Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon TV Romance Competition - R2 - Peter & Olivia (Fringe) vs. Monica & Chandler (Friends) & Dean & Castiel (Supernatural) vs. Caroline & Tyler (Vampire D)

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TV Romance Competition - R2 - Peter & Olivia (Fringe) vs. Monica & Chandler (Friends) & Dean & Castiel (Supernatural) vs. Caroline & Tyler (Vampire D)

16 May 2011

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Hey Guys,

Yesterday saw Jack and Kate of LOST make their way into the Quarter Finals, where they will face a tough challenge against Booth & Brennan of Fox hit Bones... Yesterday saw exits for two LOST couples as Desmond & Penny and Sawyer & Kate both made their way out of the tournament...

Today sees Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham of Fringe taking on Monica Geller & Chandler Bing of Friends in our first poll, as well as the sure-to-create-a-stir matchup of Dean Winchester & Castiel challenging Caroline Forbes & Tyler Lockwood of The Vampire Diaries...

As always goes in these competitions, vote for your favourite and then spread the word around the web so that as many people as possible vote! You have 24 hours to do so... and with that, cast your votes...

Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham (Fringe) vs. Monica Geller & Chandler Bing (Friends)

Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham (Fringe)
Played By: Joshua Jackson & Anna Torv

Monica Geller & Chandler Bing (Friends)
Played By: Courtney Cox & Matthew Perry

Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural) vs. Caroline Forbes & Tyler Lockwood (The Vampire Diaries)

Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural)
Played By: Jensen Ackles & Misha Collins

Caroline Forbes & Tyler Lockwood (The Vampire Diaries)
Played By: Candice Accola & Michael Trevino

You can follow me on twitter at @AdDHarris for any queries or questions about the competition and to get the latest news when a new poll goes live.

Check back tomorrow as Round Two continues with Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker of Chuck challenging Fox Mulder & Dana Scully of The X-Files as well as the second poll seeing Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf of Gossip Girl taking on Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry of Glee.

Couples into Quarter Finals:
Day Nine: Jack Shephard & Kate Austen (LOST), Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones)

Couples into Round Two:
Day One: Jack Shephard & Kate Austen (LOST), Desmond Hume & Penny Widmore (LOST)
Day Two: Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones), Sawyer & Kate Austen (LOST)
Day Three: Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham (Fringe), Monica Geller & Chandler Bing (Friends)
Day Four: Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural), Caroline Forbes & Tyler Lockwood (The Vampire Diaries)
Day Five: Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker (Chuck), Fox Mulder & Dana Scully (The X-Files)
Day Six: Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl), Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry (Glee)
Day Seven: Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee), Buffy Summers & Angel (Buffy)
Day Eight: Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (Vampire Diaries), Nikita & Michael (Nikita)



  1.  Peter & Olivia for the win!!

    ...didn't vote in the second poll. Never seen Castiel on screen, don't watch Vampire Diaries...

  2. I don't watch the other shows so i picked Caroline and Tyler i love them Forwood 4ever

  3.  Monica Geller & Chandler Bing (Friends) y Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural) for me!!Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural) for me!!

  4. Let's see if we can avoid D/C wank this time around...

  5. As much as I love Forwood, Destiel and the profound bond will always win! 

  6.  Dean and Castiel. Always.

  7. The Teddy Bear Doctor16 May 2011 at 00:54

    Or any kind of wank, really! ;D *hopes* 

  8. Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker of Chuck challenging Fox Mulder & Dana Scully of The X-FilesMulder and Scully should but won't beat them. :(

  9.  Yay for Dean and Cas. Thanks spoilertv for keeping our guys in this competition – we really appreciate the gesture. XD

  10.  UNPOPULAR OPINION. I love Forwood and I love the BROMANCE between Dean and Cas but I don't ship them.  So it's Forwood all the way although I know the won't win :(

  11. Can you vote more than once? (would a second vote be counted?

  12.  Well, the thing about Dean and Cas is....jk.

  13. Even though I really like Caroline/Tyler, no one can compete with Destiel :') <33
    It will always be those two with their "profound bond" XD


  15.  Dean and Castiel <3 <3 <3 Always so much JOY to vote for them. Vote for the profound bond and epic love with no boundaries!  bond and epic love with no boundaries! 


  17. I'm sorry, I just can't see Dean and Cas being in a sexual relationship. They have a great friendship, but I see nothing romantic about it... So... Yeah. 

  18. Polivia for ever and ALWAYS!!!!


    Hum.... fuck it, Destiel

  20. Caroline and Tyler.  Caroline and Matt were my favorite people in season 1.  I don't remember much about Tyler.  But since I'm voting against Supernatural in this poll, it doesn't really matter.

  21. Monica&Chandler (I love them together) and Dean&Castiel (I want them more) 

  22. At least all the other "non-couples" are things waiting to happen.... Dean and Castiel is just delusional.

  23. Supporting Dean and Castiel all the way. :') They are the ultimate OTP of all<3

  24. I know, gays are in in the last few years.
    And Dean is just soooo hot (and yes, I know, Dean and Castiel are not a couple)
    But come on, guys … Dean and Castiel over Tyler and Caroline?
    Just … Get serious

  25. same here.  

  26.  I love both pairings, but Dean and Cas all the way.

  27. Let's not what?

    I'm all for same sex couples. Dean and Castiel are not one. Delusional slasher fangirls be damned.

  28.  When I tried to vote a second time, I got the message "your vote has already been counted". And this was without being logged in, so it must be recognizing my computer (or something telepathic, I dunno).

  29.  As much as I love Peter and Olivia, I shipped Chandler and Monica before the writers of Friends did, so I had to vote for them -- but Dean/Castiel is my OTP, their relationship is just fantastic (and of course profound :0)

  30.  Castiel and Dean of course. lol  Who else.

  31. xD I never slash Dean/Cas, but I'll vote for them cause this is so funny that they're here 

  32. I can't even vote on that without voting out one of my favorites. Mulder and Scully forever!

  33. Same here, too. 

  34.   Supernatural fan my self, but I'm with you on this one, I just don't get it....

  35. Peter/Olivia need to win this one!
    Dean/Cas, hell yeah!

  36.  Im with rhiley. Just, no.

  37.  Caroline/Tyler!! They are so cute together-go Forwood!!

  38. Do you hear that?

    That's the sound of my little fangirl heart singing with joy.

    Long live the Profound Bond. 

  39. Were wining with a imaginary couple. lol 

  40.  Peter and Olivia!!! Best TV couple EVER!

  41. I am one of those delusional fangirls. ;) And I voted for Dean/Castiel. Long live the profound bond!

  42. Dean and Cas  isnt a couple or a potential couple. Because they are both straight. This pairing just makes all the other legitimate candidates look silly. And of course the supernatural will vote anything related to supernatural because they have no life.  

  43. I love how you refer to a non-human asexual being as "straight". LOL.Thank you for tearing yourself away from your rich and fruitful life to bless us with this comment. 

  44. I'm a diehard Supernatural fan and I refuse to vote for "Destiel".  Please don't lump us all together.  I thoroughly hope that Supenatural loses this contest. 

  45.  Well, I'm glad you seem to know it all when it comes to show, especially taking into the fact that it isn't about sexuality when Castiel is actually genderless.

  46.  Romance doesn't have to be sexual. :)

  47. Dean/Castiel??????? O_o bromance maybe, but not romantically. I vote for them anyway haha...

  48. I voted monica chandler cuz I just love em and my fave show is supernatural but I had nominated caroline and tyler so I have to stick with them

  49.  u gotta be kidding me.........these two gays are  leading everywhere even thy r beating my favorite TVD....oh why dont u put DELENA with thm , i am sure no one wouldn't be vote thm

  50. Mondler all the way, that proposal was just the best, i bet if Ross saw it he would have welled up! But on this website, Olivia/Peter will win it's a sure thing!

  51. I almost voted Peter/Olivia but then I realise that this is the vote for the best romance of ALL TIME. As much as I like Fringe, P/O hardly classifies as one for the ages, IMO, but Chandler/Monica was groundbreaking and so epic at the time, and Friends was a hugely popular, influential show. So they are 100% getting my vote.

  52. I voted Peter&Olivia - because they're one of the few couples I dig like whoa! - and Dean&Castiel - because no other couple, existing or potential, can put me through the wringer or make me laugh so hard like these two.

    And considering that Castiel and Raphael both chose a male and a female body at one point in the series, I don't see what the uproar is about *shrugs*

  53. Chandler & Monica,they were awesome!Plus,I don't watch Fringe..
    And Dean & Cas!And I'm not saying that I want them as a couple,I'm just saying that they make me laugh(or cry in the last episode)and I like their chemistry!Let's not take everything so seriously...

  54. Seriously we understand already you don't aprove. lol
    If they win no big deal in if they loss no big deal. 
    It's just a poll not the TV Guide.
    I for one just voteing for the friendship of the too.

  55. "gays are in" - lol. Like this is something new? Ever heard of
    Kirk/Spock? Epic romance cannot be denied, even if a kiss never happens.

    We are, I promise you, totally serious. :)

  56.  Oh, this is getting tough! But when it comes to Peter and Olivia, there's never a question. Can't vote on the next one though, don't watch either show. 

  57.  Dean and cas forever!!!!!! 

  58.  Poor forwood pairing :<

    Fell victim to rabid insane slash fangirls...

  59.  Dean/Cas all the way! I love these 2 so much. 

  60. Dammit, much as I love Peter and Olivia, I really wanted Monica and Chandler to win, they are my all time favourite TV couple!

  61. As much as I like Caroline/Tyler, I'll never not go for Dean/Cas until I have the chance to do it. <3

  62. It's not that Dean/Castiel is slash. It's that I genuinely adore Dean/Cas as a pairing. I wouldn't vote for Dean/Gabriel or Sam/Cas if they were options. I don't ship them at all. Same with Sam/Dean. Not into that pairing for a number of reasons.

    Point is, I'm not voting for slash. I'm voting for a specific pairing that I love.

  63. Voted Dean/Cas, of course. Also voted Monica/Chandler, partly because they did make a bizarrely cute couple, & partly because I don't watch Fringe.

  64. clowninthealley16 May 2011 at 11:53

    That's adorable.

  65. clowninthealley16 May 2011 at 11:55

    No other couple-romantic or otherwise-has ever made me feel as much as Dean and Castiel have. Their relationship, their chemistry is so complex that I can barely get a firm grasp on it some days. What they share is freaking beautiful, whether you see it as romantic or not. So yeah, obviously my vote goes to my boys.<3

  66.  vote for Castiel and Dean ;D

  67. POLIVIA (Peter and Olivia) is the best couple of all the time <3

  68. Put it this way, there's Dean/Lisa or Dean/Cas: Which couple has a confirmed CANON "profound bond", issues with personal space, sex jokes galore, heartbreak, betrayal, trust issues, rely on each other to stay on the right track, one continually risking his life/dying to save to save the other, "everything i did, i did for you", "I'm doing this because of you", "don't do this because *i'm* asking you not to", cute moments like fixing ties, going to a strip club but going home a few minutes later finding more enjoyment with each other instead, other characters commenting on the love/tension between them, "last time somebody looked at me like that i got laid", sexy winks etc x infinity...............while the other couple has a one night stand following by Dean settling for them just to honor Sam's promise.  The first is Dean/Cas, the 2nd is Dean/Lisa.  Srsly, if Cas were a hot chick, nobody would question it being a LOT more than friendship.

  69. lostrocks4ever16 May 2011 at 12:50

    i will never vote against supernatural, no matter how unrelated it is to the competition :D
    but, i do love dean and cas's relationship, even if it is non-romantic

    don't watch fringe and hated monica and chandler together so didn't vote for either of them
    wish i oculd have voted for caroline and tyler but my love will always go out to spn

  70.  Thank you for your unoriginal insult, which is also as sadly ignorant as you are. :(

  71. lol yeah because "[Castiel] is in love with you", "We have a profound bond", "I did it all for you" is sooo delusional, there's NOTHING there, at ALL.   Cuz when it comes to guy/guy couples, it's all just a big, [3 season long], homophobic joke LOLZ LOLZ.

  72. I voted for Peter and Olivia, whose romance persists despite the strangest of circumstances, including glimmering and the occasional replacement by an alternate self. 

    Nevertheless, I want to put in a good word for Monica and Chandler. I was so surprised, and very happy, when they hooked up late in the show's run. They were good buds all those years and best of friends as a married couple. And what a beautiful dress!

    Don't watch the other two shows so didn't vote there. 

  73. Your homophobia is showing.

  74. They're not imaginary when characters confirm it within the show!

  75. Castiel and Dean over a Vampire Diaries pairing? I don't believe it! :D I always got the impression that Vampire Diaries were more popular than Supernatural!

    I ship Destiel, just FYI.

  76.  :') Had to vote for Monica & Miss Chanandler BongMiss Chanandler Bong

  77.  Peter/Olivia and Caroline/Tyler for me :)

  78. lostrocks4ever16 May 2011 at 13:59

    No way!! Not here at least (I don't think)
    It may just also be people who think it's a funny pairing and vote for it

    I'm not a shipper but I love that people do ship it. I do love those 2

  79. This is sooo unfair!! Why do Forwood and Destiel have to be against each other so early in the competition?! I love both pairings to pieces, but I've been a Destiel shipper almost since Castiel's first appearance. They've been through a lot together, their chemistry is awesome and the dialogues are chock-full of innuendos: "Blow me, Cas", "Last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid!", "The angel in the trenchcoat who's in love with you", "Cas, get out of my ass!",... I just HAD to vote for them. As for the other pairings, I love them both too (again!), but after what happened in the Fringe season finale, I felt I had to give them my support :)

    P.S. In case someone didn't know, the SPN quotes I mentioned are fully intentional, not delusions of a crazy fangirl. The writers are perfectly aware of what they're doing. They know many people love these characters, and they give us what we want. They are generous like that :)

  80.  Ã±ajfdv

  81.  it was hard for me to vote for peter and Olivia when peter doesn't exist but i managed 

  82. Voted for Monica and Chandler.... and Dean/Cas... obviously :D

  83.  Peter and Olivia are the most epic couple. If you don't agree, it's because you don't watch fringe.

  84. Why so butthurt, bb? If you don't see or want to see Dean/Cas, that's fine, but voting deliberately against it? makes you look childish and petty.

  85. Guess what, we are actually serious! Go figure. It's a bit amusing, though, that you can't seem to understand that this isn't really about anyone being gay (come on, half of the pairing is not even a man, let alone human, so imposing your heterosexist world-view onto this situation makes you look rather clueless).

    I actually like Tyler and Caroline, but I honestly think they've got nothing going on compared to the bond Dean and Cas share.

  86. He'll be back. 

  87. I would argue that getting worked up over someone voting one way or the other in an online poll is FAR more childish.

  88.  I love Monica and Chandler, but Peter and Olivia is my number 1. Oh and I don't watch TVD so the profound bond it is!

  89. I voted Monica/Chandler 'cause they were pretty cute, it not incredibly cheesy.  : )

    I went for Dean and Cas, too -- I don't see them in a sexual relationship, or even in any romantic relationship; it's pitiful how many anti-Dean/Cas people on here don't understand that a relationship does not automatically equal sex, or is even characterized by sex.  For fuck's sake, there's more to it -- perhaps not with one-dimensional, whiny, desperate 20-somethings like on every other show in TV (Vampire Diaries included), but there are some shows that are well-written and well-acted enough to show a profound connection between two people; with Cas and Dean, there has been more depth, sacrifice and heartbreak than just about any other relationship on TV.  Cas gave up his life, family and home (and nearly at one point, his immortality) to help Dean and Sam save the world, and up until recently, Dean has trusted Cas fully and considered him a brother.  I consider the overall relationship between Dean and Cas more of a tragedy considering all they've been through, and continue to go through, even if they have some of the most hilarious moments together mostly because of Cas' misunderstanding of humans and their quirks.  So I don't 'ship Dean and Cas, I'm fine that some people do, but c'mon people.  If you don't want SPN fans to "wank", don't throw any wank our way either, it's childish and hypocritical.

  90. Peter and Olivia, Dean and Castiel. What's so wrong with a "bromance"? It's not like there brothers or anything ;) I'm a Supernatural fan but not a Dean/Cas shipper (I'll just let the writers work things out) but think its progressive that they are actually being considered as a couple.

    It's going to come down to Peter/Olivia and Dean/Castiel in the final poll isn't it.

  91. Supernatural fandom is pulling a cookie monster.
    yum yum yum. lol 

  92.   It's true, but there is no romance here...Sure, there's a profund bond between them, but just as it is with Sam. Dean even said in the last episode that he considered Cass a BROTHER, part of his family, like Bobby.

  93. Supernatural is my one of my favorite shows, Jensen is my favourite actor, dean is one of my favorite caracters of all times, I love misha and Castiel BUT I don't want him to win this contest......ok they have a amazing relationship and they're so funny together BUT I don't see any romance! for me it's friendship and brotherhood (Dean said it in 6x20 : "you're like a brother to me") and this is not because I don't like gay couples (kurt/blaine <3, Britania <3,....) but sure people can love non-canon couples and this poll allows them so I have nothing to say about that. And yes some of you may argue about the "non-canon" with Destiel but for me that's true, they will never be a couple in canon (couple as in romance + sex) for me they love each other but they're not IN LOVE. Like Sam and Dean they love each other but as a big Supernatural fan I don't get the Wincest thing... But let's not go there :p Again I not bashing those who ship Destiel I'm just saying that FOR ME they shoudn't win this competition :) But I must say supernatural fans always amaze me :)  thanks to their love and their obsession (:p) , SPN won the TV Guide cover so I'm not really surprise that Dean/Castiel are winning even if I don't want them to.....

  94.  Peter & Olivia - Caroline & Tyler

  95.  Chandler and Monica,forever.I don't see much sense about Dastiel since Dean isn't gay and Cas has no sexuality,but there's no way Forwood is going to beat them,as much as I wanted it too.Voted for them anyway,I accept the lost.I know how it feels to have a damn otp that has no chance of coming true,I'm a Delena.

  96. Dean/Cas is the most EPIC relation I've ever seen in a TV Show... Bromance, or romance, or only brotherhood, you CAN NOT denied that they LOVE EACH OTHER deeply.

  97. Voted Peter & Olivia cos their awesome!

    Didn't vote the 2nd poll... both options suck tbh


  99. Dean and Castiel are not a romantic couple?  

  100.  Monica and Chandler & Tyler and Caroline! 

  101. Monica and Chandler!  Ugh, it's so close it hurts.

  102. If "gays are in", does that imply that "straights are out"?  What is this, a fad?  You're ignorance is showing.  

    And neither Dean nor Cas is gay, they just have a really well-written relationship, and a brotherly bond.  How is that so bad?  "C'mon, Dru.  Get serious".

  103. Seems like Dahne is pretty worked up over voting against a pairing, are you going to call her childish, too?  No?  Didn't think so. 

  104. In this competition is a lot of hypothetical couples: Elena/Damon, Caroline/Tyler, Booth/Brennan even Chuck/Blair (they are not together right now).

    Of course that Dean and Cass are only bros. But all creators and actors of Sepernatural knows about Destiel and play with fans, see this:

  105.  I'm usually too late for these and too cowardly to participate, but here goes. 

    1st: Peter and Olivia. 
    Didn't vote second, have only seen two episodes of 'The Vampire Diaries' and I don't like Castiel, no offence to the actor as he's great in other things I just don't get on board with the whole angel thing. 

  106. Because as we all know, the only reason anyone could ever vote for a non-heterosexual couple that isn't canon is because it's slash. It's not like it could be characters, or well written interaction, or an intriguing dynamic; and no men ever, ever like it. Nope, we're all just hysterical women obsessing over Teh Ghey who are 'insane' for being invested in that dynamic. Or, you know, not.

  107. OK. And? People have different opinions about characters than you. Wow, almost like it's... what's that word. Subjective.

  108. Voted Peter/Olivia. OH MAN IT IS SO CLOSE!!

  109. My vote is always for the profound bond. 

  110. Supernatural is my most favourite show of all time, but I'll never see Dean and Cas as anything other than friends, so I'm voting for Caroline and Tyler. Though ultimately my favourites are Peter and Olivia. They are so sweet together, I really hope they win.


  112. Hey, Assbutts. Stop hating on Dean and Cas!   Sure, they're not romantically involved on screen but no amount of PDA will ever compare to their profound bond.<3

  113. Totally had to go for the Profound Bond, of course. (although, I do like the relationship of Caroline and Tyler. It's very sweet, too.) But that first poll - oh wow. That was HARD! I love them both, but in the end, I had to go with Peter and Olivia. (Sorry, Monica and Chandler)

  114. Gah! That first poll is just not fair.  I'll have to go with Peter/Olivia, because I'm feeling all sorts of nostalgic for their relationship now that it might have never existed.  As far as the second poll ... I love Dean and Cas.  I can even see the couple thing a little - that fight between them in season 5 was damn hot.  But it's a show about family, and to me, right now, Cas is part of the family.  Now, I'm not saying that if the writers took it in their head to write themselves a Dean/Cas relationship (and did as well as the Fringe writers did, Peter/Olivia in fact being the perfect example of how to go from a semi-family dynamic to a believable romantic one), I'd be against it.  I'm just saying, to me, they're brothers, and straight and semi-asexual, respectively, and it'd be kinda hard for the writers to capitalize on that chemistry in a way that didn't come across as random and a little incestuous.  Just my opinion, of course.

  115.  OMG! Did you just read my mind?
    I think I might be in love with you now! Those were my thoughts exactly!

  116. How are Peter and Olivia actually losing?!

  117. Dean/Castiel. Their love is legendary.

  118.  Baha, dude! Gays are in? I can just imagine it now; marriages all over the world ending, because it's just not fashionable anymore and it's big time to start hooking up with your best friend instead, cuz that person happens to be the same sex as you.


    And sure, there is something happening between Caroline and Tyler, but that doesn't even come close to what Dean and Cas share. For all we know, there's a Caroline - Jeremy love connection in the next season with the ways twist in TVD. 

    Destiel has been years in the making, and sacrificed themselves for the other too many times to be considered 'friendly'. Their connection is tangable and visible to anyone who has brains to match their eyes.

  119. Supernatural fans intentionally voting against D/C make me ashamed of our fandom. It's a stupid poll, and even if you don't like the ship, you can't just let us have our fun?

    I don't ship Wincest, but I would vote for it if it appeared in this poll. A LOT of people would. Because even if I don't ship it, it's a representation of the show. Because yeah, it's a silly little poll, but fandom should be about more than petty ship wars, But the Supernatural fandom clearly isn't, so fuck you very much.

  120.  All the awards.Also, to the original poster: so romantic = sexual. Interesting view.

  121. all the couples you mentioned have kissed at least once, could happen in canon and are ROMANTICALLY involved. Despite the littles JOKES from the writters and the actors I don't think Destiel will ever happen... For me they are like BROTHERS. But again this poll is not about couples which could happen or will happen or already happened, it's about couples (real or not) that fans love so feel free to vote for Destiel if you want :) FOR ME they're not and will never be ROMANTICALLY involved and I just find that there is so much more beautiful and real couples on TV. Even if I love SPN and I vote for the show in all the other polls I don't want them to win this one.....

  122. Peter and Olivia :)

  123. clowninthealley16 May 2011 at 22:44

     You spell Cas like Cass. Your argument is invalid.

  124. katiespencerrr16 May 2011 at 23:08

    I love both Dean & Castiel but seeing as it's not exactly canon I don't think it should be included in this, but each to their own I suppose :P & I LOVE Forwood so I voted for them, even though it's unlikely they'll win :)

  125. Wait, Polivia is LOSING!? Impossible. C'mon 100 more Fringe fans -- get voting! 

  126.  NOOOOOO!!! Why are Peter and Olivia lagging behind. she crossed a universe for him, people!! A UNIVERSE!!!  

  127. Totallyaddicted00516 May 2011 at 23:46

     but he also risked and succeeded in not existing, just to save her from dying (and save the world from destruction..but you know POLIVIA all the way!)

  128. I ship for dean/castiel... ROMANTICALLY and not brotherly. I hope that's okay? personally because at the moment if dean/cas still not doing something consider romantic, its all comes down because castiel's vessel is a male (it's a sad fact I know).sure, in the last episode, dean did said "you're like a brother to me" to cas. but imagine if castiel's vessel is a female. dean might said "you're like a sister to me" to cas, too. but then again he might also propose her to do something we all consider romantic. because apparently dean did in fact once propose someone he sometimes consider like a sister, too (jo harvelle). dean also doesn't have a problem to have sex with an angel (anna) she might be human at the times, but we all know dean continue trying to flirt with her still when she became an angel again (the car swerve scene in "the rapture" episode)

    now, dean's throw away lines at cas, dude if cas is in female vessel, that's like a flirt to me just like he did to anna.and at this point, with the way dean/castiel relationship getting deeper and deeper, again I think if castiel vessel is a female, dean already boning the angel right at the moment. but I guess, our good audience in front of the tv and the network still can't accept that.

    I admit though, castiel mostly will not became such this big if it plays by an actress and not misha colins. and since I prefer cas always be plays by him... so yeah. I tried to not act like a rabid fan girls and accept all of that.

    I still voted for dean/castiel in here, though :)

  129. So happy to see Dean and Castiel in the competition!  Love without boundaries <3

  130. You, my friend, just made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  131. Actually, I don't ship anyone in Supernatural. That's right, no one. Not Dean/Cas, not Sam/Dean, not Sam/Cas, not Dean/Lisa, no one. Can't I watch a show without having to group characters into relationships? And frankly, Cas is NOT a girl, and even if he was in a female vessel, I would still consider him a male. Raphael switched into a female vessel, but do you call Raphael a girl? I know I don't. When Cas was in Jimmy's daughter did you call Cas a girl? I didn't. I don't ship Cas and Dean together because I see nothing other than friendship, and brotherhood. Granted they have a great relationship, and as you said a profound bond, but I can see nothing sexual or romantic about it, as I already said.

  132.  I don't think Dahne seemed worked up at all. Simply stated he was voting against Supernatural in this poll. He seemed to be very calm as he said it.

  133. That would make sense if angels had genders. Which they don't.

    Your argument is invalid.

  134. I don't see Kat getting butthurt. They're just calling someone else out on their childish behaviour. Chillax, my bruddah.

  135. You asked, "Can't I you watch a show without having to group characters into relationships?"

    Yes, you absolutely can.

    But can you demand that other people do the same and that they watch the show in the exact same way you do?

    No, you cannot. 

    Everyone has a different way of reading the show. People who take pleasure in subtext and shipping are no worse than people who don't. Not shipping anything doesn't make you a better or worse fan, it just makes you one with a different reading. 

    If you don't ship Dean/Cas, that's fine. Just don't throw shade at people who do. We're all fans here and we all just want to have fun. If you don't ship it, then don't vote for it. It's a simple as that.

  136.  Awesome Dean/Cas are in the lead.

  137. If you squint you eyes tight enough you can see that they are. 

  138.  Dean and Cas belong together and Destial Fans will always support the pairing. 

  139. tedwhoisdriving17 May 2011 at 07:19

    Dean and Castiel - funny bromance 

  140. You don't have to ship anyone, nobody said that.  I also didn't say/imply that Cas was a girl.  He's not.  He's genderless and may identify more with male vessels but, as we've seen with Jimmy's daughter and Raphael, it doesn't really matter to them.  Jimmy ASKED to be Cas's vessel to save his daughter.  Anyway, what I meant was, if his vessel had been like Anna for instance and was all up in Dean's personal space, making sex jokes like "I was never sucking your...." and having other characters say "The one in the little slip dress who's in love with you" - I mean come on.

  141.  oh! how bad it is! It's just a little discrepancy! My Peter & Olivia :(

  142. I was too late to vote, but I can comment on who I would choose. I don't watch Fringe, so by default Monica and Chandler win. They were such a cute couple in Friends. I LOVE Tyler and Caroline! Totally love them together. I watch Supernatural too, but I don's ship those guys together at all.  

  143. My what?

    Are you kidding?

    Two of my best friends are gay. And another one is be.

    I never had a problem with any of them (or their lovers).

    I just meant that Dean and Castiel have no romance. But Tyler and Caroline
    are coming together (hope there is some cure for werewolf bite left)

  144. Again:

    I have NO problems with gays.

    Some of my best friends are gay or be.

    My problem is, that if this is supposed to be about romance and couples, the
    persons should be a couple. Or at least there should be something romantic
    between them.

    If they are just good friends or make up a good team there should be a poll
    for that. But if this is about romance there have to be romantic feelings.

    Am I wrong?


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