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The Vampire Diaries - Q&A with Julie Plec

2 May 2011

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JP: Andie -- no more Andie this season. But Dawn O is a bad-ass! Hope to see her again.

JP: Death count -- '3' was a number someone else put on it. Not accurate.

Which TVD scene did you cry the most??
next week's episode

Don't you think elena should wear Isobel's necklace when she turns into a vamp?
necklace would have to be respelled if that happened, but yes, that would be poignant.

PLZ Julie could you respond for once to a pure tweet? PLZ understand no more hate, pain, or suffering for Damon *Ill die*
the last two eps are done, so i can't make you any promises, but know that it's all part of the journey to his humanity.

Does the Original Petrova have any significance? When Elijah said Katherine reminded him of someone..did he mean her..?
yes, and hopefully one day we'll meet her. No promises, tho. Too soon to tell.

Where's Meredith ?
caught in book-limbo-land for now. Time will tell.

What happened to Katherine's necklace
She's wearing it as a bracelet now.

Loved last night's episode @JuliePlec it was AMAZING! Are we ever gonna find out how Elijah and Klaus became Vampires? I'm really curious.
there is a whole history of the Originals to tell one day.

Why doesn't Damon use his crow and fog trick anymore?
crow's dead, too many people thought fog was cheesy.

Will Damon experience what Rose experienced when she was bitten by Jules?
it ain't gonna be pretty, that's for sure.

Could the curse possibly not work if elena turns into a vampire instead of dying? Btw you're my idol I love you!
elena won't turn into a vampire unless she dies.

JP: Shirtless Stefan scenes --- gonna have to wait til next season. Sorry!!!!

Should we prepare ourselves for a cliffhanger at the end of the season finale?
sort of....more of a hint at what season 3 will be all about.

Ok what i am supposed to do when you're gonna kill a regular character?
cry like we do.

Tell me something about Caroline's future. Please, anything you want. Just tell me. PLEASE!
we had written a scene with her dad, but we cut it before we shot it. maybe next year, if she survives the season.

It always feels stefan's journeys are shorter than damon's. is this because of damon's resistance to change or something else?
stefan was deep into his journey when he met Elena. Damon's has just begun. The question is, what is next on Stefan's road?

Klaus will die in this season ???or he will appear in season 3?
I'm not answering that, so you can stop asking. It's a spoiler.

Will we ever see more of Bonnie's private life? Her dad? Her house, room, etc? If she survived d season?
if she survives, it's about time we get to that, don't you think?

Why was Katherine threatened by Damon when he told her, he gave Elena his blood??!?!
because she doesn't want to have Elena has her competition for all eternity.

Btw Julie i wasn't mad at Damon for what he did last episode yes it was stupid but he felt guilty after and tried to save the day
I would go so far as to say it wasn't stupid, it was just desperate -- which makes it even more sad.

Who bit Damon?
It was Tyler. Just a nip, but....

I'm a little confused so can Klause change into a werewolf now or does he have to kill a werewolf, vampire & drink Elena's blood?
the curse has to be broken first.

Does Jenna have to kill to become a vamp?
no, you just have to drink human blood

Was Katherine 17 when she turned? or was she a little bit older?
we've never said.

JP: Elena’s necklace --- Katherine stole it when she swapped w Elena in Know Thy Enemy. It was gone by the time she woke up in Alaric's loft.

Because of the absense of Jer and Bon is it safe to say they are hiding out awaiting for the sacrifice at the old house?
yes, they're staying out of harm's way together.

It's a hard task to shoot with real wolves?
it's impossible. most of our animals are wolf-dog hybrids.

Where is John? Does he have a reasonable explanation for being so absent?
I don't know about 'reasonable'. Actor was in Australia.

If you had to choose between Damon or Elijah for Mayor of Mystic Falls, who would it be? People been discussing that
ooooh, that's a tough one. Elijah would be pretty freakin' awesome at it.

What do you think on the large delena fanbase? did you expected that?
it makes perfect sense to me.

If you could cast anyone else from the show besides Ian to play Damon, who would it be?
No one. Ian IS Damon.

I just have a tiny question. Why did Stefan and Elena stop writing in their journals? Thanks!
I think they still do.

Your tweet abt Damon and Damon himself make me think about Dr House,they are quite the same & House too at end srewed up things
House is one of my fave shows. When I watch it, I see a TON of similarities between he and Damon.

Reading one of your interviews, it dawned on me that you don't realize why DE fans ALWAYS come to his defense.. I don't know if its a joke or what, so allow me to explain. The story that you help to create is just that. A story. A fictional world. How can anyone say what is truly right and wrong? Damon may do horrible, crazy, things. But thats simply what love does to you. And as far as any vampire goes, to kill to protect, to feed, or for fun (sport), isn't unlike humans, and if vampires were real they WOULD be the top of the food chain. The would be us. So I think for anyone to be judgmental on how these creatures act is at best, pretty silly. Beyond that, I will damn well ALWAYS come to Damon's defense because I actually see humanity in him.. Humans do stupid, reckless, horrible things. We dont think before we act and we end up mad at ourselves for it. We make good choices and bad choices, and that is exactly what I see in Damon. I see the good and bad, the love, the hate..the everything "human" inside of him. I don't see that with Stefan. I only see, Mr. Perfect, Mr. angel, Mr. look down his nose... with the exception of yesterday because to me his emotions really shown thru yesterday. You could tell he understood what Damon was feeling, because all those years ago when he made Damon turn, he felt that himself. I really hope you make Stefan's character more whole, as in GOOD, BAD, SELFISH, SELFLESSNESS, and EVERYTHING like you have in Damon. Because right now, I havent seen it much. So yes, I can relate to Damon easier, and for me, he is more real and his humanity shines thru in more ways than one. and so, I will ALWAYS come to his defense, and ALWAYS try to understand his actions.
JP: everything you say about Damon is exactly right. That's the way we've built him. He's struggling with his humanity.... his suffering is because it's all so new to him. he's run from it for so long, it's like a new skin for him. he won't always know the right way to handle it. He will **** up majorly. he will revert. he will feel remorse.... he will change for the better, and then sometimes he won't be able to help himself. He's on a journey.

I love Damon and his character and as a Damon lover it is hard to see him constantly in pain or treated like he doesn't matter
damon absolutely matters. But the road from villian to hero is a bumpy one. It's not always going to be pretty.

What do you think has been the biggest indication of Damon's character growth in S2? Is there a specific moment that u think of?
off the top of my head, I'd say not killing Andie.

Source: @julieplec


  1. she comes off as such an ass on those answers lol

  2. Hail the Queen of Non-Answering.

    From this ENTIRE wall of text we only learn that:
    Klaus(MAYBE) Survives, Elena(MAYBE) turns, Damon(MAYBE) gets more redemption story stuff and next episode(MAYBE) is tearful and sad.

    Yay for not-answering.

  3. Why can't everyone just leave Julie alone?
    There are many questions she just can't answer for good reason. The show wouldn't be interesting if we knew how everything was going to turn out.
    If you know how to read between the lines, she has actually answered a lot more than I'm sure she should. I'm sure it's just easier for me since I am probably way older than many of you and have had a lifetime of experiences.
    As much as it kills me to wait and wait, it's the waiting that makes everything worthwhile.
    Just remember, we all can't agree on everything, that's what makes us all individuals. Just know that Julie and the rest of the people who work on the show, try their best to give us an entertaining show and they work very hard.

  4. Gee, I wonder why she didn't just tell everyone what happens in the next two episodes? Silly that people give her shit for that, she gave a lot of insight into what the writers feel is the "destination" for many of these characters.

    These types of interviews lend insight into how she and the other writers are approaching this show philosophically. We kind of have an idea of where they're taking Damon, for example, in the next season because of these types of interviews. We know that next season will about the Originals, thanks to these types of interviews.

    In a lot of ways, I'd rather have that than a detailed list of everything that happens in the finale.

  5. Great little tidbits to tide us over until the finale. I, for one, appreciate that she's keeping mum on most of it. It makes things more exciting and unpredictable.

  6. I'm glad they're dealing with Bonnies family, 'cause the girl has been on her own for too dang long. :(

    As for Damon.. yowsh. The growth of his character is that he brutally attacked Andie but didn't kill her. Argh. Let him NOT attack her in the first place, for nothing at all, then we'll talk growth. Ugh.

  7. So are they gonna make Damon a human then. With all this talk about humanity...


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