Maybe the new logo will have something to do with this blinding light!It's soooo close!

  3. How can these be real? Cas in the foreground, as though he's going to be a main character? Are you all sure this isn't some fanmade poster? This runs completely antithetical to the whole thrust of the season as we've been led to believe so far. Of course, I'd LIKE to believe this is close to what we'll get... :D

  4. At the risk of being smited/smote/smitten (whatever the correct term is) I'm not sure I like Cas being more prominent than Sam and Dean. 

  5. No,he won't!NO,he won't!Please don't say that..It is NOT gonna happen!

  6. Ok so they reused some old pictures, but this is the best thing they've put out since the open grave poster! I like it a lot.

    Also it makes me wonder if the theme of the poster (like background, black/gray text) has any reflection on the title card. :P

  7. Hmmm I didn't even think about it until you said that.

  8. This message was brought to you by the #SaveCastiel Corporation ...

    This poster's designer must have heard that Dean doesn't have a storyline. He's barely visible looking at thus on my phone. (Joking here, not trying to start something).

    In allserious

  9. Oh please be careful, Chris. That's a touchy subject right now. :P

  10. Sorry ... I couldn't help it. Cas must have made me write it.

  11. meaning "we'll put the fan favorite in the poster even though we're not gonna use him in the movie/show"? Nice turn of phrase.

  12. sorry girl but the ONLY way I will survive this is if I picture the worst so im some what ready *BREAKS DOWN CRYING* "I'LL NEVER BE READY" CASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


  13. This gave me hope! #save Castiel

  14. I don't like it much... :/

  15. So, Cas gets to be the star of his own SPN promo. (as a consolation prize for his drastically reduced role on the show)

  16. Honestly if it were fan-made it would probably be even better. lol
    Also, the text used, (the black logo of SUPERNATURAL) looks pretty High there's that. 

  17. I suppose if you (are an odd bird and) try to stay out of the parentheses, this is a positive thing. lol 

  18. Love you Cas, eh Lord, but nobody puts the Winchester boys in a corner.

  19. I just hope that Cas isn't going to be a total pushover. If he's gone "bad" I want him to be their biggest challenge yet. He knows them and he has serious power. Not to mention I like to think they'd be out to save him and not kill him which presents a whole other problem.

  20. Hmmm.  Not sure about this one.  Everything is too faded and I don't like the brothers being that far in the background.  I thought this season was supposed to focus more on earthly things.

  21. Ha!  Agreed, although I'm pretty sure you are not smitten (to have a crush) with this poster.   I'm thinking that this season I will definitely need to learn all the tenses of "to smite".  I'm going to be taken down by every last tense.

  22. Glad the snake seems to be retired.  They were naming it on another site, it was used so much.

  23. It says "heavenly justice is in operation" along the top (you have to enlarge it to see the text). All this means is that what Cas does sets the stage for the story this season. It would be the equivalent of putting a pair of big yellow eyes in the forefront in season 2.

  24. those look like the promo shots from last season.

  25. yea we all know its old pictures from the graveyard photo shoot...but they all look so damn hot

  26. Even if it's fake I think it's made of WIN #SaveCastiel I am so anxious about Friday...this just made me feel a little better. If it IS real, I like that Misha is listed. I also like seeing him on the poster at all. Just trying not to think of the negative reasons that could be so. 

  27. I like it, very appropriate 

  28. Surely this is a joke.  This can't be the post that promotes Supernatural about two brothers?  Its the worst promotion every.  You put the two favs in the front surely.  Gees Misha has a good agent.

  29. Oh please. Dean is standing in front of Sam and its still not enough for Dean fans. 

  30. Huh. It's the pictures from that other old promo, but that doesn't bother me to much. At least the snake is gone. But. One problem. Castiel is the main focus. The boys are in the background. WTF. DO NOT APPROVE. Somebody forgot who the show is about! This irritates me.

    It's just one poster. I know. But it still annoys me. Less focus on Cas, more on the boys, please. Apart from that one giant issue, it's nice looking overall.

  31. I tried to tell you. Sarcasm isn't easily picked up around these parts.

  32. Don't like it. I like Cas, but the Winchesters should never be in the background.

  33. Really? Is this an official promo or was it made by a Cas fan?

  34. Sorry, do not like at all. Cas is so overwhelming the whole thing, and Dean and Sam are pinpricks in the back. What the heck is the message supposed to be here. No.

  35. This is a fan-made image, not official promotion material.!/Chico6/status/115966982934900737 (from a CW publicist)

  36. This is totally fake and fan made no question about it--firstly because I doubt that they would do a new poster (they haven't in years just recycled old pics) and secondly because Misha is in the foreground in the picture. He has never been on a poster beforehand and I don't see it changing

  37. Obviously fake as if CW give that much shit about Cas

  38. Those look extreme amateur. Are you sure these are legit?  

  39. Old pictures rearranged with a some lighting to make RoboGod look important? Yeah nice work CW.

  40. Are we sure this the official poster? Looks like a Cas fan went wild with photoshop. 

  41. Let's have a group hug over this ;_;

    Oh Cas...!

  42. except Cas is not actually the big bad, its the souls he swollowed. He's either dead or trapped inside the Jimmy vessel with said souls. What we see as the new big bad (in episode 2?) is not going to be Cas its going to be whatever badass purgoSoul(s) that is is controlling the meat suit?
    weel thats my take on it anyway.

    Also I havent hear anything about them trying to save Cas only about them trying to stop the big bad. Although if you think about it both go hand in hand.

  43. do you suppose thats why we suddenly have a load of Dean spoilers? maybe SG and gang got tired of the bitching and decided to appease people. Sam spoilers usually just start wars so for the sake of a die hard Sam girl like me I'd rather they write all spoilers and synopsis' about Dean from now on. The only thing I need is to have Sam on my screen week in week out and I'm happy.

  44. I hate to sound mean but yeah. I thought Misha was only in the first two episodes so far and he's in front of the boys... what?

  45. Why are our boys in the background... we almost cant see them for all the mist/clouds?!?!?!?!?!?

  46. Ok thats what I thought... pay no mind to my last post... :)

  47. they look hot and sexy good poster

  48. Thank god this is fake, this poster sucks. I'm sorry but Supernatural deserves a little better than the Smallville treatment by the CW. I want new photos of the actors every year.

  49. lol yeah they used pre-season 3 photo for comic con last year if i remember right. Jared had his "im 16" hair

  50. it's a fanmade image..not the proper one..

  51. Well, have you seen the season 6 DVD cover?
    Amateur vs. CW... Difference? Not much.

  52. They deserve it but you know they're never gonna get it.

  53. Nice way of putting it! I prefer the "surfer kid" title for his hair in season 2/3 :) 

  54. Thank whoever you pray to that it's fan made. Not that it's poorly done but it's not what Supernatural is about. 

    Yes, SPN is about Family, but if it was "Official" Sam and Dean would be positioned more prominently and Cas AND Bobby would be little less. MC is not a regular this season and has similar "contract" status as JB. 

  55. Great poster? Hm. How about no.
    This is such a crappy photoshop edit.

  56. Thanks TvTropes for it :D

  57. It's a cool poster.  Why hasn't the CW come up with something new like they for VPD?  Even this one has last season's pics of Sam and Dean.

  58. I am actually delighted that it is fan-made.  Good job for the creator and thankfully it lessens mixed messages about the season.

  59. I'm getting tired of every synopsis causing people to scream about one brother being favored over another too.  However, I am also getting tired of people taking pot shots at one section of fans over another when no one has said anything.  It feels like people are itching for a fight.  I would be extremely happy if everyone would void out the words Dean Fan and Sam Fan from their vocabulary.  Thank goodness the hellatus is almost over; here's hoping people start talking about the plot and stop taking cheap shots at one another - from both sides.

  60. I am super excited about episode 2 because I think this year the Big Bad is going to be exactly that.  I'm hoping for something extra nasty to make up for some less than stellar villains in the past couple of years.

  61. Bwah!  Best comment of them all.  Agreed, the only difference between amateur and the CW is that amateurs put much more time and effort into what they are doing.

  62. LOL "kid" nice. though i must admit that i LOVED his hair like that hehehe

  63. Ha! Knew it was fan made by a desperate uber Cass fan.  First the Cass fans try to rewrite the show canon to make him a hero, never mind that he FREAKING STARTED THE APOCALYPSE!  And the next biggie: TORN DOWN THE WALL BETWEEN SAM AND INSANITY/DEATH!  No way in HELL should Cass the Ass should be in the forefront because Supernatural IS Sam and Dean.  Cass is two seasons past his expiration date and it's about time he's kicked to the curb.  

  64. Maybe it's the top secret poster for the upcoming spin-off:-

               Supernatural 2: The All New Adventures of Godstiel and his Human Underlings.
               Episode One:    Misty Mornings in New Heaven. 

    Sounds good.........but I think I'll pass!! :-)

  65. This has to be the dumbest most desperate act by a castiel fan yet, besides rewriting the show canon.  All that is missing is castiel riding a unicorn crapping rainbows.

  66. This has to be the dumbest desperate act by a castiel fan yet.  All that is missing is castiel riding a unicorn crapping rainbows. Time for the big bye-bye for castiel.

  67. As long as it remains in the realm of fantasy, it's fine with me.

    We're all entitled to dream, aren't we?   : ) :)

  68. Hey, the unicorn would have been a nice touch, not to mention the rainbows:)

  69. Oh I know! Although I'm interested in how they will conclude his storyline (if they actually DO conclude Castiel's storyline this season...)


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