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POLL : What did you think of Castle - Rise?

20 Sept 2011

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  1. Loved it. Pretty great episode and I have a feeling there was a bit of sleight of hand in there that we didn't see.

    Also, I'm going to start a countdown to Castle's investigation blowing up in his face.

  2. amazing episode; it was emotional and heart warming. this is how a season opener should be. everything was done to perfection from castle's talk with alexis to his protectiveness towards kate. and finally good riddance josh!!!!! 

  3. Josh's gone! Best. day. ever!

  4. Awesome! That was what it was. Just awesome. :D

  5. Amazingly great episode. I loved the dark look to the episode!

  6. Can I have the name of the 9 people who don't pick up 'AWESOME' ?
    This episode was just EPIC !!! So many feelings during the episode : excited, sad, angry, happy, angry again, sad and FINALLY with Kate's final words HAPPY (and angry too)

    See youy next monday ;)

  7. I thought it was cool how Michael Dorn's character was introduced. You heard his voice before he was revealed.

  8. and I will join in that countdown as that was my first thought too.

  9. Totallyaddicted00520 September 2011 at 04:46

    awesome, no question. I didn't know that she did remember, although questioned it at the beginning a little when she was saying it trying to convince myself that I guess it could be true, she could not remember it. But as the ep went on it was clearer and clearer that she did, remember what he said and how she couldn't even talk to him for the 3 months

  10. Totallyaddicted00520 September 2011 at 04:49

    oh yeah, on thing was it was kinda cheesy to have her father basically say "Hey! I"m Kates father" ahh, we're not stupid, we could figure it out with less obvious clues.

  11. :D Awesome new! Can't wait to see that|

  12. Can't go to sleep after that!  want to watch again!! It was GREAT  Very seamless and smooth, keep things alive and moving but slow and steady.  what a great job.  So glad my look forward to Mondays are back again!

  13. Yeah, poor Castle, he just keeps getting run over. And I always come back for more.

  14. I hope when Beckett finds out, she realises he did what he did because he loves her. But I think he should tell her soon though.

  15. It was good! :) Yeah, that's what I was waiting for. Kate - amazing as ever. That scene with her hands shaking - Emmy Worth! Castle - book signing scene - epic. More pissed of Castle please, he need to step up his game. Ryan & Espo - bros are back in full swing. Iron Gates - tell whatever you whant - new boss is great.... :) RIP Capt. Montgomery. Worf as shrink? - another great character. And there is Mr. Smith - he was in hospital & he called someone on Capitol :))) Hell Yeah!!!! THIS SEASON IS GOING TO BE FANTASTIC!!!

  16. Amazing episode, can't wait for the next. I am so glad Josh is gone. Castle is an amazing person, having them get together would make the show even bigger, giving it a bonnie and Clyde twist.

  17. I must be the only one let down by this season premiere.

    Nothing unexpected happened and we didn't see Josh getting kicked to the curb.  Beckett's dad had much less of a presence than he probably should have and Alexis didn't really stick to her guns (no pun intended) about Castle playing cop and putting himself and his loved ones in danger and she should have.

    Even most of the Castle / Beckett scenes were underwhelming.  I didn't have a problem with the performances, which were good, but the writing just wasn't there.  The scene toward the end where Castle was giving Beckett verbal encouragement during the standoff with the killer was ridiculous.  I actually shouted "oh, you've got to be kidding me!" while I was watching it.

    There are some things in this episode that worked.  Actually, three in particular - Ryan, Esposito, & Gates.  They were all great.

  18. "Also, I'm going to start a countdown to Castle's investigation blowing up in his face."

    I think it's more likely that Beckett finds out and SHE blows up in his face.

  19. Totallyaddicted00520 September 2011 at 06:28

    anyone else think that this is all a bit lopsided? 
    Kate is always the one giving up or breaking off relationships b/c castle, doesn't seem that its the same for him

  20. Totallyaddicted00520 September 2011 at 06:31

    i think that the verbal encouragement was the writers way of emotional expression continuing to avoid actually making them kiss,hug,or be together like the plague

  21. That's because Kate has had more relationships.  Castle's only prominent relationship since the show started was his ex-wife and he did break it off with her. (again)

  22. I'm sure you're right.  That probably was what they were attempting to do.  It was just a really bad idea to do it in that particular way.

  23. I agree about Alexis, but by the end with the appearance that Castle is going to continue the investigation when that blows up I think the issue might appear again

  24. Yeah.  This needs to be a longer conversation for Castle and his family somewhere down the road.

  25. Totallyaddicted00520 September 2011 at 07:21

    he also turned down the allyssa milano character and the actress to nikki heat as well as that soap opera actress after a while right. But hers all seemed more prominent.

  26. that was a good episode, and the end is fustrating ... but i think on the hand is good she remembers what he really feels but on the other hand i'm affraid this situation will create a bit of problem between them... i don't know why but i was expected more "happy reconciliation" (something like : "i'm sorry for what i said to you"... from beckett for exemple) but they are so cold specially Beckett We've lost the famous osmosis they had last season... just hope it's because she just need to rest about the shoot and we can see them really come back.

    I'm agree with one things; she's not ready to have a relation ship, but i hope the therapy will help her to accept that somebody really care about her. 

    And i'm affraid we don't have finish with the tensions between them; i'm affraid by the day where she will discover he continue to investigate in her back to keep her away from the case and so keep her alive....

  27. she remembers everything ! best moment ever !!!! great episode ! can't wait for next episode !

  28. Damn!!!
    I was like... NOOOO they aren't gonna let Kate forget about the "I love you"... they said they wouldn't!! And hell I had to wait till the last second to be relieved!!

    The situation with the shrink does remind me of season 2 episode 3 of The Mentalist, where Lisbon is seeing a shrink who is actually a killer who tried to frame her... 

    Mmmhmmm... can't wait to see more, this episode announces some pretty good plots for the future :)

  29. Loved it! I had a little happy dance when Kate said "We broke up."... though I felt bad that she was sad...
    It was interesting that it was Beckett chasing after Castle when it's usually the other way round.
    The end made me say "I KNEW IT! You LIED!" Out loud XD

  30. OMG!! itwas awesomely awesome!!!!! I missed Castle so much!!! :D

  31. excactly what I thought. I fear they found another thing that'll keep them apart in the future...

  32. Who found the episode aweful? Hello! Wake up! This is Castle we're taking about!

  33. I'm not really sure what to say. There were parts that were absolutely great, but also parts that were really disappointing. 

    I for one thought the moments that Kate was on the edge of dying were really intense, and the fight wiith Josh afterwards: amazing acting.  

    The dynaminc between the team and the new captain was also great; they were like this bunch of school kids being rebellious against a disliked teacher or something. The 'sir' thing I liked too. 

    What I disliked however was the dynamics between castle and beckett. I understand that they are on a difficult page now, that things have changed, but it didn't feel very realistic. They never really talked things out the way they should have. Another thing: I don't think Castle would ever be ignored so long. I can understand Beckett needing time and copping out, but he nearly lost her, I think he would have fought a little more. And the lack of contact between Kate and Lanie was unexpected, and they didn't tell us any more so that was a little something something too. 

    I do think it was a very good seasonspremiere tho, it had some very intense moments but also a lot of fun. It's great how this show can combine the two! Already looking forward to next week, of course.

  34. also a countdown to Castle finding out that Beckett remembered everything! that is going to blow up in her face!

  35. great episode. It has a totally different tone from what I expected, but that's good . Put 95% of post Knockout fanfic to shame for guessing wrong LOL.
    I know I will love this season. can't wait for next week

  36. it was beyond awesome!!!

  37. Castle looked SO much better in season one that it literally hurts me to see him now...

  38. I loved it! it was a great season premier :D

  39. I loved it. :D Plus, I really think it WAS a step in the right direction for them and obviously, the writers are doing them justice. It's not always gonna be easy and they're making that clear and not changing these characters because of love.

  40. It was just amazing. Delivered and more. Can't wait to see how this season plays out!

  41. One last thing about the Castle premiere that should be of interest:

    Smith, the guy who received Montgomery's package with the files on Beckett's case, was (if you look closely) walking by in the background at the hospital outside of Kate's room when Castle visited her with flowers.  He was wearing a lab coat with a stethoscope around his neck and smiled at Castle when he stopped to check his hair.

  42. I was thinking in that same vein.  It seems like Nate has begun to show his age.  Not a bad thing, but he'll certainly need to evolve as an actor.  The boyish charm thing isn't going to be quite as believable anymore.  

    This season will give him the opportunity to explore new territory.  

  43. Those weren't really relationships though.

  44. I agree the episode wasn't just there for me either it should been 2 hours long.  Too many things were happening in one episode the 2nd case of the girl being murdered only rang for 10 minutes and Beckett survived in the first 10 minutes Oh come on!  You don't expect her to wake up from near death overnight.

    But maybe it could be because of all the hype of watching Five-0.  I really need to watch this again.  But for me the writing was all over the place

  45. Though that board of his was pretty badass... yeah, I see this going badly. Putting not only him, but perhaps even Alexis and Martha, in danger.

  46. I think Kate is a very difficult person. More she loves speople, more she keeps them apart. After her mother's death she has a terrible fear to lose those who are very close. She can't afford it, so the solution she found is don't allow people to be too close, specially those she loves the most, like Castle, like Lanie. 
    She doesn't care being with someone like Joss. That's easy for her, because although she likes him, she doesn't love him, and then she doesn't feel attached.
    I knew she could remember... that was the only reason for being apart so long.

  47. I don't know about the others, but yeah you can have my name. LOL

    have to say I was disappointed, didn’t like it much. It was all
    soooooo predictable, she pretends to not remember, her breaking up
    with Josh, Castle trying to get her away from the investigation.
    Could it get any more stupid, I’m sorry I really liked Castle the
    first three years, but this is just not it.
    Of course I will watch
    again next week, but I really hope they will get better, because this
    Castle was just lame. Especially the first rushed minutes. Please,
    three month without a phone call, isn’t that what we had last year,
    just the other way round? Now Beckett got her payback or what? Just
    stupid. Yeez I get really worked up over this, calm down it’s not
    worth it!

  48. Did you notice when going to get the band mate at the end Beckett actually wore highs? Ugh  Chunky or not... who wears heels when going to apprehend a suspect that has already killed multiple people?

    That was ridiculous!

  49. No this was just an ok episode to me... good at best.

    The "death bed" scenes were ridiculous since she was never going to die in the first place. They should have just jumped past all that and had more plot time for the case this week... or looking into her shooter's identity etc.

    I have to agree about the gunpoint scene! I was thinking he was going to jump in front of ehr and take the shotgun blast for her... 

    I did like seeing Geoff Pierson as Montgomery's 'confidante'.

    This felt like a liche wrapped in trite sauce to me....

    I think the investigation into Beckett's shootter and mother's case has a lot of potential but this episode was just one expected event after another. I hope the Season 4 curse has't hit.....

  50. I felt the same way. 

  51. Beckett is in denial more than Castle and dates more men to put down her feeling for Castle.

  52. Yes.  I (unfortunately) noticed.  I've given up the fight.  I can no longer rail against Castle for dumb crap like this.  The wardrobe choices are now well into the realm of "don't give a damn about what's practical or realistic for an NYPD detective" and I don't believe there is any turning back.

    We've lost.

    p.s. -  That entire scene was pretty bad.

  53. I'm okay with the death bed stuff because that was all about the the reactions of the other characters and not really about Kate.

    I'll gladly co-sign the rest of your post.

  54. Expecting it to be great. But I haven't seen it yet :(


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