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The Vampire Diaries - VD stars get ready for a bloody third season

20 May 2011

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PopWrap: With Stefan's turn towards the dark side, it seems like you'll pretty much be playing one another's characters next year, huh?
Paul Wesley: Literally! I’m going to be playing Damon, and he’ll be playing Stefan and we’re hoping no one notices.
Ian Somerhalder: It’s going to be a musical season.

PW: Like "Freaky Friday?"
Paul: Yes!
Ian: I actually tested for that movie – I didn’t get it, obviously.

PW: I think it all worked out ok for you in the end though, right?
Ian: Oh, yea [laughs]

PW: What excites you about this switch?
Ian: It excites Paul because he gets to be a bad ass again!
Paul: Yep! I’m so excited to have fun and be bad.
Ian: I’m less excited, I hope I don’t have to be sappy like Stefan.
Paul: Oh, you will. And I get to have a little bit of fun and not brood all the time. Monogamy is nice, but come on Stefan – let loose.
Ian: I: For a little while. I just hope Stefan, Damon and Klaus get to go on one major bender
Paul: We will, I promise.
Ian: Just something where we go to the next town and wreak havoc.
Paul: We’ll go to Vegas and have a boys night out – we’ll ever bring Elijah!
Ian: Brothers weekend!
Paul: Alaric can be the designated driver [laughs]

PW: But with Stefan and Damon split up, that also means Paul and Ian will be split up for the first time since the pilot.
Ian: Hopefully, we’ll still have scenes in the library, where Damon can tell Stefan what a good kisser his girlfriend is [laughs]

PopWrap: Your dress is beautiful and sort of matches the green carpet!
Nina Dobrev: Thank you, it's Jay Godfrey. I called ahead to find out what color the carpet was so I could match [giggles].

PW: Congrats on an amazing finale.

Nina: I still haven’t seen it by the way.

PW: Oh, well you were certainly right about Jeremy having a world life changing moment -- I mean, ghosts?
Nina: Wasn't it?!? I can’t tell you what they are yet though …

PW: Having your best friend Kayla Ewell back on set must have been so great.
Nina: It is exciting – we didn’t have any scenes together, but when we got there, we all just lit up – the family was back again. Although it was bittersweet since one family member had to leave for another to come in since Sarah [Canning, who played Aunt Jenna] had to go. But it’s going to be really awesome.

PW: The finale set up some very interesting stuff for Elena in season three. What do you think about Katherine's comment "it's ok to love them both" -- you think that's true?
Nina: God, I don’t know. The thing is, you can’t help who you love and who you’re attracted to. It’s not something you can just shut off, so Katherine – for once – did have some words of wisdom! She told the truth, which is rare because she never speaks the truth. Or saves the day, which she also did!

PW: And she also walked in on quite a tender moment for Elena & Damon.

Nina: Of course she did [laughs].

PW: What did you think of the kiss?

Nina: I think it was a sad, beautiful, bittersweet moment for Damon & Elena that was interrupted and short-lived.

PW: To be continued?

Nina: We'll see...

PW: What excites you about the possibilities this raises for season three?
Nina: The entire third season is like a blank slate – I think it’s going to feel like a completely new show now that Stefan has gone to the dark side. He will be with Klaus and I think that’ll set up a dark shift because when we started Damon was the mysterious one with all the fog following him [laughs]. Now I think we’ll see that come back with Stefan and Elena is turned around because she doesn’t know what to do.

PW: Yea, Elena does have a lot of choices ahead of her.
Nina: Totally. Will she be by herself? Will she be with Damon? Will she try to find Stefan? Everything is kind of shifting, so it’ll be refreshing and different, which is nice – you never want to fall into a familiar pattern on a show. And I think Kevin [Williamson] and Julie [Plec] found a way to keep it fresh.

Source: PopWrap


  1. Interesting on how they refuse to say what those "ghosts" are and they refuse to tell anything about Elena storyline.

    Also it seems they are going to do a sort of "Angelus" story from btvs season2 with Stefa. I am happy. As long as it lasts longer than one episode and Stefan(us) gets to do some true carnage, maybe kill someone precious to Elena.

    Uhh...germy. I certainly hope he does not overshadow other characters, but I am interested on about what "ghosts" want to warn him. Something about Klaus? Something about Elena? I guess his role just got upgraded to that of "prophet" 

  2. i am guesing he will see elijah as a ghost b.c those he saw (anna and vicki) were vampires before thy died and i think his ability is to see dead vampires so he will find elijah as ghost and thy will pull the dagger out with the other originals and take one side to find klaus and to bring stefan home 

  3.  hm, thats a good idea actually..

    However I am not sure about it as it opens up the way for ANY dead vampire, like jenna and it cheapens those deaths.

    I would like if the "messengers" that contact him would only remain those two.

    That is IF those two are actually who they seem to be and not someone masquerading as them(for example the fox demons from the books)

  4.  I hope it leave right off where they left it; not like 3 months later kind of thing.

  5.  I am thinking they might do a short timeskip, but latter somewhere in season 3(for example the midseason)

    SO then we can WTF a lot once the show returns towards the things that changed :P

    I am pretty convinced that these things will for sure happen in third season:
    1. Stefan killing someone important and precious to Elena.(oh the angst it would create, not to mention whats the use of Steffan being evil, if he does not get the chance to BE evil)
    2. Elena turning.( i just can't see her being left human for third season in row, her human storylines already ran dry)
    3. DELENA developments.(well this is obvious)
    4. some sort of timeskip.
    5. Actual storylines for Elena and character development(because, she is SERIOUSLY lacking that and right now sort off everyone overshadow her)

  6.  maybe not three months, more like a week or two, one confusing thing about this show is its time line, and since this is a teenage romance drama, i dont think the time jump will be long, but there will be a time jump, kevin williamson said it himself.

  7. I don't care, if it is the same night, one week or 10 years later, (to start S3). As long as Elena and Damon get together.In the books they get quite close on the journey to find Stefan. Why can't it work for the show?
    Stefan can be gone for weeks, months, maybe years. Elena is looking for him. She is alone and hurt. And Damon is there …
    By the way: Damon is a badboy. He might have change since S1, but it would be the real Damon to take the chance and make his move on Elena, while Stefan is gone.
    Also: Elena is a Petrova. Damon had Katerina and Isobel (and who knows how many other Petrova girls without knowing it). So, why not Elena. And I don't mean just the kiss when he was dying.

  8. Probably we'll take of, where S2 ends. The same night, or the next morning. Like S1 and S2

    I don't care. I just want them to start shoot S3 NOW!!!!I hate to wait!!!

  9.  I think, Jeremy is seeing Anna and Vicki because when Bonnie plead to the witches to resurrect Jeremy and Bonnie said, "I love him." The witches are making Jeremy see his past vampire girlfriends, as a way to torture him because of what his current girlfriend did...and it could also be a way of reminding him that they'll keep taking his girlfriends: Anna, Vicki, and possibly Bonnie.

  10. i love delena and want them to end up together..but i disagree, damon is not the "bad boy"..he was good, then he became bad, then -meeting and knowing elena- he is slowly reverting to his original self, the damon from 1864..katherine described him as "my sweet, innocent damon" and "sweet and polite" in the finale with elena, he showed his true self, he admited his wrong doings and wanted redemption, and elena forgave him..he confessed his love, and elena expressed she had feelings for him, and intiated a kiss..does that mean elena is falling for the "bad boy"? no..there is no way elena would ever love s1 damon, she kissed damon because he was sincere, and genuine, she fell for the good boy..damon..and i dont think s3 damon will make a move on elena, he loves his brother-that sacrificed a life with elena to save him- too much to do is elena who will make her move eventually, and damon will stop maybe katherine will decide to go back to klaus to remain with stefan, and stefan eventually gets with her....

  11. Why is everyone getting me wrong? (not just in this case)

    Of course Elena would never love the psycho killer that was Damon in S1
    (even I hated him sometimes and I'm a psycho too). And of course Damon
    changed a lot. But no matter that Damon starts finding his true self again
    (the Damon of 1864), we can't forget how he lived for 145 years. He can
    never be the same "sweat and innocent" boy again, he was before Katerina
    screwed him up. He is used to get what he wants, even with force. And now he
    wants Elena.

    Yes, I know he loves her and would never hurt her. But … Stefan is gone.
    Damon just wouldn't be Damon if he wouldn't take his chance.

    The reason he didn't tried before is:

    1. He was not good enough for her, while Stefan was (Damons words)

    2. Stefan was there. With her, all the time. So, even if he were good enough
    for Elena, she was taken (she was with Stefan). And he figured that, since
    she is NOT Katerina, she would never be with both of them at the same time.

    You've got a point when you say, Damon now loves his brother, he hated so

    The question is: Does he love him enough to step back from Elena? To give
    her up? I doubt it! After all, she is the first being he loved in the last
    145 years. He loved her before he forgave his brother.

    And I also doubt that Elena is the one to make the move. She is NOT
    Katerina. And even if she would make the move, Damon would not stop her.
    Loves his brother, hates his brother … He wants Elena. Brother or no

    Katerina is not stupid enough to go back to Klaus (like Elijah was stupid
    enough to trust him). Not even for Stefan (let's get ridiculous and say, she
    actually loves him). I think, she will keep on hiding, running from him.
    Unless she just comes back to MF to destroy the lives she didn't destroyed

  12. we will have to watch season 3 to find out :)..and stefan already gave up elena for damon. damon never hated stefan, and stefan didnt hate damon, they r like brothers, they get angry at each other..and becoming vampires magnified that anger, but damon would never let stefan die, same for stefan..i predict in season 3 that elena will feel guilty about the kiss, but will step back and think about y she did it..damon wont pressure her about the kiss and they try to find stefan..stefan goes back into town with klaus , wreaks havoc, things will happen and stelena will end, then elena will grow to love damon, and will pursue him..

  13. Well, Stefan may not hated Damon. But Damon hated Stefan.

    1. He was jealous about Stefans relationship with Katerina

    2. Damon believed all this years, Stefan betrayed him and Katerina by
    telling their dad, and that it was his fault, Katerina was taken away (he
    never wanted to know the truth: daddy tricked him)

    3. Damon wanted to spend eternity with Katerina, just the two of them. He
    was angry and jealous when he finds out, Katerina gave Stefan blood too (to
    turn him)

    4. Stefan made Damon turn. When Damon believed, Katerina was dead, he didn’t
    want to turn, he wanted to die. Stefan made him kill that poor girl and

    For all that reasons Damon hated his brother. With sticking together to save
    Elena, they came close again. After all: before Katerina screwed tem up,
    they were best friends.

    Well, you’re right: we have to wait for S3 to see, how it goes on.

    Elena surely will feel guilty because of the kiss. Damon may not pressure
    her about a possible relationship between them, but he will want to talk
    about it (the kiss). Like the talk in S2 about the kiss in S1, when he
    believed Katerina was Elena.

    It will take damn much, to make Stefan and Elena brake up. She stayed with
    him, when he was dangerous and unpredictable in S1, when he was on human
    blood. She believed in him, when she find out about his past in S2.

    I doubt that they will break up. Unless he breaks up with her, because of
    the things he did while he was with Klaus. She would never break up with
    him. Not even for Damon.

    Why would Klaus come back to MF? He came here for Elena and the ritual. It’s
    done. So he is done with the town. Why would he come back? Even if he knows,
    that Elena lives, he’s done with her. Katerina left town ASAP …


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