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TV Romance Competition - The Final - Dean & Castiel (Supernatural) vs. Kurt & Blaine (Glee)

24 May 2011

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Hey Guys,

Well I certainly didn't expect the final to have no women featuring, but credit to the fans of both shows and both couples for providing some very impressive results en-route to the final of the competition.
It's been a pleasure to run the competition as a whole, despite the constant barrage of angry fans hitting my email/twitter, and I hope you enjoyed it regardless of the results if your favourite couple happened to exit earlier than you had hoped.
Of course, the TV Show competition is in it's nomination stage now and you can nominate your favourite shows for that competition over HERE.

And now I leave you with the final of the TV Romance Competition, the all-male shoot-out between Dean Winchester & Castiel's "profound bond" and the musical story of Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson. Don't forget to spread he word...

Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural) vs. Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee)

Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural)
Played By: Jensen Ackles & Misha Collins

Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee)
Played By: Chris Colfer & Darren Cris

You can follow me on twitter at @AdDHarris for any queries or questions about the competition and to get the latest news when a new poll goes live.

Couples into The Final:
Day Fifteen: Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural), Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee)

Couples into Semi Finals:
Day Thirteen: Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones), Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural)
Day Fourteen: Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl), Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee)

Couples into Quarter Finals:
Day Nine: Jack Shephard & Kate Austen (LOST), Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones)
Day Ten: Monica Geller & Chandler Bing (Friends), Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural)
Day Eleven: Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker (Chuck), Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl)
Day Twelve: Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee), Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries)

Couples into Round Two:
Day One: Jack Shephard & Kate Austen (LOST), Desmond Hume & Penny Widmore (LOST)
Day Two: Seeley Booth & Temperence Brennan (Bones), Sawyer & Kate Austen (LOST)
Day Three: Peter Bishop & Olivia Dunham (Fringe), Monica Geller & Chandler Bing (Friends)
Day Four: Dean Winchester & Castiel (Supernatural), Caroline Forbes & Tyler Lockwood (The Vampire Diaries)
Day Five: Chuck Bartowski & Sarah Walker (Chuck), Fox Mulder & Dana Scully (The X-Files)
Day Six: Chuck Bass & Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl), Finn Hudson & Rachel Berry (Glee)
Day Seven: Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson (Glee), Buffy Summers & Angel (Buffy)
Day Eight: Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert (Vampire Diaries), Nikita & Michael (Nikita)



  1. I hope you enjoyed the competition folks, whether your favourite couple are still here or not...

    The final will finish at 12:00 GMT Midday on the 24th.

  2. Awesome, thanks for running this. It's certainly been an eye opener for me :)

  3.  Tell me about it :P Didn't expect this final, hahaha...

  4. lostrocks4ever23 May 2011 at 12:01

    woot!! i was vote 28!!
    hopefully dean and castiel win
    if for no other reason other than it will be absolutely hilarious if they win a best romantic relationship poll
    even if its not romantic, these 2 do have a brilliant and funny 'profound bond' that is one of my fave parts about the last few seasons of the show (since cas joined) and even if i don't ship them romantically, is till think they are a great couple
    and either way, so many other couples in this competion have been non canon, why is this one any different
    hopefully the supernatural fans can show the world what we can do :D

  5.  seriously? is it our future for romance? i'm littely sad that women/man love don't make us dream anymore or enough...i'm not at all against man/man love, it's great but here, i'm desappointed.. a little...

  6. lostrocks4ever23 May 2011 at 12:02

    deffinately enjoyed it
    i was not expecting these 2 couples as the finale 2 but supernatural made it here so i'm happy nonetheless
    love all these competions, thanks so much for making them :D

  7. I'm so happy Dean and Castiel are in the final. Good luck to both epic couples. You both deserve to win!!!!

  8. True that!!!!!! I would love to see a man?woman love here also... just to add that special flavour you know.... but I have nothing against man/man love either 

  9. But Dean/Cas aren't a couple...

  10.  Yes you have a problem with that. Man/Man love is the same as women/man, we can't identify to every couple independently of our sexuality. Gay poeples must have to do with all the heterosexual couple they see on the TV and the movies, so why you can't do it to?

  11.  Voted Kurt/Blaine cos they're a real couple...

  12. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 12:16

     Hey Klainers, it's awesome to be up against you guys in the finale. No matter what, a beautiful couple will win. Love to both pairings.

  13. ... the fact that Dean/Cas is in the finals fills me with joy. Also, obviously still voting for it.

  14. What an awesome Finale LOL

    Good luck to both pairings, but I hope Dean/Cas will win (although I don't think they will. Too many voting against Dean/Cas to prove a point... ) XD

  15. We've already read many wonderfully written comments about Dean and Cas, their deep conexion (or profound bond :P), how intensely they stare at each oter, the hilarious innuendos,... Even thoughtful analyses about the definition of romance, the lack of gender of Cas, to what extent their relationship is canon or not, etc. So I guess, at this point there's not much left to say except... DESTIEL FTW!!!!! :)


  17. Wow, I didn't think Dean and Cas would get this far, but I'm happy they did. Dean/Castiel FTW! :D 

  18.  I love the Destiel but i love the Klaine more and THEY ARE CANON !!!! 

    "I'm crazy about you" 

  19. Wow it's really great that these two couples are in the finals because I do think they are the most epic pairs on TV right now. I hope that everybody will vote according to what they love and nobody votes AGAINST the one of them. Let's respect eachother. Even though I voted for Dean and Cas I wish the best for the Klaine fans :D
    I think somehow we both already won :)

  20. So Klainers... how about some Klaine-quote ping-pong...? Something fitting to the ocassion perhaps, like:

    "Are you nervous?"


  21. I've really enjoyed this competition, thanks for running it, I've never been so engrossed by an online poll before, lol, i'm literally checking in at least every hour to see whats going on. and i've voted in every round.

    I hadn't come across this website before this poll, but its securley bookmarked now!

    Destiel FTW

  22. Adam, I never said this to you ever.
    So I'm gonna start it...
    Now on to the vote and spreading the love....

  23. Two gay couples in the finals? Interesting development :)

  24.  The fact that Dean/Castiel, my OTP, the one and only ship I have EVER shipped with such an intensity, is in these's enough to make me happy.

    Even though Castiel has been butchered beyond all belief, I have such unwavering faith in him and Dean.

    Anyway, good luck Klaine shippers, but you know where my vote went. <3

  25. I'm proud to be both a Destiel and Klaine shipper right now!

  26. "We should practice." <3 

  27. "Please don't judge me."

  28. "Well I certainly didn't expect the final to have no women featuring..."
    Yes I am shocked at this unforeseen turn of events.
    Either way, everything here is gay and nothing hurts. May the best ship win. 

  29. Klaine and Destiel are both great, but my heart is with Klaine. I love the incredible bond between Dean and Cas, but I can't forget about Klaine. The way Blaine was there for Kurt, how great it was that he went to Kurt's prom and danced with him when they were surrounded by hateful bullies - especially after he'd been beaten up at the last school dance he went to, the way he sang to him in front of everyone, how he gave Kurt his first REAL kiss. Their love is like a fairytale. ♥

    But really, no matter who wins, it's great. I hope the other Klainers can be as kind as the Destiel fans!!

  30. "I think it's adorable. I think that you look adorable" 

  31. Regardless of what's canon and what (technically) isn't... TWO MALE/MALE COUPLES IN THE FINAL, YAY FOR PROGRESS however small it may be a baby step is still a step in the right direction!  I'm Destiel all the way but I don't really mind who wins this.

  32. "I'll never say goodbye to you" 

  33. "And the only people who are going to be dying tonight are the people not voting for Klaine. Because we are gonna kill this thing."

  34. Wut?  Cuz two dude/dude couples happened to gain enough votes, that means nobody likes hetero couples any more?  What?

  35. How would the standard accepted "normative" love nobody has issues with/is phobic of be a "special flavour"?  The fact that two gay couples made it this far is what's special.

  36. Awwww.... ^_^ 
    Please don't use that quote. We still don't wanna be killed, really.
    Heh... on to your fun. Klainers.. XD

  37. "I just... really REALLY want to win"

  38. I'm stunned that people could watch the last two SPN episodes and reduce their relationship to "hilarious" or "funny".   Cas even said it himself "Who but your closest kin has done what I do for you?"

  39. "You did win, so did I. We got each other out of this, that beats a lousy trophy, don't you think?"  

  40. Okay, I just say this, Klaine has to win!!!! I don't hate the other ship, I don't even know anything about it, but klaine just has to win :D

  41. As a Destiel fans.
    Thank you thank you thank you for your last sentence. 
    Klainers are great too. Both fandom are bestfriend, huh? :)

  42. Oh blimey, my two favourite OTPs going head to head! This is freakin' amazing on so many levels, but choosing between them is a little heartbreaking. I'm going with Dean/Cas because the sheer scope of what those two have been through together and done for each other blows my mind. There is no doubt, for me at least, that had Castiel been a female character we would be voting for one of the most epic love stories ever seen on TV. Why should their relationship be relegated to mere friendship on the grounds of their gender?

    I'm voting for Dean/Cas because while it's wonderful to see homosexuality represented thoughtfully and sympathetically on tv as Kurt/Blaine has done, it doesn't change the fact that they are in an ensemble show that allows for a large enough cast to tick every demographic box and appeal to all comers. For the many homophobic fans of Glee, there is plenty of het to offset the slash. Having Dean/Cas win this would show that homosexual pairings do not need to be limited and diluted in nice, safe, ensemble tv shows with plenty of het and a real life setting. There needs to be more shows where - perish the thought! - the main characters of a small cast just happen to be in a same-sex relationship. Maybe if we win this we'll be a step closer to the day when a show comes along that finally gives us a relationship like the one Dean and Castiel have and instead of telling us "why can't they just be friends?" they'll hear us when we say " why can't it be more?"

    All it takes is one show, just one, to have the guts to take a relationship like this one and say "why not?" and see what amazing things they could do with it. The percentages of canonically LGBT characters on TV is still far below the actual percentage of LGBT people in the world, and it hasn't escaped our notice that 99 times in 100, the Big Damn Heroes on Big Damn Hero shows are completely heterosexual.

    Bones and Castle and Vampire Diaries and White Collar and Leverage and Chuck etc etc are awesome shows with wonderful male/female pairings. But I see absolutely no reason why there couldn't be one or two awesome shows with a wonderful male/male or female/female pairing.

    /massively over-invested, I-have-a-dream style speech. TL;DR version: the world needs more epic gay love! Go Dean/Cas!

  43. Oh blimey, my two favourite OTPs going head to head! This is freakin' amazing on so many levels, but choosing between them is a little heartbreaking. I'm going with Dean/Cas because the sheer scope of what those two have been through together and done for each other blows my mind. There is no doubt, for me at least, that had Castiel been a female character we would be voting for one of the most epic love stories ever seen on TV. Why should their relationship be relegated to mere friendship on the grounds of their gender?

    I'm voting for Dean/Cas because while it's wonderful to see homosexuality represented thoughtfully and sympathetically on tv as Kurt/Blaine has done, it doesn't change the fact that they are in an ensemble show that allows for a large enough cast to tick every demographic box and appeal to all comers. For the many homophobic fans of Glee, there is plenty of het to offset the slash. Having Dean/Cas win this would show that homosexual pairings do not need to be limited and diluted in nice, safe, ensemble tv shows with plenty of het and a real life setting. There needs to be more shows where - perish the thought! - the main characters of a small cast just happen to be in a same-sex relationship. Maybe if we win this we'll be a step closer to the day when a show comes along that finally gives us a relationship like the one Dean and Castiel have and instead of telling us "why can't they just be friends?" they'll hear us when we say " why can't it be more?"

    All it takes is one show, just one, to have the guts to take a relationship like this one and say "why not?" and see what amazing things they could do with it. The percentages of canonically LGBT characters on TV is still far below the actual percentage of LGBT people in the world, and it hasn't escaped our notice that 99 times in 100, the Big Damn Heroes on Big Damn Hero shows are completely heterosexual.

    Bones and Castle and Vampire Diaries and White Collar and Leverage and Chuck etc etc are awesome shows with wonderful male/female pairings. But I see absolutely no reason why there couldn't be one or two awesome shows with a wonderful male/male or female/female pairing.

    /massively over-invested, I-have-a-dream style speech. TL;DR version: the world needs more epic gay love! Go Dean/Cas!

  44. Oh blimey, my two favourite OTPs going head to head! This is freakin' amazing on so many levels, but choosing between them is a little heartbreaking. I'm going with Dean/Cas because the sheer scope of what those two have been through together and done for each other blows my mind. There is no doubt, for me at least, that had Castiel been a female character we would be voting for one of the most epic love stories ever seen on TV. Why should their relationship be relegated to mere friendship on the grounds of their gender?

    I'm voting for Dean/Cas because while it's wonderful to see homosexuality represented thoughtfully and sympathetically on tv as Kurt/Blaine has done, it doesn't change the fact that they are in an ensemble show that allows for a large enough cast to tick every demographic box and appeal to all comers. For the many homophobic fans of Glee, there is plenty of het to offset the slash. Having Dean/Cas win this would show that homosexual pairings do not need to be limited and diluted in nice, safe, ensemble tv shows with plenty of het and a real life setting. There needs to be more shows where - perish the thought! - the main characters of a small cast just happen to be in a same-sex relationship. Maybe if we win this we'll be a step closer to the day when a show comes along that finally gives us a relationship like the one Dean and Castiel have and instead of telling us "why can't they just be friends?" they'll hear us when we say " why can't it be more?"

    All it takes is one show, just one, to have the guts to take a relationship like this one and say "why not?" and see what amazing things they could do with it. The percentages of canonically LGBT characters on TV is still far below the actual percentage of LGBT people in the world, and it hasn't escaped our notice that 99 times in 100, the Big Damn Heroes on Big Damn Hero shows are completely heterosexual.

    Bones and Castle and Vampire Diaries and White Collar and Leverage and Chuck etc etc are awesome shows with wonderful male/female pairings. But I see absolutely no reason why there couldn't be one or two awesome shows with a wonderful male/male or female/female pairing.

    /massively over-invested, I-have-a-dream style speech. TL;DR version: the world needs more epic gay love! Go Dean/Cas!

  45. Oh blimey, my two favourite OTPs going head to head! This is freakin' amazing on so many levels, but choosing between them is a little heartbreaking. I'm going with Dean/Cas because the sheer scope of what those two have been through together and done for each other blows my mind. There is no doubt, for me at least, that had Castiel been a female character we would be voting for one of the most epic love stories ever seen on TV. Why should their relationship be relegated to mere friendship on the grounds of their gender?

    I'm voting for Dean/Cas because while it's wonderful to see homosexuality represented thoughtfully and sympathetically on tv as Kurt/Blaine has done, it doesn't change the fact that they are in an ensemble show that allows for a large enough cast to tick every demographic box and appeal to all comers. For the many homophobic fans of Glee, there is plenty of het to offset the slash. Having Dean/Cas win this would show that homosexual pairings do not need to be limited and diluted in nice, safe, ensemble tv shows with plenty of het and a real life setting. There needs to be more shows where - perish the thought! - the main characters of a small cast just happen to be in a same-sex relationship. Maybe if we win this we'll be a step closer to the day when a show comes along that finally gives us a relationship like the one Dean and Castiel have and instead of telling us "why can't they just be friends?" they'll hear us when we say " why can't it be more?"

    All it takes is one show, just one, to have the guts to take a relationship like this one and say "why not?" and see what amazing things they could do with it. The percentages of canonically LGBT characters on TV is still far below the actual percentage of LGBT people in the world, and it hasn't escaped our notice that 99 times in 100, the Big Damn Heroes on Big Damn Hero shows are completely heterosexual.

    Bones and Castle and Vampire Diaries and White Collar and Leverage and Chuck etc etc are awesome shows with wonderful male/female pairings. But I see absolutely no reason why there couldn't be one or two awesome shows with a wonderful male/male or female/female pairing.

    /massively over-invested, I-have-a-dream style speech. TL;DR version: the world needs more epic gay love! Go Dean/Cas!

  46. Oh blimey, my two favourite OTPs going head to head! This is freakin' amazing on so many levels, but choosing between them is a little heartbreaking. I'm going with Dean/Cas because the sheer scope of what those two have been through together and done for each other blows my mind. There is no doubt, for me at least, that had Castiel been a female character we would be voting for one of the most epic love stories ever seen on TV. Why should their relationship be relegated to mere friendship on the grounds of their gender?

    I'm voting for Dean/Cas because while it's wonderful to see homosexuality represented thoughtfully and sympathetically on tv as Kurt/Blaine has done, it doesn't change the fact that they are in an ensemble show that allows for a large enough cast to tick every demographic box and appeal to all comers. For the many homophobic fans of Glee, there is plenty of het to offset the slash. Having Dean/Cas win this would show that homosexual pairings do not need to be limited and diluted in nice, safe, ensemble tv shows with plenty of het and a real life setting. There needs to be more shows where - perish the thought! - the main characters of a small cast just happen to be in a same-sex relationship. Maybe if we win this we'll be a step closer to the day when a show comes along that finally gives us a relationship like the one Dean and Castiel have and instead of telling us "why can't they just be friends?" they'll hear us when we say " why can't it be more?"

    All it takes is one show, just one, to have the guts to take a relationship like this one and say "why not?" and see what amazing things they could do with it. The percentages of canonically LGBT characters on TV is still far below the actual percentage of LGBT people in the world, and it hasn't escaped our notice that 99 times in 100, the Big Damn Heroes on Big Damn Hero shows are completely heterosexual.

    Bones and Castle and Vampire Diaries and White Collar and Leverage and Chuck etc etc are awesome shows with wonderful male/female pairings. But I see absolutely no reason why there couldn't be one or two awesome shows with a wonderful male/male or female/female pairing.

    /massively over-invested, I-have-a-dream style speech. TL;DR version: the world needs more epic gay love! Go Dean/Cas!

  47. I don't think canon should be a big deal tbh. I loved Klaine back when they were two friends sharing coffee, when Blaine was telling Kurt he didn't want to screw things up, when they were
    talking about sexy faces in front of a mirror, even when they arguing in
    a coffee shop. All of these things showed how close they are and how
    much they care for each other. A pairing doesn't have to be canon for you love what they have. 

  48. I imagine this going to be a more intense battle than the last time between Klaine and Delena.
    But we all going to do this in civil way, right?
    May we each do the best fight! <3

  49.  I am a huge SN fan, but I will never understand the Destial thing, ever.

  50. Did the Destiel fandom go through the whole "omg they're gay" thing on this poll, too? Just curious cos I know Klaine did.

  51. Oh my Godstiel, this is a glorious comment.

  52. We went through the 'omg boys can't be romantic don't be silly!' thing instead, which is just another side of the same heteronormative coin, really. 

  53.  ~*~*~*~*~EVERYTHING IS GAY AND NOTHING HURTS~*~*~*~*~

    (Good luck to both fandoms. I'm a Destiel shipper myself, but if we lose at least it's to an amazing couple. It's been a pleasure making everything homosexual with you all.)

  54. For us it was more like, "omg what is wrong with you people, you're all delusional, Dean and Castiel are just friends/brothers and nothing more."

    Because neither of them are technically, ~~gay~~ on the show, we didn't get hate for them being two men. It was just hate for what people can't see, that we can.

  55. We more likely go through
    and blablabla.... u_U;;;

  56.  Dean and Castiel <3 <3 <3
    So much joy to see them made the final. :D

  57. More blasphemous angel sex for us. It's their own faults if they don't want to experience the ~PROFOUND BOND~. 

  58. And I meant that in response to the people who were constantly yelling at us the entire competition, not to the klainers. 

  59. I also like how it's come down to these two pairings.

    Because in that E! "Alpha Male" poll a while back, it was Jensen Ackles pitted against Darren Criss.

    So, it's come to these two guys against each other yet again. :D

  60. Fabulous speech .
    101% behind you.

  61. Oh, no worries, totally got you :) I'm just not familiar with SPN so was curious if Destiel got the same amount of flaming Klaine did when we went up against Delena.

  62. As much as I love Klaine...DESTIEL ALL THE WAY! 

  63. Dean/Cas, still.

  64. Since 3days ago it became godangel sex... ;p 

  65.  GO DESTIEL!
    Let's make this happen and bring joy to our little hearts after the finale!
    (Also - it's so nice to see the Klainers, you're all being so great. I'm hoping Destiel wins but boys, you guys make a really nice fandom, is just a shame I can't get around to watch Glee.)
    To see those couples here is just really inspiring. XD

  66. ...disappointed? What disappoints you exactly? Are you disappointed that a more diverse range of couplings are FINALLY being represented on screen? Are you disappointed that there's a demographic hungry for this? Are you disappointed that non-heteronormative relationships are finally being written well enough to have any merit? Or that heterosexual pairings aren't the default any more? I can't for the life of me figure out which part of this revolution is disappointing. Since the dawn of media anything OTHER than woman/man love has been the be all and end all and everything else has been either non-existent or poorly executed, so what is the problem with homoerotic love taking the fore after a very, very long wait? Male/male relationships can take centre-stage on American televisions and hold their own, not because they're gay and that's shiny and new and exploitable but because they're legitimate relationships. They're complicated romances, based upon something other than controversy and novelty. This is progress, and it disappoints you?

  67. Wow. Is that coincidence or just fate?? XD 

  68. Quote: "omg what is wrong with you people, you're all delusional, Dean and Castiel are just friends/brothers and nothing more."I totally know where you're coming from. We went through that whole stage from November (I think) to about the middle of March, the "they're only friends" / "Blaine doesn't like Kurt romantically".I hope you guys get some sort of happy canon resolution like we did :)

  69. Oh yeah, you guys got it though in that battle. I'm glad you all went it through.
    I'll say we got A Different yet Same kind of flaming.

  70. It was ridiculous really. And if it was not the "omg gay" comments, it was the "they're cheating" comments everytime Klaine won a round.

  71. Always Love whatever you post. <3
    Sadly, there's still many people that cling to the philosophy of:
    "It's Adam and Eve NOT Adam and Steve!"

    And Adam D. Harris, I'm not talking about you. ;p

  72. Or rigged? Yeah Destiel got the 'rigged' accusation too.
    I can't understand, why people can not believe that you got your fandom base so LARGE that it possible to defeat a numbers in a short time.

  73. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 13:50

    This better be civil. Our fandoms are both glorious and we know how to handle this noise like pros. Klaine shippers know what it's like to have a non-canon pairing they love with all their hearts and want to be canon too, so they can understand the destiel shippers (only difference is they're lucky enough to have their dreams come true xD). Both ships also know what it's like to be alienated by other shippers within their fandom. Both are lovely couples who have been through a lot (in very different ways, but still). Both are outside the ridiculously culturally imposed 'social norm'. The outcome of this poll is going to be positive for the queer community regardless. We're all here to do something awesome. We should be very proud of our opponents, no matter what we vote for. So I absolutely think that if we keep this in mind, there is no reason that this contest will be anything but respectful and light hearted. 

  74. I'll never forget those dark times LOL. I remember the night before Original Songs aired I was  like "ALRIGHT SELF they might always be friends and this episode might be Kurt's last at Dalton and then Klaine is really never happening so...just ship it in fanon." and then the episode aired and they kissed and it was beautiful. :'D

  75. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 13:52

     Omg you're awesome. Let me love you down.<33

  76. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 13:52

     Preach qurl preach.

  77. you and your "real" couple LOL

  78. I love this future, seriously woman/man wins since the beginning of the world, same sex couple must have their chance. 
    I like to see a beautiful w/m pairng like chuck and sarah for exemple but i think that the gays and lesbians couple need to be know and loved.  

  79.  Well,here's mine for what it's worth, even though they are on opposite sides on the show now, Cas snd Dean.

  80.  Another comment, this has been the craziest, most insane thing I've ever been involved it.  It's been a laugh.  I've enjoyed it.  Have fun.

  81. *Brittany are you flirting with my MAN" 

    Love this skit so much, i'm pathetic... 

  82. Klaine in a 1.30min nutshell: That pretty much sums everything up :)

  83. I present the 2 minutes of television that made me fall for Klaine. This is part of why we love these boys and when most of us fell in love with them. Remember this, Klainers?

  84.  It has nothing to do with the sex of the couples in these votes.  It has to do with the actors.  I mainly voted for the stars.   I voted for Dean and Castiel because I'm Supernaturally obsessed and I proudly admit it.  Everyone else was boy/girl mainly.  The other boy/boy couple, I didn't know.

  85.  Why should it be a point.  Because it's Supernatural?  

  86.  Ah, so that's the point. roflol.  Now that's funny.

  87. "So... is this comment just an excuse to spend more time with me?" ;)

  88.  I agree with you.  I bothered me reading that people one way to prove a point.

  89.  Dean, gay? roflol

  90. Right? Is it that unheard of for a pairing/fandom to have thousands of fans? They seriously underestimate.

  91. Even if it's impossible looking at the results...I wish Destiel would lose cause I'm sick and tired of people really believing they're together in the's only a fanfiction things and people thinking otherwise seriously need help to think that someone dream to sleep with his family...Dean consider Cass as his brother and people really imagine he would sleep with his own ''brother'' ??? 0.o Seriously...especially since Dean has always love women since season 1 and everytime he see a gay couple kissing, including in Live free or twi-hard he didn't say ''oohhh they're so lucky I'm gonna cry ''

  92. Ya'll need to hear his I'm a posse magnet comments. 

  93. I remember it so well... by the end of "Sexy" and Kurt kicking Blaine out of his room, I was so RESIGNED to them being friends or at most "are they/aren't they?" that I had just about given up hope for any type of progression.

  94. Also I believe this is the most friendly finals poll I have EVER seen. I'm proud to be both a Destiel and Klaine shipper <3 

  95. Oh, I heard 'em. My ears were ringing with 'OVERCOMPENSATING!!!' for a week. The boy doth protest way too much.

  96. I believe it's partly because both fandoms have gone through crap to get here :)

  97. Oh yes <3  I remember it was released a few days before the episode aired, and I've never looked back. 

  98. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 14:07

    Me gusta.

  99. As itellectual and thought-provoking your reply was, I refuse to get into another 'Detiel' debate.

  100. Ameen!
    Beside as far as this go, I feel a friendly atmosphere in here. In how both fandom change their point of view in a way to understand each other more.
    The only comment that (maybe) deserve a flag was coming from definitely outside of Destiel and Klaine fandom.
    So yeah, This is the Epic Final Ever.


    Can we get married? Please? You guys are all being so fucking great right now. I mean seriously. I usually dislike other fandoms, and I don't particularly like Glee, but you guys - YOU GUYS - are fucking great. JUST LET ME LOVE YOU DOWN PLEASE. PLEASE.

    (Or somebody write a crossover where Blaine is Dean and Cas' child and he has to come home and tell his daddies he's in love with Kurt and doesn't know what to do. And then Dean is like "If I got an angel to fall in love with me, I'm pretty sure you can get Kurt to love you." And then Blaine'll be like "But how?" And Cas will say something about COURAGE and Blaine will be like "DAD. BEST. IDEA. EVER." and text Kurt. Everything after that will be beautiful. Okay I'm done.)

  102. Oh yeah... never looked back... cos not only did we get Klaine out of it, we got the Warblers, who are just the most adorable boys to ever adorable <3

  103. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 14:13

     But that kind of thing already exists in those Blaine Winchester comics tho.

  104. Please don't put words in our mouth. Though we see the profound bond, we are fully aware they're not canon, and that there is very little chance for them to become canon.
    You're stereotyping an entire fandom because of a few extremist shippers that take fantasies too far. Close to all of us realise they're not 'together in the show' as you put it.
    Dean has also adored Dr Sexy, and there was the deputy. He also hasn't sat around going "oh, my days, if only I could have such a marvelous and fabulous relationship while settling down with that barmaid'", and your last comment is not only quite rude but also completely out of character for him.

    So please don't stereotype us/put words in our mouth. We just enjoy shipping them and voting for them in this (non-canon) contest.

  105. Can I just say, all of the Destiel shippers comments are just lovely.  I wish we had gone up against you guys in all the other rounds (but then we wouldn't both be in the finals, and that would be sad)  I'm rooting for Klaine, but at this stage it doesn't really matter who wins. We've got two fabulous couples here in the finals and the result is going to be fantastic no matter what! 

    I kinda just want to ship our fandoms together. Is that weird? We can be Destlaine from now on. Or Klaistiel? Either way <33

  106.  WHAT. WHAT. WHAT.

    ARE YOU.


    I need this in my life. Please.

  107.  Guest was me btw :| It's my opinion that Detiel aren't a proper couple, if people think differently then great.

  108. Y'know... it really doesn't matter who wins the poll... (though as a Klainer, well yea, I do want them to win XD)

    But if we can win some of you Destiel fans over to shipping Klaine as well (and perhaps vice versa?), then we've both won. ;)

  109. lostrocks4ever23 May 2011 at 14:16

    yeah, but to me, the finale episode castiel is not the castiel/dean relationship that was nominated here
    yes their relationship has changed drastically recently, but when i think of those two, i think of all the hilarious moments we've seen between them over the past few years

  110. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 14:17

     Oh my god dude how have you never seen Blaine Winchester? ahjfasdj it's hilarious. GOGOGO!

  111. lostrocks4ever23 May 2011 at 14:18

    no same here. they are close friends, "brothers", who just happen to have very funny moments when they are together
    the last few episodes of this season have made me very sad to see how their friendship has been screwed up
    but of course i hope they win :D

  112. I don't watch Glee, just because I'm incredibly lazy when it comes to keeping up with TV shows, but my parents watch it. I caught a few episodes with Blaine and Kurt in and I thought they WERE together and my mom was like "NO! NOT YET!" and even my dad was like "DUDE COME ON JUST KISS." and the episode when they did we all rejoiced. It was a fun moment in my household. 

    And now it needs to happen on SPN. :|

  113. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 14:18


  114. Thank you for this.

    I contemplated replying to the original comment but was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it simple.

    I really hate that a lot of people see Destiel shippers as vapid and delusional when really? We are anything but. We are intelligent and imaginative and we find so much meaning in anything Dean and Castiel do or say. We get underneath it all, decipher it, and make it valid in our own right. But many of us know that they are not technically ~canon~ in the "let me hold you/kiss you" kind of way, and they never will be.

    What people don't seem to understand is that I feel, many of us don't ship Destiel for the physical aspect.

    Personally, I ship it for the emotional reasons - the fact that Castiel saved and restored Dean, the fact that Castiel was once just an angel who took orders but because he began to care so much for Dean, more than he ever should have, Castiel became the angel who rebelled, and he did it all for a human man who instilled in him an expanse of human emotion and understanding. They changed each other, they learned from each other. And to me, this kind of bonding is much more enticing than anything physical.

  115. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 14:19

    I already ship Klaine. xD It's my glee slash otp, though my glee absolute otp is Brittana. I still love them though.

  116. I KNOW...!!!!!

    They deliberately vote against Deac/Cas just to prove their point of "real" couple. Ugh.
    Also the SPN fans itself who either the Wincest, Cas-haters, or simply non-shipper.

    I mean, it's just a fun poll, win or lose it won't effect the show, so why they have to be so serious and hateful? 

  117. "Klaine fandom, you move me...and this poll would just be another excuse to show you how much I love you."

  118. Did you ever manage to catch the Prom episode? It was magic (from a Klaine POV) despite that really cruel joke they pulled on Kurt. But then they danced and there were rainbows.

    I truly hope it happens for you guys.

  119. ..I

    I have never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life.

    SERIOUSLY THIS IS JUST. I love our fandoms. We are fucking glorious. 

  120. I'm favoring Klaistiel.

  121. You need to go back at the semi-final for 5 seconds and see that the
    person who say they're not a real couple got stones throw at him and
    peple saying ''it's okay if you can see the evidence that they,re
    lovers''. He was alone against a LOT of angry person who couldn't even start to picture the possibility that maybe Destiel won't end in bed together

  122. Was it recent? D: Because I haven't seen it if so. 

    I'm thinking about watching Glee from the beginning, just because I seem to be missing a lot of rainbows and happiness. I always need more of that.

  123. Hehe, should just let you know some of us Klainers don't like Glee either XDD Really, sometimes there's just so much WTFBBQ?! ... we just watch it for the Klaine moments.

  124. HELL YEAH<3 That makes me feel better, haha.

  125. Oh my god, that is amazing. The lion king one... and "Don't be ridiculous. I melded a fragment of your soul and my grace.... and a rainbow."

    Hahaha, I'm actually in tears from laughing so much. Now our fandoms definitely need to get married and raise happy!shipper!rainbow!babies.

  126. Please notice that there are many, many more people that vote than comment. A lot of the more cool-headed fans don't speak up, and like I said, the extremist shippers give us all a bad name. I was merely asking him to not judge us or put words in our mouthes, given that a great deal of us are fully aware, intelligent people that enjoy shipping the profound bond. Every fandom has idiots, I just hope that showing the people who have come into contact with fans with a bad attitude can be shown that some of us are capable of being civil and polite.

    Besides that, I don't count myself with those fans, nor do I count those in the 'us'.  

  127. I know what exactly you are talking about. I was so ready to kill Blaine after the SLS-Gap fiasco but the whole "Harry met Sally" thing saved it for me. Then the oblivious boy had to go and kiss Rachel freaking Berry of all people and I was "Argh! Get a clue, you freaking hobbit!" Then Sexy and the gas-pains comment happened and I just wanted to hug our poor baby penguin Kurt. So I was extremely pleased when OS started with Kurt kicking Blaine's ass with the "Blaine and the Pips" comment. Then we got the freaking Blackbird song and I was going, "OMG. OMG. OMG. BLAINE ISN'T BLIND ANYMORE! HE SAW THE LIGHT!!!"

    But never did I ever imagine in my wildest dream that we'll be getting the KLISS on that episode so when it happened, my heart sort of stopped and I melted like a pile of goo with Blaine's "You move me" speech <3 

    Ah, fun times <3

  128. Jade and Cyclosarin.
    Thank Cass, you guys for answered it perfectly.
    Yes, we are not delusional, we know there would never be a canonly kisses and sex between Dean and Cass, but for me it was what make it more deep and romantic.
    It's sad that people keep thinking Love & Romance = Sex.
    As much as beautiful making love is, sometimes Lust would destroy the pureness of Love.
    So in how many sides attack Dean and Cass will never have a bodily intercourse, it is what made me feel the Love and Romance between them the more Pure.
    And for people who keep saying Dean isn't Gay, well there's never a statement that Dean is Hetero too.
    Like Cyclosarin said, there's Dr Sexy, Dean act so PerfecTly fascinated as a fanboy to him.
    I ever said this, so I said it again: His perfectly act and free fascination to Dr Sexy shows that Dean know how to attracted to the same gender, but maybe he never met the right person to ever goes with his urge, so you all only see him with woman.

  129. Klaine and Teenage Dream together will never be not beautiful. Tears are on my eyes as I remembered that fateful encounter in the staircase that started everything <3

  130. Klaistiel FTW !!! We've already won!!!!

  131. Hahaha.... Nice idea and mash up, Sis.
    Thank you :) 

  132.  My creys! My creys! My creys!

    I remember back then, I was still shipping Sam/Kurt despite RIB's claim that Sam's not gay and I thought Blaine was just red herring to cover their tracks on the whole Sam/Kurt agenda. But then, they released this clip early and...I just fell in love with Blaine freaking Anderson.

    And since that fateful day, I've never looked back <3

  133. <3 "They can't touch me. They can't touch us, or what we have."  

  134. I have to say, I was a little scared to read the comments on this round, because there has been SO MUCH HATE in every poll my boys were in, but I'm so glad I did anyway! I don't know if the haters just got tired, or if the EPICNESS that is this final round broke their minds and allowed a little love to seep in, but YAY!!

    I love this final round. I love that the most controversial, most targeted, most hated-on couples made it through all the bullshit to stand proudly at the end and declare WE ARE BEAUTIFUL. GET OVER IT. I love all of the commenters here, the Klainers and the Dean/Cas'ers loving on eachother and their OTPs. It doesn't even seem to matter who wins, because this feels like a pretty big victory for all of us.

    (Sorry about the caps lock, I'm just EXCITED! *hugs you all*) 

  135. I find it funny when people always do this "........, but I have nothing against M/M love" 

  136. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 14:39

    Ah, I see you've learnt some maturity today, young Skywalker. Good job. 

  137.  Maybe if the writers see a Destiel win they'll redeem Cas...

  138. I'm blaming it all on Gamble. Although it's petulant and childish to think so, I'm still blaming it on her. :( 

    WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN: Jeremy Carver and Ben Edlund need to write every episode from now on. Kripke too, sometimes, when he isn't making Cas into a God. Gamble needs to sit the fuck down and bring the kings some coffee.


  139. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 14:42

    I can't get over Dean's heterosexuality. He likes posse. And Kate Winslet's boobs. And has sex. With /women/. Srsly. His heterosexuality is just so freaking hetero I swear it's over there having a threesome with two lesbians, it's that hetero. So, so hetero. Do you understand? HE IS HETEROSEXUAL GODDAMN WHY DOES NO-ONE LISTEN TO HIS CONSTANT TOTALLY NOT OVERCOMPENSATING ASSERTIONS OF HIS UTTERLY NON-GAYNESS. 


  140. 2-3 weeks ago.

    Though really if you only want the Klaine stuff, you just need to watch from s2e06 through to the Finale, which is in two days. Skip e13 though. No Klaine in that.

    This should sum up prom a little though:

  141. Yeah, I was shipping Sam/Kurt too, hardcore, but the moment Kurt started smiling like that at Blaine I fell for them as a couple :)

    It's been an amazing journey, watching Blaine's character grow this season. At first I just shipped Kurt/Happiness, and only liked Blaine because I could see how happy he would make Kurt... but now I'm so attached to Blaine as well. I adore every new bit of information we get about him, hopefully s3 will bring even more!

  142. What did you say? Couldn't hear you over the sound of Dean's raging heterosexuality. 

  143.  I generally dislike Gamble, but I actually liked her version of Castiel better than Kripke's (Let It Bleed vs The Man Who Knew Too Much). Kripke is so brutal with how he writes Cas, it's like a completely different character.

    But I agree, Carver and Edlund need to save us, NOW. Not just from a shipping standpoint, but because they're starting to ruin their own characters.

  144. Also, it's not letting my vote go through for some reason.

  145. Don't feed the troll guys. I saw this same post up here a while ago under a different name... that name I recognize from our quarterfinal round where said person went after the Klaine shippers

  146. Well.. this was unfortunately the only moment I shipped Klaine. Kurt Hummel is fierce and he deserves to be no-ones third choise.

  147. Why can't I see the votes :D This is so torture...

  148. I just stated what I felt, I just can't help LOLed reading your comment. I really have no intention to offend or to provoke your opinion, so I'm sorry if somehow you feel that way. 

  149. OMG! You guys go through crap with different writers writing different episodes and committing character butchery?!

    Welcome to the world of Glee, too. We have the same shit.

  150. I'm having the same problem. 

  151. The poll system is currently down. We've logged a Support Ticket with
    the developers.

  152.  Neither of these deserves to be the best TV romance.

  153. Oh stupid me... but I don't get a thing from this conversation. What are you guys talking about? 

  154. xD HEY!! I have no idea what Klaine shippers are, I don't watch any show outside of Spn and Sanctuary. I may have 4 accounts, but never did any troll anywhere.....

    talk about ''putting words in someone else'' ....

  155. The poll system is currently down. We've logged a Support Ticket with
    the developers.

  156.  I could vote for Klaine because they are canon, but that's exactly why I won't.    Their history isn't as complex as Destiel's.   I like what's complex,  I love how it's deeper than a lot of other pairings.   I know that they are not canon and won't be as a general point of view (in mine, it's totally canon)  but anyway.

    I wish Klaine good luck !

  157. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 14:57

     Our fandoms were born to come together and make fabulous cracky crap like that xD

  158. I've read most, if not all of the comments for the Dean/Cas polls, and the only stones I've seen thrown come from the people who can't accept the fact that, canon or not, Dean/Cas is a legitimately popular pairing, which is exactly what this competition is about. Don't come into a forum like this and completely dismiss (and insult, quite rudely most often) the opinions of thousands of voters and not expect us to defend our feelings.

    I love D/C, and spend a fair amount of time in D/C communities, and I don't know anyone who thinks Dean and Cas are canon, in that they are a realized couple on the show. Wanting them to be canon and deluding ourselves into believing they are are two totally different things.

  159. Wow, I never thought my comment was described as provoking. I really have no intention of doing that. Like I said I just stated my reaction after reading the "real" couple comment. I didn't mean to offend his/her opinion. I'm sorry if you offended by that. 

  160. I'm thinking the same way about their relationship, that they're great and everything and I voted for them in the others poll. My comment was adress to all those crazy girls for the semi-final. I wasn't talking to normal people like you and me, don't see why you're feeling I'm against you

  161.  I would take Let It Bleed over The Man Who Knew Too Much, but I'm willing to forgive Kripke. I feel like Cas' character has been butchered for most of the season. Shit this whole season was just pasted together. :( 

    But yeah, Carver and Edlund, every episode they wrote was beautiful. Amazing. I like Kripke, but he loves angst. HE LOVES DEATH. HE SHIPS EVERYONE WITH DEATH. Not the character, just the actual dying. Which I can appreciate. I'm willing to forgive him 6x22, that precious onion head.

  162. So you're saying our love broke the poll? :P 

  163. Ah, I wasn't referring to you. I meant the Mary234 person. I saw that same comment here under a John-something, who also went after the Klaine (Kurt and Blaine) shippers in a previous round.

    Sorry about that mis-comm.

  164. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 15:01

    It's a fandom joke about how Dean is constantly trying to reassert his heterosexuality with absolutely unnecessary comments like in 6.21 where he was like "I was too busy having sex with women" because it's totally necessary to point out you frolick with wimminz. Or how he wouldn't stop talking about how he's a total 'posse magnet' in Frontierland. He is totally not overcompensating for anything I swear.

  165. Oh he totally did the threesome thing in season three. Don't think they were lesbians, though. ;) 

  166.  *brofist*

  167. Lol, I don't think it was us as we've had larger polls in the past without
    breaking it :)

  168. Unforunately, Carver has left the show for Being Human. So there's not gonna be help from there.

  169. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 15:03

    Sera's a dick. Kripke is a cruel, sadistic overlord but we love him anyway. EDLUND AND CARVER ARE OUR SALVATION AND I LOVE THEM WITH THE POWER OF A THOUSAND KLAINEBOWS. 

  170. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 15:03

     Lol Ryan Murphy, anyone?

  171. Dean/Cas always. But MUCH respect to Kurt/Blaine. It sucks that we're against y'all. <3s to the Klaine shippers.

  172. I think we have trolls (Go away Delena shippers) This is the best poll finale ever!!

  173. I know. ;_; I just want him to come back. Being Human has all the homoerotic subtext SPN needs back. Needed back like, yesterday. 

  174. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 15:05

     Should've voted harder for others then, buddy.

  175. Me and Mary and John and about 10-15 others nickname are the same and I NEVER, N-E-V-E-R say anything about the Klaine. Not sure if you can see old comments from people, if you can, go look and you'll see I never did anything or say anything about the Klaines

  176. "So it's just like When Harry Met Sally,only I get to play Meg Ryan."

  177. argh. So that's what's happening.

  178. Hey, no worries. It's my problem, I thought you were being sarcastic at my expense. Had too many people shooting down my opinions this last two days :/ sorry for the sarcasm on my part!

  179. Ryan Murphy is actually okay. Klaine is his baby, so he treats them well. Brad's not too bad either... Ian though... We all side-eye Ian...

  180. Allow me to quote a message from someone else:

    ''I think you need to understand that your opinion is not
    everyone's and that thousands of us with all our hearts believe in Dean
    and Cas as a couple. We see the romance there. You don't? That's fine.
    But don't sit there and tell us what we're allowed to see. Perception is
    entirely subjective and you do not get to dictate what is and what is
    not a valid interpretation of the text.
    Taken from: SpoilerTV  ''Some people DO believe there's a real romance, not just a great relationship. I'm a Dean-Cas fan myself, I'm certainly not talking against myself :P It's about those other people like in the comment

  181. I was immature for disagreeing with your opinion?

  182. ugh. I miss Carver. He did such a wonderful Dean/Cas episode with Free to Be You and Me. I agree. Ben and Jeremy need to only write the episodes. I don't think Carver is even on the show anymore. I think he's doing Being Human or whatever. So sad.

  183.  this. I love Klainers. They're so peaceful and loving. <33

  184. I already ship Klaine too! I voted for them in the other polls. <3 xoxoxo

  185.  But hey, Ian wrote Prom Queen and it was FLAWLESS. He has redeemed himself in my eyes.

  186. I  can't vote for D&C,is everyone got the same?

  187. Especially when you think that Kurt could have stopped ANYONE! O_O

  188. I  can't vote for D&C,is everyone got the same?

  189. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 15:12

    Ryan has a delightful knack for screwing up his consistency with a lot of the characters though and I don't like his handling of Brittana very much. Brad is my saviour though, again cause of Brittana lolol. And I totally know what you mean about Ian. Can I just...A Night of Neglect. Saying no more.


    Dean/Cas shippers, Kurt/Blaine shippers: Ya'll rock! Thank everyone for not only being civil, but also encouraging to eachother and strong throughout the hatedom in the other polls. That we got both pairings as far as THE FINAL ROUND should be counted as a win for everyone. At the very least, it demonstrates our love for these characters is phenomenal; at best, someone in charge will notice that the two most fan-favourite couples happen to be homosexual couples, and act accordingly to get greater representation for LGBT characters in the future.

    I myself am more of a Dean/Cas fan. I have more attachment to Supernatural itself and have spent a long time watching the relationship develop (whether platonic, brotherly, or romantic) between the Righteous Man and his Wayward Angel.

    For those (mostly in previous polls) who say "They aren't a real couple!" or "The writers never intended them to have those sorts of feelings!", AND for everyone disheartened by the events in the finale, please remember: The situation between Cas and Crowley explained in the last three episodes was described by several characters in terms of Cas cheating on Dean. If there was no relationship there, how would it be cheating (in such explicitly sexual terms)? Why would the writers give characters such lines as "Are you in flagrante with the King of Hell!?" and "Don't forget you are the bottom of this relationship!" if they didn't expect veiwers minds to go in a certain (tres tres gay) direction?

    Even though I am a Dean/Cas fan (and sort of accidentally spewed analysis all over this post, sorry), I still wish the best for Kurt and Blaine. They adorable songbirds with all the COURAGE to face the world!

  191. clowninthealley23 May 2011 at 15:12


  192. The voting system is temporarily dead. :) We killed it with love, but it'll be up once the host fixes it. 

  193. My heart still hurts so much for Kurt in Prom Queen, especially THAT scene when he runs out and Blaine chases, so I may not have QUITE forgiven him yet ;)


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.