Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon TV Romance Competition - QF - Jack & Kate (LOST) vs. Booth & Brennan (Bones) & Monica & Chandler (Friends) vs. Dean & Castiel (Supernatural)

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TV Romance Competition - QF - Jack & Kate (LOST) vs. Booth & Brennan (Bones) & Monica & Chandler (Friends) vs. Dean & Castiel (Supernatural)

19 May 2011

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Hey Guys,

Yesterday the final places in the Quarter Finals were booked by Kurt & Blaine of Glee as well as Damon & Elena of The Vampire Diaries. Falling at the second attempt were Buffy and Angel as well as Nikita & Michael. Worth mentioning is the fact that Damon & Elena got over 5,000 votes making them the second most voted for couple in round two behind Dean Winchester & Castiel...
Today sees the first two of our Quarter Finals, with Jack & Kate from mystery thriller LOST squaring up against Brennan & Booth from police procedural Bones. The second battle has the couple of comedy Chandler & Monica from smash hit Friends taking on the mighty and current competition favourite'Destiel'; best known as Dean Winchester and Castiel from the spooky Supernatural.
Which two couples will make the semi-finals?..

As always goes in these competitions, vote for your favourite and then spread the word around the web so that as many people as possible vote! You have 24 hours to do so... and with that, cast your votes...

Jack Shephard & Kate Austen (LOST) vs. Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones)

Jack Shephard & Kate Austen (LOST)
Played By: Matthew Fox & Evangeline Lillie

Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones)
Played By: David Boreanaz & Emily Deschanel

Chandler Bing & Monica Geller (Friends) vs. Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural)

Chandler Bing & Monica Geller (Friends)
Played By: Matthew Perry & Courtney Cox

Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural)
Played By: Jensen Ackles & Misha Collins

You can follow me on twitter at @AdDHarris for any queries or questions about the competition and to get the latest news when a new poll goes live.

Check back tomorrow as the Quarter Finals conclude with Chuck & Sarah of Chuck taking on Chuck & Blair of Gossip Girl as well as Kurt & Blaine of Glee challenging Damon & Elena of The Vampire Diaries...

Couples into Quarter Finals:
Day Nine: Jack Shephard & Kate Austen (LOST), Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones)
Day Ten: Monica Geller & Chandler Bing (Friends), Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural)
Day Eleven: Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker (Chuck), Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
Day Twelve: Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee), Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)

Couples into Round Two:
Day One: Jack Shephard & Kate Austen (LOST), Desmond Hume & Penny Widmore (LOST)
Day Two: Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones), Sawyer & Kate Austen (LOST)
Day Three: Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham (Fringe), Monica Geller & Chandler Bing (Friends)
Day Four: Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural), Caroline Forbes & Tyler Lockwood (The Vampire Diaries)
Day Five: Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker (Chuck), Fox Mulder & Dana Scully (The X-Files)
Day Six: Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl), Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry (Glee)
Day Seven: Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee), Buffy Summers & Angel (Buffy)
Day Eight: Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (Vampire Diaries), Nikita & Michael (Nikita)



  1.  Jack & Kate, who were the best couple on LOST in my opinion.

    Also Chandler & Monica, best couple of all time, I'll be voting for them over Jack & Kate if by some miracle they reach the Semi Finals! ... surely even some Supernatural fans must admit that they are the bees knees of TV Romance... 

  2.  Jack & Kate
    Chandler & Monica

    I really hope Dean & Cas don't get through. As awesome as their relationship is, it's not a romance :\

  3. I love how Destiel has had more votes than ANYONE so far.  

  4.  Though decision between B&B and Kate&Jack.... ended up voting for Jack&Kate though. especially on account that in 6 seasons B&B have not seem to come quite a long way as Jack and Kate did. (especially in the heart-breaking series finale of LOST.)

    the other choice is also a though one.... as much as I love Friends and Chandler&Monica my favourite couple is in that show.... I cannot ignore the 'profound bond' of Dean&Cas.
    So Destiel it is!

  5. C'mon people! Let's end this stupid 'Destiel' non-sense!

    Voted: Jack & Kate
    Monica & Chandler

  6. As much as I love Bones/Booth, it has to be Jack/Kate!! They were epic when Lost was airing. I've been voting Dean/Castiel this whole time because I love their bromance but there is no way ever that they can compare to Monica/Chandler who IMO are just simply the best couple of all time!!!

  7. Rooting for Dean and Castiel as always!

    Say what you want, but nothing can take away what this ship means to me and so many others.

  8. Never watched Lost, so it's Booth/Brennan for me.

    And it always will be Dean/Cas for me. Never watched Friends that much anyway :) 

  9. I'm quite happy for people to see them as a romance if they wish. 

    The thing that baffles me is how they see them as the greatest TV romance... 

  10. "Good things do happen, Dean."  I support Dean, Castiel, and the profound bond they share! <3

  11. I love Monica and Chandler,but I am part of the SPN fandom, this is awful...... voting both, but I think it's pretty sure which one will win.

  12. lostrocks4ever19 May 2011 at 12:39

    jack and kate, because although i hated their relationship, i love lost
    and dean and catiel. easy for two reasons
    1. i LOVE supernatural and thier 'profound bond' is absolutley hilarious
    2. monica and chandler is one of my least fave relationships of all time

    love how many votes dean and cas are getting in this competion. i think its hilarious
    go the power of the spn fans!! :D

  13. Voted Booth&Bones - because I love them and I didn't like Jack&Kate.
    Voted Dean&Castiel - because I love them and Monica&Chandler got on my nerves like you wouldn't believe it.

  14.  I love Supernatural. I truely, deeply, honestly do. I think it's the most awesomest show on The CW and watched it loyally from the pilot episode. But I just HATE how the fandom are always hellbent on voting multiply, or coercing others to vote for them, nonstop. If there is ever a poll, and Supernatural have an entry, I think it's safe to say that they'll win, whether they deserve to or not. And right now, they do not. Monica and Chandler were epic. More than that, they were an actual romantic couple that deserved the title of being one of the greatest. Dean and Castiel have a great bromance, just like Eposito and Ryan on Castle, or Chuck and Morgan on Chuck.

    And for the first vote, as much as I love Booth and Brennan, I'm a Jater through and through =D

  15. Oh Adam, so naive. Destiel will *always* win.

  16. Only watched two seasons of LOST,so Booth and Bones!
    And,although I really liked Monica and Chandler,I'll go with Dean and Cas!
    I don't consider them a romantic couple,but of all the couples in this competition,I enjoy their interactions the most!   : )

  17. Not naive, I fully expected Destiel to win today... :P

  18. I love the logic behind your voting. 
    1. It's a romantic couple competition.2. I really like Monica & Chandler.
    3. I don't consider Dean & Cas a romantic couple.
    Conclusion. I'll vote Dean & Cas. 


  19. Jack and Kate were each other's Constants, and their relationship was central.

    Monica and Chandler fell in love late in the run, but their romance seemed so natural and so right. So those are my votes.

  20. Did you not see the part where I enjoy them most of all?!?
    And I never said I base my decisions on logic(that term completely escapes me)...!
    ; )

  21. Dean and Castiel have the most epic romance of all time. It might not be sexual or in the form of an official relationship, but they have done more for each other than any television couple I have ever seen, and so for that I will always vote for them. You really can't deny it's romantic (if you actually know what the word means). They're not winning simply because Supernatural fans like to pull together in general -- I mean, that DOES help -- but Dean/Castiel has a HUGE fan base, thousands of supporters in the LJ community alone, so of course we're going to vote for our ship when we finally see it being given some recognition.

    "Millions of years of existence.  He’s seen creation and destruction and war and famine and greed and lust and love and power and wonder and none of it had nearly so profound an impact on him as Dean Winchester did."

  22. I had a really hard time picking between Jack/Kate and Booth/Brennan, though. Love them both.

  23.  Actually, it is a romance if you actually know what the word means.

  24.  Multiple voting IS in the rules, so I honestly don't see why some people seem to have a problem with this. I do not doubt that other pairings got multiple votes from the fan base (Vampire Diaries and GLEE in particular). 

    The simple truth is there are more folks and more votes. 

  25. Multiple Voting is NOT allowed and is NOT possible.

  26. True. If people worry their couple won't win find recruitment. And that thing is fair, because people wont vote WHAT THEY WONT VOTE just because other people coerce them!

  27. What she mean was multiple based on the LARGE fan base, not by one person.

  28. hahaha... sadly I studied philosophy so I have too much of an understanding of Logic for my liking.
    The most dullest of subjects ever created is Philosophical logic... I'd steer clear :P 

  29. Not likely. 

  30.  Booth and Brennan and Castiel and Dean

  31. I've never really been into polls before, but the amount of support Dean/Cas is getting is rather inspiring. There are so many beautiful and "profound" pairings out there (canon or not) that aren't acknowledged much just because the characters are both male.  
    Dean/Cas winning here in this made-for-fun contest is both exciting and very touching IMHO. As ridiculous as this may sound, it makes me believe in that indiscriminating, open-minded and understanding part of humanity. :) Lol. 
    People vote them for various reasons but I believe they really won't vote unless they have somehow felt or seen that these boys' relationship have contributed to the show's epic-ness, no matter how minuscule that gut feeling is, it's still there.
    Personally, I am voting because I am totally in love with Dean and Cas and their relationship; not because I'm a Supernatural fan or a slash fan. I am so fascinated and amazed at how beautiful and strong their chemistry is. I will forever be awestruck at how the universe has conspired to bring these two incredibly hot people (Jensen & Misha) who look so good together in the show and who act out their parts so well. They don't need to kiss or have sex to make people feel their "romance"; no, what Dean & Cas have is something much deeper. So much so that their couple has inspired an obscene amount of wonderful pieces of art in the form of stories, fanart, fanvideos etc. Their fans' passion is astounding.
    So just the fact that they have reached the Quarter Finals, already makes me really happy. 
    More power to Dean/Cas and its awesome supporters/shippers!!! 

  32. I have no idea what bones is. ... 

  33. I love supernatural and have watched it from day one and adore all the characters, My favourite being Dean and I love his relationship with Castiel but is not by any stretch of the imagination a romance and its getting silly that this poll is being hijacked into this inevitable conclusion. For that reason I feel I can in all fairness not carry on with it the fun and excitement of the voting has gone. You have one this one... Whats the next poll? 

  34. Agree baby. Most people maybe won't believe, but there some part of them who vote for Destiel not just because Destiel is their favorite, Supernatural is their show, or how epic for them Destiel relationship is; bromance, lover or whatsoever.
    Some of Destiel voters was hoping to BreaK the stereotype mind that two male relationship Can Not be acknowledge. Whether they are a real pair like Klaine or something more deep and epic even though a kiss would never happened like Destiel.

  35. clowninthealley19 May 2011 at 13:47

     I love Monica and Chandler, but Destiel is the air I breathe, so it's no contest. Don't watch either of the other two shows so I didn't vote in the first poll.

    Carry on my wayward voters~

  36. Yeah. :) That fact in itself is incredibly romantic. *swoon*

  37. But why would Dean/Cas be the "bees knees" of romance? If this were the 2011 SpoilerTV Pairing or Buddy Competition, sure, but why Romance? There isn't the remotest hint of it on Supernatural and it's a complete fan construct. Is this people voting for a fanfic couple, or people just voting Supernatural because that's their favourite show?

  38. clowninthealley19 May 2011 at 13:55

    We've been through this several times already. So instead of repeating myself, I'll just say bite me, Cpt Butthurt.

  39. clowninthealley19 May 2011 at 13:58

    Right on, bro. 

  40. Thank you :) *whoops... catching you before you reach the ground* 

  41. LOl destiel in fanfic but CHANDLER AND MONICA! omg FTW (and I know son will win any way)

    And SCREW YOU JATE! I want Bones/Booth MWAHAHHA! And omg this poll is gonna go crazy tonight after the finale MWHAHAHAH! I feel a tweeter riot ahahahaha. :DDD

  42.  :D Chandler and Monica!!!!!!!!! HE PEED on her, they DESERVE to win

  43.  They meant loose agaisnt VD *please no* or Kurt/Blaine *please yes*

  44.  Logic dont work well with spn fans...

  45.  There'll be peace when we are done! sorry couldnt resist

  46. I haven't seen the arguments yet as I haven't been very active in these polls. If you just wanted to alienate someone who is legitimately trying to understand, congrats and sorry to have apparently offended you.

  47.  I'm offended that House and Wilson's bromance didn't make it here, they would've kicked everyone's behind!!!

  48. If by romance you mean "to tell extravagant or improbable lies" then yes :P. I'm not sure which definition you mean. It is not a romance in the sense that this competition was set up I imagine XD. Since some dude above decided I was not worthy of an explanation, perhaps you'll be more willing to provide me with one (given my above points)?

  49. Actually it's not just a fan thing. It is even said in supernatural that Castiel and Dean are a couple.

    It's more of a forbidden romance plot if you ask me. Because it is quite obvious that the writer of supernatural intends to make them as close a couple as they can be made.

  50.  It's about bromance actually.  lol  And it's in protest to the writers who write every romance the boys have out of the show.  Sam and Sarah was one we wanted.  Dean and Jo would have worked.  She was a hunter.  Jensen recognized it enough when he added that kiss when Jo died. Lisa could have worked if they written the story line they did.  Hunters can have a home life.  The writers choose to not allow it, so the fans do this.  It's also humor.  Supernatural fans find this funny.  I don't like Wincest.  I write fan fiction.  I read it.  I don't write slash.  I do sometimes read it....if the story is good.  I just find hysterical for some reason.  I do love the relationship between Dean and Castiel.  You have to admit even the writers joke on all of this stuff.

  51.  ... Oo but it was never said in the show they were a couple. All they ever say is that they are friends, and that Cas does share a closer (friendship)-bond with Dean than with Sam. But nothing was ever said about them being a couple.

  52.  I like how so many people commenting on this want chandler and monica to win but Dean and Cas have over 4x as many votes. haha :)

  53. That explains it!That's why you didn't like my logic..It doesn't follow the Socratic method...  :p
    Too late to stay clear of it,I'm afraid..I'm not studying it,but I have a few classes about philosophy!
    Plus,I'm from Greece,so I learned the first things about it much earlier than I would have liked..God forbid we don't know everything about Socrates by the time we're 15..!

  54. Lol, but again, if this were a bromance competition, why not include House/Wilson or Sam/Dean or Morgan/Casey, etc. I do understand your point about it being in "protest" to the fact that every romantic entanglement on the show falls throw. It is humorous when the writers throw the fans a bone and joke about the nature of everyone's relationships. That being said, I don't think most people are following your specific logic on this :P.

    And just to be clear, since it seems to be implied elsewhere in the discussion, this isn't remotely related to homophobia. Klaine wouldn't be a bromance. Klaine is obviously part of this romantic competition. Anyway, I should probably get out now while I still can XD.

  55. well, i'm far too lazy to go look up the definition for you (especially when you're capable of doing it yourself) but i'm sure someone will. what i find amusing is the "extravagant and improbable lies" part of your comment. i'd love to see these lies because, well, from what i've seen from fans and the comments on each of these polls so far, the people who support dean and castiel actually have solid, in show reasons for doing so. i don't ship anything in supernatural but it doesn't take much to know that what the writers have going on between these two does in fact qualify as a romance, and obviously it does fit within the guidelines of this poll (which never stated it needed to be an official couple, by the way) otherwise they wouldn't even be on there.

  56.  "Dean and I do share a more profound bond." - Castiel's words, put in place by the fantastic writers of the show.  That's more than friendship, that's bromance.

  57. just wondering... do you actually watched the show? seen every episode these two have been in? because if so, i find it unlikely you'd claim there's been no development at all unless you're just being biased, because as a non-shipper i can see that the writers have very clearly developed a bond between these two and are constantly dropping hints and subtle lines that they're into each other.

    honestly, if you haven't seen every episode where dean and castiel interact, you really can't say there hasn't been any development or claim it's only in people's heads.

  58.  well, no, it has never flat out been said in the show that they're a couple, but there have been lines saying castiel is in love with dean and numerous hints, and ben edlund likened their relationship to that of a marriage.

  59. Yes, I have seen every episode to date. I'm not denying the strength of their relationship at all. They have a ridiculously strong bond. I'm just trying to figure out what people mean by a "romantic" one. Would Arthur and Merlin be considered a romantic couple, what about Wilson and House?

    I don't see why people are jumping on me for trying to understand them. Have I come at the Destiel shippers and screamed "YOU'RE WRONG SO GO AWAY"? Absolutely not, I've said "I disagree and this is why. Would you explain to me where you're coming from?"

    Most of what I've gotten in return is anger. My bad for not having read the other poll threads, but if no one has the patience to explain, why should I have the patience to understand? And even if we wind up disagreeing, do people have to get hostile about things?

  60. Romance isn't necessarily sexual. Romance can quite easily be completely platonic. Dean and Castiel's relationship is a romantic one even if they aren't necessarily a couple. So I guess it then falls to what you define as 'romantic'. To me, if Castiel's vessel were a hot-ass chick there would be absolutely no question as to the romanticism behind his/her behaviour. But because we live in a heteronormative society one dude dying multiple times for another/saving him from hell/rejecting heaven for him/killing his family members for him/betraying god for him/continually telling him everything is for him/sacrificing 50000 lives for him apparently doesn't fall under the 'romantic' heading.

  61. I'm not km so I'm not here to speak for them, but I will give you my 2 cents. To answer your question yes, I believe  any relationship could be considered romantic including those you listed. I truly believe LOVE is not black an white as saying a romance must involve a physical/sexual relationship. (Even more so when we're talking about an angel.)

    But more the the point the only reason no other relationships similar to Dean/Cas aren't here is simply because they did not receive enough nominations and/or votes. Plain and simple.

  62. lmao that Dean and Cas are still here and doing so well :D I mean, really? I knew there were Destiel fans, but I didn't realize they were this many and so die-hard! LOL
    I love Dean and Cas together, but I love them as friends. I mean, I can sense that unusual chemistry going on, but this is not a romance, it's... well, I guess it's so special and unique it needs its own category ;)
    But I actually find the situation entertaining ;) Once again the Supernatural fandom is kicking asses, regardless of the circumstances.
    I say, go SPN!!! ;)
    oh and btw, FINALLY the show is where it deserves, on the banner. LOVE IT!!!

  63. Lol, agreed with regards to your second point :P.

    As for the first point, I guess it really is just a matter of the definition of romance. The two of them obviously love each other, but I've always seen it as a brotherly love (different but no less important than the love shared by Sam/Dean).

    I just get into problems when much of the fandom are intelligent and express things well (yourself, jensenfan, Joan) while another rather vocal portion is all about the hot men and their potential physical relationships. I don't see much of it on SpoilerTV, but it's definitely out there. Hence my confusion. Thanks for not being a jerk about it :).

  64. Romance -n-  Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love:

  65. I'll just edit what I said below a little since much of it applies here:

    It really is just a matter of the
    definition of romance. The two of them obviously love each other, but
    I've always seen it as a brotherly love (different but no less important
    than the love shared by Sam/Dean). If Castiel were a hot kickass chick who happened to be like a little sister to Dean, we'd love their relationship strengthening and growing, but I doubt we would discuss things like romantic couplings. Maybe. Lol.

    I just get into problems when much of the fandom are intelligent and
    express things well (yourself, jensenfan, Melissa) while another rather
    vocal portion is all about the hot men and their potential physical
    relationships (which really isn't your point obviously). I don't see much of it on SpoilerTV, but it's definitely
    out there. Hence my confusion. Thanks for not being a jerk about it :). I'll go away now and let you guys win the poll in peace :P.

  66.  ro·mance 1. a. A love affair.b. Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love: They kept the romance alive in their marriage for 35 years.c. A strong, sometimes short-lived attachment, fascination, or enthusiasm for something: a childhood romance with the sea.
    2. A mysterious or fascinating quality or appeal, as of something adventurous, heroic, or strangely beautiful: "These fine old guns often have a romance clinging to them"From:


  68. Sorry, y'all.  Supernatural fans are some of the most connected and we span across several social media platforms. Once our boys are in anything, the call goes out.  I'm proud to see that Dean/Castiel is being supported.  Go, SPN fans, go!  I love you all! <3 xoxoxo

  69.  Haha, probably not, but we can hope. ;) If people are this butthurt simply over them being included, can you imagine the reactions if Dean/Cas wins?

  70. I'm happy to say that we breathe the same air. <3 ;)

  71.  Is it really that surprising if you follow their characters, though? What other couple has been through as much? Cas raised Dean from Hell. He reaffirmed his sense of self-worth when it was utterly crushed, made him understand that he was truly worth something, truly worth saving. In the process, he realized that the higher-ups he'd been serving for literally millennia were unjust, and he rebelled and lost his Grace and betrayed and killed his brothers and risked death, all because of one man. On top of that, the hints and unresolved sexual tension between them would drive people insane if Cas were a woman, but no, since they're both male (even though Castiel is technically genderless), people just see it is implausible, or a joke. I'll never understand the dismissal of slash pairings, but OK.

  72. preach it! <3 This is a wonderful, lovely, true post. Thank you for posting it!

  73. Romance -n- Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; love:

    From the dictionary.  I'm not trying to persuade anyone to vote with me,
    but I don't understand how people on here can judge what someone views
    as romantic.  It's romantic that these two would die for each other,
    believe in each other when everything points in the other direction and
    have such a strong bond.  And, if anyone questions the romance between
    these two - Season 5 Episode 4, "The End" - after Cas saves Dean from
    Zach, Dean looks at Cas just before telling him to never change and that
    look is epically romantic. Season 6 Episode 20 "The Man Who Would Be
    King" The look on Dean's face when he realizes Cas is working with
    Crowley - the epitome of heartbreak......nuff said.  Vote how you feel
    in your gut, but come on people stop judging, questioning or even
    insulting what someone else feels is romance.

  74. I keep seeing comments saying spn fans just find people to vote for Dean/Cas but that isn't what's going on here. People in our fandom who don't ship Dean/Cas are actually far more likely to vote against it just out of spite. We're winning because there are a lot of us. There are a lot of us for a reason. That reason being that Dean/Cas is a legitimate pairing that we have legitimate feelings about. There aren't just thousands of delusional spn fans banding together to fight against your het couples. We have our reasons, we feel strongly about them, and we want Dean/Cas to win because these guys make us feel something. There is honestly nothing you can say to disprove that what they have is romance. One of the writers who has been working with SPN since the first season just compared them to a long distance marriage. We're not pulling this out of our asses here. I'm not saying they are in a sexual relationship, 100% sure they never will be, but honestly their bond is amazing enough that I don't need that to validate them in my eyes. Plus we get eye-sex and unresolved sexual tension which is delicious.

    Sorry guys, but Dean could stab Castiel in the face with an archangel blade in the finale and I'd still think they were a more compelling couple than Monica and Chandler.

  75.  This, a million times. Very well put.

  76. Not a problem hon. :) The thing I just try to keep in mind when it comes to fandom. Especially BIG ones like SPN, Harry Potter, etc. is that there are many people with varying opinions and many levels of "enthusiasm" as well as age range. I remember how defensive I used to get as a teen when someone offended my "excellent taste" - so try not to let it bother you if people get defensive.

    As for Dean/Cas I see their story as one of the epics (be it platonic or romantic). I'm also one of those who truly believes that if the writers were brave enough and the actors willing to do it they could very easily turn Dean/Cas into something much more than a bromance with subtext. Their story is really truly something unique in the grand scheme of fictional relationships. And even more than that I can't help but feel if Dean or Cas were a woman instead of a man no one would be having this debate at all. It's just my own opinion though... I realize not everyone sees it this way. So... *shrug* to each their own. :)

  77.  Thankfully I haven't come across many Destiel fans who are only in it to imagine two hot dudes making out. I can see how that'd annoy people. But for myself and plenty of others, it goes far beyond looks and gender.

  78. Wow, Destiel has gotten far :D
    I am so proud of them <333
    They are so adorable together XD <33

  79.  I see you've already been told, but yeah:

    1. a. A love affair. b. Ardent emotional attachment or involvement
    between people; love: They kept the romance alive in their marriage for
    35 years. c. A strong, sometimes short-lived attachment, fascination, or
    enthusiasm for something: a childhood romance with the sea.

    2. A
    mysterious or fascinating quality or appeal, as of something
    adventurous, heroic, or strangely beautiful: "These fine old guns often
    have a romance clinging to them."

    Dean and Castiel definitely fall under a few of those terms, so no, it's not extravagant or improbable lies.

  80.  I think I love you. All of this so much.

  81.  "People in our fandom who don't ship Dean/Cas are actually far more likely to vote against it just out of spite." Yep, this is true. We actually have some people in our own fandom banding together to vote against Destiel (although most of that seems to be out of anger for the lack of their own ship being included...), so I think it's safe to say the majority of Destiel votes in this poll are coming from people who actually feel that these two have something. The fact that so many people are able to see it for themselves speaks volumes, in my opinion.

    Anyway, I agree with your comment 100%.

  82. You want me choose between Chandler and Monica, & Dean and Castiel? EVIL. I chose Dean/Cas. OTP 

  83. You want me choose between Chandler & Monica, and Dean & Castiel. EVIL! Dean/Cas. OTP. <3 

  84. Destiel fans get shit done. *applauds*

  85. OMG that look. I may not be a slash fan, but that look was just EPIC.

  86.  Dean treating Cas like a brother regardless of real familial attachment is what makes this coupling so powerful for me, personally.'Brother' is the strongest word in this show's vernacular, and for it to be directed toward a character that's only been around for the last three seasons cements the impact his had, on viewers and on Dean. Cas has never been Dean's child/responsibility/whole world the way Sam has, and yet he considers him to be of equal merit. For Dean to love Cas like that without that epic back story - for their relationship to still be in its embryonic stage, and yet already so powerful - suggests, to me, a bond of a terrifying scale. 

    But, it is all subjective. That's why these increasingly vicious arguments are so futile. The joy of fiction is in alternative interpretations. But that works both ways - it's unfair of me to claim my pairing is the be-all-and-end-all but it's equally unfair of others to suggest it isn't. Supernatural is a pretty complex show. I just wish we could all enjoy our own subjective viewing without conversation disintegrating into bloodshed :| Thanks for the reasonable discussion - it's a breath of fresh air!

  87. Cadence, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your approach to understanding the whole idea behind what the Supernatural fans consider Dean/Castiel. I'm sorry if some of the fans attacked you in any way.  When one loves something (anything really), and another person questions it, that person will always consider it an attack.  Which is okay.  We've all felt like that and done that too.

    I think Dean/Castiel has a different meaning to each of us, depending on who you ask really.  Some of us like it for the romantic quality (however you want to define the word/ideal of 'romance').  Others love it, write about it for other reasons.  Sometimes, it's just too hard to explain why you love Dean/Castiel.

    Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for asking about it and wanting to understand it. I think that's very cool.  That's all!


  88. If those people are butthurt that their favorite pairing isn't included, they should've been here en masse to nominate their pairing during the nomination phase. Why're they planning on voting out of spite when it's basically their own faults that their pairing isn't in the running?

  89. Voting was easy this time. Booth/Brennan (because they're adorable & I always thought Jack/Kate was fairly "meh") & Dean/Castiel (it's barely a choice for me - Monica/Chandler was sweet, I guess, but I never shipped it very hard, not nearly as hard as I ship Dean/Castiel).

  90. Yep we are like a command center, i know in my email 6 diffrent people sent me this poll. lol
    In oh TV Guide doing that poll again so you know Chuck fans in Supernatural fans is going to go nuts once again.

  91.  Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones) and Chandler Bing & Monica Geller (Friends) 

  92. Because those other "bromances" don't look at each other like Dean and Cas do. Because they don't repeatedly say, "I did ALL of this FOR YOU."  Without me even asking, my husband has said he thinks that Dean and Cas do, say, and look like they care about each other way more than in a familial or friendship sense. And there are more stories of people's dads or brothers or mothers watching a couple episodes and saying, "Dude are those two going to do it? Are they in love?"

    No one can make you see that if you don't see it. I could say that I didn't see any romantic chemistry between Mulder and Scully for many seasons. Or Booth and Bones. It would be a lie, but I could say it, because all they had for a long time was how they treated each other, the way they looked at each other, the things they did for each other, the occasional joke on it written in. No more or less than Dean and Cas. And if you don't see it, then you don't see it.

    Homophobia? Yes, it is a type of that. Kurt and Blaine are obviously, stereotypically gay. Dean is not stereotypically gay, and it bothers people to think that someone like him, so clearly masculine and a man's man, could be into men too. It threatens their world view some how. I'm not saying that's true for everyone that doesn't get this ship, but it is certainly an underlying, latent factor for a lot of people.

  93. I'm so proud to be in the Supernatural fandom. You know, some hunters love their angels, get over it! It's the 21st Century, what's the big deal? Love is love, period.

  94. I'd just like to address your last point about homophobia in order to clarify something. My disagreement with the ship isn't based on their masculinity making the possibility of their bisexuality or homosexuality a problem.

    My issue is that these characters were written as heterosexuals. If they were undergoing some sort of lengthy realisation/personal transformation (a la Callie on Grey's), then I would say: Bring on the Destiel! While they undoubtedly have "chemistry", I personally see their bonds as familial.

    As an example of manly men hooking it up, one of my favourite romantic couplings on television is Ianto Jones and Captain Jack on Torchwood. Jack (or at least John Barrowman) is a very manly man. His character was written as an omni-sexual (omni because aliens without specific genders are fine too). In fact, the entire show is based on a world in which characters just generally have meaningful romantic relationships with members of either sex. It's pretty awesome actually. Yay BBC :).

    At the same time, there are still characters on Torchwood who are exclusively heterosexual and those who are exclusively homosexual. I bring up Klaine as an example of the latter specifically because I would have issues with Kurt suddenly being legitimately romantically interested in a woman. They dealt with that well when Blaine tried to hook up with Rachel.

    Since I haven't seen romantic inclinations in Cas and Dean, I don't buy Destiel. My point is that my argument is absolutely not based on having an issue with manly men being together. Some might have that problem, but most people on SpoilerTV seem to be open minded.

  95. Hey, I'm a huuuge Friends fan. Monica and Chandler and their
    relationship were pretty much my favorite thing about the series. But, I'm also
    a big Dean/Castiel shipper. Let's compare their relationships.

    Monica and Chandler are pretty much made for each other. They started out good
    friends for most of the seasons, and then began a secret relationship at the
    end of season 4. They have typical couple issues—Chandler deals with massive commitment
    issues, they both struggle to reconcile their career goals with their new
    relationship, and they went through the hardship of trying to have kids but
    being unable to. They eventually get married and in the last season, adopt
    twins from a surrogate mother. They end the series together and happy.

    They’re an adorable couple. I love to watch them.

    Dean and Castiel’s relationship is different in that it’s….just
    much, much, much more epic. The very first action in their relationship is
    Castiel pulling Dean from hell,
    leaving a blazing handprint from Castiel seared into Dean’s shoulder as a
    reminder of how difficult a feat that is, especially for a relatively
    low-ranking angel. Through the next seasons, Castiel, a devout follow of orders
    and angel of the lord, chooses these two lowly humans, Sam and Dean, over the
    entirety of the heavenly host, his own family. He sacrifices himself
    repeatedly, be it by hurting himself to send them back in time or by carving an
    angel banishing symbol into his chest with a box cutter to buy them more time. He
    directly rebels against heaven because Dean asks him to. He dies three times
    for Dean, blown to bits by an archangel while trying to buy Dean more time, by
    walking, blindly faithful into a trap in The End and by directly taking on
    Michael, the most powerful archangel, with nothing more than a flaming bottle
    of oil in an attempt to save Dean. Lucifer snaps his fingers and Castiel
    explodes. Even in the most recent season, even while Castiel is making morally ambiguous
    decisions, his bottom line remains the Winchesters must remain unharmed. He does
    anything to keep them safe.

    Other characters notice their “more profound bond” as well.
    Uriel says to Dean, “Cas? He’s not here. You see he has this weakness. He likes you.” When talking to Dean, Bobby
    refers to Castiel often as “your angel”. Balthazar said recently to Dean, “You’ve
    got me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench
    coat who is in love with you?”, referring of course to Castiel.

    Their love and relationship is absolutely epic. So do I
    think they Dean and Castiel have the best romance on TV? Hell yes I do.

  96. :p why are there so many comments everytime Destiel is concerned :p ...... I do LOVE them as brothers and friends but NOT as a romantic couple.... and I don't really like Monika/Chandler so I don't think I will vote for the second poll... it's just that for me this poll is about romance and  couple. Two things that Destiel isn't (in my opinion) ..... But if it was a TVbest pair or TVbest duo (not in a romantical  way) or whatever i will totally vote for them (or Sam Dean) because they're so funny together! :)

  97. Dean and Castiel are not even a couple. WTF. This is rigged. 

  98. Clearly you've never seen a poll with Supernatural in it before. It's not rigged. There's just a lot of us. And we care, a lot.

  99. I think you missed the part where we're allowed to nominate & vote for pairings that aren't canon. Though, considering everything they mean to each other, everything they've done for each other, everything they've sacrificed, especially in Castiel's case, you can hardly say there's no basis for our support.

  100. I liked Monica and Chandler, but I'm okay if they don't win. I do care very much about Jack and Kate and was hoping they'd win the whole challenge. After all, Lost was about love. I have not yet watched Bones so I don't know about the other two. Just saying I'm sad.


    Dean/Castiel, 'cause this is the stuff epic ships are made of.

  102. Doubters, watch this and tell me there's no basis for a relationship.

  103. My couples are dropping like flies. If the current trend continues, all I will have left is Chuck and Sarah (and even that was at the expense of my ultimate couple!). My vote goes Jack/Kate (even though Desmond and Penny is the best couple in Lost)

  104. LOL butthurt! Nice choice of word hahha

  105.  Honestly, I'm a bit biased because I would love to see Dean and Castiel together so of course I vote for them. But if there were another couple featured on the poll that wasn't necessarily a canon couple, I wouldn't bash the people voting for them.
    This poll is for the fans, and if there are that many people like me who love Dean & Castiel together, then great, let us vote for them. 
    I think some people are just taking this too seriously. It's meant for fun, you know?

  106.  ;_; Sorry Monica and Chandler, my vote has to go to the Profound Bond. 

  107. I'm going to laugh so hard if Dean/Castiel wins the whole thing. The ONE couple that isn't and will never be canon. I wish half the people who voted for them would read my recaps :)

    I voted Jack/Kate but looks like they're losing to Bones... honestly both couples were/are dragged out beyond anything good, but at least Jack/Kate was logical and Lost was a good show. Bones is a terrible show, Lost should be beating it hands-down if there was any justice in the world.

  108.  "Sorry guys, but Dean could stab Castiel in the face with an archangel blade in the finale"


  109.  I wondered the same thing Cadence, and I wonder why DarkUFO and Adam allowed the competition to include ONE made-up couple while all the rest are actual couples... it kind of ruins the whole competition, because if Dean/Castiel win, it can hardly be a competition for the best romance on TV... as it IS NOT a romance on TV.

  110.  Yeah for Destiel and Bones and Booth

  111. For people who keep bringing it up here is a definition of romance: Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people.

    I don't know about some of you but I think Dean and Castiel very much fit this definition. It says nothing about anything physical or sexual, actually I saw nothing about about anything physical in any of the definitions, romance seems to mean emotional attatchment and Dean and Castiel certainly have a strong emotional bond that I personally dont think is purely out of friendship or family. I think their sitiuation is different then all these other couples and that is why there is so much confusion over them. With Cas being an angel and their connection steming from Cas pulling Dean out of hell and leaving his mark on Dean it is difficult to define their relationship by normal human standards. Perhaps that is why most of us Destiel fans love the idea of them being a couple so much because it goes so far beyond looks, age, race, gender or anything physical; it is about their souls. As Cas said it best, him and Dean "share a profound bound." And I also think it is difficult to bring Dean's sexual orientation in this because he never actually says he is purely hetetorsexual and that is all he will ever be. Just because he prefers woman doesnt mean he would ever consider a physical relationship with a man, especially one he is as close to as Cas. I think if the writers wanted to make Dean and Castiel's relationship more physical they could find a way to make it work and make it believable. I mean, when it comes down to it these are fictional characters and the writers can make these characters do and say whatever they want as long as they do it in a way that stays true to character.

    Anyway, sorry about this long rant, I just get tired of seeing this argument over and over again. Let's just remember that this is just a poll about tv show characters and it is supposed to be fun, there is no need for people to get all worked up and certainly not mean.

  112.  So if any other couple do the following, I will vote for them. But right now Dean and Castiel FOREVER! 
    1. Pull the other out of hell.
    2. Rebel against Heaven for the other. 
    3. Die for the other. Again and again and always will. 
    4. Kill one's own brothers for the other. (not that's encouraged but it's also in the case to save humanity)
    5.Sink the whole Titanic for the other. 
    6. Love the other despite one doesn't understand the other's cultural references.
    {insert more list of the epic love and profound bond here}

  113. This will be ridiculous if Dean and Cas win. It doesn't matter if Ben Edlund takes inspiration from other couples to write their scenes together, Dean and Cas are NOT romantically involved.

  114. Jack and Kate or Desmond and Penny. I'd be happy either way. Now, I'm not happy :(. 

  115. Everybody already moved on from LOST apparently..

    except me.. *sighs*

  116. B&B and Mondler for me. Don't really get this Dean and Castiel thing, but maybe it's one of those Jack and Liz things from '30 Rock'. TV Guide voted them the best TV couple in 2008 or 2009 and they weren't a couple..

  117. My shipper heart had no other choice than to vote Destiel.

  118. Geez. I don't like seeing all these people saying that Destiel isn't real or that there is no romance involved. Before saying that, you guy should look at why people actually like them as a couple. No way all that people would vote on them for nothing. Of course, the Supernatural fandom is huge, but Dean and Cas wouldn't even be there without shippers. I'm proud to be one of them and I must say why I believe in their relationship:
    1. Every time Dean and Cas find each other's gaze, they stare. Why would anyone stare at someone they don't like? 2. Castiel dragged Dean out of Hell. Not just that, but he also kept around when Dean needed him, and, as we saw on 6.20, Dean trusts Cas. He did not want to believe that his angel lied to him and was working for a demon, and he believed Cas when he said he wasn't. You can look at the disappointment in Dean's face when he figures out otherwise and the shame on Cas'. It totally broke a lot of fans.
    3. They do share a profound bound. I wasn't gonna mention it!4. Castiel is an angel. He must love every creature God created, including Dean, but, as some of his brothers may have noticed (as Uriel said to Dean, "Castiel likes you."), Castiel has an especial afection for one of these humans.5. You do not go back to Hell to save just a random person. You save that person because a) you like her a lot b) someone you love would be very pleased by it.6. Castiel gave up on everything, /everything/, for Dean. He fell for him.7. I don't think they would have put all of those Destiel quotes for nothing. "The one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you" must mean something.8. "I killed two angels this week. My brothers. I'm hunted; I rebelled. And I did it, all of it, for you. And you failed. You and your brother destroyed the world. And I lost everything for nothing."No offense to Mondler. In fact, it was my first pairing. But then, I didn't watch as many shows as I do now, and I see things on Destiel that I could never see before. I see thrill, emotions floating around, the excitment of a interracial love and giving up on literally everything for the beloved one. Because that, my dears, IS also a romantic relationship (or bromance, as some may like to call it). And just FYI, before you insult people's OTP, try to think that there are also people that don't see your couple, but that does not mean they are going to  throw it at your face.

  119. I didn't realise Booth and Brennan were an official couple - when did that happen?

  120. Monica and Chandler, I love you. I really, really, really love you. But-but ... they have a Profound Bond! I can't go against the more Profound Bond. And I just - I don't like Jack and Kate, personally. But Booth and Brennan, I love. 

  121. Not all of us are delusional, but it seems a fair amount of us SPN fans are.
    I voted for Monica & Chandler, cause I remember them being the best couple in that show and probably better than any of the others listed here. Seeley and Brennan would get my vote if something had actually happened by now. The writing on that show pisses me off regarding how much they withhold that relationship from making progress. Not the biggest Lost fan ever, but J&K worked for me overall...


    and if I have to crawl,

    will you crawl too?

  123. Wow, that's a serious lead.  Yay, Dean and Cas! :D

  124. I love Chandler and Monica!  I voted for them last round, but up against Dean and Castiel, it's no contest.  They're just more epic, by no fault of Chandler and Monica, but they were on a comedy.  Serious romance wise, it's Dean and Cas.  Castiel died too many times for Dean to lose against Chandler and Monica. :)

  125.  Gorgeous comment.  I know a lot of the people that ship Dean and Cas were bothered by Dean's saying Cas is like a brother to him, but this is exactly how I feel.  Dean saying that means he loves him.  And Cas's face when he said it showed how he was just realising it, and ASDFGHJK I JUST CANT WITH THAT SCENE.  IT'S TOO AMAIZNG.

  126.  Let's look at this from a math POV.

    Castiel is at least 365 million years old. (watching the first fich crawl onto land)
    He has died for Dean 2 times (three if you count the future AU) and fallen for Dean once.
    He's killed at least dozens of his own brothers for humanity (which he wouldn't care about if it weren't for Dean).
    He went to hell once to raise Dean and once (alone) to go in after Dean's brother.
    He sacrificed the potential power of 50000 souls to save Dean and Sam.

    Most profound, I think is in the last episode when he said that in his millions of years of existence, "the most remarkable event" was free will ruling over destiny and their preventing the apocalypse.

    He's said multiple times that he rebelled and he's fighting this fight for Dean.

    I think it's pretty freakin romantic.  I think it's pretty blatantly romantic, lol, but that's just me.

  127.  from the last episode

  128.  I think Monica ruined Chandler. He wasn't obese and he was funny before they started dating. 

  129.  You need an attitude adjustment. 

  130. JosephMcLaddle19 May 2011 at 22:02

     I won't forget this site's origins.  :)

  131.  Oh, wow, Dean/Cas winning. Surprising.
    I don't express myself much in this kind of things, because poll is just a poll, unworthy arguing over. But some of the guys in SpoilerTV should have known that if they put "Destiel" in here, they will definitely win.
    So, I don't really see a point in voting, because Destiel is going up, eventually will end up in final round and they will win, because fans will vote like crazy.
    I am not a Destiel fan, I just enjoy watching Supernatural and its story without pairing anyone with anyone, but I don't have anything against those who do. (although, there are always exceptions)

  132.  Even though, let's be honest, it does help that both actors are so gorgeous.

    I'm absolutely not denying all the arguments above though - I mean, there's an epic, amazing chemistry between the characters, something not unlike of the relationship of Achiles and Patrocles in Ancient Greece mythology. Indeed, it is unclear - since ancient authors do not seem to outwardly agree on it - whether they really were involved in a sexual relationship or not. It actually doesn't matter. What does is that they were there for one another, the same way Dean and Castiel are. ( it is not complete, I don't agree with everything, but it's a good start, and - I believe - an even more interesting read if you put a Dean/Cas in perspective to it).

    Whatever, all this to say... Yes, we can argue at length about the nature of their relationship, but really guys, let's not be hypocritical here: HOT MEN! Damn!

  133. JosephMcLaddle19 May 2011 at 22:20

    Even Sawyer/Kate, Sawyer/Juliet, and Jin/Sun (especially the last one) were better than the final pairings in this. 

  134.  I actually think the fact they are NOT A COUPLE is what has saved and preserved their relationship and romance so far. Otherwise they would already have been broken up seven times, or Cas would have been killed in order to give Dean one more deep, deep manly wound. You know, so we could see him cry his single lonely tear of awesome once more while hugging our pillows and trying to get a grip on our motherly instincts. ( ;) Yes, YES, I'm a fan, I'm a self-aware fan!)

    The fact the show seems to be leading to their irremediable unofficial break up is actually the best proof that their relationship has evolved past mere friendship and into uncharted platonic love.

  135. Yeah, I've stopped voting as well. It is going to come down to Dean/Cas vs Kurt/Blaine and it is kind of pointless to keep voting if you don't support either ship.

  136.  He would probably just break the knife, don't worry. I'm mean, assuming he learned if he were to punch his hand would take the brunt of it :D

  137.  I'm surprised, though, that so many Destiel fans take into account the "pulling out of hell part". Sure, it seems romantic at first but hey! He was ORDERED to do it, it's not as if he did it out of love or anything. Zachariah might have just as well done it! :D
    And eeeew, I did not just think that.

  138. Finally one where I can vote FOR Friends instead of just against Supernatural.  First one is tough though.

  139. I'd get behind Jin/Sun. That would have been great too. But alas. 

  140. I do really like Monica and Chandler. In the last poll they were in I remember voting for them without question, but Dean/Castiel is my ultimate pairing, so they'll always get my vote. 

  141. Well, at least Jack and Kate will be beat by two characters actually in a relationship... Oh, wait....  *mutters under breath #@$T$%%@^*

  142. Agree on all points, including the Booth and Bones thing.  It's been dragged out for far too long and quite frankly I would rather everyone move on.  

    "Destiel" will never ever be canon on Supernatural.  I think that it is sad that the "couple" who wins this contest will never be a couple.  I think that is the inherent flaw to having a couples poll where anything goes.  It ends up being a fan fiction lovefest but not in the spirit of the contest as it was intended.

  143.  We could get the BAU to analyze the Dean and Castiel shippers, but I'm not sure even trained criminal profilers could comprehend why anyone would pair them as a couple....

  144. I have seen every episode multiple times and while the writers make jokes, there has never been a romance in the traditional meaning of the word between Cas and Dean.  In fact Dean has continually said that he is heterosexual (something Destiel fans dismiss) and he called Cas his brother.  Both of which support the fact that Cas and Dean are good friends to the point of being family but does not in any way suggest something sexual or potentially sexual between them.  Therefore, in the traditional meaning of the word there will never be a romance between Cas and Dean and therefore makes it a joke for them to win a romance contest.

  145.  I agree, was fun on the first couple of round but c'mon! tsktsktsk

  146.  Hey something happened last week! (Seekey/Brennan)

  147. Dean and Castiel do share a more profound friendship but that hardly means they are a couple.  It just means that Cas is closer to Dean than Sam. 

  148.  I dont understand the multiply thing? It's a poll of course we need poeple to vote, and every fandom does it... its not like we asked for other person that doesnt care about this to vote... (did we, LOL if yes we suck, but no proof so i dont think its true) any way Glee and VD does it a lot too

  149. Yeah, it's entirely baffling.  Clearly, all 4000 of us are just nuts.

    Some people take away different things from the source text. Relationships on screen read differently to different people; honestly, I think it would be pretty fucking boring otherwise.

    We ship Dean/Castiel because we read their relationship as intensely romantic, whether or not it ever has or ever will be physically consummated. It's not rocket science and it's really not a big deal.

  150. Reading all of the comments and its always the same damn thing. Now I'm annoyed with my own fandom great. ANY WAY!

    BONES IS WINNING KEEP IT UP! After 6 freaken years of waiting we fininaly get a couple! (well... kinda im sure they are... shut up)

  151. I cannot adequately put into words the little burst of pure joy I get by voting for Dean & Cas. It honestly just makes me smile so hard...

    And then I read through the comments. I've never understood the whole "troll" mentality--why waste your time being negative and hateful instead of finding something that makes YOU happy and loving on it instead? I can tell you from my own experiences, that loving is much, much more fun than hating.

    And as for the people running this site--shouldn't you be thrilled to have a couple involved in this that seems to be doubling your traffic? Isn't that a good thing? I know a lot of us never would have ventured onto this site without these polls, but are now enjoying other articles and recaps on here as well as voting our little hearts out. Maybe you should stop being mean and dismissive and try appreciating the fact that we're here at all.

    Having said that, I just want to add a heaping spoonful of love to all my Dean/Cas'ers out there, for supporting our boys with thoughtful reasoning and not resorting to petty arguments and name-calling (as I'm sure we've all been tempted by some of the comments here). *squishes all of you*

  152. THIS. IT'S SO GORGEOUS. The only person Dean has ever loved, the only person he'd sacrifice everything for, hell, the only person he's ever been able to have an enduring, functional relationship with is his brother. The only way Dean's ever been able to express emotion and love is through that brotherhood, so for him to include Cas in that is a phenomenal declaration. And considering Dean's status as completely emotionally repressed damaged goods that is AMAZING.

  153. I have to agree with you. All of this Dean/Cas love makes me sooo happy <3 Loving is the best thing in the world, doesn't matter if you're human, angel or moose lol 

  154.  I can't believe Jack&Kate are losing! They are epic!!!

  155. Oh, I wasn't aware this poll was limited to only "traditional" romance.

  156. A moose once bit my sister...

    Right, sorry, couldn't resist. Yay for being happy! :D 

  157. seriously.... Dean and Cas are not even a couple in the traditional meaning of the word.... and yet they have annihilated every other opponent so far!!

  158. Voted for Jack-Kate and Dean-Cas, with the last one being one of the best alternative "romance" couple I've ever seen on TV. 

  159. I am sorry, but I can't quite understand.
    What is the traditional meaning of couple? Being canon? Kissing or whatever? Dean and Castiel may not have had any of it, but they have fans and we can see the chemistry between them. Ok, maybe it's just a platonic fan thing, but I do like to believe that, one day, our dear angel (AKA "the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with you" or "baby in a trench coat without his powers") and the hunter, who has already claimed his love for Castiel as a brother (which is the only love he's ever admited feeling for men, so we can't really say whether it's this kind of love or... Other :P ) would express their love. After all, they share a profound bound. Cas saved Dean from Hell. They have stopped the end of the world. They were always together, but just because they haven't been on that way, it doesn't mean they are not a couple. They are connected, and even if that might mean nothing to some, it means to world to Destiel shippers.
    If Dean and Cas won, it's because we believe in them.
    And that's why I fucking love this fandom ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :D

  160. Wow! Dean/Cass by a large margin. Once again SPN fandom comes through for the show...don't know if I should be proud or scared ;) 

  161. Idontthinkwereinkansas20 May 2011 at 01:15

     Adam, (Annnnnd others)
    I'm curious  from your earlier post where you said you 'expected Destiel to win today'. What were you expecting when they were allowed in? I'm not asking this in a mean way, if that's possible which it likely is, but did you think they'd just be done in the first voting thing?
    Or were you just like 'what is this couple?'

    Bones characters, I didn't like Lost very much
    And Destiel. However I think possibly one of the biggest milestones in their friendship/relationship was when Cas started to care and watch out for Sam as well. Because to Dean that would mean just about everything.
    This seems to be against public opinion though.

  162. Bahahahahaha. That's not even half as horrifying as some of my actual finale predictions. I'm a pessimist. 

  163. JosephMcLaddle20 May 2011 at 01:50

    Numbers don't mean anything...  Not saying you're all nuts, but that's not a valid argument.

  164.  Actually, it's a TV Romance competition, and Booth and Brennan have kissed a couple of times, and said to each other in different ways that they "love" one an other, not in so many words, but they even talked about having sex. The only reason they aren't a couple yet is because the writters keep delaying the inevitable.

  165. One of my favorite Dean/Cas videos.

  166. Well said, my thoughts exactly.
    Maybe if this were a TV Relationship competition, things might be different, I would probably vote for Dean and Cas if that were the case.

  167. Except that's exactly what you're saying.

    You don't get it, which is fine, no big deal, but clearly a LOT of us do. If you really want a valid argument for Dean/Cas as a couple, just scan through the comments--there are quite a few very thorough ones available. 

  168. I voted Jack and Kate who are currently losing, but anyway, and Destiel. They simply won my heart since "Lazarus Rising". And maybe I'm delusional but I remember 4x18 after they found out about fans writing Wincest, I remember Dean was freaked out because Sam is his brother, not precisely because of they 'gay' part. Besides, after Balthazar referred to Cas as "the one in the dirty trench coat who is in love with you" I don't remember Dean opposing to the idea in any way.
    Also, if this whole contest is about 'real romantic couples' then it strikes me as odd that Delena is still here. Last time I checked Elena was with Stefan and even if she kissed Damon, she's perfectly able to say she only did it because he was dying and nothing else. Maybe I'm wrong, though. 

  169.  Well, I must have missed it because I stopped caring a long time ago.

  170.  "Trust your instincts Dean. You know there's no such thing as miracles."

  171.  :D
    I love the fervor you have for keeping the game clean.

  172. Idontthinkwereinkansas20 May 2011 at 02:39

    Ahh thank you for answering! I just didn't know if you realized that when this was made errrr. Thanks so much for putting so much effort into this poll and for being so responsive and sorry for random questions.

  173. Season 5  Episode 18 Point of No Return

    Dean (to Cas): Ya know, the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid.

    bonus quote from same ep:
    Dean: Blow me, Cas.


  174. Season 5  Episode 18 Point of No Return

    Dean (to Cas): Ya know, the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid.

    bonus quote from same ep:
    Dean: Blow me, Cas.


  175. oops, double postn

  176. Yea! Congrat for Klaine to make it through yesterday.
    Tomorrow you guys will against Delena. Ouch! Tough opponent!
    Hope you Klainers could make it through.
    Give a good fight okay!

  177. MorganFreemason20 May 2011 at 03:26


  178. You're right. I have the same thought. But it's the first step you know. Like a fate??
    Like you said it could be Zachariah (EEEW!)
    or Uriel (and I bet he would do it only for order and after that he wont let Dean affected him like Castiel does).
    Nooo... It stated that there was a Garrison that went to the Hell to save Dean, but Castiel is the one who get him.
    Question: How?
    Was Castiel just lucky?
    Was Castiel just fast?
    Or... Castiel the only one that pulling the order through and through while the other lag behind because the lack of faith to Humanity in this case, Dean???

    Pick your own question that fit you.

  179.  Wow dont ever post nothing no more consequences wont be the same if Dean was a girl he'd have a clock for a vajayjay JAJAJAJAJA

  180. nerdylittledudewithwings20 May 2011 at 03:37

    I should be surprised to see Dean & Cas burning up the polls -- I reject the name "Destiel", which sounds like a rash -- but since I'm here and got dragged into fandom b/c of them, for the first time since the XFiles (and another EPIC romance), I know the power of this pairing.

    Define romance however you want: I'd take what I got on my screen in episodes like 4.01, 4.16, 5.04, 5.18, and 6.20 over some cheesy, overwrought, oversexed soap opera relationship anyday. *cough*GossipGirl*cough* Monica and Chandler were adorable and my favorite couple on Friends -- but they can't compare to Dean and Cas. Desmond and Penny? Epic. Mulder and Scully? Epic. So even if there's never so much as a word spoken about it between them, much less a kiss (never gonna happen on CW), Cas and Dean's story is romantic and weighty enough to get me over here voting on a "silly" poll.

    Oh, since other people are leaving video evidence, here's my absolute favorite one using what's pretty much my Dean/Cas theme song:

  181. I can't help smiling in how you keep putting the points from Castiel's POV only.

  182. MorganFreemason20 May 2011 at 03:37



    The fangirls

  183. Gabriella Torres20 May 2011 at 03:39

    No words...
    Except...KEEP UP THE AWESOME. UGUU~ ^_^

  184. MorganFreemason20 May 2011 at 03:47




NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.