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Grey's Anatomy - Season 8 - Updated Promo

5 Sept 2011

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Thanks to spartigus15 for the heads up.


  1. Grey’s Anatomy TV Show is mine favorite show and I love this video sharing. Thanks.

  2. I love it, but I need Mark, I haven't seen him at all :(

  3. I love the episodes with huge disasters!

  4. OMG i cant take it i need the premiere to be now!!!!

  5. I suspect he's in the Seattle Grace Mercy West Rehab when this was being filmed ;-)

  6. Yes, they are the ones that really get to you. Grey's does disaster really well.

  7. Each season they do a disaster movie type of episode ...aparently this year it will be about land slides

  8. Too many big disasters, they need to get back to balanced storytelling that blends the stories of the infirmed, that inform on the docs own issues. 

  9. Dear God please  I need to go to September 22...

  10. Was that Karev who passed out in the surgery? 


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