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The Vampire Diaries - Post-finale Interview With Julie Plec

15 May 2011

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ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: So I guessed that Klaus’ blood would be the cure for Damon’s werewolf bite, because I knew Damon couldn’t die. But it never occurred to me that Stefan would end up becoming Klaus’ wingman in exchange. How long have you known the season would end with Klaus and Stefan teaming up?
Quite a long time. Look, in the same way that the last two seasons have been a very thick Damon journey as he’s come to terms with his humanity and the things that he hates most about himself, now Stefan, who has been struggling against the thing he hates most about himself from his past, is confronted with that. He’s sort of bitch-slapped by his own addiction, so to speak. And now he sacrificed the thing that he needed the most, which was his sense of strength and free will and will power over this problem that he has.

He had been drinking Elena’s blood to build up a tolerance to human blood, but clearly not enough.
There is moderation, and then there is sustained abuse. I think we just watched the beginnings of Stefan crossing over into that.

I loved that scene of him on the floor. It was like he was a bad dog who’d just devoured five entire bags of treats.
Probably Paul Wesley’s happiest day on set was getting to dive back into that side of Stefan and know that it is the beginning of a big journey for him and for that character to start really returning to the road that has caused him the most grief in his heart and in his mind for 145 years.

I was going to ask you what Paul’s reaction was to that twist.
It’s so funny. He sat down with me [earlier this season] and said, “I need to have a really serious conversation with you.” And I was like, “Uh huh.” And he said, “Stefan’s great as the hero, and he’s so admirable and he’s so honorable, and I love that about him. But as an actor, I feel like it would be great if we could dirty him up a little.” And I was like, “Uh huh.” And he looked at me, and he’s like, “You’re already doing this, aren’t you?” And I said, “Uh huh.” [Laughs] It was so great. Just as he was starting to feel like Stefan can do no wrong, we had been creating this almost heightened sense of heroism for Stefan for months knowing where we were going with it.

Katherine was trying to make Elena feel bad there at the end, like Stefan had given up his life with her to save Damon. But Elena can’t be angry, right, because she’d spent all season trying to sacrifice herself — and her future with Stefan — to save her family and friends?
Katherine was just being a little naughty bitch and stirring the pot. I love the look on Katherine’s face when she’s like, “Are you sure you care?” It’s so deliciously amused by the predicament, like the cat that ate the canary. She’s loving this. Elena, my god, if anything it won’t be anger — it will be guilt.

Katherine delivering the cure to Damon — we’re supposed to believe she did love him, on some level, as she said?
I think on whatever level Katherine is capable of caring about anyone other than herself. In her own way — more overtly and deeply with Stefan, but quietly with Damon — she let both of those boys into her heart just a tiny bit. One more than the other, obviously. Giving Damon his chance at life, that’s a very unKatherine-like thing to do. I love that she did it. While by no means is she a good girl now — she’s still looking out for No. 1 — she took a detour off her escape route to give him back what she took from him at the beginning of the season when she said to him, “It’s always been Stefan, I never loved you.” She was fixing that wound a little bit, which I think is pretty great.

So we know Katherine is a runner, and that Klaus told Stefan he’s going to help him catch her. Does that mean some of season 3 will take place outside of Mystic Falls?
I have no idea. That is a question to be discussed ad nauseam once we get back into [the writers room]. But definitely, she’s got her freedom, which she’s wanted for awhile, and we’ll see how long it lasts.

Moving on to the Damon deathbed scene — that was beautiful not only because it harkened back to Damon holding Rose in his bed as she lay dying, but also because, at least in my mind, you let Elena and Damon have a real moment without her going as far as saying “I love you, too.”
Elena, as we know, is one of the most compassionate people on the show — if not the most compassionate. It’s her own Achilles’ heel, how much she cares about others. So the extent to which she cares about certain people is always going to be a struggle for her. In that moment, Damon needed her forgiveness and her love, and she needed to give it to him. It was very pure for her. There’s a lot that happened in that moment, and season 3 is gonna be about exploring what it means to her, what it means to Damon, and certainly what it means to the Damon-Elena-Stefan relationship.

Will Joseph Morgan (Klaus) and Daniel Gillies (Elijah) be upgraded to regular cast members next season?
All I can say to you is, as I’ve said before, these two actors are extraordinary, and the story of the Originals is probably longer than the Bible and we can’t wait to dig into it.

I’m thinking that Damon and Elena will have to try to find Elijah so he can help them get to Klaus and Stefan. It is safe to say, at least, that we’ll see Elijah again?

I personally think that the world would be a very sad place if The Vampire Diaries never saw Daniel Gillies as Elijah again. I love him. He’s amazing. Until we start talking creatively about season 3, that’s the best I can do.

On to Jeremy… So he can see dead people now? Or is it just his past girlfriends because Bonnie told the witch spirits she loved him so they’d help resurrect him?
All I can say about that is: As Bonnie was told when she was tapping into that kind of magic to do something that goes against the laws of nature, there will be consequences. We’re just getting a slight tease of what those consequences are. For her, the unimagined consequences were worth it. Now if Vicki and Anna end up sticking around and remaining in Jeremy’s world in whatever way it is that they’re appearing, then in addition to supernatural consequences, obviously, there’s gonna be some romantic consequences as well. We’re taking the love triangle to a whole ‘nother level. Without a doubt, this is a story that is teeing up for our audience a whole new element of what we’re going to be doing on this show.

I know how upset you and Kevin Williamson were to lose Anna in last year’s finale. I love that you found a way to bring both those characters back that was totally unexpected. Was that an idea that just came to someone as you were breaking the story for this episode?
No, we had that in our back pocket pretty much the whole year long.

Will Alaric move in with Jeremy and Elena now? That’s what I’m hoping.
I think that what we were saying at the end of the episode is, we’re teeing up a new dynamic that is a family dynamic between Alaric and Jeremy and Elena. I don’t know that he himself is ready for that as a character. He might say yes out of obligation, or yes out of an emotional attachment, or he might run for the hills. Who knows? But definitely it is a question that will be asked when we come back, which is, “Are you our new daddy?” [Laughs]

How long ago did you come up with that idea? Because we all thought when Alaric’s body was taken over by Klaus that it was Matt Davis’ great exit. It’s awesome that he survived that, of all things, and now he is, theoretically, hopefully, becoming a more integral part of the story.
In our heads, we wanted to start building that dynamic at the beginning of this season. As Alaric and Jenna’s relationship got stronger, we wanted to see a friendship brew between Alaric and Jeremy at least, if not the whole family. And then it was just one of the story lines that, unfortunately, each time we had to add a werewolf or a hybrid into the mix got shoved aside. We didn’t get to do it the way we wanted to. So this is like a new beginning for Alaric and a launching platform for his character going forward that will finally make use of the character in as many ways as we can — not just this one — because Matt Davis is so important to us and his portrayal of Alaric is so great. We really want to try to give him what he deserves, which is the character’s strong point of view and great journey, however it plays itself out.

Since Klaus’ blood can cure a werewolf bite on a vampire, I’m wondering what it can do for a werewolf. Is that something we’ll find out in season 3? Is there more to Klaus’ blood?
There’s got to be, I’m sure. The rules of the hybrid and all that comes with being the hybrid, we’ve just scratched the surface.

When did the idea for the hybrid come up?
Before we wrote a single page of season 2.

[EW laughs in amazement.]

Yeah. That was always the plan.

I’m assuming we’ll see Tyler next season.
Absolutely. The series regular family is returning in full effect. Hopefully, we’ll be able to really dig deeply into Tyler’s friendship and blossoming romantic interest in Caroline and her potential interest in him — and also the conflict maybe between the sheriff and the mayor once the mayor comes into the loop, and the lengths they’ll each go to protect their children and possibly try to keep their children away from each other.

Final question: Is there anything more you can tease about where Stefan and Klaus are headed?
The direct road to awesomeness. [Laughs] That’s all I can say. We all couldn’t be more excited — Joseph and Paul Wesley included — to tell those stories. It is exciting to us as writers. It’s exciting to them as actors. We’re very energized about Stefan’s new journey and how Klaus plays into that and how that’s all gonna turn out.

Source: EW


  1. I just love how this interview talks about every character and the big plotlines they will get....except Elena... FOR GODS SAKE, give her something to do apart from caring and love triangle! and while at it, give some personality back she had in those two road trips(the one with damon in s1 and the one with damon and alaric in s2) 

  2. Great finale.  Great interview.

    I missed the post episode page.  I was wondering if anyone else caught that Katherine got into the Salvatore house (now Elena's) without being invited.

  3. I completely agree with you! She used to be such a strong character, but now all she does is caring for others and loving Stefan and Damon. Playing the housewife, so to say. It's a pity. 

  4. I did. I don't know how to explain it, probably just an error from the writers.

  5. Not an error.

    Elena technically DIED. Death destroys the authority owner has over the place he owns.

    Technically the Boarding House is ownerless right now and Elena needs to re-sign the documents to become owner again, which is a very convenient way of having Stefan unable to enter the house(since previous invitations get revoked)  

  6.  I guess you're right. I thought of that myself, but I wasn't sure that was the way it worked. When you say that Stefan is unable to enter the house, you mean next season? 

  7. I think it had to do with Elena dying.. so maybe it was kind of a "reset". House fully open to anyone again. 

  8. The obvious answer would be that since Elena died in the sacrifice, the protection was moot, but this of course opens up other problems...

  9. yes, obviously.

    New stefan obviously is not as friendly as the old-love-the-animals-friend-of-the-birds Stefan.

    Technically the boarding house will be safe from unwanted guests like Stefan. 

  10. What about ALL the scenes from the promo that didn't air???

  11. I, for one, was pretty disappointed with that season finale. It was incredibly lackluster as far as season finales go; it could have been more twisted up and backwards for Damon, more ugly and raw, rather than what little was shown (and, really, who actually thought that Damon's life was in any real danger? People can be a little too gullible). I still think last week's episode--with Stefan vowing to save his older brother and Damon walking off into the sunset like a pimp--would have been a far better season ender. Perhaps this episode would have been better suited for next season?

    As for the Elena/Damon aspect? Sorry, but ever since good old Plec here said that it'll "always be Elena and Stefan" I never thought Elena/Damon as plausible, or, if it did happen, it would be a quick, on-the-way-back-to-Stefan sort of deal; an afterthought. After the finale? My opinion is still the same on those two: I don't see Damon/Elena seriously. But I gotta feel bad for all those overzealous Damon/Elena fans. I mean, shit, Elena didn't even seem all that torn up when Stefan told her that Damon was dying. Even at the end, everything said between them and that little shared kiss, it all seemed more out of pity and sadness for someone she knew that was near death and nothing more (but that is, after all, just what I feel). I think what Stefan did will, ultimately, make the Stefan/Elena relationship even stronger. So it's more of a bonus for Stefan/Elena fans. I wouldn't worry if those two are your favorite couple, because Stefan/Elena are clearly the golden couple, the one that exists in a lot of TV shows: they are "meant" for each other and therefor will always manage to be together in the end, regardless of what/who detours them (and regardless of how boring and bland I find that).

    I think I'm one of the few who miss Rose and wish they'd find a way to bring her back into the show somehow. I'm still disappointed about how that ended up, as well (not so much her death, but her wasted potential as a character). Damon really needs someone for him, someone who is his equal (no compelling, yeah?) and is not Elena, so maybe he can go back to being fun a again.

    But on a side note, Plec? The fact that Damon keeps inadvertently (and once not-so-inadvertently) causing Jeremy's death is becoming pretty damned funny. How many times is this kid going to die? I propose that next season Damon "accidentally" run Jeremy over a few times with a car (not the old Stefan's pussy car, though; that wold ruin the moment). Get him out of that, writers! Or, perhaps, Damon decides to take up the lost art of knife throwing and uses Jeremy's head for practice. Maybe Jeremy drowns when Damon, totally by accident, flushes him down the toilet? Or, Bonnie discovers a passage in the Gilbert journals about zombies, so Damon decides to use Jeremy as a test subject because "Zombies are fucking cool, guys!11!1!" The possibilities are endless here, people. Well, perhaps the possibilities for really horrible fanfiction. Either way.

    tl;dr: Stefan is a Gary Stu and Damon is starting to bore me with how the writers are making him now, so bring back Elijah (Klaus? Meh).

  12. They'd most likely be deleted scenes that will probably be available on the DVD when it comes out (I assume, anyway).

  13. They will probably do that, BUT, if it was not going to be aired shouldn't be on the promo. It was a HUGE mistake. It wasn't only one, where many scenes.
    And I was also disapointed with the finale, I also think they should have ended with the "walk on the sunset". I felt like Damon barely appeared and that the episode was rushed. The stories could have been more explored, maybe in two episodes or more. 

  14. Thanks! (and to all who answered) 

  15. They actually showed a scene or two for that promo that happened in other, previously aired episodes (I think I caught a few, anyway; I could be wrong on that, though).

    Yes, exactly. They should have expanded the finale more, made it beyond that one rushed episode. And, really, they were trying too hard to shove in as many characters as possible; there's no time for them all in 40-something minutes.


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